Parker Long
(1860-1926) Samuel W. Long (1833-1865) was the father of three children in his brief 31 years. His first child, Samuel Parker Long (1860-1926), was born to Almira Parker Long (1840-1860), who died at the age of 20 only one month after Samuel was born. His second and third children, Elizabeth Long (1864-1886) and William George Long (1865-1926), were born to Sarah Agnes (Abbie) Parker Long (1844-1906), a sister of Almira. Samuel W. Long died in 1865 as a result of disease contracted while he was a soldier for the Union Army in the Civil War. Samuel Parker Long was four, Elizabeth Long was only one year old, and William George Long had not yet been born. This section focuses on the first child of Samuel W. Long, Samuel Parker Long. The limited information available on his half-sister, Elizabeth Long, is at the end of the section on Samuel W. Long. Other sections focus on Samuel W. Long's second son, William George Long and his wife Mattie Thompson Long, on William George Long’s only child, Clarence Ray Long, and on the Children of Clarence and Odie Long. This account includes the following sections:
The Young Samuel Parker Long Samuel Parker Long, the only child of Samuel W. Long and Almira Parker Long, was born on September 26, 1860, in Ohio, where his parents resided. He was probably born in the town of Johnston in the center of Trumbull County. The town is along Route 88, about 15 miles northeast of Warren, Ohio, and about 20 miles from the Pennsylvania border. Not far to the west of Johnston Township in Trumbull County is Bristol Township, where the McJunkin family lived and raised the orphan Samuel W. Long. Samuel Parker Long told relatives that his life was summarized by going Bristol to Bristol: He got his start in Bristol, Ohio, and then moved to South Bristol, New York, where he died in 1926. South Bristol is a township just north of Naples, New York. Samuel Parker Long was buried in Naples. Samuel Parker Long was an orphan at the age of four. Just one month after Sam’s birth, his mother, Almira Parker Long, died of complications of childbirth, on October 23, 1860. She was only 20. Almira’s sister Leanna Parker was with her when Almira died, and she took the baby on horseback to Parker’s Landing, Pennsylvania, early in the winter of that year. Three years later, Samuel’s father, Samuel W. Long, married another of Almira’s sisters, Sarah Agnes (Abbie) Parker. It appears that Samuel Parker Long went with his father and stepmother Abbie back to Ohio. His father enlisted in Warren, Ohio, as a private in the Civil War. While in the Army, Samuel W. Long died of typhoid, in January 1865, and Abbie returned to Parker’s Landing, where Samuel Parker Long was adopted by his grandfather, James Wilson (Curley Jim) Parker. In March 1867, Leanna Parker McGee, then 23, a sister of Abbie and Almira Parker, appeared before a justice of the peace in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, to verify that she had been present and witnessed the birth of Samuel Parker Long. The statement was in support of an application for a U.S. pension to support the three children of Samuel W. Long, a Civil War veteran. Leanna said that Samuel Parker Long had been born by Almira Long, the wife of Samuel W. Long, and that Samuel had died . . .
When his Aunt Leanna Parker carried Samuel from Ohio to Parker’s Landing six weeks after his birth, the family story is that he developed a hernia from the trip, and there was never any operation to correct it. From the beginning, this slowed his ability to walk, and all his life, he had to wear a truss. In September 1862, when Sam was two, his grandparents, James and Elizabeth Parker, wrote to her sons that “Samy is not yet able to walk yet he has got a good appetite but has not got the use of his legs. We think he will get to walk after while. He is very emotional and wants to be carried out every day two or three times. The baby is well at present.” Living in Oil Country In the 1870 census, Samuel, age 10, was shown living with his grandfather, Curley Jim, in Brady’s Bend, Pennsylvania, along with his step-sister Lizzie Long and his step-brother William George Long, both children of Abbie Parker Long. At a young age, Sam got involved in the oil business in the area of Brady’s Bend. He told his children that one day he was “hanging around the railroad station drumming his heels against a box until a man said, ‘I wouldn’t do that, sonny.’ He was an oil well shooter, and the box contained nitroglycerine.” Sam’s son Wendell Partridge Long (1894-1982) believed that the money needed for Sam to go to college was raised through his own efforts, and that meant work in the oil fields. Sam’s son James Parker Long said that Parker’s Landing was one of the very early oil developments:
Meeting May Clark At the age of 20, Sam was listed in the 1880 census for Parker’s Landing, in the household of his grandfather, James Wilson Parker. Sam, however, was away at school, attending Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. It was about this time that, according to one of his sons, Samuel was converted to Christianity, and later, according to Nellie Parker Milford, a cousin of Sam, he would go to the old schoolhouse on the property of his grandfather and practice his sermons. Sam’s son Wendell Long later wrote about Sam’s experience at the college in Meadville:
Sam graduated from Allegheny in 1884 and immediately entered the ministry of the Methodist Church and was sent to Burma as a missionary. Wendell said this:
On January 24, 1887, Samuel married Sarah May (“May”) Clark in Rangoon. She had been born on July 3, 1864, in Pageville, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Haniel Clark of Union City in Erie County, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Allegheny College in 1886. After graduation, she traveled to Rangoon to join Sam Long. One of her sons, James Parker Long (1889-1970), wrote that “Mother was not in a mood to wait for Father’s five or six years in the Rangoon Burma field. Accordingly, she went out with some additional workers to the Burma field and was married to him there, and when he returned about 1890, they brought back two sons, Haniel and James.” “Mother had lots of servants but was not happy about it,” Parker Long wrote. “She said that one Irish hired girl would have been worth more than all of them. But some of them must have saved her some steps, because there was a nurse called an Ayah for each of us kids.” Life as a Missionary Sam served as a missionary in Rangoon, Burma, for five years. His family reported that he founded a girls’ school, a seaman’s rest, an orphanage and a church, and when he left, he was the presiding elder of the Burma district of the Methodist Church. “That is, as a boy fresh out of college,” Wendell wrote, proudly, “he was in charge of all the church’s work in that country.” When they left Rangoon, Sam was 29 and May was 25. On his departure from Burma, Sam was given a very long and flowery letter of thanks, “Dear Brother Long,” dated January 2, 1890, from the official board of the Rangoon Methodist Church. Some excerpts:
On the way home from Burma, according to Sam’s son James Parker Long, “Father was seasick most of the time, and Mother dumped me on top of him for baby sitter and stayed on deck much of the time.” Back in the United States, Sam and his family went to the town of Parker, Pennsylvania, according to the 1958 recollection of Sam’s cousin, Nellie (Nickie) Parker Milford.
