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Henry Silsbee |
Immigrant Ancestor | see FAMILY TREE |
Born: Bet. 1620-1625 probably England | ||
Died: Bet. 17 Mar 1697/8 and 16 Dec 1700 Lynn, Essex, MA |
d. 27 Sep 1676 Lynn, Essex, MA
1. Mary Silsbee b. Abt. 1646
2. Sarah Silsbee b. Abt. 1648
3. Nathaniel Silsbee b. 1650
4. John Silsbee b. Abt.1652
5. Jonathan Silsbee b. Abt.1654
6. Samuel Silsbee b. Abt. 1656
7. Hannah Silsbee b. Abt. 1660
8. Ephraim Silsbee b. Bet. 1665-1670
From "Early Lynn Families" by Marcia Wilson Wiswall Lindberg 2004
"Henry Silsbee was born, perhaps in Olney Parish (county Bucks), England, about 1620-25 (based on the birth of his first known child). He died at Lynn between 17 March 1698/9 and 16 December 1700 (the writing and proving of his will). He married (1) in England, about 1645, Dorothy (---), who was probably the mother of all his children. Dorothy Silsbee died at Lynn 27 September 1676, and 4 years later, on 18 November 1680, Henry married (2) Grace (---) Eaton, widow of Jonas Eaton of Reading. Grace died before 1700, as she is not named in Henry's will.
In early records of Salem, Henry Silsbee was called, "Mr. Sharp's man." Samuel Sharpe arrived in Salem in 1629, and was appointed cannoneer of the colony. If Henry Silsbee came with him, then Henry was probably of age and would ahve been born by 1608. But the first record found for Henry was 10 years later when he was received as an inhabitant of Salem on 25 July 1639, and was granted 1/2 acre of land near Cat Cove for a house plot. These were all small grants to encourage fishing. Also receiving grants were Richard Johnson (20 June 1637) and Thomas Chadwell (7 Aug 1637), both of whom removed to Lynn. Henry Silsbee was made a freeman at Ipswich on 28: 1: 1648. He served on Juries of Trials in 1658, 1663 and 1677, and on Grand Juries in 1666 and 1680. He was appointed Constable for Lynn 27: 4: 1665, a tithingman in 1677, and finally Selectman in 1680.
On 16 October 1651, Henry Silsbee of Ipswich bought from Obadiah Flud (or Floyd or Flood) of Boston and Thomas Coats of Lynn, for 83 pounds, the dwelling house of Thomas Coates in Lynn, with 6 acres where the house stood, bounded by a small river, the town commons, by Edward Ireson and Robert Rand; also 154 acres of ground bounded S by Mr. Daniel King, E by William Witter and N by William Tilton. Also 2 acres of salt marsh between William Harker and Richard Rooten, the sea and Robert Driver, also 4 acres of meadow in the marsh next to Henry Collins, bounded N by Mr. Daniel King. Also 10 acres of rocky ground abutting Henry Collins bounded N by Mr. Edward Holyoke (Essex County Deeds, 2; 125). On 26 October 1674, Henry Silsby (with Henry Collins and Thomas Laughton) witnessed the nuncupative (oral) will of Edward Ireson.
On 26 February 1677 at Lynn, Henry took the Oath of Fidelity, administered by Capt. Thomas Marshall of Lynn. He and Henry Collins were listed as Squadron Leaders, with all their sons listed in their squadron. This was a mark of respect and also implied military expertise. No records appear for Henry Silsbee between 1674 and the writing of his will in 1698.
The Will of Henry Silsbee
(written 6 March 1698; proved 16 December 1700; Essex County Probate 25306)
I Henry Silsby of Lynn make my last Will and Testament as follows: I give to my son Jonathan the lower part of my homestead lot; also 4 acres of upland lying near Benjamin Farr's hill and 4 acres houselot to improve' 1/2 of the lower field, also 1/2 of my fresh meadow near Collin's field and 2 acres of salt marsh lying in the town of marsh. I give to my son Ephraim all my housing and barns and orchard where my house stands and 4 acres of my home lot besides the orchard; also 12 of the lower field, and 12 of my fresh meadow lying near Collins field and 1 piece of upland called the Rocks. To my son Nathaniel, 15 pounds to be paid 3 years after my decease (at 5 pounds per year), to my grandson John Marsh, 5 pounds, to my grandson Henry Collins, 50 shillings. I bequeath all my moveable estate to my 2 sons Jonathan and Ephraim in equal halves betwixt them, and all of the legacies given in this my will to be equally borne between them except the 15 pounds I have given to my son Nathaniel Silsbee. My will is that it shall be paid wholly by my son Ephraim Silsby. I appoint my 2 sons Jonathan and Ephraim to be my lawful Executors and make voic all former will by me made. I set my hand and seal this 17th day of March 1698. John Burrill, Samuel Ingalls and Nathaniel Ingalls appeared and said they were present when Henry Silsby made his will. The inventory of the estate included household furnishings, lumber, 40 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of English corn, sheep's wool, 1 horse, 1 cow, 18 sheep and 1 house, 1 barn and 30 acres of land. Total inventory: 205 pounds, 13 shillings. Sworn by Ephraim and Jonathan Silsby."