Office and Mail: 9 Mercer Avenue North Plainfield, NJ 07060 (908) 754-0530 An ELCA Congregation A Reconciling in Christ Congregation The Rev. Sara Kay Olson-Smith, Pastor
St. Peters Lutheran Church Congregation ClosedOn November 1st, 2009, All Saints Sunday, we, the congregation of St. Peters Lutheran Church, North Plainfield, NJ, held our final regularly scheduled 10:30 a.m. Service of Holy Communion. As was our tradition, on the first Sunday of each month, the service followed Setting 5, Bread of Life, from With One Voice, A Lutheran Resource for Worship. Attending the service were 45 members of the congregation, with The Rev. Sara Olson-Smith leading worship (to read her sermon - see below). St. Peters Choir sang the beautiful O Sing of Peace, by Jean Anne Shafferman. Memories were shared by a number of members, as also had been done during the past two Sunday morning services. The church bell was rung to remember all the faithfully departed, and especially those who have died in the past year. Assisting in the service were Mary Ann Schwarz, Director of Music; Dominique Pasquarello, Acolyte; Pat Shebey, Reader; Communion Assistant, Pat Johnston; and Altar Guild, Linda Nietman.At 3:00 p.m., with Bishop E. Roy Riley, Bishop of the New Jersey Synod, ELCA, presiding, a Service of Thanksgiving and Completion of Ministry, was held in St. Peters sanctuary. The congregation was surrounded by the presence and prayers of friends, neighbors, other congregations, and pastors. Assisting Ministers were The Rev. Scott Schantzenbach and The Rev. Judith Spindt, Assistants to the Bishop. The Rev. Sara Olson-Smith, Pastor of St. Peters Lutheran Church presented the sermon for this special service (to read her sermon - see below). Other participants included Mary Ann Schwarz, Director of Music; Cecil Covin, Acolyte; Evelyn Troy, Reader of the History; Linda Nietman, Lesson Reader and Altar Guild; The Rev. Jeff Laustsen, Cantor; and The Rev. Gunnar L. Anderson, Pastor Emeritus, Prayers. Hymns included For All the Saints, O God Our Help in Ages Past, Children of the Heavenly Father, Blest Be the Tie That Binds, Bread of Life From Heaven, and Now Thank We All Our God. St. Peters Choir anthem was the beautiful The Prayer (with Lead Us Lord, by Samuel S. Wesley) by Carole Bayer Sager, David Foster and Thomas Fettke, arranged by Thomas Fettke. St. Peters Parish Register and Legacy Directives were received by Bishop E. Roy Riley. Membership records were received by The Rev. Clark Olson-Smith, Pastor of St. Stephens Lutheran Church, South Plainfield. Pastor Olson-Smith also received St. Peters funeral pall and communion ware. Prayers of thanksgiving and sending were offered at the Pascal Candle, Baptismal Font, Altar, and Pulpit. Following a blessing from the Bishop, the combined choirs of St. Peters and St. Stephens Lutheran Churches sang the choral Benediction by Peter C. Lutkin. St. Peters Bell was then rung 117 times, once for each year of ministry in this place. Following the service, a reception was held in Fellowship Hall. Important InformationAs the pastor of our designated receiving congregation, Pastor Clark Olson-Smith, St. Stephens Lutheran Church, South Plainfield, will be available for pastoral care and emergencies. He is available for those who decide to join St. Stephen as well as for those who need anything before they are able to find a new congregation in which to set down roots. His contact information is:The Rev. Clark Olson-Smith St. Stephen Lutheran Church 3145 Park Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Office Phone: 908-757-4474 Cell Phone: 908-912-4707 Parsonage: 908-757-2775 E-mail: [email protected] For those accessing this web page, and seeking information regarding ELCA Lutheran Churches within the vicinity of St. Peters Lutheran Church, you may find that information by going to the web site of the New Jersey Synod ELCA: Look for the link Find a Congregation, and type the Zip Code 07060 in the appropriate box. Links to other local congregations within a 10 mile radius will be provided, along with phone numbers, maps, and current ELCA information. The remainder of St. Peters web site has remained unchanged as a memorial tribute to the good work in Christs name which was accomplished in this place in response to Gods free gift of Grace. Please feel free to browse our web pages. You can read Pastor Saras sermons for the past several months, highlights from our Friendly Messenger for the past 12 months, and, especially, the Special Final Issue. Thank you for visiting us today. May God bless you and keep you, always, in Gods good and strong hands. St. Peters Purpose Statement, adopted January 27, 2008:
Loved by God, growing in faith, we are a place of welcome, St. Peter's Lutheran Church has a number of beautiful stained glass windows which are available for viewing here.
