This page is an index to some research on Bodine genealogy. Some links go to general information that is located at other web sites. Most of the links here are to information at this site. Please email me any Bible records, documents, bibliographical references, stories, etc. that you think would be important to include here. I will link or publish what I can, as time allows. I'm open to putting all kinds of material here. Send me a message and let me know what you have. Some material may belong more under an individual's data,
but we can figure that out as we go along.
Isaac A. Bodine's family Bible from the early 1800's (Nelson County,Kentucky)
It would be a miracle, but there is a chance that a very old Dutch Bible still exists that once belonged to the John Bodine of Bethune, France. John Bodine of Bethune may have died in 1745. I have found a reference to a Bodine Dutch Bible dated 1744. I wonder if John of Bethune might not have bought a Dutch Bible right before his death to pass on to his son. The reference to that 1744 Dutch Bible was found in an article in the Auburn Weekly News and Democrat (Cayuga County, New York) of Thursday, October 18, 1888. It mentioned an old Dutch Bible that belonged to an Abraham Bodine. I think that Abraham Bodine was the Abraham born in June 1819 to John Bernard Bodine and his wife Sarah ("Sally") Bodine. She really was actually a Bodine herself, the daughter of Cornelius C. Bodine and Hannah Vantine. The article says the following:
The Ladies Church Aid Society of the Reformed church held its annual fair and festival on Wednesday afternoon and evening, the 10th last. It was successful financially, socially and in every respect. Through the kindness of the Osborne M'f'g Co., a large tent was pitched on the church lawn, and beneath this was to be seen a fine display of fancy work, fruits, grain, and vegetables. In these departments the society might compete with some of our larger societies. In the antique corner were quite a number of ancient and interesting exhibits, two of which were especially attractive, being Dutch Bibles, printed in Holland, one in 1740, the property of Mrs. Prudence Parsell, the other in 1744, the property of Abraham Bodine. Though ours is a Dutch church no one could readily read these Bibles.
This Abraham Bodine, born in 1819, had another Abraham Bodine as his great-great-grandfather. Concerning that Abraham Bodine, born in 1767, I have the following information abut his will:
All of Abraham's children were living at the time his will was written on June 14, 1769. It was proven on July 3, 1769. It leaves to his wife "all that money given her by her father," with the use of his "whole estate, real and personal, during her natural life or re-marriage," (sic) or until Cornelius should become of age, when he was to inherit the real estate; John was to have fifty pounds, and each of his daughters twenty-five pounds. His wife was to have also his Dutch Bible, a bed and bedding, the best cupboard, etc. His personal property was to be divided equally among all his children. This info comes from page 522 of History of the West Branch Valley.
This sounds like the same Dutch Bible in both accounts. I will assume it is. It looks like the Bible was passed along to the oldest living son each time. The hypothetical handing down of this Bible would go like this: John Bodine of Bethune (abt 1662-1745) -> John Bodine (abt 1680-1755?) -> Abraham Bodine (abt. 1720-1769, died in Somerset County, New Jersey) -> John Bodine (1743-1786, died probably in York County, Pennsylvania) -> Abraham Bodine (1767-1851, died in Cayuga County, New York) -> John Bernard Bodine (1791-1859) -> Abraham Bodine, Jr. (1819-1890) -> ? This is where the trail grows cold. More research needs to be done. We at least know the Dutch Bible survived until 1888 when the newspaper article was written. That was already about 144 years. Where it went after that, is anybody's guess. If someone knows something, do contact me.
From: Jessica Armstrong [jarmstrong at]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Subject: Abraham Bodine (Jr) Bible
I just read about the Dutch Bible of Abraham Devoe on your website, and came across that same article while doing my own research and always wondered what happened to that bible.
As you may recall, I descend from Abraham Bodine (Jr). This Abraham had no sons live to maturity (that I can find). The eldest daughter was Janet. (if Abraham had it, would he have given it to a daughter instead?) She married [Elijah] Adelbert DeVoe (b 1853 Summerhill). Their eldest son was Charles DeVoe. I am not sure what happened to this son. There is a Charles that died in 1936 (buried Owasco Rural) but I just checked fultonhistory and found a mention for a Charles who is ill in 1936, brother of Enos Devoe, different branch of same ancestor (Thomas Devoe d 1800)) My Charles was living in Seneca county at the time of his mother's death. (the Charles that died in 1987 is Dorr's son by first marriage to Katherine Baier.)
