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Direct descendant is highlighted in red
1. Eleazer Rhodes b. Dec 1640
2. Samuel Rhodes b. Dec 1642
3. Joseph Rhodes b. Nov 1645
4. Joshua Rhodes b. Feb 1647/8
5. Josiah Rhodes b. Feb 1650/1
6. Jonathan Rhodes b. Jun 1654
7. Elizabeth Rhodes b. Jan 1656/7
From "Early Lynn Families" by Marcia Wilson Wiswall Lindberg 2004
" Henry Rhodes was born in 1608, according to his deposition in 1679 stating his age as 71. He was still living in 1703 when he made a deed of gift to his sons. On 10 May 1711, he was called "deceased," by his son Eleazer (Essex County Deed, 73:272). His wife's name was Elizabeth, but her surname has not been proven. Elizabeth "wife of Henry" died at Lynn, 25 November 1700. She was perhaps a Coldham, as Thomas Coldham of Lynn, in his will of 14 March 1674/5, called Henry Rhodes "loving brother" and named him joint executor. Henry was clearly a man of means when he arrived at Lynn. His large homestead, that eventually included more than 100 acres west of the Saugus River near the Iron Works, was purchased gradually.
"Henry served the town of Lynn in various way. In November of 1669, he served on a Jury of Inquest looking into the death of George Fraile. On 26: 9: 1672, he served on a Grand Jury, and on 4: 1: 1674/75, he served on another Jury of Inquest on the death of Edmond Rooten of Lynn. When the affairs of the Iron Words were settled, Henry Rhodes was paid one pound for work done from May to November 1651. Henry was called a "yeoman" in early deed, but after the birth of his grandson Henry in 1674, he was referred to as Henry Sr, and sometimes Henry, Gentleman.
Henry Rhodes' Deed of gift to his youngest son Josiah, 2 February 1691
"I Henry Rhodes of Lynn, in consideration of the dutyfullness of my son Josiah Rhodes of Lynn, provided my son Josiah Rhodes with his brothers Eleazer, Samuel, Joseph and Joshua Rhodes, provide for and maintain myself and my dear and loving wife Elizabeth Rhodes, their own and natural mother, during our natural lives, have given Josiah the land bought (of) Capt. Bridges with all the meadow lying along the brooke to Wheeler's land with 1 1/2 acres of fresh meadow I bought of Capt. Marshall and with 2 acres of fresh meadow that I bought of Josoeph Edmunds; also 1 acres of fresh meadow that I bought of Samuel Edmonds with 1 1/4 acres of salt marsh bought of Richard Haven Sr. Also to my son Josiah Rhodes the two islands of Sedge in the River lying against the 8 acres of salt march that I bought of Mr. Samuel Appleton, except what mines or mineralls may be found from time to time shall be equally divided amongst my sons; and further, if my son Josiah Rhodes die or leave no male heir then these lands he shall return to my sons Eleazer and Joshua Rhodes and to their sons after them equally to be divided and so to continue a good and lawful estate of inheritance to the last and longest liver of the male heirs begotten in lawful marriage. I acquit Josiah Rhodes for every part of the above said premises. In witness whereof I set my hand and seal 2 February 1691. Witnesses: John Witt and Jeremiah Swaine. Signed Henry Roads. Recorded 30 March 1705. (Essex County Deeds 18: 10-11)
Henry Rhodes' Deed of gift to Eleazer and Joshua, 19 February 1700
"I, Henry Rhodes Senior, of Lynn give to my son Elezer Rhoades and my son Joshua Rhoades, my home lot with all the houses and barns to be equally divided between them; also the lot I bought of Edward Richards; my 7 acres of salt marsh I bought of Samuel Appleton; also my 8 acres of salt marsh in Rumney Marsh I bought of John Pearson; also my 2 1/2 acres os salt marsh I bought of Mr Mould.---also 1 1/2 acres of salt marsh I bought of Robert Ingolls; also 1 acre of fresh meadow I bought of Benjamin Rednap; also the W half of the whole of my farm to be equally divided; also all my leasing at Marblehead; also all my movable estate. Witnesses: John Witt Jr. Joseph Mansfield Jr., and John Witt Sr. Acknowledged by Henry on 22 November 1701; Recorded: 24 Mary 1748. (Essex County Deeds 94:43)
No deeds have been found transferring land to Henry's two eldest sons, Samuel and Joseph. However, from later deeds by Samuel and Joseph to their heirs, it is known that Henry gave to them the water mill and land he had purchased from John Ballard, also the adjoining 4 acres in Stone Meadow he had purchased from Samuel Fraile; also the 20 acres purchased from Samuel Appleton. Both sons Samuel and Joseph are described in later deeds as "Millers" Henry probably purchased those properties with his elder sons in mind. Henry himself was always described as a yeoman, or gentleman, not a miller."