Franklyn Lowery Delaney with Charlies Clark, Dorothy Becker and Morty Wolfson at the Dunes in 1936 for All College Outing (#1)
Dunes - 1936 - All College Outing - 1

Photographs on these pages are from Franklyn Lowery Delaney's photo album from the 1930s. The photos are labeleled "All College Outing" and date from the period of time that Frank was attending the University of Chicago. More photos from this series.
Charlie Clark (top), Franklyn Lowery Delaney, Dorothy Becker and Morty Wolfson - Photo taken at All College Outing - The Dunes - 1936
Top to Bottom:

Charlie Clark

Frank Delaney

Dorothy Becker

Morty Wolfson

Charlie Clark and Morty Wolfson remained lifelong friends of Frank. Charlie and his family moved to the Los Angeles area in the late 1950s where he worked for Keyback Corporation. Morty was an executive with Keebler in the Chicago area for many years, and upon retirement he moved to Arizona.

Dorothy Becker was Morty Wolfson's first wife. According to Frank, she died early and Morty remarried.

Sources: Notations on photos and conversations between Franklyn Lowery Delaney and his son Robert Franklyn Delaney circa 2003.