The only son that I have any information for is Dorr... If he had the bible, it's probably long gone by now. He had four children by his first wife, only two lived to maturity and their children/grandchildren don't live in the area (save one son) and do not know anything about the family (hence probably no bible). He had three children by his third marriage (none in the second), and only one son of that union, and I would know if they had the bible because I talk to my mother's cousin from time to time. (and my grandmother didn't have it or else my mother would at this point.)(We don't know what happened to the other daughter Joyce.)
I am thinking this bible was given to someone other than the oldest son in the case of Abraham Jr because he had no adult sons.
Trying to find out what happened to the brothers of Dorr is very difficult because of the many men with the same name (Arthur, Charles)
I am going to try and find other descendants. I'll let you know.
Adam Bodine (Frymiur-Bodine) Family Bible: This Bible seems to have belonged at one time to the family of Adam Dickerson Bodine and Sarah J. Frymiur/Freemeyer. Adam was born on January 15, 1821 in Montgomery, Orange County, New York. He was the son of John Blake Bodine and Anna Dickerson.
Anna Bodine (Case-Bodine) Family Bible: This Bible belonged to Susan B. Case, the daughter of Adam and Anna (Bodine) Case. Anna was the daughter of Peter Bodine and Sabillah Ent. The Bible lists Peter and Sabillah's birth and death dates as well as most of the birth dates of their children. The Bible probably did not belong to Anna and Adam since it was printed in 1847 and bought in 1850. Anna died in 1818 and Adam in 1848. However, their daughter Susan seems to have had accurate information.
Cornelius C. Bodine (Bodine-Bartlett) Family Bible: The first names are the children of Cornelius C. Bodine and Hannah Vantine/Fonteyn. The Bible does not state that, but that is who they are. Bo and Linda Bodine later gave me a copy of some information from the Detroit Society For Genealogical Research Magazine, vol. 30-32, fall 1966. This had more information than I had. It says that this Bible record was copied by Miss Mary Esther Bodine of East Clarence, NY and was sent in 1960 to Mrs. Charles Horman of Ferndale, MI who sent it in. The Bible was among household goods received by Miss Bodine fifty years previously after the death of her uncle, Bartlett Bodine (born 1833 and died 1909), from Clarence, New York. My appreciation to Laurel Auchampaugh, the historian for Owasco, New York, for the original information about this Bible. She herself is a descendant of Cornelius C. Bodine and Hannah Vantine's daughter, Hannah J. Bodine. This family is recorded in the Bible. And my appreciation to Bo and Linda Bodine for a copy of the article with the additional information on this Bible.
Cornelius W. Bodine Family Bible: This has information on Cornelius W. Bodine, his wife Miriam Chapman Romine, and their two daughters - Laura G. Bodine and Martha D. Bodine. Cornelius was the son of Benjamin Bodine and Catherine Ent. He was born on July 19, 1823 in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. As of August of 2003, this Bible belonged to Tracy St. Claire (aaf at My appreciation to Tracy for giving me permission to put this information on the Bodine site. There are also scans of the two Bible pages and the cover page.
Elisha Bodine (Bodine-Burns) Family Bible: This is the family and descendants of Elisha Bodine (b. Nov. 27, 1790, Montgomery, Orange Co., NY) and his four wives: Susannah Comfort, Mary Stites/Stiles, Mary Mitchell, and Sally Millspaugh. This transcription came to me indirectly from Helen Bodine (helenb at My thanks to Denise Oliver-Velez and Robin Toms for sending this to me. This may have last belonged to Anna Anetta (Bodine) Raikes, but I'm guessing about that. Anna was the daughter of George Emerson and Edwardeen Hortense (Bratt) Bodine. I'm not sure who has the Bible today. There are also many of the Burns family in this Bible. The Burns are the family of Mary Estella Burns: her parents and siblings. Mary Burns was the second wife of George Emerson Bodine.
