Ephraim Smith


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Direct descendant is highlighted in red 

Ephraim Smith
Baptized: 13 Oct 1644 Milford, New Haven, CT    
Died: May 1712 Milford, New Haven, CT  
To all to whom thes presens shal com Know yee that I Ephraim Smith sener off milford in ye county off new haven in his majesties Colony off Coneticut in new England being of good and purfit mind for the good will lov and wch I bear unto my youngest son Ephraim Smith and divers others good consideration causes me hereunto moveing have given granted and confirmed and by theas presents do give grant and confirm freely clearly and absolutely unto my afor said Son Ephraim Smith and his heirs all and singular any right a proportion in ye town of Derby in the County and the Coleny afor said namely my dwelling house barn orchard and hom lot containing two acres more or les my meadow lot containing six sized acres more or les and two more meadow lotts containing foure seized acres apiece more or les as likewise my land in the plain containing sixe acers more or les and my botchford hom lott off an acre and a halfe mor or lese a thre acres of land between botchford hom lott and Abel guns and three acres of pastur land by beaver brook and ten acres of pasture land upon horse hill all and singular of which with what ever other division of land may fall to my share in Derby I give grant and confeirm unto my son Ephraim above said and to his heirs to have to hold use and enjoy as his and ther proper estat freely peaceably and quietly without any let or molestation voilance chaling or contradiction from me the sd Ephram Smith Senor or my heirs or asignes in confirmation and witnes wherof I have set to my hand and seal this twenty third of December in ye year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and seaven Ephraim Smith
Town Records of Derby, Connecticut, 1655-1710



John Smith


Grace Hawley


Abigail Briscoe


1. Mercy Smith b. 1674

2. Ruth Smith b. Abt. 1680






