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Mourning Glenn | see Family Tree | |
Born: Abt. 1702 New Kent, VA
Married: 13.Jan.1719/20 Louisa, VA
Died: Abt. 1776 Brown's Cove, Albemarle Co., VA | Will of Mourning (Glenn) Harris of Albemarle
County, Virginia. Will dated 8 May 1775; proben 1776, Albemarle County, Virginia. John Rodes and William Shelton, Executors. Text of Will: In the name of God Amen, I Mourning Harris of the County of Albemarle, being in perfect mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following. First and principally, I recommend my soul to God who gave it to me, not doubting this, but the merits of my redeemer to have full pardon and remission of all my sins and my body I recommend to the earth from whence it came, to be buried in such manner as my Executor hereinafter named sahll think fit and touching such temporal Estate as have pleased God to bless me with, I give and devise in manner and form following. Imprimis, whereas by a will made the eighteenth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and sixty five by Robert Harris, my deceased husband, was given by a clause in the will was given to me all his lawful debts and all residue of his Estate be it of what nature or quality soever to me and my heirs forever. Item - As to the remainder of my Estate, I give and bequeath to all my children, to be equally divided amongst them or their legal representatives be it of what nature of quality soever, I do constitute and appoint John Rodes and William Shelton to be my Executors of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this eighth day of May 1775. Mourning Harris /s/ her Mark |
possibly James Glenn
possibly Mourning Winn
1. Anna Harris
2. Christopher Overton Harris
3. Tyree Harris
4. Mary Harris
5. Mourning Glenn Harris
6. Lucy Harris
7. Sarah Harris
8. Robert Harris
9. Rachel Harris
10. Frances Harris
11. William Harris
12. Elizabeth Harris
A book, "William Cross of Botecourt Co., VA" by John Newton Cross, 1932 quotes from W. H. Mill's History and Genealogy, "Mourning Glenn was a remarkable woman, kind, generous, charitable, a devout Christian, and much beloved by her acquaintances and offspring."