A Clergyman at Home After a brief rest, Sam became pastor of the Smithfield Street Methodist Church in Pittsburgh. Later he built the Lincoln Avenue Methodist Church. A nephew, Dwight (Dove) Parker, recalled visiting the Lincoln Avenue parsonage when “Uncle Sam was building the church and preaching in the stable.” Sam was pastor there until he became a chaplain of the 18th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American War. Sam served only a few months, and he summed it up by saying he had gone to New Jersey to fight the mosquito. In relation to this service, on August 13, 1926, shortly before Sam’s death, Sam’s uncle, George W. Parker, a brother of Almira and Abbie Parker, filed an affidavit with the Department of Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Invalid Division, certifying the date and place of Sam’s birth and that his mother was Almira, in support of a pension for Samuel P. Long, Chaplain of the 18th Pennsylvania Infantry. In 1900, the family somehow managed to get counted twice in the census. On June 9, 1900, Sam, May and the four children were recorded at 503 Third Street, West, in Duluth, Minnesota. One week later, on June 16, 1900, the census showed the entire family living with May’s father on Bridge Street in Union City, Erie County, Pennsylvania. The household there consisted of Haniel Clark, 75, a widower, May Clark Long, 35, May’s sister Helen Clark, 30, the Rev. S. P. Long, 39, the four sons, aged 5 to 12, and a servant. One must assume that the family was in the process of moving at the time, and possibly May’s father gave the census taker duplicate information. Sam was a minister for the First Methodist Church in Duluth, Minnesota, for about five years, until 1905. Wendell said the people there loved him.
Retirement After a nervous breakdown that year, Sam spent a year of rest on a farm inherited from May Clark Long’s father in Union City. Then the church called him to return to Minnesota, and he became District Superintendent of his church and was based in Minneapolis. He was very successful at raising money for the churches, but because of “exertions during the prevalent financial depression,” as his obituary put it, Sam became ill again and he retired from the ministry in 1908 after 25 years of active service. Wendell said that “as far back as Burma, a doctor had given him only a year to live, and he always worked to the limit of his strength.” On the occasion of his retirement, at the church General Conference, Senator Wyman of Minneapolis presented him with a silver service, and then Sam was put into nomination for bishop of the church. This was a moment “that must have been sweet,” Wendell wrote. Sam immediately withdrew his name, and “there was an immediate up-swelling of voters that refused to accept his decision and came within a hairbreadth of electing him.” Sam and his wife found property on Canandaigua Lake, one of the Finger Lakes in New York State. The lake is about 17 miles long and about a mile wide. Sam and May took ownership of land in South Bristol Township, near Naples, New York, when their sons were young, probably teenagers, and they called the farm "Long's Point." The farm was about three to four miles from the south end of the lake. (The address for the property was "Naples," since South Bristol Township did not have a post office.) Their sons James Parker Long and Wendell Long later had homes there, and Samuel Parker Long lived on Long's Point until his death. The 1910 census for South Bristol, Ontario County, New York, showed Sam, 49, a farmer, May Clark Long, 45, James P. Long, 20, Donald O. Long, 17, and Wendell P. Long, 15. Haniel, then 22, had left home. Ten years later, in 1920, Sam and May were in the same location, accompanied only by their son Wendell, then 25. In the census of both 1910 and 1920, Sam was described as a farmer on his own fruit farm. It was a working grape farm until the stock market crash of 1929. Sam's son Wendell cut the last of the vines and planted trees in their place in 1974, shortly after the death of his wife, Katie. In 1914, Sam became a supervisor of South Bristol Township and was involved in the Liberty Loan drives when the United States entered World War I and spoke in public on a number of occasions on their behalf. When Sam annoyed the local ladies in New York State by cleaning out a “beauty spot” of brush and weeds, his half-brother in Tulsa, Bill Long, wrote him a poem. It said, in part:
Family members recalled that
Parker Long's farm on Long's Point was known by the Indian
name "Endion,"
meaning "home." The home of Samuel Parker and May Long was known as
the "Stone House." The picture at left shows Sam and May on the steps
of Stone House about 1920. After Samuel Parker Long's death in 1926,
May sold
the lakefront property on the north shore of Long's Point as a means of
during the Depression. The family retained property on the south shore
and the
inside of the cove to the north as well as the back farm. James Parker
Long and Frances Long
had a summer cottage there on the south shore, and the next generation
several homes throughout the farm. Some family members had property on
Point in 2009, including Franklin Long, who still lived there.
