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Edward Mott Moore Born: 15 Jul 1814 Rahway, NJ Married: 11 Nov 1847 Windsor, Vt Died: 03 Mar 1902 Rochester, Monroe, NY FATHER MOTHER WIFE CHILDREN 1. Mary Pettes Moore 2. Edward Mott Moore 3. Lindley Murray Moore |
Edward Mott Moore Oil Painting held by Rochester Historical Society |
4. Samuel Prescott Moore b. 3 Jan 1854 m. 4 Dec 1890 Hannah Woodbridge Hudson d. 1 Feb. 1934 5. Richard Mott Moore b. 23 Nov 1855 m. Caroline Louise Jennings d. 13 Sep 1916 6. Abbie Joy Moore b. 25 Aug 1857 d. 30 Oct 1876 7. Fredrick Pettes Moore b. 15 Feb 1859 m. 26 Oct 1880 d. 17 Mar 1942
Edward Mott Moore
By Susan and
Chase Brooke
Nov 2012
Much has been written about Edward Mott Moore, the well respected surgeon and philanthropist of Rochester, New York in the 19th Century. This, however, is an attempt to bring his childhood and family relationships to life.
Edward was born in Rahway, New Jersey on 15 Jul 1814 where his father, Lindley Murray Moore was running a Quaker school. (1) Edward was a precocious child and much adored. His great grandfather, James Mott, wrote to Adam and Ann Mott in 1818 when Edward was four and his younger brother, Gilbert two, "The little account Anne gives respecting Edward Moore is a proof of the disposition I have often thought so observable in him; and while I wish every manly trait in his character may be cultivated and improved, I hope his parents will not do it at the expense of Gilbert's neglect. Partiality toward a favorite child is too often to be seen in families. I do not give the hint in consequence of having observed anything of the kind." (2)
Education was highly prized in the Quaker community and Edward's parents must
have been very pleased with his school work. Later in life Edward wrote
about his childhood saying, "When I was 5 years old my father led me to the
school house, and by the time I had reached 7 years I knew geography by heart.
At that age I began Latin. Three years later I took up my first Greek book; and
from that time to my fifteenth year I never had one week’s vacation." (1)
However, even with all that studying, Edward must have thought he was not
working hard enough. In 1837, when he was in medical school, Edward wrote
to his parents, " I wish now that I had not been such as dunce as I was at his
(Murray's) age & refused to study, it would have made a great deal of difference
now." (3) Dunce or not, Edward was bright and learning easily. His first
cousin, Thomas Cornell, wrote about how Edward had helped tutor him in Latin
when Edward was sixteen and Thomas twelve. (4)
The family had just moved to Rochester, New York
in 1828 when Edward was 16 arriving by way of the
Erie Canal, the only means available in those days. Edward wrote about how
it was such a "graceful, slow, restful progress, never more than five miles an
hour." (1) (4) The Erie Canal had just opened in 1825. Rochester wasn't chartered as a
city until 1834. But there was an abundance of water power and the land
was fertile. It was a flourishing frontier community.
Edward in his later life wrote
about his early life and how at one time he had wanted to become a farmer like
his father but eventually decided he wanted to study medicine. (2) In 1834 when Edward was 20 years old, he went to Troy New York to attend what
is now Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His first letter home describing
his lengthy trip to school is fascinating. He wrote about his 2 to 3
hour layover in Schenectady and how he met up with his distant cousin, Daniel Mott, who
"recognized me but could not call my name." and how Daniel showed him around
Albany. At the library he was very impressed with the Audubon bird
drawings. And, after the library they visited the Senate Chamber meeting all the
senators. He then went on to Troy where he found no inexpensive boarding places.