George Washington Bodine Family Bible: George Washington Bodine is the son of Abraham Bodine and Philinda Trumbull. George was born July 24, 1835 in New York (probably Livingston County) and died June 21, 1920 in Flint, Michigan. His wife was Clarissa Williams. She was born March 12, 1839 in Gaines, Genesee County, Michigan. They had five children and live in Flint, Michigan. My thanks to Laura VanEtten-Collins and her mother Lois Bodine-VanEtten for sending the info and images of this Bible. Lois is the great-granddaughter of George Bodine. These Bodines may come from Livingston County, New York. That is still under investigation.
Isaac A. Bodine Family Bible: These records come from the Kentucky Genealogist, v. 5 (1963), pp. 123-129. They concern the descendants of Isaac A. Bodine and Elizabeth Pullen who lived in Nelson County, Kentucky beginning in the late 1700's.
Jacob Bordine Family Records at the Lenawee Co., MI Historical Society. These are some records of the family of a Jacob Bordine from New York who moved to Michigan. He was supposedly born about 1765 in the Mohawk Valley area of New York (Herkimer/Montgomery Counties). He is related to the Marlatt family. It's not clear if these are just loose papers or if they actually came directly from a Bible. I think they are loose papers. This Jacob is probably connected to the Bodines. Once you get to the Historical Society's page, look for the link to "Family Bibles." Click on that and look for the Marlatt Records.
Jacob P. Bodine Family Bible: It looks like the original family Bible no longer exists; however, the original pages probably do. They were last in the hands of Mrs. Emily Wickliffe Walker as late as 1989. Photocopies of these pages were donated by a Paul Reynolds Wickliffe to the Harbin Memorial Library. A transcription of this Bible may have been made in the Muhlenberg County Heritage Quarterly, v. 11, n. 3, pages 31-32. Jacob Bodine was born in 1788 and died in 1855.
Jacob Snider, Sr. Family Bible: The information from this Bible comes from Juanita Young. She has copies of the Family Records from the Snider Family Bible. I don't know if that means the copies are of the actual Bible or copies of what someone copied from the Bible. I will try to clear that up. Jacob Snider, Sr. married Jane Bodine on December 7, 1820. Jane was the daughter of Francis Bodine and Hannah Miller. Juanita sent me information on Francis and Hannah, but it wasn't clear if that came from the Bible or if she had gotten that information elsewhere. I will try to clear that up, too.
John H. and Clarissa (Sine) Bodine Family Bible: This Bible is still in the hands of descendants of John H. Bodine. The information given here might not all be from the Bible itself. Jeffrey Perine was kind enough to send me a sheet that was transcribed by George Hammond and passed on to his daughter, Janet. Jeff is hoping to have a look at the Bible in the near future to determine what is actually recorded there and what isn't. On the next page, there is a link to an image of the sheet by George Hammond. Again, my appreciation to Jeffrey Perine for this info. Jeffrey's great-grandmother was Elsie Mae Bodine, the daughter of William Cramer Bodine, the son of John H. and Clarissa Bodine.
John Howard Bodine (Claudius Reynolds) Family Bible: These are a few pages from a Reynolds family Bible. There is one page of births, one of marriages, and one of deaths. These pages are all that remain of the original. The actual Bible no longer exists. John Howard Bodine and his wife, Christina Van Valkenburgh, are listed. The pages appear to be pretty old, but the writing from the 1800's seems to have been done by one hand in a pretty modern script. The other writing, from the 1900's, seems to have been done by two or three people. I have transcribed the information and there are also links to images of the original pages. The originals are hard to read and each image is about 150 KB. My sincere appreciation to Mary (Reynolds) Zednick for this information. Mary is the great-granddaughter of Carrie Louise Bodine, the daughter of John Howard Bodine.
John and Mary Bodine Family Bible: These records come from the Revolutionary War pension file (W.259) of Mary Bodine, widow of John Bodine. I think the actual page from the Bible is in this file. I did not make a copy of the actual page, but I did transcribe it. John Bodine is the son of Frederick Bodine and Elsie Bogart. He was born December 20, 1754, probably in Somerset, New Jersey. I have also included some info from his pension file on the Bible record page.