Sam’s Death Sam died at his home on the lake in South Bristol Township, near Naples, on October 17, 1926, at the age of 66. He was buried in Rose Ridge Cemetery in Naples. Sam died just seven months after the death of his half-brother, Bill Long, in Tulsa. Bill’s son, Clarence Long, wrote that “I think [my] Dad’s death did a good deal to discourage Sam. Sam’s death rather upset me at the time, though I have not seen him for many years. It closes one chapter of the Long history. Whether the next will be as interesting in spite of the greater number of actors is a question.” After Sam died in 1926, May moved to Forth Worth and then Dallas, Texas, to live with her son, Donald Oldham Long. She died at her home in Dallas on March 17, 1947, at the age of 82. She was buried in Naples, New York. Children of Samuel Parker Long and May Clark Long Sam Parker Long and May Clark Long had four children. The first two were born in Burma. See the genealogical chart on Sam Parker Long's family. Haniel Clark Long (1888-1956)
James Parker Long (1889-1970) Oliver Moulton Chadwick (1888-1917), brother-in-law of James Parker Long
Donald Oldham Long (1892-1957)Wendell Partridge Long (1894-1982)
Details are as follows. A. Haniel Clark Long was born in Burma on March 9, 1888, and named for his maternal grandfather, Haniel Clark. The first name was pronounced Han-EYE-el. He married Alice Knoblauch. Haniel received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard in 1910, where he was Phi Beta Kappa. During his senior year, he did part of his work in absentia while working as a reporter on the New York Globe and the Commercial Advertiser. From 1910 to 1929, he taught English at what became Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, spending summers with his family near Naples, New York. In 1929, he moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and in 1933 he organized a cooperative publishing business called Writers’ Editions. In 1937 and 1938, he edited the literary page of the New Mexico Sentinel. Haniel was a prominent author and poet, and there are numerous internet references to his work, including an extensive bibliography produced by the University of New Mexico. He was perhaps best known for Interlinear to Cabeza de Vaca, a novelization of the experiences of the conquistador Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, who was shipwrecked in Florida in 1528 and made his way on foot back to Mexico, and in the process of being reduced from a proud conquerer to a humble human being struggling to survive, was transformed spiritually. The account was the subject of a PBS program in 1996. The book first appeared in 1936 and was reissued in 1944 as The Power Within Us, with preface by Henry Miller. It was also called The Marvelous Adventures of Cabeza de Vaca. About 20 years after Haniel's death, his son, Anton Vanderford Long, reprinted and sold some of Haniel’s writings. The booklet Legacy from Haniel Long, published in 1977 by Brookside Press in Naples, New York, is an annotated bibliography of his work. Among his other books were My Seasons (poems) (1977), Notes for a New Mythology (1926), Pinon Country (1941), Pittsburgh Memoranda (1977), and Walt Whitman and the Springs of Courage (1938).
In 1965, Haniel’s cousin, Dwight Parker, wrote to Haniel’s son Tony to express appreciation for a document entitled “Who Was Haniel Long?” by John R. Slater. “Enjoyed same very much,” Dwight wrote, “and wish Brother Slater could have known him.” Dwight said he had first met Haniel at the Lincoln Avenue parsonage in Pittsburgh, where Haniel’s father, Sam Long, was building the church and preaching in the stable. Later, Dwight said he visited Haniel twice in Santa Fe and that Haniel called him “Primo.” When Haniel needed support for a passport application in 1923, he got his great-uncle George W. Parker, brother of his grandmother, Almira Parker Long, to file an affidavit certifying that George knew Samuel W. Long and that he was an American citizen. It was George Parker’s daughter, Nellie (Nickie) Parker Milford, who wrote lovingly about Haniel to his son Tony Long after she learned of Haniel’s death. Among her comments:
Alice Knoblauch Long died on October 14, 1956, and Haniel died on October 17, three days later, at the age of 68. Haniel and Alice had one child, Tony Long: Anton “Tony” Vanderford Long
was born
on June 11,
1914. Tony traveled in Europe before settling in New
His Social Security card was issued in Minnesota before 1951.
Tony was married twice. His first wife was Leslie Virginia Murphy, who was born in 1917 and died in Paris in 1959 at the age of 42. Tony and Leslie adopted a child, Franklin Hunt Long, who was born at the American Hospital at Neuilly-sur-Seine, near Paris on July 19, 1949. Franklin married Elizabeth Christian (“Christie”) Kissack, whose father had christened Franklin years earlier. Christie was English and went to graduate school in Georgia to study fine arts after moving to America. In 1977, she was living in Naples, New York, and selling her artwork. Franklin and Christie divorced about 1980. His second wife was named Marcia, and she had a son Matthew, who was a step-son of Frank. In 2009, Frank was the last remaining Long on Long's Point, near Naples, and he was living in the house of Tony and Helen Long. He was an interior decorator.
Tony married Helen Long, a first cousin (see below), on June 4, 1960, when he was 45 and she was 42. Helen Long Long had been born on April 26, 1917. Helen did extensive genealogical research and contributed a great deal of information to this study, through her cousin Rachel Long Misey. Tony and Helen lived in Naples, Ontario County, New York. Tony was very active in local church activities, including being chairman of the building committee and actually supervising the work of the carpenters. “Tony is boss, carpenter’s helper, getter of supplies, etc.,” Helen wrote in 1978. Tony also handled reprinting and sales of the books of his father, Haniel Long, and he worked to create a Naples Council on the Arts. Tony died in Canandaigua, New York, on April 20, 1990, of pneumonia following an operation on a broken hip. He was 75. Helen died in Naples on May 22, 1999, at the age of 82. B. James Parker Long was the second child of Samuel and May Clark Long. He was born in Burma on October 14, 1889, and died on March 7, 1970, at the age of 80. James married Frances Chadwick, born on June 28, 1886. She died in March 1974. Frances was the sister of Oliver Chadwick, who was Jim's roommate at Harvard in the Class of 1911. At the outbreak of World War I, Oliver was among the first Americans to volunteer to fly for the Allies in 1917 as part of the Lafayette Escadrille. He was assigned to fly a SPAD, a small French biplane fighter. On their arrival, Oliver was among those presented to the King and Queen of Belgium in honor of their service. The next morning Oliver, at the age of 28, was killed when his plane was shot down by by Oberleutnant Wilhelm Reinhard, a German flying ace who later succeeded Manfred von Richthofen, known as the Red Baron. See this detailed report on Oliver's brief life and the effort to determine whether he had been killed and, later, to find his grave.
In the 1920 census, James and Frances lived on Naples Road in the town of Italy, Yates County, New York, about 15 miles from Naples, where his father lived until 1926. James was recorded as a general farmer. He also spent time fishing in his later years, trolling about the lake in his motorboat. In the 1960s, James and his son-in-law Jan Chadwick operated an insurance agency, called Long and Chadwick, in Naples.
