Husband: John (Jean Bodin) Bodine
Born: poss May 9 1645 in Medis, Saintonge, France 1 Died: Dec 1 1702 - Jan 3 1708 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY 2 Father: Mother: Notes
Wife: Esther Bridon Married: 1679 - 1681 in prob Medis, Saintonge, France
Born: ____ in France Died: aft Mar 7 1737 in prob Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY 3 Father: Francis Bridon (1622 - 1704) Mother: Jeanne Susanne __________ (1627 - 1793) Other spouse 2 Notes
M Child 1: John Bodine Born: 1681 - 1682 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England 4 Died: Jun 18 1724 - Jun 19 1724 5 Notes
F Child 2: Esther (Hester) Bodine Born: 1683 - 1684 6 Died: aft Jan 1738 Husband: John Casson b. ____ d. Jan 1738 Married: abt 1707 7 Notes
+ M Child 3: Vincent Bodine, Capt. Born: abt 1688 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England Died: Mar 9 1741 in New York City, NY 8,9 Buried: Mar 11 1741 in New Amsterdam/NY City Dutch Reformed Church 10,9 Wife: Helene (Heyltje, Hyla) Smith b. abt 1690 d. abt May 24 1750 Married: abt 1713 Notes
+ M Child 4: Francis (Francois) Bodine Born: abt 1692 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England 11 Died: abt 1736 - 1757 in Cranbury, Middlesex Co., NJ 12 Wife: Mary (Maria) Dey b. abt 1704 Married: abt 1718 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY 13 Notes
M Child 5: Eleazer Bodine Born: aft 1690 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England Died: ____ Notes
F Child 6: Jane Bodine Born: aft 1694 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England Died: ____ Notes
+ F Child 7: Marianne (Marie Anne) Bodine Born: 1696 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England 14 Baptized: Jun 12 1696 in Rye, Sussex County, England 15 Died: aft Sep 28 1743 Husband: John (Jean) Abelin b. bef 1691 d. bef Jun 18 1724 Married: abt 1716 in New York Notes
M Child 8: Jacob Bodine Born: 1691 - 1698 in prob Rye, Sussex County, England 16 Died: ____ Notes
Sources: (1) Date is based on a universal tradtion, but undocumented by original sources. Place is somewhat more documented having been mentioned by French authorities. They called him "Boudin, fugitif de Medit" (A N Paris, TT #259). (2) His will was written on Dec. 1, 1702 when he was "very sick and weak of body." Testimony was given on March 24, 1708 that certain witnesses did see him sign his own will. This is the probate of his will I guess. He must have been dead by then. His will was noted in the New York Calendar of Land Papers on January 3, 1708 [NY Calendar of Land Papers," iv (1704-1709), p. 81]. His widow could have taken quite a bit of time before she actually filed his will. So his death must have happened before January 3, 1708. (3) Date of death is uncertain. Date of "aft Mar 7, 1737" is the date she may have signed a deed with 2nd Jean (Richmond Co. Deeds, Book D, p. 131-134). See also NY Wills, 6, p. 88; 7, p. 147 and NY Wills 7, p. 312. Shemay have lived past March or May, 1736/37, a date when a Jean Bodine signed a deed with his wife "Hester." (4) R. Bodine examined records in the Rye, Sussex, England registers and found nothing about his birth there. The birth date January 23, 1681 that some have for him is very questionable. There seems to be no real source for it. A more likely birth year is somewhere between 1681 and 1682. He was not born yet in September of 1681 when his parents fled France for England and he was 26 at the time of the 1707 Census of Staten Island. (5) June 19, 1724 seems to be the date his will was proven (NY Wills, 10, p. 159; NY Colon. Mss. Land Papers, 4, p. 84). On June 18, 1724, his sister Mariana Ablin filed a petition stating that her uncle Dennis Rush� was unjustly detaining the will and effects of her brother Jean Bodin (English Manuscripts, v. LXVI, p. 89). Maybe the will was released right after this petition. (6) The year 1683-1684 is just a guess. She probably married in 1707 and she was probably one of the older children. I'm guessing she was born after her brother Jean since I think he was most likely the firstborn child. (7) It seems like she is unmarried in her brother John's will of January 1707 (though that is not absolutely clear). And since she is not named with her Bodine family in the Staten Island Census of the fall of 1707, then she must have gotten married that year. (8) Year Book of the Holland Society of NY. 1899. Burials in the Dutch Church. Will proven - 5/10/1744. See "NYGBR," v. 121, pp. 233-234 for more info. (9) Burial Record of the Collegiate Dutch Church Reformed Church of New York City, Vol. I 1726-1783. Prepared by the Holland Society - date. (10) Year Book of the Holland Society of NY. 1899. Burials in the Dutch Church. (11) Biographical History of the First Congressional District of New Jersey, v. 2, pp. 283 to 287 (The Williamstown Bodines) - abt 1690. However, he was under 16 at the time of the 1707 Census of Staten Island. Since he married in about 1717 or 1718, I'm estimating he was born about 1692. (12) Article on Judge Joseph Lamb - soon aft March 1736. Other info says abt 1757. (13) Richmond County, NY, Deeds D, p. 131 - mention made of marriage. (14) Ronny Bodine examined the records in the registers in Rye, Sussex, England and did not find anything about Mary (or John) being born there. Mary Ann was baptized there on June 12, 1696. (15) Rye Parish Register of Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, 1682-1727, p. 15. Child of John Bodin and Hester, French parents. Daughter Mary Ann. Baptized 12 June 1696 at Rye. (16) He was under 16 at the time of the 1707 Census of Staten Island, NY. So he must have been born aft 1691. Dave's Bodine Genealogy Website Email me with Revisions. Pictures welcome if under 1 MB. Click here to return to the Home Page. Click here to email me. Name Index