Mum's Stuff: Links and Information for Anne Devoy


Mum's Stuff:

Links and Information for Anne Devoy

Hi mum! Here's a quick little webpage just for you to visit, where I'll put links and information up occasionally that might be of interest to you. Over time, it may be integrated into my "Information Management Guide", or I may delete it if it does not appear to be of much use. I hope you enjoy visiting it while you're here. I am also happy to put stories or articles you've written up on this webpage so people can visit and read them, if you wish! Just e-mail them to me.


The first four websites consistently pop up in lists of anti-tv websites as recommended sites to visit on this topic. The other three sites contain the aforementioned lists! This should be plenty to get you started on this topic.


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This page is maintained by Bronwyn Walker
Last updated on 27th December 2000.

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