James and Frances had two children, May and Helen (see photos below):
(1) May
Moulton Long
was born on January 1,
1916. Her mother,
a calling card printed with “Mrs. James Parker Long, Naples,
York,” sent to Bill Long, Clarence’s father, a
of May at the age of eight weeks. On the back, she wrote
picture of a very young relative of yours whom I hope you may meet
before long. She sends her love to her ‘Uncle
May married Jan Chadwick, born on June 30, 1918. Jan had been born in Poland, and at the time of their marriage, his last name was Mietkiewicz. For a new last name, he took the maiden name of May’s mother. In 2000, May and Jan Chadwick were living in Vero Beach, Florida. May died on March 12, 2005, in Fort Pierce, Florida. She was 89. May was very interested in the history of the Parker and Long families, and collaborated with her sister Helen Long and with Clarence Long’s daughter, Rachel Long Misey, in assembling much of the family information included in this account. May died on March 12, 2005, at the age of 86. May and Jan had three children: -- Janina Alexandra Chadwick
was born on March 25,
1945. She
married Eugene
-- Oliver Austin Chadwick was born on February 1, 1949. He was married in 1971 to “Shelly.” In 1980, Oliver married Maxine Paterson. In 2008, he was a professor of environmental studies and geography at the University of California at Santa Barbara. -- Alena ("Alenka") Frances Chadwick was born on May 10, 1951. She married Peter Waldron but kept her maiden name after their marriage.
(2) Helen Long, the second child of James Parker and Frances Chadwick Long, was born on April 26, 1917, and died in Naples, New York, on May 22, 1999. On June 4, 1960, when she was 43, Helen married her first cousin, Anton “Tony” Vanderford Long (see above) and was active in researching family genealogy. C. Donald Oldham Long was the third child of Samuel Parker and May Clark Long. He was born on November 18, 1892, and attended Allegheny College in Meadville for two years. Later he moved to Tulsa to work in the oil business, and he frequently was mentioned in the letters of another Tulsa resident, his cousin, Clarence Long. Donald died on December 9, 1957, at the age of 65. His first wife’s name was Caroline, and his second wife was Agnes. D. Wendell Partridge Long, the fourth child, was born on September 10, 1894, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Wendell bragged that he was born on the same day that his father laid the cornerstone for Lincoln Avenue Church in Pittsburgh. Wendell studied bacteriology for six years at Allegheny College, graduating in 1915 as a member of the college's "Centennial Class" (the school was founded in 1815). Wendell worked as a chemist until the outbreak of World War I, when he enlisted in the Marines. He saw duty aboard a battleship, was stationed in Brest, France, and was discharged as a sergeant. After the war he helped his father run a farm on the shores of the Canandaigua Lake in New York. He was forced out of the farming business by the depression and went to work for SOHIO (Standard Oil of Ohio), in Mansfield, Ohio, from which he retired to return to New York. Wendell wrote poetry, essays and articles for journals, and he also did excellent line drawings, especially of animals. His extensive recollection of his father’s life, quoted above, was written in 1971. See also his recollection of his uncle, William George Long, in the section on Bill. Wendell married Katherine (Katie) Mae Illingworth, the daughter of Charles Illingworth, a colonel in the English army, and his wife Ellen. The Illingworths lived in Burma, where Ellen was involved with the Rangoon Methodist Church in helping the poor in the areas where they lived. Ellen was married twice. Her first husband was named Bow, and they had two or three children, including one named Jennie. After she married Charles Illingworth, Ellen had about ten more children. More about the Illingworth children is below. The youngest of them, Katie, was born on October 10, 1887 (or possibly 1886) in Kamptee, India. When she died on April 11, 1974, in Naples, New York, her obituary said she was 87, which could mean she was born in 1886. (The Social Security Death Index said that Katie was born on October 10, 1890, but this appears to be in error. It is not likely she would have traveled to America and Allegheny College before she was 15 years old.) The Illingworths had a long-standing friendship with the Samuel P. Long family, beginning in Burma. Katie was raised in Burma and went to the United States to attend Allegheny College, graduating in 1909. Family members understood that Katie's father, Charles, died when she was young and that, after Katie traveled to America to go to college, she never returned either to Burma or England and never saw her saw her mother, Ellen, again. Katie traveled to the United States aboard the ship Etruria, shown at right, which left Liverpool on March 18, 1905, and arrived at New York on March 26, 1905. The ship, built for the Cunard Line in 1884 in Scotland, was 520 feet long and 57 feet wide, capable of a speed of 19 knots. It could hold 1,510 passengers, 550 in first class, 160 in second class, and 800 in third class. It haad two funnels and three masts rigged for sails, and four decks. It is not known how many were on the ship on the day that Katie arrived in New York. The manifest list appears to carry no total. Kate Illingworth is shown on line 14 of page 0349. A certificate of her arrival is provided on the Ellis Island website. The manifest showed that Kate was 19, female, single, a teacher, and could read and write. It said nationality, India (corrected from Great Britain); race, English; last residence, London. Her final destination was listed as Meadville, Pennsylvania, where she was going to attend Allegheny College. She did not have a ticket to get there, but would pay herself, and she had $10 with her. (If the links above do not work, the reader can go to the Ellis Island website and entering Kate Illingworth, 1886, Female.) Kate's parents and Wendell's parents had been together in Burma when Kate and Wendell were very young. It is likely that the Longs persuaded two of the Illingworth daughters -- Kate and Charlotte -- to attend their alma mater, Allegheny College. After graduating from Allegheny, Katie taught in a public school in St. Marys, West Virginia. The 1910 census showed her living with her brother Charles Illingworth and his family. Her son Parker Long recalls that, after a year or two in St. Marys, Katie moved to Sheffield, Pennsylvania, where she taught Latin and became the school principal. During the years that she was at college, Katie spent vacation time with the Longs on Lake Canandaigua. Apparently, it was at Long's Point that Katie met Wendell Long, who graduated from Allegheny College in 1915, and they married at Long's Point on June 15, 1920. After Katie died in 1974, Wendell maintained a large vegetable garden and many fruit trees on the farm at Long's Point until his death. Wendell died on January 29, 1982, at the age of 87, leaving two sons, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
An older sister of Katie, Charlotte Jane Illingworth, was born about 1874 and had graduated from Allegheny College in 1898, also spent time with the Longs. More about Charlotte is in the box below and in the link at the bottom of that box. It is believed that she died about 1940. A brother of Katie and Charlotte, Charles Illingworth, born in 1874, came to the United States and had six children. He died in 1952 and is buried in St. Marys, West Virginia. See more about Charles below.
