6th Bde CMGC War Diary - August 1916  
6th Brigade Canadian Machine Gun Company
War Diary - August 1916
Transcribed from National Archives of Canada, Records of the Department of Militia and Defence, RG9, Series III-D-3 (War Diaries), Volumes 4982 & 4983, 6th Canadian Machine Gun Company, February 1916 - August 1918; Microfilm Reels T-10813 & T-10814. © National Archives of Canada. Reproduced by Permission.
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Army Form C. 2118.
Place Date & Hour  Summary of Events and Information
Completed relief of 4th Canadian Machine Gun Company. Weather very hot. Gas alert on. Three indirect fire machine gun pits completed 1 O.R. reported sick through accident. Lt. Douglas proceeded on leave.
2 Weather still very hot. Gas alert still on. Indirect fire carried out on roads behind German lines. Two more indirect fire pits completed.
3 Weather still hot. Gas alert relaxed. Site of reserve dug-out located at VICKERS FARM. Indirect fire on roads behind German Lines. Two guns firing.
4 Weather fine. Indirect fire with three guns on pathways & roads behind German Lines. Transport inspected by A.E.
5 Weather continues fine. Sgt BINNS casualty shrapnel in thigh. Indirect fire with three guns on roads and pathways behind German Lines.
6 Weather fine. Indirect fire with two guns on roads & pathways behind German Lines. Lt. Alfred Eastman promoted to T. Capt. from May 6th 1916. Authority List No 93 of Appointments Commissions etc.
7 Weather fine. Increased artillery activity. Indirect M.G. fire with four guns in support of minor operation by 31st Cdn. Inf. Battalion.
8 Weather fine. Artillery active. Indirect fire on enemy lines from 12 midnight until 2 A.M. with four Machine Guns.
9 Weather fine & hot. Conference at Brigade Headquarters re - move to the SOMME District. Our artillery active. Enemy retaliated on our support lines. Hostile plane driven down in enemy lines opposite our position.
10 Our artillery active. Gas alert relaxed. G.O.C. 6th Cdn. Inf. Bdg. visited company Headquarters at 10.30 A.M.
11 Weather fine & hot. One machine gun & crew moved from S.8 to new position in DI (01.B3-7). One machine gun & crew moved from MOATED GRANGE to new position DEAD HORSE (I31-D9-2). Supported successful minor operation by 28th Battalion.
12 Weather fine and hot. Indirect fire with one machine gun, 500 rounds on Dump and Pathways behind German lines.
13 Weather hot. Gas alert on. Indirect fire on DAMSTRASSE and rear lines with two machine guns.
14 Weather slightly cloudy. Artillery and trench mortar active on both sides. Supported successful minor operation by 27th Battalion.
15 Weather very bright. Indirect fire on roads and pathways behind German lines. 8 O.R. reported from each of the following.
16 Weather fine. Relieved by 5th Canadian Machine Gun Company. Relief completed by 1 A.M.
Camp Huron
17 Weathery showery. Parade at 10 A.M. all gas helmets inspected. Afternoon spend in sports.
18 Weather showery. Usual morning parade. Afternoon the company was inspected by Major General Sir Sam Hughes Minister of Militia and Defence. Lt. A.B. Smith transferred to 28th Cdn. Inf. Battalion.
19 Weather again showery. Spent day packing bunkers and preparing for move. Company issued with Lee Enfield Rifles.
20 Weather fine. Parade at 7 A.M. and marched off at 7.30 A.M. en route for STEENVOORDE. We marched to STEENVOORDE with Brigade arriving in Billets at 2.30. Lt. J. Watson met with accident en route and was admitted to F.A.
Bollezeelle 21 Weather fine. Parade 6.10 A.M. and marched off En route for BOLLEEZELE at 6.30 A.M. We marched to BOLLEEZELE with Brigade arriving in our billets at 5.5 P.M.
22 Weather showery. Company paraded in morning. Afternoon spend in sports.
23 Weather fine. Company parade in morning. Had a lecture on Gas Defence from Brigade Gas N.C.O. Muster parade 12 noon all ranks accounted for.
24 Weather fine. Morning spend in Rifle drill with Lee Enfield rifles. Afternoon spend in sports. Lt. J.G. Fordham on two months special leave.
25 Weather fine. Company marched to training area for instruction in use of Bombs. "All Ranks" threw three live Bombs returning at 3.30 P.M.
26 Weather morning fine. Squad rifle and gun drill. Lectures on SOMME fighting. Afternoon wet.
27 Weather fine. Company attended Brigade Church Parade. After Church Parade march past Brig. Gen. KETCHEN G.O.C. 6th Cdn. Inf. Bdg. Parade full marching order, and kit inspection by Capt. T.A.H. Taylor Officer Commanding. Limbers packed. One O.R. reported for duty from BASE DEPOT.
28 Weather showery. Parade at 5.45 A.M. and marched off en Route for WESTROVE at 5.30 A.M. We joined brigade at WATTEN and proceeded to billets at EPELERSQUES arriving at same at 11.5 P.M.
Eperlersques 29 Weather wet. Parade at 8.30 A.M. Section officers carried on independently with Lectures. All Tower Respirators examined by Gas Experts.
30 Weather very wet. Section officers lectured sections on Indirect fire etc.
31 Weather fine. Company parade at 7.10 A.M. and marched to the Ranges for practice in Revolver, Machine Gun, and Rifle firing.
[Signed] A. Eastham /Capt.
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