The cheapest was $8 a week. He finally decided to board at the school but
did not have a bed or bedding. Also, the things that his parents had sent on
ahead had not arrived. He was in a temporary room. His travel
expenses had also been more than expected. He wrote, "All these expenses
have made a sad purse." All in all the trip must have been stressful, yet
he wrote about it as if it has been an adventure. (5)
Abigail was so proud of her son, yet missed him terribly. She wrote to him constantly - her letters being almost like a journal. She would begin on one day and add to it every few days until it was full. In 1834 when Edward's first letter arrived, Edwards's father Lindley came into the room teasing her. Abigail wrote, "Thy father went to Rochester this afternoon, and when he returned, he asked me who I would rather have a letter, of all my friends. I immediately replied, 'Edward' and he handed me them which I can assure thee was truly acceptable for I began to be very anxious to hear how thou got along, and how thou fared after getting thy place of destination. With regard to thy bed, I hardly know what to say - I am sorry thou did not take one with thee. ----- I have sent a feather bed, a quilt - a blanket - 3 sheets 2 pillow cases - a pillow - all enclosed in a straw tick which thou may get filled and then I think it will do very well to be on the floor, if it is not too degrading. I could not very well spare the cot - and I thought it would be attended with some difficulty to do so, even if I could spare it." (6) Sometimes, over the course of the next five years, she began her letters by asking him to write more often. Our favorite opening greeting is one from 1838 when Edward was resident physician at the Friends Asylum for the Insane in Frankfort. "I hardly know how long it is since I wrote to thee before, but believe it is quite time to begin another sheet, but why and wherefore do we not hear from thee? Art thou so constantly engaged with thy patients, anxious for their restoration of both mind & body to health? Or dost thou almost forget that there still lives in Rochester a family who feel deeply interested in thy movements? Let the cause of thy silence be what it may, do try to remove it." (7) Edward was busy, but he always wrote back. And Abby was delighted when his letters would arrive.
Edward was very close to his family and felt very bad whenever he had to ask for more money. In 1834 when he set off for Troy he had thought one year of study would be enough, but soon he realized he wanted to go to the University of Pennsylvania medical school, and that would require more funds. Or, as Edward would write, "my wallet being in vacuo." His father, Lindley Murray Moore, who was a well respected educator had given up teaching for a short time and was trying to make a go of it as a farmer. In 1838 Lindley as principal at the high school had been making only $600 a year. (8) The family could not send many funds, however it seems that Uncle Robert Hicks and others also helped out.
Edward persevered with his studies even though he missed being with his family in Rochester. In 1837 he wrote, "Your last two letters hinted something about your leaving Rochester & nothing that I have lately met with has made me feel so unpleasant as the idea of living at a distance from you as a permanent arrangement. Where can you go better, it is true that the house & lot if sold would produce enough to purchase a small piece of land & soul & body could be kept together at a less expensive rate, but I suppose land could be purchased not more than two or three miles from R at the rate of $60 per acre. Or if father thinks he must do some business in order to keep up the supply of the wherewithal, could not something be hit upon in R as well as anywhere else. I can not propose anything however, but should be willing to make some sacrifices rather than have the family separated more than can be avoided." (3) Abigail's brother Richard was in Toledo pleading with everyone to come west. Lindley did sell his land, but did not move from Rochester. The family instead relocated to 5 Elizabeth Street in downtown Rochester.
Edward explored new ideas while at school. In 1834, while at Troy, he must have attended various Quaker meetings. His father, Lindley, responded to this in June of 1834 saying it was good to indulge in scientific pursuits but wanted him to remain a consistent Quaker. 'An intelligent Quaker stands deservedly high in the estimation of sensible & well bred people, but an ignorant one very low." (9) During the next two years Edward referred to discussions on religion. "J Thomas has returned from his examination in order to undergo further drilling for tomorrow night, but we left anatomy & struck upon a discussion of the attributes of the Deity, rather beyond our depth, it is true." (3) He also wrote of political matters. "Judging from the tone of Van Buren's inaugural address, we have not much to expect from the legislation of Congress, very democratic to say he would veto the will of the majority." (3) He also wrote of the temperance movement and his stand on anti-slavery. All the while he was also exploring new ideas and techniques in the medical profession. In 1837 Edward wrote in depth about his experiments in hypnotism or animal magnetism as he called it. The letters with these detailed experiments are on the website for the University of Rochester. (10)
