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Person List for Bogomolny, Bogomolni, Bogomilny, Bogomolniy, etc

• To save the listing:

o Click on “File”
o Select “Save as”
o Save to your hard drive or a disk as web page complete
o After it is saved, highlight the file name (do not open yet), click on “File”
o Select “Open With”
o Scroll to Excel, select, and the file will revert to an Excel format

• To view a family tree:

o On the person list, 38 names are highlighted in blue, which represent the oldest male head of a family
o Click on the underlined last name and you will be taken to World Connect in Rootsweb.
o Click on the word “List” below “Enter Surname” or the letter “B” in the alphabetical listing
o Click on the last name that appears
o The records appear in an “index” format. Select the name of the oldest male head of family
o The parties then appear on a screen that has different options for viewing and from which GEDCOM files are downloaded
o If you select the option “descendency”, the parties will appear in sequential order from husband/wife to the youngest child
o If you select the option “register” the family will appear in sequential order in a narrative
o To get back to our website list of Bogomolnys, either bookmark the page or use the back key.