Children of Wendell and Katie Long. They had two children, William Wendell Long and Charles Parker Long: (1) William Wendell Long
was born on
February 13,
1922. He
married Jean Keys, who
had been born on May 10, 1928,
and they lived in Indianapolis, Indiana.
William and Jean had three children:
-- Rebecca (Becky) Susan Long
was born on November 13, 1953. She married Collin Leatherbury
in June 1978, and they had four children, including Gabriel, Benjamin and Abigail Long.
-- David William Long was born on October 2, 1955. He married Jennifer in June 1979, and they had five children, including Daniel, Kristina, Katherine and Stephen Long. -- Bruce Edward Long was born on November 10, 1958. He married Jennifer on June 11, 1981. They had ten children, including Jamie, Jessica and Micah Long. (2) Charles “Parker” Long was born on August 12, 1924. Parker was a physician and coroner for Ontario County, New York. He retired in 1990. He married Carolyn “Louise” Clarke, who had been born on January 3, 1927. She died on August 12, 2006, at the age of 79. On July 18, 2008, Parker married Martha "Marti" Dix. In 2009, they lived in Green Valley, Arizona. Parker and Louise had four children: -- Terry Ellen Long
was born on May 12, 1954.
Terry went to
Allegheny College and later to Edinboro State College in Pennsylvania.
She married Larry Earl
of Greenville, Pennsylvania, on August 9, 1979. Larry had been born on
June 6, 1950. He died after a farming
accident on July 26, 2001, at age 51. Terry died at age 55 on
February 16, 2010, in Jamestown, Pennsylvania.
Terry and Larry
Stevenson had four
children: Heidi Lynn
(born in 1980), Kara
Dorene Stevenson Michaleski
(1983), Tricia
Anne Stevenson
(1985) and Nathan
Scott Stevenson (1990). Heidi married Joseph
Minshull on June 3, 1999, and they had two children, Abigail Rose Marie Minshull
(born in 2000), and Joseph
Alexander Minshull (2003). Kara married Joseph "Sonny" Michaleski
on December 31, 2005. Their daughter, Riley Jane Michaleski,
was born on July 26, 2008.
-- Jeffrey Clarke Long was born on August 14, 1955. Jeffrey went to Allegheny College and then to medical school at Syracuse. He practiced medicine with his father. In 2009, he was a physician living in Naples, New York. Jeffrey married Marjorie Anne Reynolds on May 23, 1981. She was born on February 7, 1957. In 2009 they lived in Canandaigua, New York. They had two children: Brian Jeffrey Long (born in 1985) and Mallory Erin Long (1988). Brian attended Allegheny College and then transferred to the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, graduating in 2008. -- Stephen Wendell Long was born December 14, 1957. He went to Wittenberg College. He married Teresa McDowell on June 15, 2002. They divorced in 2003. Stephen had three step-children and several step-grandchildren. -- Elizabeth (Beth) Ann Long was born on December 26, 1959. She went to Allegheny College, which is where she met her husband, Robert G. Brennan, Jr. They were married on June 16, 1984. He was born on February 18, 1959, and in 2009 was a pastor serving in the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. In 2009, Beth was a speech pathologist in a public school in Western Maryland, and they lived in Boonesboro. (She provided assistance in assembling the information and photographs on the Samuel Parker Long family used on this page.) Beth and Robert had three children: In 2010, Paul Michael Brennan, born on February 7, 1986, was living and working in Baltimore. Kristen Elizabeth Brennan, born on December 19, 1988, was a student at McDaniel College, and Katie Nicole Brennan, born on May 30, 1992, was a pre-med student at Gettysburg College.