In 1837 Edward graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, but he still wanted to get further experience and education. The next year, 1838, was spent as resident physician at the Frankfort Asylum for the Insane, near Philadelphia. (11) In December of that year Edward wrote home, "Your letter or rather mother’s letter came duly to hand and dispelled considerable uneasiness that I had experienced from not hearing from you. Mother’s recommendation is to write a little more & then as a kind of journal but the monotony of my life affords no incidents to record except occasionally an insane quarrel to adjust or a sick patient to attend. My time is much more occupied than before I went home. We have a kind of debating society among the better members of our institution which cause me a great deal of labor. The arguments & speeches of some are amusing beyond description - such absurd propositions are not often conceived. When we have no debate I deliver them a lecture and this takes a good deal of time." (12) However, Edward was still learning and investigating. In 1867 a doctor wrote in a textbook about experimentation on the heart citing "Dr.'s C. W. Pennock and Edward M Moore, who performed a series of very careful and interesting experiments on the action of the heart, in Philadelphia, in the year 1839." (13)
As has been stated above, Edward was very close to his family and was anxious to get back to Rochester. In 1839 he received "the most melancholy letter he had ever received from home." His grandfather, Adam Mott, had just died. His mother, Abigail, was suffering from chills and a fever, which later was confirmed to be the beginnings of the consumption that took her life in 1846. His brother, Murray, was suffering from "hip disease" and was in so much pain that he was using a wheelchair. He died of consumption in 1846. His sister Mary at the same time was also suffering chills and fever. She died of consumption in 1844. His sister Ann had come down with "a very severe turn of ague in her face." Abigail writes in this letter to Edward, "Thou will be almost ready to conclude thou has better come home and be 'resident physician' in thy father's family." (14) In June of 1839, his mother, Abigail (Abby), gave birth to Alice Marie. Abby was 44. Her oldest son, Edward, was 25. And Abby was sick with consumption. Although the baby seemed healthy when it was born, she lived only two months, and died probably as a result of her mother being so sick. What had once been a very happy home, was in for some years of sorrow. Everyone looked to Edward for support and encouragement. His sister Ann wrote in 1839, " We miss thee, we need thee as a physician, as counselor and companion. We want thee for everything we can from thy station as eldest son and brother, however much mother wants thee, she says that thou knows best and she will be contented at whatever is best for thee, the rest of us are more selfish or our natures are less subdued." (15) Edward finished his year of residency at the Frankfort Asylum and came home to Rochester in 1840 to help out his family and set up his medical practice.
By 1841 Edward was doing pretty well with his medical practice. His aunt Lucretia Mott wrote, "Abby (Mott Moore) is in poor health - cough & raises a good deal - the day before they left, some blood. Edwd. has a moderate share of practice - is making rather more than a living. Lindley out of business at present, talks of a school. Sarah wishes he would engage in one at once - They would like the superintendence of Haverford." (16) Lucretia Mott was the well known Quaker abolitionist. She was married to Abigail's brother, James Mott.
So, Edward was doing well and his reputation was growing. According to one of his obituaries, "In 1841 he began to lecture on anatomy and two years later was elected professor of surgery in the medical college at Woodstock. VT., where till 1864, he passed a couple of months of each year. (17)
It was in Vermont that Edward met the lovely Lucy Richards Prescott. They married on 11 Nov 1847 in Windsor, VT. (18) He was thirty three years old and Lucy twenty seven. According to the obituary on Lucy, after their marriage in VT, "Dr. and Mrs. Moore made their journey to this city (Rochester) in a stage coach, for railroads were then in their infancy. Upon their arrival here they roomed in the old Eagle hotel, where the Powers building now stands, for three years. They began housekeeping at 5 Elizabeth street, at that time the center of the social life of the city. After living there for ten years, they moved to 74 South Fitzhugh street, which became the homestead.." (19) Five Elizabeth Street was the home of Edward's parents, Lindley and Abigail Moore.
