Daniel Robbins


Contact information on HOME page

Direct descendant is highlighted in red 

Daniel Robins or Robinson
Immigrant Ancestor see FAMILY TREE
Born: 1627 Struan, Blair Athol, Scotland


  Bible Record of John Robbins 1756. Printed by Adrian Watkins His Majesty`s Printer 1756. Bible owned by Sara Robbins Hoffman.  Sara has a wonderful site, by invitation only.  Contact her at [email protected]
Married: 10 Feb 1663 New Haven, CT


Died: 18 Aug 1714 Crosswicks, Burlington Co., NH    
Buried: Robbins Burial Ground, Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ   According to the "The Exile of Daniel Robins to America in 1652"  Sara Robbins Hoffman, Hope died prior to Daniel. Daniel's last request was to be buried at Woodbridge beside Hope thus his last request was honored and his body was taken on a 28 mile journey to Woodbridge and buried in an unmarked grave by Hope. This was taken from Bible records and old family documents. There are no pictures of Daniel but he was described as 5', bright blue eyes, dark thick curly hair and played a harp. Even though Daniel had no reading skills, he enjoyed his wife reading him the Bible, especially the Old Testament Scriptures.
The map below was produced by hand by Sara Hoffman.  You can contact her at "Sara Hoffman" [email protected]

Richard Robinson




Hope Potter


1. Mary Robins b. 14 Dec 1664

2. Daniel Robins b. 1666

3. Lydia Robins b. 1668

4. Joseph Robins b. 12 Mar 1669/70

5. Richard Robins b. Feb 1672/3

6. Hope Robins b. 15 Jul 1674

7. Nathaniel Robins b. 22 Mar 1675/6

8. Moses Robins b. 27 Mar 1679

9. Hope Robins b. 10 Dec 1681

10. Aaron Robins b. May 1683

11. Benjamin Robins b. Jun 1686

According to information printed in Pieces of the Past, Daniel was captured at the Battle of Worcester and in 1651 was among 274 Scottish prisoners shipped by Cromwell from London to New England. He is listed in the Ships Passenger List of the "John and Sara" and arrived in New England in May 1652. Daniel was sold to Nathaniel Foote to serve 6-8 years as an indentured servant before being granted freedom. When Nathaniel Foots died before Daniel's indentureship was completed, Daniel stayed with the family, he had been treated well and held Mr. Foote in the highest esteem so much that Daniel named one of his sons after him. SOURCE:  Joy Bridenstine   [email protected]

The Scots had declared Charles II King of Scotland shortly after the execution of Charles I.  Oliver Cromwell invaded Scotland in 1650 and secured much of the country.  In 1651 Charles II led his Scottish army into England and Cromwell followed leaving General George Monck to go after the remaining Royalists.  At the battle of Dundee 2,000 people were killed.  Two days later, on September 3, 1651, 28,000 British soldiers caught up with the 16,000 Scottish Royalists at Worcester, inflicting a decisive defeat.  Daniel Robinson was captured at this battle.  The castle at Blair Atholl may have looked something like this at that time.   

WILL OF DANIEL ROBINES, "of Crossweks," Mon. Co., "yeoman, being seek of boody." Directs that "my foundrall charges & the charge of this seekeness & tendances" be paid. Gives "all . . . my land & housen Laying . . . at Crossweeks w'in the county of Monmouth . . . unto SARAH ROBINES & unto MARABE ROBINS my two grande daughters daughters of my deceased son NATHANILL ROBINS to be equally shared . . . in quantity & quality betuen them to them & to the hairs of their bodys . . . & if it so pleas god that any of . . . my two grand daughters shall be removed by death & have no hairs . . . then the furever & longit Liver shall have the whol Land . . . & if . . . both shall die & Leave no hairs . . . the sd land & housen to be Equally divided amongst all my own children to my SONS DANNIL, MOSES RICHARD ROBINS, AARON & BENJAMIN & MY DAUGHTERS MARY LYDIA & HOOPE to them there hairs." "Likewise unto my sd grand daughters SARAH and MARABE ROBINGS ten shepe & the half Encras which ar now in the keeping of my son ARON ROBINES"; "unto my son BENJAMIN ROBINS two horses & thrie cowes"; "that intrest of Land & goods that falls to me in New Heavens in Cannickate Colliny . . . in whole and in pairt . . . unto my son DANILL ROBINS & to my daughter LYDIA THORP wife of WILLIAM THORP of Woodbridge in sd Jersey to them there hairs . . . " "Remmaining part of my estat both in goods & chattles . . . Equally divided amongst my . . . children DANILE RICHARD MOSES ARON & BENJAMIN MARY LYDIA & HOOPE after all chargres is payd . . ."
Appoints "my son DANILE ROBINS to be the only . . . Executor . . . & to have the care & charge of my Sd grand daughters SARAH & MARABLE ROBINS & that my Sd son DANILL have the full poure of there Estate & charge . . . untill thy be of age according to law."
Danill ROBINS (his mark)
Wits: Sam'l Dennes
Daniel Aruent Jr.
Adam Hude
Oath of Executor, DANIEL ROBINS, before Thomas Gordon, Surrogate, 6 Aug 1714