The Illingworth Family. As noted above, Samuel Parker Long's son Wendell Long married Katherine (Katie) Illingworth in 1920. She was the daughter of Charles Illingworth, a colonel in the English army, and his wife Ellen. Both Charles and Ellen were probably born in England. They were not missionaries, as reported in some articles in the U.S. press, but Ellen was involved with the Rangoon Methodist Church in helping the poor in the areas where they lived. Ellen was married twice. Her first husband was named Bow, and they had two or three children, including one named Jennie. After she married Charles Illingworth, Ellen had about ten more children. Little is known about the Illingworth children except for three of them: Charlotte Jane Illingworth
was born in Burma about 1874, traveled to America, graduated from
Allegheny College in 1898, and returned to Burma to serve as a
missionary for the Methodist Church. On several occasions, she returned
to the United States to give lectures about her work. It is
that she died in Washington, Pennsylvania, about 1940. See
details about her in the box above
and in this
Charles Illingworth was born in England in 1875, by his account (see below), although his tombstone said he was born in 1871. He was an engineer in West Virginia in 1900. In 1918, when he registered for the draft for World War I, he said he worked in a steel mill in Pittsburgh. He said he immigrated to the United States in 1896. He married Caroline Hines and they had six children. Caroline died in 1917 at the age of 40. Charles died on October 28, 1952, when he would have been about 77. More about Charles is below. More about the Hines family can be found here. Katherine (Kate) Illingworth was born in India in 1887, understood to have been the youngest of the Illingworth children. She traveled to the United States in 1905, graduated from Allegheny College in 1909, and, as noted above, married Wendell Long. She died in 1974 on Long's Point, near Naples, New York. Charles Montgomery Illingworth, the brother of Katie and Charlotte, moved to America in 1896, according to his entry in the 1910 census. Most family members believed that Charles, like his many siblings, was born in Burma or India. However, he was not consistent in reporting his place of birth. In the 1900 census for Washington District, Pleasants County, West Virginia, Charles reported that he had been born in New York. When he applied for a marriage license in 1902, he said he was born in London, England. In the 1910 census, Charles said he had been born in England and that both his parents had been born in England. In 1914, arriving in New York aboard the Lusitania, Charles said he had been born in St. Marys, West Virginia, and he was on his way back there, to his "home." And in the 1920 census, three of his sons reported that their father had been born in West Virginia. Charles did not appear in the census after 1910. How or why Charles got from England to Pleasants County, West Virginia, is not known, but in 1900, four years after his arrival, the census showed him living in that county, near St. Marys City. The gas and oil business near St. Marys was booming, and Charles apparently arrived to get involved in the oil business in some way. The 1900 census recorded him as "Charley Illingworth," 26, born in New York, single, living as one of four boarders in the house of George and Jennie Ruttencutter. Charles identified himself as an engineer. One other boarder said he was a pipe line fitter, a third one a teamster. On August 19, 1902, six years after his arrival, Charles married Caroline Hines at a Methodist Episcopal parsonage in Parkersburg, West Virginia. In a small wallet, found long after his death, Charles carried a tattered clipping noting that a marriage license had been issued to "Charles M. Illingworth and Caroline Hines, both of Pleasants County." Charles and Caroline were married in 1902, and Charles died in 1952, which suggests he carried around in his wallet this memento of young love for 50 years! On the marriage license, he said he was 28 and she was 25. Caroline had been born in 1877 and was living with her parents, John and Elizabeth Hines, in Greens Run, Pleasants County, just outside St. Marys, as shown in the 1900 census. It is likely that Charles and Caroline met while Charles was working in the oil business in the area. Among the handwritten birth records of the children of Caroline and Charles, there is one that names the mother as "P. Illingworth" and another that lists the mother's maiden name as "Miss Pidge Hines," apparently Caroline's nickname.
In the 1910 census, Charles and Caroline and three of their children had moved into Fourth Street in the town of St. Marys (the population in 2008 was 1,926), and Charles was an oil field driller. This is where he reported that he and his parents had all been born in England and that he had immigrated to the United States in 1896. Living with Charles and his family in 1910 was his' sister, Katie Illingworth, 22, who had recently graduated from Allegheny College. Katie was shown as a teacher in a public school. After a short period, it is understood that Katie moved on to Sheffield, Pennsylvania, where she was a teacher and principal. (All of the family surnames in the 1910 census were spelled "Ellingworth," which made it difficult to track the family.) In the house in St. Marys in 1910 was one other person, Mae Girsham, identified in the census as a "niece" of Charles, 17, single. She said she was born in India (English), her father in England, and her mother in India (English). She indicated that she had immigrated in 1909 (Katie had immigrated in 1906). Family members remembered talk about this niece, although her father's name was not known. It is possible that Mae Illingworth, daughter of Charles, was named after Mae Girsham. Interestingly, Charles was aboard the Lusitania on December 16, 1914, when it sailed from Liverpool, arriving in New York on December 23, 1914. On the passenger manifest, he was included in the list of U.S. citizens (as distinct from the list for aliens). Charles Illingworth said he was 40, male and married, and had been born in 1874 in St. Marys, West Virginia, and his destination was his home, in St. Marys, West Virginia. (The Lusitania was sunk less than five months later, on May 7, 1915, off of Kinsale, Ireland.) Perhaps Charles had gone to England to visit his parents before World War I began. The passenger list did not contain any others from the Illingworth family. Charles apparently had six children -- an unnamed daughter, Victor, Riley, Mae, Richard and Edward Illingworth -- all of them born in West Virginia. The 1910 census showed three children living with Charles and Caroline -- Victor Illingworth, 6, Riley Illingworth, 4, and Mae Illingworth, 18 months. Richard Illingworth was not born until the following year, 1911, and Edward Illingworth was not born until 1916. In the 1910 census, Caroline said she had had four children, of which three were then living. Since Richard and Edward had not yet been born, this suggests that another, unnamed child was born, and that the child did not live long. This apparently was the girl born in 1903. Caroline Hines Illingworth, according to her tombstone and cemetery records, died on March 22, 1917, when she was only 40. This was only a few months after the birth of her son Edward in 1916, suggesting there may have been complications in the birth, although other family deaths in 1917 were attributed to tuberculosis. Caroline's mother, Elizabeth Hines, apparently died in mid-1915, for her