Cherokee Syllabary, by Kenneth B. Tankersley

Cherokee Syllabary

by Kenneth B. Tankersley, Ph.D.

7 Jan 2005

Sequoyah created a syllabary, not a dictionary. A syllabary includes sounds that have cultural significance. A dictionary is composed of a set of arbitrary abstract symbols.

Cherokee symbol, pronunciation, & English pronunciation

 Following pages used by permission of Kenneth B. Tankersley, Ph.D., anthropologist, Natural History Unit, BBC, Northern Kentucky University

CHIEF RED BIRD ~ Excerpt from his book-in-progress, Kentucky Cherokee: People of the Cave

 Yahoo Falls by Kenneth B. Tankersley

 Kentucky's Native Past, by Kenneth B. Tankersley

 Kinship Notes, by Kenneth B. Tankersley

NOTES: Kentucky Treaties, by Kenneth B. Tankersley

 Cherokee Syllabary, by Dr. Tankersley

 Kinship & Brock Cherokee Nation Enrollment, by Dr. Tankersley




 Click to see/print hyperlink Pedigree, Descendant, Ancestor Reports from Doris's Gedcom on Rootsweb's WorldConnectProject. Next, in search window, type firstname, lastname of individual (no living people shown), such as, "Brock, Millard Lee"

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