John and Sarah (Bailey) Bodine Family Bible: This Bible was published in 1841. These records were published in The Kentucky Pioneer and Genealogy Records, v. 7 (1986), p. 109. At that time, the Bible belonged to a Mrs. Mary Lee Page Field from Flint, Michigan. She was a great-great-granddaughter of John and Sarah Bodine. My thanks to Ronny Bodine who sent me the images of this Bible and its transcription. In 1983, another descendant, Margaret Yolanda Berardo Yewell, still owned the farm in Logan County, KY where the Kentucky pioneer couple John and Sarah Bodine once lived.
Rev. John Vought Bodine Family Bible: In September of 2003, Deborah Thomas (Swanilda73 at came into possession of some of her father's genealogical papers. Among these items, she made a wonderful discovery. Her father's cousin from the "Young" side of the family had written him a letter and in that letter had included a photocopy of the "Births" page from a family Bible. The births were from the family of Rev. John Vought Bodine (b. Oct. 20, 1842) and his wife Margaret Hughes Kern (b. Sept. 14, 1845). They had seven children whose births were recorded on that page. Click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph to see this information. My thanks to Deborah for making this valuable find available to all.
John Washington Bodine Family Bible: Judy Partida has a family Bible that dates from 1852. It may have been started by John W. Bodine and his wife, Margaret Ann Power; however, it is uncertain who actually made the entries. John Washington Bodine (b. about 1826 in Loudoun Co., VA) is the son of John Bodine (b. about 1790 in Loudoun Co., VA) and Margaret Tillet (b. about 1797).
Robert Wickliffe Bodine (Charles Culberson Sharp) Family Bible: This Bible is still in the hands of descendants of Charles Sharp Bodine, grandson of Robert Wickliffe Bodine. It is still in very good condition. The Bible was published in New York in 1841 and contains genealogical data on the family of Charles Culberson Sharp and his wife, Joannah Milligan from Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Their daughter, Sally Ann Sharp, married Robert Wickliffe Bodine. It appears that the Bible was then passed from Robert W. Bodine to his son, James Robert Bodine and his descendants. My appreciation to my dad who made copies from this Bible and sent them to me. See Bible below as well.
Robert Wickliffe, Jr. Family Bible: It looks like the original family Bible no longer exists; however, the original pages probably do. They were last in the hands of Mrs. Emily Wickliffe Walker as late as 1989. Photocopies of these pages were donated by a Paul Reynolds Wickliffe to the Harbin Memorial Library. A transcription of this Bible may have been made in the Muhlenberg County Heritage Quarterly, v. 11, n. 3, pages 31-32. Robert Wickliffe, Jr. was the brother of Jane Wickliffe who married Jacob P. Bodine of Loudoun County, Virginia (removed to Muhlenberg Co., KY). Robert was born in 1789 and died in 1855. See Bible above as well.
Russel Bodine Family Bible: This Bible was published in 1853. It appears to have first belonged to Russel Bodine, the son of Abraham Bodine and Barbara Cruze; however, that is only an educated guess. Russel would have been about 24 at that time. His first child, Charles Hawley Bodine, was born on January 15, 1853. He may have bought the Bible at that time or he was given it as a gift. Russel Bodine was the only child of Abraham Bodine and his second wife, Barbara Cruze. Abraham was born on August 24, 1779 near Readington, New Jersey. He was the oldest son of Cornelius Bodine and Margaret Sutphen. The information and images from this Bible were sent to me by Robert B. Reuther whose mother recently (beginning of 2001) discovered it in their attic.
Samuel Bodine Family Bible: Samuel Bodine was born on July 8, 1787. He married Mary Fox, probably about 1807; although, some believe that he first married a woman named Martha and later married Mary Fox about 1815. There is no solid evidence for this though. And if Samuel had married two women, one would think the marriage would have been mentioned in the Bible records. After all, his children from that supposed marriage were. This information is based on page 134 of Pioneer Heritage, v. 5, issue 2, winter, 1968. Published from 1963 to 1973 by Gene Price. The data was submitted by Mrs. Arthur Brown of New York. My thanks to Brett Bodine from California for sending these records.
