Jameson Francis Abbott - Certificate of Baptism
Jameson Francis Abbott

Jameson Abbott, born 12 June 1886, was baptised James Francis Xavier Abbott on 04 July 1886. The baptism, which was performed by the Reverend William B. Daly, took place at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, New York. The sponsors were Thomas F. Rogan and Anna J.F. Reddy. Jameson was the son of John Joseph Abbott and Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Gallagher) Abbott.

A note from Rev. John J. Ferry explains that Jameson probably was baptized as James Abbott "due to the fact that Jameson was not a saints name. They were strict about that back then."

Note: The surname is misspelled as Abbot on this certificate, which was transcribed from church records in August 2000. This certificate is the result of a request to recheck the records. The first certificate received contained an error pertaining to the name of the mother. Thus, it seems likely that the misspelled Abbott surname is a transcribing mistake.