will was recorded on September 1 of that year. Elizabeth said she was 75 at the time of the 1910 census, and she would have been about 80 when she died. If this calculation is correct, Elizabeth was born in 1835. (When she was married to John Hines on October 15, 1872, Elizabeth said she was 35 years old, which would make her born about 1837.) One year after Caroline died, on September 10, 1918, Charles was living in Pittsburgh, apparently without any family members, working as a machinist on a "pressed steel boiler," and there he registered for the draft in World War I. It appears he had left his children in St. Marys with Caroline's father, John W. Hines. The 1920 census showed that Victor Illingworth, 15, Riley Illingworth, 13, and Richard Illingworth, 9, were living in Greens Run, Washington District, Pleasants County, with Caroline's father, their grandfather, J. W. Hines, a widower, 78. John W. Hines had been born on August 19, 1840, and he died on his farm near St. Marys on March 27, 1925, at the age of 84, according to his death certificate. John and Elizabeth Hines were buried in the Old St. Marys Cemetery. See more detail about John W. Hines and his wife Elizabeth White Case Hines below. In the 1918 draft registration, Charles gave his name as Charles Montgomery Illingworth, age 43. He said that he had been born on July 22, 1875, that he was living in Pittsburgh and worked in the steel business, and that his nearest relative was "Kate Illingworth" of Sheffield, Pennsylvania. It is not known whether Charles went into the military after registering for the draft. He was 43 and may not have served. Charles did not appear in the 1930 census. In the small wallet found after his death, Charles carried an identification card, dated August 1, 1941, as an employee of Pressed Steel Car Company, Inc., McKees Rocks Works, as well as a card certifying his membership in the United Steelworkers of America, showing that he paid his dues by checkoff during 1945. Charles also carried clippings of the 1939 obituary of his son Victor, which indicated that Charles lived in Pittsburgh. Cemetery records indicated that Charles died on October 28, 1952, when he would have been about 77. The tombstone gives years of birth and death for Charles, his wife and their son Edward. However, place of death is not given. West Virginia state archives have no entry for the death of Charles. One genealogist said that if he died in the 1950s, then the absence of a record in the West Virginia archives would mean he did not die in that state. It seems probable that Charles was still working and living near Pittsburgh when he died. No record of his death could be found. However, his name is on a tombstone in the cemetery of the International Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), on Pike Street in St. Marys. The stone shows the date of birth for Charles as 1871, but that is at odds with his own declarations that he was born in 1874 or 1875. It is likely that the 1875 date is the correct one. The childen of Charles children were born in the order below. -- An Unnamed Female Child was
born on February 19, 1903, about seven months after Charles Illingworth
and Caroline Hines were married. The child was born in Greens
Run, where the Hines family lived, near St. Marys, and the
attending doctor was Dr. James Watson of St. Marys. The handwritten birth
in the West Virginia archives appears to say that the father was "Wm"
Illingworth (the doctor apparently didn't check the name very well --
there is no other Illingworth or a female Hines in Greens Run), born in
Pennsylvania, employed as a "tool dresser," and
the mother was "Mrs. Wm. Illingworth," whose maiden name was "Miss
Pidge Hines" of Greens Run. This must have been a nickname for
Caroline. The record also says that this was the first child
this mother. There is no burial, death or other record of this child,
and it would appear that she died before the 1910 census. In that
record, Caroline said she had had four children, of which only three
were living. They would have been Victor, Riley and Mae. The cemetery
record shows only one child, Edward, buried with Charles and Caroline.
-- Victor D. Illingworth was born on February 28, 1904, according to his birth record, with information apparently provided by the attending physician. A separate record, which does not give a first name, handwritten and available in the West Virginia archives, apparently taken from a family Bible, said that an unnamed male child was born to Charles Illingworth and his wife "P. Illingworth" on January 28, 1904. This was just one month before the date of birth on the other record. The confusing scribbles on the page appear to have led the clerk to record Victor as having been born on two different days. In the 1920 census, Victor and his brothers Riley and Richard were living in Greens Run with their grandfather, John W. Hines. In the 1930 census, "Victor V. Illingworth," 26, was living with his wife, Ruth Ambrose Illingworth, 18, and their daughter Ramona, six months, in Cacapon, West Virginia, with the Ambrose family. Victor was at one time an electrician with Potomac Edison. His obituary in the Morgan Messenger of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, said that he was 35 when he died but it seems likely he was 37. The copy of the obituary that has been located said only that Victor died on Saturday, September 13, but did not indicate the year. Victor was born in 1904, and thus he would have died in 1939 if he was 35 years old, but a calendar shows that Saturday, September 13, occurred in that time frame only in 1941; if Victor died in 1941, he would have been 37. A tattered clipping of the obituary, found in the wallet of his father, Charles Illingworth, said that "Victor D. Illingworth" died very suddenly in Port of Spain, Trinidad, where he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Victor had been employed as an electrical engineer for the previous six months by a construction company building a U.S. air base there. Previously he did construction work on the Cacapon Power plant for the contractors Sanderson and Porter. The obituary said that his father lived in Pittsburgh. Funeral services were held in the home of Victor's father-in-law, S. N. Ambrose, in Great Cacapon, but the place of burial has not been located. Victor was survived by his wife and a daughter, Ramona Lee Illingworth, who had been born on September 22, 1929. According to her obituary, Ramona Illingworth Iden died on October 11, 2004, in Westminster and was buried in Great Cacapon Cemetery in Berkeley Springs. -- Riley M. Illingworth was born on April 14, 1906, as shown in West Virginia birth records. The 1930 census showed him as age 24, born in West Virginia, father born in England and mother in West Virginia. Riley was living in Justice Township, Precinct 7, in Brown County, Texas, where he worked as a laborer in the oil business. He apparently was single. Riley died in Texas in May 1959, according to the Social Security Death Index. -- Mae Illingworth was born on November 12, 1908. Mae's first husband was Alford (Al) Hampel, who was first cellist with the Cleveland Symphony. They had a son, Jeff Hampel, who married Ferne Kerr. In 2009, Jeff and his wife lived in Green Valley, Arizona, for at least part of the year. Al Hampel died in 1940. Mae was a social worker until her marriage to Dr. John D. Ralston in 1965. In 1977, they livved in Asheville, North Caroline. John died in 1997. According to SSDI, Mae died in Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona, on February 7, 