AMERICA THE GREAT MELTING POT Contact information on HOME page Direct descendant is highlighted in red |
John Goldstone | Immigrant Ancestor | see FAMILY TREE |
Born: 1574 Tonbridge, Kent, England
Married: Abt. 1599 Kent, England
Died: 12 Mar 1671 Concord, Middlesex, MA |
Robert Goldstone
1. Robert Goldstone
2. Roger Goldstone
3. Jane Goldstone
5. Elizabeth Goldstone
From the Record of My Ancestry by Charles L. Newhall, 1899 there is a record
of the will of John's oldest son, Robert Goldstone, which gives all the family
"Robert Goldstone of Tonbridge, Kent, 10 April 1637, proved 16 May 1639. The
poor of Tunbridge, Tewdly and Capell. Loving friend Mr. Joel Coilys. To
Elizabeth the wife of William Howe twenty shillings or a ring of that value for
a testimony of my thankfulness for her great pains taken with me. William Diker.
Thmas and Francis the sons of Sara the daughter of Walter Thompson. William
Howard, Robert Rootes the apprentices of Thomas Diker. Elizabeth Goldstone, the
late wife of William Goldstone of Brenchley deceased, and Elizabeth. Frances and
Anne Goldstone his three children. Frances my loving mother, now the wife of
Thomas Diker of Tonbridge, taylor. My sister in law Elizabeth the daughter of
the said Thomas Diker. Francys, Anne and William Diker the three children of the
said Thomas Diker.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Jane the wife of Thomas Howe of Tonbridge,
clothier, and to Sarah the wife of Joseph Kipping of Tewdly, tanner. My god
daughter _ the daughter of Stephen Benntt late of Tewdly deceased. The four
children of Roger Thomsett of Brenchley my uncle. William Howe, Sara the wife of
Nathaniel Weller. Elizabeth the wife of Josias Johson, Mary, Susan and Thomas
How the children of the said Thomas How. John, William, Jane, Martha and Susan
the five children of William Jeffrey of London. Simon, John and Thomas Jeffrey
the three sons of Thomas Jeffrey of Tonbridge, and the two children of Nicholas
Jaffrey. John Baldock. Jane the wife of Christopher Constable and Martha
Harborough. To Francys, John and Mary Johnson, the three daughters of the said
Jane my sister by Benjamin Johnson her late deceased husband, and to Alice and
Francys, the two other children of said Jane by the said Thomas How her now
husband, six pounds apiece.
Item. I give and bequeath unto William. Sara. Joseph, Thomas, Elizabeth and
Hanna, the six children of the said Joseph Merriam by the said Sara his now
wife, to either of them the sum of six pounds apiece, to be paid within five
years next after my decease. Thomas Dan the son of Thomas Dan by Elizabeth my
sister deceased. My brother Roger Goldstone certain household stuff & in the now
dwelling house of Richard Kipping. The residue I wholly give to the said Thomas
How and Joseph Merriam whom I make and ordain full and sole executors.
Then follows of the disposition of the lands and tenements in Brenchley which
are to go to brother Roger Goldstone at the end of five years (the executors
receiving the rents & during that period.) If Roger die before the end of the
said term then all these lands and tenements to go to sisters Jane the wife of
Thomas How and Sara the wife of Joseph Merriam & provided the said Roger leave
no issue. And the said Francys my mother, if then living shall have the use and
occupation of that part of the said lands &, which is now in the occupation of
William Turner, containing by estimation fourteen acres. - N. E. Hist. and Gene.
Reg. Vol 50 pg 507-9"