They seem to have been a devoted couple and attentive parents. Quoting from the same obituary on Lucy Prescott Moore, "Mrs. Moore was a life long communicant of St. Luke's church. She was an omnivorous reader and was well versed in French literature as well as English and American. During the last years of her husband's life, when he was weary of his labors and ill, she would read aloud to him. Scott and the elder Dumas were their favorites. Once a friend who in the twilight of a winter day, found the doctor and his wife sitting beside a blazing fireplace, she reading to him with the soft, mellow light of the ebbing day shedding its rays into the room, remarked that it was a scene which should have been preserved on canvas by the brush of an artist. Such was their daily custom." (19)
As noted above, Lucy was not raised as a Quaker. Abigail had already died by the time Edward married so we cannot know her reaction to the marriage, but Lindley seems to have whole heartedly approved. In November of 1847, ten days after Edward and Lucy had married, Lindley wrote, "I want to hear from my new daughter as well as thyself. As little as I saw of her, I can truly say that I love her as a daughter." (20)
Edward and Lucy may lived at 5 Elizabeth Street with Lindley Murray Moore for a short time. But by 1848 Edward was already looking at the property at 24 South Fitzhugh. With his sister's help he used some of his parent's furniture. (21)
Their first child, Mary Pettes Moore, was born about two months after that letter was written, so I imagine Edward and Lucy were anxious to get into their new home. Edward continued travelling to Vermont to give lectures and Lucy probably spent some time in Vermont with her mother and step-father. In the 1850 census Lucy and two year old Mary P. Moore are listed both in Windsor VT and in Rochester, NY, (22) Their second son, Edward Mott Moore, was born in Windsor Vermont on Aug 25, 1850. Lindley wrote to his son in June of 1850, sending "My love to Lucy, when thou writest to her," (23) so Lucy must have already been in Vermont awaiting the birth of Edward.
That same letter makes reference to Edward's forceps business. Dr.
Edward Moore was innovative with his surgical procedures. A Dr. Clawson, a
former student of Edward Mott Moore, in 1911 gave a speech at the Schuyler
County Medical Society in which he credited Edward Mott Moore. "Professor
Edward M. Moore, the lecturer on surgery, had a national reputation as a skilled
operator. Among the important subjects which he taught was the manipulative
method of reducing dislocations. At that time an efficient hemostatic forceps
was scarcely known, and an operator's skill was measured by his intimate
knowledge of anatomy and the avoidance of arteries to prevent loss of blood. I
saw him make several operations for stone in the bladder without the loss of an
ounce of blood. He was the inventor of a lithotrite which has been the model for
nearly every instrument used to crush urinary calculi. He was very successful in
his operations notwithstanding the fact that aseptic and antiseptic surgery was
unknown. In his teaching he distinctly warned us that in the majority of cases
succeeding an operation, if extensive, we might expect surgical fever. He
always, however, insisted upon surgical cleanliness and many of his operations
were not followed by surgical fever. In such cases his common expression was "we
are getting union by first intention."
About sixteen years later I took a
case to him for the removal of a bullet from the hand of a young man who was
accidentally shot. After quite a severe operation under chloroform he said: "I
will dress this antiseptically;" which consisted in the application of a 3 per
cent, solution of carbolic acid applied upon lint and covered with a bandage."
Not only was Dr. Edward Mott Moore on the leading side of antiseptic surgical procedures, but he was also early to question the usage of bleeding. In a speech to the New York Medical Association in 1885, he said, "I had made no change in my opinion or practice until after an epidemic of pneumonia appeared in a neighboring town. In that epidemic every patient was bled, and every patient, without a single exception, died. --." The next time he saw cases of pneumonia, he continued, he treated his patients with whisky and quinine. "The first patient placed on this treatment recovered, and so with most of the others." (25)
Edward Mott Moore was a respected physician, philanthropist and leading citizen of Rochester for many years. He was very influential in establishing the Rochester Park system. (26) A statue of his was placed in Genesee Park in Rochester, NY (27)
Together they had eight children. A cousin, Lottie, taught the children in their home and had them write letters to their mother every Tuesday. From these letters we learn that Lucy used rewards as a way to garner good behavior from her children. If they were very good they received ten kisses from their mother at night. Some of the boys only got three kisses on some evenings but daughter, Abbie, usually got her ten. These letters, which are held by the University of Rochester with the Edward Mott Moore Papers, are transcribed on the pages of each child. The obituary on Lucy also reads, "It was one of her characteristic tenets that reward for good was a better corrective measure for children than punishment for errors and it is recalled that she gave as a reward sticks of candy to each when they deserved them. It was a supreme pleasure for her, her children say, to watch their anxious faces at they pulled from under their pillows in the morning their reward package and counted the sticks to see who had been found the most obedient and best behaved."