Samuel Tucker Bodine Family Bible: This Bible was recently offered for sale at Ebay. It contains the family of Samuel Tucker Bodine and his two wives: Isabel Sheppard Nixon and Louisa Wylie Millikin. Samuel was born July 19, 1810 in the Wading River Tavern in Burlington Co., NJ. His parents were Capt. John Bodine (b.1745) and Ann Taylor (b. 1765).
Sarah M. (Bodine) Neafie Family Bible: This Bible was published in 1868. It first belonged to Sarah Milliken (Bodine) Neafie, the daughter of Lewis I./J. Bodine and Mary Blake. It was given to her by her mother in October of 1868. Sarah Milliken Bodine was born on November 5, 1827 in Montgomery, Orange County, New York. Her husband was Augustus Neafie. He was born about September 16, 1825 (based on his age at death). Sarah and Augustus were married on October 15, 1851 in New York. My thanks to Kevin Elliott who sent me the images of this Bible. He recovered this Bible about 1998. Sarah was Kevin's great-grandmother on his father's side.
William Martin Bodine Family Bible: My thanks to Steven Rea for sending information and images of this Bible. It was published in 1865. The Bible first belonged to William Martin Bodine and his wives Eliza Murray and Mary Steinbergen. William was the son of Robert Nalle and Grace Bodine. William Martin Bodine was born September 23, 1832 in Aurora, Clark County, Illinois and died May 26, 1900 Martinsville, Clark County, Illinois. William's first wife was Eliza Maria Murray. She was born January 16, 1827 near Bloomfield, Nelson County, Kentucky and died June 30, 1869 in Darwin, Clark County, Illinois. Shortly after Eliza died, William married Mary Elizabeth Steinbergen. Mary Josephine (Bodine) De Camp was the daughter of William and Eliza. This Bible was passed down to Steven Rea through Mary Josephine Bodine.
Wilson L. Bodine Family Bible: These Bible records come from the Bible of Wilson L. Bodine and his wife Rebecca Baner. There is also a Bible record of their daughter Ann G. (Bodine) Crammer, and their son, Jesse Evans Bodine. Ann was married to Samuel Weeks Crammer. Jesse was married to Maria Mott. I found these records on LDS film #856856 which is a microfilm of genealogical records from eastern and western Pennsylvania. I think these records were all contributed by D.A.R. members. About 2/3 of the way through this film there are fifteen or so pages contributed by Miss Emily V. Smith. She was the Chairman of Genealogical Records for the Peter Muhlenberg Chapter, N.S.D.A.R. The title of her contribution was "Robert Smith and Allied Families." The description says, "Copies of records from an old Account Book (1769), Family Bibles (5), three dated Sillhouettes and other records found in the Woodbury Courthouse (County-Seat of Gloucester County, New Jersey) and in the Pennsylvania Historical Society (Philadelphia)." I believe these three Bibles were in the possession of Miss Smith. She at least had the Jesse Evans Bodine Bible. Wilson was Miss Smith's great-grandfather. Ann G. (Bodine) Crammer was her grandmother. Elisha Collins Smith and Frankalena Woodward (Crammer) Smith were her parents. Miss Emily V. Smith was born February 27, 1885. The Olive Tree Genealogy. If you are looking for very good information about researching your Dutch ancestors, see this site. It is run by Lorine McGinnis Schulze. Some of the Bodines passed through Holland on their way to the New World. Understanding Dutch customs is invaluable when studying your Dutch ancestors. I don't think there are any specifically Bodine sites here, but it is very useful in other ways.
The National Huguenot Society. Jean Bodine is listed as an approved qualified
Huguenot ancestor.
