John (Jean/Jan Bodin) Bodine - Mary (Maria) Crocheron

Husband: John (Jean/Jan Bodin) Bodine
Born: prob May 9 1645 near Bethune, France (probably Richebourg) 1 Died: bef Feb 11 1695 on Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY 2 Father: Mother: Other spouse 2 Notes
Wife: Mary (Maria) Crocheron Married: Jan 11 1680 in Midwout, Flatbush, NY (now south-central Brooklyn) 3
Born: abt 1652 near Lille, France 4 Died: bef 1697 in prob Staten Island, NY 5 Father: Jean Crocheron (1620 - 1695) Mother: Mary (Paquot?) __________ ( - 1696) Notes
+ M Child 1: John Bodine Born: 1680 - 1681 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY Died: poss 1745 Wife: Unknown Notes
+ M Child 2: Isaac Bodine Born: abt 1682 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY 6 Died: Jul 1752 in Somerset Co., NJ 7 Wife: Cataleyn __________ b. ____ d. aft Oct 13 1719 Married: bef Sep 26 1700 Wife: Jannetje (Engeltje, Annetie) __________ b. abt 1681 d. ____ Married: abt 1722 Notes
+ M Child 3: Jacob (J. Jacob?) Bodine Born: abt 1684 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY Died: abt 1765 in Hunterdon Co., or Somerset, NJ Wife: Elizabeth Sebring b. bef Jun 8 1687 d. aft Apr 1752 Married: abt 1710 Notes
F Child 4: Sarah Berdine / Bodine Born: abt 1687 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY Died: bef Sep 13 1712 in Somerset Co., NJ 8 Husband: John (Jan Jansen) Van Meter b. Apr 17 1678 d. Aug 13 1745 Married: abt 1705 in Somerset Co., NJ Notes
+ F Child 5: Catherine (Catalina) Bodine Born: abt 1688 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY Died: 1725 9 Husband: Henry (Henerick Mulliner) Miller b. bef Apr 24 1681 d. bef Mar 4 1719 Husband: Isaac Van Meter Notes
+ M Child 6: Peter Bodine Born: abt 1690 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY Died: aft Aug 1749 in Middlesex Co., NJ? 10 Wife: Mary (Maretje) Peterson Van Nest b. Jun 1 1678 d. aft Mar 1732 Married: abt 1710 Wife: Margrita __________ Notes
+ M Child 7: Abraham Bodine Born: abt 1692 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY Died: aft 1753 in prob Somerset Co., NJ Died: ____ Wife: Adriaentje (Jantien) Jansen / Johnson b. bef Apr 20 1704 d. ____ Married: abt 1723 11,12 Notes
+ F Child 8: Judith Bodine Born: 1686 - 1693 in prob Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY Died: aft 1753 in prob Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY Husband: Jacques ("James") Poillon, Jr. b. abt 1681 d. Sep 17 1732 - May 23 1733 Married: 1714 - 1716 in Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY Notes
Sources: (1) See the Notes page for Jean Bodin. Several obituaries from early descendants of Jean Bodin say he was born in 1645. Sinnott says the day is May 9, 1645 based on a "universal tradition" in the family. No primary source has been found for this year. I believe the birth date for this Jean Bodin from Medis has been confused with the birth date for this Jean Bodin from Bethune. The sources that say Jean Bodin was born in 1645 are actually always discussing this line of Bodines from Bethune, not the line from Medis. (2) The Inventory of John Bodin, 1695 (New York County Wills, Book 5-6, page 114) taken on Feb. 11, 1695 in Richmond County (Staten Island) says John Bodin was "lately deceased." (3) "NYGBR," v. 111 (1980), n. 1, p. 35. And "Year Book of the Holland Society NY" 1898, p. 88. These are abstracts of originals, now lost, that came from the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, New York. (4) Place of birth comes from her betrothal record. Info on her date of birth might is discussed in NYGBR, v. 111 (1980), p. 31 (Crocheron Family). I don't think there is any primary source for her birth date, I am guessing 1651 based on some info on the Internet but without sources. That does make sense if her husband was born in 1645. (5) Based on papers related to her father's death, she had probably died by 1697 and I would guess she died even before her husband who died in about 1695. (6) LDS had him born on March 5, 1680, probably in Rye, Sussex, England (???). I'm not sure where they got that. (7) Estate Administration (NJ Archives, Series 1, 32: 34). August 4, 1752. (8) Date based on a deed signed by Jan Van Meter and second wife, Margaret Miller. This deed was for the purchase of Virgin Spring, 250 acres in Monmouth Co., NJ Many people give the date of her death as shortly after April 26, 1709. (9) No souce - Information from notes on the Hedges family. (10) One source says 1751. (11) Raritan Reformed Dutch Baptismal Records: Jansen, Ouke and wife--Jaentien. Witnesses: Jacob and Maria Sebrige. (12) LDS also had him married to a Mary (Marytje) Lou about June of 1744. I'm not sure where this info comes from. Dave's Bodine Genealogy Website Email me with Revisions. Pictures welcome if under 1 MB. Click here to return to the Home Page. Click here to email me. Name Index