Edward and Lucy had been married for fifty-four years when they died within five months of each other in 1902. Edward Mott Moore wrote his will on 14 Dec 1901. (28) He died 3 Mar 1902. (29) His wife, Lucy Prescott Moore died five months later on 13 Aug 1902. (30) They were buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY (31)
Their oldest child, Mary, never married and lived with her parents until their deaths in 1902. Their sons, Edward Jr. and Richard became doctors and had their practices in the same house as their father although their practices seem to have been independent. The book Adam and Ann Mott by Thomas Cornell states, "Each has his own office, in their father's house, and each his own patients." Their son, Samuel, went to law school and was manager of the Rochester Title Insurance Company. Their other two daughters, Abbie Joy and Charlotte died of diphtheria. Charlotte was only two and Abbie Joy nineteen. Lindley Murray Moore went to the University of Rochester for two years but did not graduate and Frederick Pettes Moore seems to have never attended university. This must have been hard on the parents since they placed such an emphasis on education. However, the parents seem to have helped them financially to go into business. In 1880, at the age of 28, Lindley Murray Moore went into business for himself, manufacturing baskets on Plymouth Av (corner Pinnacle) near the Erie Canal. He must have borrowed the start-up money from his father, because when his mother died in 1902, her will stipulated " I do not desire my son Murray to share in the division of my said estate for the reason that his father, from whence I derived this property, advanced to him more than his share of the estate would have amounted to had it been divided among all his children." Frederick Pettes Moore went into business with his brother for a short time but eventually branched out on his own and was successful in selling life insurance for the Equitable Life Insurance Company.
Edward and Lucy lived at 74 South Fitzhugh in Rochester, New York. "A unique house was that of Doctor Moore, leading physician and founder of the park system. The ground floor consisted of offices for himself and his two sons, a large waiting room, and the dining room, while upstairs was the large drawing room and with its bay window and two fireplaces with their blazing cannel coal, rallying point for the hospitality of the clan. Adaptability must have been the watchword of the family for under that roof lived, as in a feudal castle of old, ten people of three generations, every one of whom was of strong individuality. Here was the meeting place for the friends of all three generations, and what good times they had." (32)
(1) Obituary Rochester Herald Tuesday March 4 1902 See copy of Obituary
See transcript of Obituary Obituary in the Union & Advertiser March 4, 1902
See copy of Obituary
Obituary from Union Advertiser March 3, 1902
See copy of Obituary
Obituary from Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday,
March 4, 1902
(2) Adam and Ann Mott by Thomas Cornell, 1890, pg. 109
(3) Letter from Edward Mott Moore to his parents, Philadelphia, 3rd Mo, 6th 1837. Letter on file with the Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester.
(4) Adam and Ann Mott by Thomas Cornell, 1890 pg. 165-7
Lucretia Mott, sister-in-law to Abigial Mott Moore, wrote
of their departure
in a letter. "“Lindley’s letter informing of his wish to dispose of his
place (the Westchester property) “Was duly rec’d and the information spread
among a number of friends, but I have not heard of any one from this way who
would be likely to become a purchaser, unless it is myself, as I am tired of
mercantile business and have thought and talked much latterly of withdrawing
from it."
"And to this present writer,(Thomas Cornell) then 12 years old, and doing daily a day’s work on his father’s farm, a couple of miles distant, and just beginning, unaided, to wrestle in brief moments of leisure with the difficulties of the Latin grammar, the unasked for offer of aid from his cousin Edward was accepted with a gratitude not yet forgotten. Before a farmer’s early breakfast he (Thomas Cornell) found his only hours for study, and after a day’s work on the farm, a tramp across the woods of a mile and a half brought him to the upper room in the log house, where the boys slept, where once or twice a week he made his recitation, and then trudged home again in the dark."“In 1830,” my father settled here on a farm of 169 acres. It was on what is now known as Lake View. -----. I used to work on the farm to help my father. In those days it was a great deal worse than it is now. The logs which had been cut away to open up the land had not yet been burned off. Wood was too plentiful to be used. When I was 19 the love of learning came strong upon me. My father sent me to the Van Rensselaer school at Troy. It was a famous school then. They taught us pure science. Now it is a civil engineer’s school. After my schooling there was ended I came home and father wanted me to choose a profession. I had at one time resolved to be a farmer like my father: but neither he nor I was anxious to make that my life work. He wanted me to study law, but I chose medicine. From 1830 to 1836 I was too far from Rochester to see much of the city or the people. I was only a mile or two away; our farm was then outside the city, and it was no small journey to get in and back. I went into the office of Dr. Coleman (Dr. Anson Coleman) to begin my studies. It was on State Street, near where the Ellwanger & Barry building is now. I remember there was a beautiful garden about the house.”