First Generation of Bodines in America
Research paper: Ronny Bodine, a Bodine genealogist, sent me his research paper regarding the early Jean/John Bodines who were in the New York area at the same time, around the end of the 1600's / beginning of the 1700's. Ronny wrote, "JEAN BODIN, known later in life as JOHN BODINE, was a Huguenot. For more than 100 years sorting out the details of his life has been the focus of a number of family historians. Some, in part, have been successful, others have simply perpetuated earlier misconceptions, and at least one has purposely falsified the facts to fit given circumstances. This account will endeavor to distinguish fact from fiction." My appreciation to Ronny for sharing this fascinating and well-researched paper with us.
Research at the Huguenot Society Library in London
Research Results: In February of 2004, I traveled to the Huguenot Society Library in London, England to do some research on the Bodine family. I have put my notes from that research in four sections: 1) Quarto Series, 2) Proceedings of the Huguenot Society, 3) A Bodin family in Sandwich, England and 4) Miscellaneous. The main resource I researched at the Huguenot Library was their books called the "Quarto Series." There are fifty-nine volumes of this which were published during the late 1800's and early 1900's. I looked up Bodin (and Bridon) and its other major spellings in the main index (on microfiche) and then looked these references up in the respective volumes to see if there was anything of interest. I did something similar in the indexes for the "Proceedings of the Huguenot Society." I also tried to find information about any Bodines in Sandwich, England during the late 1500's, but found nothing. These were the three main lines of research I took in my short time there. Click on the link to see what I found.
Research in Northwest France
Research Results: In June of 2000, my wife and I visited several cities in Northwest France which might have a connection to the Bodines who later ended up in America. We spent time in the archives for the provincial departments of Nord and Pas-de-Calais, as well as the municipal archives in Lille, Bethune, and Armentieres. In July, we drove through the cities of Cambrai and Laon to check on some Bodines sites we've heard of in those areas. Click on the link to see more of what we found. This is a work in progress and will be updated as I have time to work on it and organize my records.
Library of the Society of the History of French Protestantism
Research Results: This page is composed of information that has been gathered from books located at the Library of the Society of the History of French Protestantism in Paris, France. During a trip there on January 9 & 10, 2002, I was able to look through the church records of the Protestant Church of Guisnes in northwest France. The indexes for the Society's annual Bulletin were also checked for references to Bodin, Boidin, and Baudin. In early September 2010, I was able to make a few short visits again to this library. I will add in my notes from that trip to the notes from my visit in 2002.
National Archives of France (Paris Site)
The National Archives of France are located in several locations in Paris. The pre-1789 records are located at what they call the Paris Site. Click on the following link to see a brief description of what is in each number of the TT Series: TT Series at the National Archives. These records are located at 11 rue des Quatre-Fils, 75003 Paris which is about half a mile northeast of Notre Dame Cathedral. To see the actual documents, you need to reserve them online ahead of time. You can visit the Microfilm room without reserving online ahead of time. You will need to register and get a library card from them when you first go there. That doesn't take too long and I think it was free. To reserve items online, you also need an online account. That is simple to do, too, I think. The last I checked, opening hours are 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM Monday through Saturday.
Research Results: Clicking on "Research Results" will take you to information gathered from documents and microfilm located at the Paris Site of the National Archives of France. During a short visit there on February 8, 2020, I was able to quickly look through some of the TT Series microfilms. The TT Series groups together into numbered files many of the archives having to do with Protestants and the consequences of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. That I saw, documents might be from the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s. These include lists of Huguenots who fled the country, Huguenot family information, the demolition of Protestant churches, etc. They have divided the TT Series into several sections. TT No. 1 through TT No. 83 have to do with the management of the property of the Protestants in various and sundry areas of France. The next division is TT No. 84 through TT No. 229 and then TT No. 459-460. These are organized by the last name of the Protestants and have to do with the confiscation of their property and such. Last names beginning with B, for example, are in TT No. 89 A through 108. The last names only begin with B. They are then organized haphazardly, not alphabetically. There is also a supplement for letters A to Z in TT No. 229 B to 229 D. The next large division is TT No. 230 through TT No. 276 B. These are like parish or presbytery archives (called Consistoires) arranged more or less alphabetically by the name of the city or town. And there are a couple more of these large divisions. See the link above (TT Series at the National Archives) for more details. Each number in the series might have several reels of microfilm that you would need to go through. Of course it is mostly all in French. The French is sometimes easy to read. Mostly, though, it is difficult to read and decipher. Click on the link above "Research Results" to see what I found. One very important find was Jean Bodin and Francis Bridon, Sr. and Jr. in a list of "fugitives" from Soubise, France.