Through the Years...St. Peters Lutheran Church began serving the community of North Plainfield in 1892, over 115 years ago! There were only about a dozen major roads in the borough, and people often traveled an hour or more by foot or horse and carriage just to come to church. The church has come through many things since then, both joys and setbacks, including wars, the Depression, and even a disasterous fire in 1946. We have survived and thrived, and are still here!Our Church remains an important part of our lives, because the GOOD NEWS that God, through Christ, loves us, forgives us, and is always with us means so much. Church is also a wonderful way to meet people, to strengthen family relationships, and to become involved in the community. Invitation...We consider St. Peters THE WELCOME PLACE. We are always so pleased to share the Lords Word and our fellowship with new friends. If you do not have a church home - JOIN US!
The LORDS SUPPER is celebrated on the first, third, and fifth Sunday of each month, as well as festival days.
Summer Schedule (late June - early September)...
Location...Map generated by GeoCities GeoViewer What's Happening...Adult Choir, Women of the ELCA (WELCA), Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM), Adult Forum, Sunday Church School, New Member Classes, Katies Quilters, Confirmation and First Communion Classes, Bible Study Groups, Annual Picnic, CROP Walk, Lenten Soup and Fellowship Sunday, Palm Sunday Breakfast, Thankoffering Sunday, Participation in Community Thanksgiving Eve Service, Blue Christmas Service, Conference on Congregational Ministries, Food for FISH, Christmas and Easter Gift Baskets for Local Families in Need, Clothing Drives for New Visions Ministry, Camden, Seafarers and International House, New York City and Church World Service, Participation in North Plainfield Street Fair and North Plainfield Paint the Town/Green the Brook, FISH Homeless Ministry at Trinity Reformed Church, Outreach to Seniors and Shut-ins, Participation in Raritan Cluster Activities, Reading Programs at Local Elementary Schools, ESL Classes in Conjunction with the Plainfield Library, and Support of our Mission Project in Chile (EPES)Friendly Messenger...Read highlights of our newsletter the Friendly Messenger.
Selected Sermons of The Rev. Sara Kay Olson-Smith
What Is a Lutheran?A Lutheran is a Christian who believes in God the Father, Creator or Maker; Jesus Christ the Son, Redeemer or Savior; and the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier or Helper and guide in life.We take our name from Martin Luther, a priest who lived in Germany from 1483-1546. He became the key figure in the period of history known as the Reformation. As a young man, Luther was frightened of God, for the church taught that each person had to do things or pay money to earn Gods favor. Luther, realizing that he was not a perfect person (as none of us are), knew that he could never do enough or pay enough to deserve Gods love. And if not, then what? Eternal condemnation and punishment! A pretty scary thought.
Bible verses such as For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God made all the difference in the world to Luther. This verse is really a good summary of what it is to be a Lutheran. Since Gods love and forgiveness come to us as free gifts, we can live serving God not fearfully because we have to, but gratefully because we want to.
Links to Churches and Church Organizations on the Web
Prepared by Walter G. and Lynn K. Blenderman; Updated 11/5/2009 Visitor number since April 2, 1996. Counter provided by The Web Counter St. Peters Archive Index or Top