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Samuel Moore Sr. |
Born: 04 April 1709 Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ | ||
Died: 03 May 1750 Rahway, Union Co., NJ |
1. Joseph Moore
2. Edward Moore
3. Sarah Moore
4. Isaac Moore
5. John Moore
6. Samuel Moore
Samuel Moore
by Chase Brooke
Nov 2023
Samuel Moore was born 4 Apr 1709 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ (1) Based on the ages of his children, he probably married Mary Crowell about 1729. According to his will, Samuel was a carpenter and a merchant. He mentioned his brother, Enoch Moore, in his will and named his four sons, the youngest of which was Samuel Moore. His will was proved 01 Jun 1751. (2) His wife Mary remarried after his death. She was blind for a number of years, was the mother of thirteen children, and familiarly known as "Granny Hayes. (3)
Woodbridge and Vicinity, The Story of a New Jersey Township, by Joseph W Dally,
1873 pg. 338
"Samuel Moore Son of John Moore and Hope his wife
was Born April ye 4th 1709"
(2) Will of Samuel Moore, of Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ, dated May 3rd, 1750. Proved June 1st, 1751. Wife Mary, Sons, Joseph, Edward, Isaac, Samuel. Executives Wife Mary Moore and brother Enoch Moore, of Essex Co. Witnesses: Robert Moores, Michael Moore, Isaac Prall, Nugient Kelly. He was in his fortieth year when he made his will. Recorded in Liber E of Wills, page 529
Will of Samuel Moore
In the name of God Amen this third day of May in the year of Our Lord Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty I Samuel Moore of Woodbridge in the Country of Middlesex in the Province of New Jersey Merch't being now of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God therefore knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do Make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament (that is to say) I Give my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hoping at the General Resurrection to receive the Land again and as touching all such Worldly Estate which I now have and from all others is due I Give Devise and Dispose of the Land in the following mannor and Form. Imprimis my Will is and I do Order that First out of my Moveable Estate all my just Debts and Funeral Charges be paid. Item I Give and bequeath to Mary Moore my well beloved Wife in right of her Dower and Power of Thirds as also for maintaining Learning & Supporting all my children until the come of age or fit to be put out apprentices the use and Profits and Privileges that Shall or may come grow or arise on all my whole Lands Meadows and Premises whatsoever which Lands I am now in possession of, during this time the will remains my widow But if she will Marry and change her Widowhood upon her Second Marriage day She shall be Debarred and Excluded therefrom and her Right thereto Shall be void and of nond effect Only allowing her in Lie and Right thereof the Sum of Three hundred Pounds current money of the Province, the best Negro Wench, the Best Bed Beding and Furniture thereof Also the equal one Sixth part or Division of all my moveable Estate that shall remain when after my just Debts Funeral Charges the above Sum of Three hundred pounds and moveables (to her left) and all other Legacies herein after mentioned and Given to my Children be first out of my Moveable Estate paid and discharged. Item I give to my Eldest Son Joseph Moore his Heirs and Assigns for ever the South westerly one Moiety of all their Sundry Lotts and Pieces of Land which I formerly bought of Samuel Ralph and of one Thomas price together with all the Houses and Building thereon The Said One Moiety is Bounded North Easterly by the remaining One Moiety and Said Lotts, South Easterly and South Westerly by the Road, Westerly by Benjamin Ralph's Land and North Westerly by the Land of Robert Moore, also another Piece of Land lying opposite the Land one the Southerly Side of Raway branch which I formerly bought of Jonathan Bishop. Also that Lott of Salt Meadow Containing Three Acres more or less lying in Raway Meadows at the mouth of Cross Creek. Also the Easterly one Moiety of that Lott of Woodland which I formerly bought of one Benjamin Gray together with all the Hereditamouts unto the above Granted Premises unto my said Son Joseph Moore his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item I give and Devise unto my Son Edward Moore His Heirs and assigns for ever All that Messuage and Lott of Land lying at Rariton Landing which I formerly bought of one Hendrick Troom together with the Hereditaments thereof Also the full Sum of Two hundred pounds Current money of the Province affores to be raised and Levied out of my Estate to be and remain to the Sole and proper use and Behoofe of my Said Son Edward Moore his Heirs and assigns for ever. Item I Give and Devise unto my Son Isaac Moore his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that Tract or Parcel of Land which formerly belonged to one William Britain Deceased Containing Sixty Acres more or less and is the Same Lott of Land which I formerly bought of the Commissioners of the Land Office. Also the Westerly one moiety of my Salt Meadow lying in Raway Meadows at the mouth of Ralph's Creek on the Westerly Side of said Creek which meadow I formerly bought of one Thomas Price. Also the full Sum of One hundred Pounds current money of the Province to be raised and levyed out of my Estate to Be and remain to the Sole and only proper use and behoof of my Son Isaac Moore his Heirs and assigns for ever. Item I Give unto my Son John Moore his Heirs and assigns the full Sum of Four hundred pounds current money of the Province to be raised and Levied out of my Estate to be and remain to the Sole and only proper use and behoofe of my Son John Moore his Heirs and assigns for ever. Item I Give and Devise unto my now youngest Son Samuel Moore his Heirs and assigns for ever All that North Easterly and Moiety of all their Sundry Lotts and pieces of Land which I formerly bought of Sam'l Ralph and of one Thomas Price who Said one moiety is Bounded South Westerly by that one Moiety Willed as above Said to my Son Joseph, South Easterly by the Road that loads to Samuel Marsh's mills North Easterly by the Land of Henry Force and North Westerly by the Land of Robert Moore. Also the westerly one moiety of that Lott of Woodland which I formerly bought of one Benjamin Gray, Also the Easterly one Moiety of my Salt Meadow lying in Raway Meadows at the Mouth of Ralph's Creek on the Westerly side of Said Creek which Meadow I formerlly bought of one Thomas Price Also the full Sum of One hundred Pounds current money of the Province aforesaid to be Raised and Levyed out of my Estate to be and remain to the Sole and only proper use and behoof of my Said youngest Son Samuel Moore his Heirs and assigns for ever. And for the Remaining five Six parts of all my moveable Estate be it more or less that may or shall remain after my just Debts Funeral Charges and all bequeaths and Legacies therein before mentioned and given to my loving wife and children be first out of moveable Estate paid and discharged Shall be equally Divided amongst all my five Sons aforesaid. And Furthermore and my Will is and I do Order that if any one or more of my three midd ? Children in Birth and by name (that is to Say) my next oldest Son Edward Moore, Isaac Moore, and John Moore my next youngest Son depart this life before come of full age and leave no lawful Heir of Body his or their Inheritance herein mentioned (So Departed) Shall be equally Divided to and amongst the Surviving Brothers their Heirs and Assigns. and lastly I do appoint and authorize my loving Wife Mary Moore and my loving Brother Enoch Moore of this County of Essex in the Province aforesaid Marriner Executor of this my last Will and Testament to See this Land performed and I do utterly Disallow revoke and make void all other former Testaments Wills Lagacies and Executors in any wise before this time named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this present Will and no other. In Witness whereof I the Said Samuel Moore being in the Forty year of my age have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this third day of May in the year of Our Lord Anno Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty the day and year first above written in the foregoing Shoot. Sam'l Moore