Medis, France
Research Results: In 2009, Tom and Kathy Bodine wrote me about a trip Kathy had made to Medis, France (Tom is the son of George Willis Bodine). Click on the link to this page to see some photos Kathy took and some research she did while on a three day visit to that area. There is some very interesting information, very possibly about the Jean Bodin who came to America, that she gathered while there. And there are some photos of a street in Medis which might have even been named after Jean or his family.
Richebourg, France
Research Results: In early 2020, I visited Richebourg, France in Pas-de-Calais near Bethune. I believe this is the ancestral home of all Bodines who descend from Jean Bodin of "near Bethune, France." Click on the "Research Results" link to see information and photos.
The Netherlands / Holland
Research Results: Here are some notes on the microfiche called something like "Abstracts of Walloon and Huguenot Records from Dutch Churches." I think these are available from the Family History Library. These are abstracts of Walloon church records found in various places in the Netherlands. Some organization looked up records in the Dutch churches that were involved with Walloons or Huguenots and wrote small abstracts on index cards. I looked at the microfiche of these index cards. The actual index cards are on file at the Leiden Municipal Archives in Holland. If needed, the full record of each abstract could probably still be viewed in the original records in Holland. I copied many of the abstracts from these microfiche that dealt with Bodines. These abstracts are in French and Dutch. I've translated some of the words into English in a list at the top of these records and for some others I have given a basic translation. However, you will still find these records difficult to read. The handwriting of the abstracts was often very hard to decipher from the microfiche and I often had to guess what it said.
Research Results: My wife and I visited the Leiden Municipal Archives for a few days at the end of June, 2000. The Leiden Archives have a lot of good information that is well organized. I have yet to make sense of everything I saw there, but I will post it here for now and organize it as I have time. We also visited two churches which are very important in Huguenot and Walloon research: the Hooglandsekerk (Hooglandse Church) and the Pieterskerk (Peters Church). Many Protestants who fled France and Flanders ended up in Leiden and attended one of these churches. There were a lot of records that had to do with the Bodine surname. However, there is no proof yet that they were connected to the Bodines who later ended up in America. I would say, though, that there is a very good chance of such a connection. See the link below for some more info on one of those Bodine lines.
The will and administrations of Peter Bodine and Maria Cosijns: These are some documents I have copies of from the Orphan Court Records at the Leiden Municipal Archives in Holland. I believe this Peter Bodine and his wife, Maria Cosijns, are somehow related to one or more of the Bodine lines in America. Peter is from the area of Armentieres in Northern France. This is on the border of France and Belgium today. This is near both Bethune and Lille where the American Jean Bodine and his wife, Maria Crocheron, originally came from. Maria Cosijns is from Sanduy, France (I'm not sure about the spelling or location of this town yet). Based on their marriage date, I would guess that Peter was born about 1565-70. Maria was probably born about 1570-1575. Peter was the son of another Peter Bodine and his mother was, I think, Mary Proni. I think he had at least two sisters. One was named Martijntje and the other Antoinette. Peter and Maria Cosijns were married on June 25, 1594, I believe in the Walloon Church at Leiden. They seem to have spent the rest of their lives in Leiden. It looks like they were fairly well-off. Some large sums of money seem to be mentioned in their will and administrations and they were buried in St. Peter's Church in Leiden. Usually, only the rich could afford a tomb inside the church. Peter died on May 6, 1643 and Maria died on January 22, 1655. They at least had one son, Abraham Bodine.
Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files: This is information I gleaned about some Bodines and Burdines from looking at the microfilmed records of the pension files of Revolutionary War veterans.
From Pennsylvania to New York in Covered Wagons:
The story of one Bodine family's migration from New Jersey to near Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania to where they eventually settled in Cayuga County, New York.
The family of John Bodine and Lemme Cozyn.