And Thomas Cornell wrote of the journey. “Lindley M Moore
hired a sloop which came to the wharf near his house in Westchester and received
himself and family and all his household goods, including his dog Sambo and his
high-bred swine, and transported them to Albany. Here he hired the exclusive use
of a canal boat, which came along side the sloop and received the entire cargo,
and carried it with without change to a point on the Erie Canal most convenient
to the new farm. The two horses and the carriage Adam Mott and Edward M Moore
drove the road through ‘the Beech woods’ of Delaware and Sullivan counties, all
the way from Westchester to Rochester.
Lindley M. And Abigail L. Moore took
with them to Rochester, five children, Edward in his 16th year, Gilbert in his
14th, Ann 12, Lindley M Moore Jr., who was always called Murray, in his 8th
year, and Mary in her 5th. The work on the farm was carried on with great
energy, the crops were models for the neighboring farmers, the cattle and even
the swine were all bred, and the log house became a centre of hospitality and
social importance, and here Adam and Anne Mott occasionally found a home.
(5 Letter from Edward Mott Moore, to his parents, Troy 5th Mo. 4th 1834. Letter on file with the Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester.
(6) Letter from Abigail and Lindley Moore to Edward Mott Moore, Rochester 5th Mo. 5th 1834. Letter on file with the Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester.
(7) Abigail Mott Moore to Edward Mott Moore, Rochester, 12th Mo. 12, 1838. Letter on file with the Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester.
(8) Abigail Mott Moore to Edward Mott Moore, Rochester 2 mo 18, 1839. Letter on file with the Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester.
"How dost thou feel about father’s engaging another year in the High School, devoting his whole time and talents for a salary of $600 or at most $700 a year, and what is most trying to me is his being prevented from attending meetings of any description except on first days, of course, he of no use in society matters, and where that is the case we soon loose our interest in these things. This view of the subject is a source of no small anxiety to me; I had much rather see him a plain simple farmer than a gentleman teaching under such circumstances. He has two months more to keep before his year is up, and what he is to do for an assistant during that time he knows not." Later in the letter she is writing about the legal battles. " ---- at present it is a heavy draw upon thy father with all this other difficulties and I assume but from that it will prove a heavy loss to us. With regard to ourselves, I think I should prefer going on the little farm to any other movement which we can make at present, but this does not suit thy father "
(9) Letter from Abigail and Lindley Moore to Edward Mott Moore, Rochester, 6th mo, 22nd, 1834. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester
"If thou should remain from home 18 months, which thou are left at liberty to do as the term offered to thee, if on mature consideration thou think it best, thou will have a fine opportunity to indulge in scientific pursuits. But I hope thou wilt not let a few scientific pursuits prevent the acquisition of general information. But there is another reason to rend thy residence at Troy for so long a time, particularly unpleasant; I mean the seclusion from Society of Friends. I hope my dear son, whether thy stay is long or short thou wilt be particular in thy observance of the peculiarities of our Society. A consistent Quaker is always respected. I have no objection to thy going the round of the different meetings at Troy, but as they are all so different in their code of Worship from Friends & generally so outward in their ideas of thought, I should be glad of those converts have the privilege of remaining in they chambers on the 1st day of the week & devote thy attention to the readings & study of the bible. An intelligent Quaker stands deservedly high in the estimation of sensible & well bred people, but an ignorant one very low."
(10) University of Rochester website.
Volume XIX · Autumn 1963 · Number 1
Edward Mott Moore: Nineteenth Century Medical Student
(11) Obituary from Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, March 4, 1902. copy of Obituary
(12) Letter from Edward Mott Moore to his parents, Friends Asylum, 12th Mo. 22, 1838. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester
(13) A Treatise on Human Physiology; Designed For the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine by John c. Dalton, M. D. 1867.