2009, just past her 100th birthday. -- Richard (Dick) Illingworth was born on December 19, 1911. In the 1930 census, Richard, 18, was shown as living in Delaware, Ohio, with his aunt, Charlotte Illingworth, and a family friend, Fannie Perkins (Aunt Fannie). Richard attended Ohio Wesleyan University and later owned a large air conditioning company in Indianapolis. Parker Long remembered that Dick was his hero because, whenever he visited the Long family in Wakeman, Ohio, where Wendell and family were living at the time Dick was in Delaware, Ohio, Dick brought along a new part for Parker's Lionel train set. Dick was married to Louise Harter, whose father was Fred Harter. She had been born on September 25, 1910. They had two children, Fred Illingworth and Carolyn (Lyn) Illingworth. Lyn was married to Robert Ashlock and, after his death, to Norman Tangidal. According to Social Security and cemetery records, Dick Illingworth died in Indianapolis on December 1, 1983. Louise died in Indianapolis in February 1986. They were both buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Delaware, Ohio. -- Edward Illingworth was born in 1916 and died in 1918, according to his tombstone in the IOOF Cemetery. A website said that he died at the age of 19 months. The Hines Family. Caroline Illingworth, the wife of Charles, was the daughter of John W. Hines and Elizabeth White Case Hines. Before their wedding, both John and Elizabeth had been married previously, and each had a child by that earlier marriage. The son of Susan and Wilson Everrt Hines, John was born about 1840, according to census reports, and he was a farmer in Washington District of Pleasants County, West Virginia, near the village of St. Marys. About 1866, he married Mary Ann Pickins, and they had a daughter, Sarah, or Sallie Hines, in December 1867. The 1870 census showed John, 29, living with Mary, 32, a daughter Sarah, 4, and a son, Samuel, 2. (The family name was given as "Hynes.") Apparently, Mary Ann died not long after the 1870 census, for John married Elizabeth White Case on October 15, 1872, according to West Virginia marriage records. Mary Ann would have been about 33 when she died. The daughter of John and Mary Ann Hines, Sallie Hines, married Charles Jefferson Barry on October 3, 1899, when she was 32 and he was 34. In the 1880 census, Sallie, 13, was living with John Hines and his new wife, Elizabeth, as well as their own daughter, Caroline, 5. In the 1900 census, Charles was shown as a "'rig builder" in Pleasants County. Charles died of tuberculosis on October 25, 1917, in St. Marys. He was 52 (not 32 as in the printed state records). The 1920 census showed Sallie Hines Barry living with four children: Frank Barry, 19, Neil Barry, 17, Mabel Barry, 10 and Roy Barry, 7. In 1930, she was still living with Mabel and Roy. Sallie died on January 15, 1948, in St. Marys, at the age of 80. Information on the death was provided by her daughter, Mabel Barry. The death record is the source of the name of Sallie's mother. No other record has been found of the Samuel Hynes who was 2 in the 1870 census. Elizabeth, the second wife of John W. Hines, was the daughter of William White, a farmer in Pleasants County who had been born about 1820, and his wife Sarah. William died on September 27, 1885, at the age of 85. Elizabeth had been born about 1837, three years before John. Elizabeth first married a man named Case, probably about 1860, two years before the birth of their daughter, Clara D. Case in 1862. What happened to Mr. Case is not known, but by the time of the 1870 census, Elizabeth and Clara were living with Elizabeth's parents, and all four of them were using the last name "White." The census showed the family as consisting of William White, 50, Sarah White, 54, Elizabeth White, 37, and Kate White, 8. It may have been a census-taker's mistake that Clara was recorded as Kate and that both she and her mother were recorded with the name White, but the ages of Elizabeth and Kate match up with other records. When Elizabeth married John Hines, she was known as "Elizabeth Case," and when Clara married Edmund J. Glasow, she was known as "Clara D. Case." Clara was 18 and Edmund 25 when they married in Pleasants County in June 1880. In the census taken on June 21, 1880, they were living in Pleasants County with Clara's grandparents, William White, 65, and Sarah White, 63, the parents of Elizabeth. Edmund told the census in 1900 that he had been born in Germany. In the 1900 census, Edmund was a blacksmith in Pleasants County, and they had four children: Frederick Glasow, 18, Hallie Glasow, 13, Pearl Glasow, 10, and Alice Glasow, 5. By the time of the 1920 census, Clara and Edmund were living in Ventura, California, and in the 1930 census, they were in Torrance, Los Angeles County; Clara was 68 and Edmund 75. Daughter Pearl Glasow, 38, was living with them in 1930. John W. Hines and Elizabeth Case were married on October 15, 1872. He was 32 and she was 35. The 1880 census showed the family as John W. Hines, a farmer, 40; Elizabeth Hines, 43; Sarah J. Hines (John's daughter by his first marriage), 13, and Caroline Hines, 5. Elizabeth's daughter, Clara D. Case Glasow was living with her husband and Elizabeth's parents at the time of the 1880 census. William White died on September 27, 1885, and his wife, Sarah White, died a year later, on June 8, 1886. William left real estate to his daughter, Elizabeth Hines, and in 1897, John and Elizabeth entered into a contract with an oil and gas producer to allow them to use the Hines property for the production of oil and gas. In 1976, the lease was held by Valvoline Pipe Lines Company. The 1900 census showed John and Elizabeth Hines living with their daughter, Caroline Hines, 22, who two years later would be married to Charles Illingworth. When she died in 1915 (the date is not known), Elizabeth's will, written on August 3, 1911, and proven on September 1, 1915, left property to her daughters, Clara Case Glasow and Caroline Hines Illingworth, and to her step-daughter, Sallie Hines Barry. Besides personal possessions, the property consisted of the following: a two-acre tract that went to Clara Glasow; the 14-acre tract that Elizabeth had inherited from her father, William White, and was involved in the oil and gas production contract, which went to Clara and Caroline; a 17-acre tract that Elizabeth said she had paid for with her own money, to be divided among the three daughters; and two town lots in Parkersburg, West Virginia, also to be divided among the three daughters. Elizabeth's husband, John Hines, did not take anything under the will. There seemed to be some friction involved, because her will stressed that the 17-acre tract and the two town lots had both been purchased with her own money but, she said, the title to them seemed to be in the name of John. Oil company references to the leased property, which Elizabeth had inherited from her father, described it as the "John W. Hines farm." John lived for another ten years after Elizabeth died, and the census records showed that he cared for the young children of Caroline Hines Illingworth after she died in 1917. John Hines died in 1925 at the age of 84. Charles Illingworth apparently was working in Pittsburgh for many years. He died in 1952. LINKS Back to Top of this Section Illingworth Family Hines Family McLaughlin Family McClurg Family Ralston Family Clarence Ray Long Children of Clarence and Odie Long William George Long Samuel W. Long Samuel Parker Long Parkers and Vanderfords Genealogical Charts for the Long Family Neil Boyer's Family History Page |