(14) Letter from Abigail Mott Moore to Edward Mott Moore, 1 Mo. 24th, 1839. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester
(15) Letter from Ann Mott Moore to Edward Mott Moore, Home 8th Mo., 25th, 1839. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester To read more about the health of his mother and siblings, see the pages for Anne Mott Moore, Lindley Murray Moore , Mary Hicks Moore, Richard Mott Moore , Alice Marie Moore and their mother, Abigail Lydia Mott.
(16) Selected Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott To Martha Coffin Wright and David Wright Philada 8 Mo 28th 40 1841
----- In the days of his wooing, Dr. Moore went west for a while, seized by the fever of the time. It was the time of the first opening up of Michigan and Indiana, and the government was offering land at $1.25 an acres. Dr. Moore had an uncle who sent him, by way of Toledo, to Fort Wayne, to buy up land for him. With $21,000 in his belt, the young man made his way on horseback. The peril of the journey dismayed him not at all. On the contrary, he rather like the thrill of it. So he was one of the first to arrive at Fort Wayne, and bought up $16,000 worth of the best land available.
(17) Obituary Rochester Herald Tuesday March 4 1902 See copy of Obituary
(19) Obituary of Lucy P Moore, Rochester Post Express, August 15, 1902
(20) Letter from Lindley Murray Moore to Edward Mott Moore, Providence, 11 Mo 21, 1847. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester
(21) Ann Mott Moore Haines to Edward Mott Moore. Somerset 7th Mo. 8th,
1848. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University
of Rochester
"Thou asks about furniture, the parlor carpet was left for
thee also Mother's armchair, those were the only things thou thought that there
was any probability of thy wanting, but perhaps thou may find some other
conveniences in that little room up stairs. I believe there is no bedstead
there, except a high post one. E. Bell has one of the other. If thou
makes the arrangement talked of about the house in Fitzhugh St. I hope the
family will prove agreeable. I think of thee very often when I am pouring
out coffee and would be glad to give thee a cup of hot coffee with plenty of
(22) 1850 census records
1850 census Windsor, VT
household of Jabez Sargeant
Lucy R. P. Moore
aged 30
Mary P. Moore, aged 2
Edward M Moore, aged 36
Lucy P. Moore, aged 30
Mary P. Moore, aged 1
(23) Letter from Lindley Murray Moore to Edward Mott Moore, West Haverford, 6th Mo., 30th, 1850. Letter on file with Edward Mott Moore Papers at the University of Rochester
(26) Rochester, People, Places and Things.
"To him more than to any man is due the inauguration and establishment of
Rochester's excellent park system, which was systematically started in 1888, and
which today places the city in that respect, beside the finest and best in the
country. Dr. Moore has been president of the Park Commission since its
inception. And in the face of strong opposition has successfully guided the
enterprise to its present condition." William F. Peck 1895
(27) Statue in Genesee Park, Rochester, NY
(28) Will of Edward Mott Moore written 14 Dec 1901 If wife not survive then house and lot in city, 74 south Fitzhugh, to daughter Mary Pettes Moore Did not desire his son Murray to share in the division of the estate since he had already been advanced considerable amounts of money His three sons, Edward Mott Moore, Richard Mott Moore and Samuel P Moore were appointed executors (son Frederick Pettes Moore was living in Bellevue, PA and received his share of the estate |
(29) Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Church Records
(30) Death of Lucy Prescott Moore Died: 13 Aug 1902 Rochester, Monroe Co., NY |
(31) Buried: Mt. Hope Cemetery, Section G, Rochester, NY |
Section G Lot 40 |
(32) Rochester History Edited by DEXTER PERKINS, City
Historian and BLAKE MCKELVEY,
VOL. VIII APW, 1946 No. 2 pg 18
Apr 1946 - Monroe County Library System
Edward Mott Moore |
Edward Mott Moore |
Edward Mott Moore |
Edward Mott Moore |
Edward Mott Moore |
Sons of Edward Mott Moore
Edward Mott Moore Jr. |
Samuel Prescott Moore |
Richard Mott Moore |
Frederick Pettes Moore |