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Luke Smith |
see FAMILY TREE | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Born: 1694 Charles City, VA | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Married: Abt. 1712 | In June of 1712 recorded in a deed book. "Gilly Gromarrin, of County and Parish of Henrico, for love and affection to my son-in-law Luke Smith and my daughter Arabella, land in the same parish on the S side of Chickahominyn Swamp, on heads of land formerly belonging too Henry Wyat and Lionel Morris." This land bordered the land of his brother, Obadiah Smith. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Died: 1758 Halifax, VA | From Will Book O, 1752 - 1773 Halifax County, VA p 43 Will
dtd 28 Dec 1757, Proved March 1758. Names grandchildren Samuel Smith,
John Pryor Smith, Daniel Marrow and daughter
of Charles Smith. Obediah received Negroes, Susannah a Warming Pan, Arebella
a Negro, Ursula a Negro, Drury Smith "Land whereon I now live, etc. If he
makes his brother Zacheria a good and sufficient right to a tract of land
that lies in Carolina on which John Powell now lives."
3. Susannah Smith
4. Luke Smith
5. Drury Smith
7. Zacharia Smith
8. Ursula Smith
9. Hannah Smith
The Will of Luke Smith courtesy of Kevin Smith at [email protected]
In the name of God Amen. The Twenty Eighth Day of December in the year of our Lord God One thousand seven hundred and fifty seven I Luke Smith of the County of Hallafax being in Health and perfect Memory of Mind thanks be to God therefore calling to mind the Mortality of Man and that it is appointed once for all men to dye so make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say, principally I recomend my Soul into the Hand of God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Buryed in a Christian mannor at the Discression of my Executors hoping at the Resurrection to be carried into the hands of Christ my Saviour, and as touching my Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose in the following manner and form. Item. I give unto my Son Obadiah Smith one Negro Woman named Jane, and one Negro Man named Nod, to him and his Heirs for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter Susanah one warming pan to her and her heirs. Item. I give unto my Daughter Arrabella one Negro named Berk and one Pestle and Spire Mortar. Item. I Give to my Daughter Ursula one Negro Woman named Sarah to her and her heirs for ever. Item. I give to my Grand Son Lemuel Smith one Negro Boy named Peter and to my Grand Child the Daughter of Charles Smith one Negro Girl named Moll to them and their Heirs for ever, But if they should dye and without Heir lawfully begotten of their Body then the Negroes to go to John Pryor Smith - But if he dyes without any heir then they shall be equally divided between my Sons Drury and Zachariah Smith. Item. I give to my Son Drury Smith the part of Land whereon I now live when he makes is Brother Zachariah a good and Sufficient right to a Tract of Land that lies in Carolina on which John Powell now lives, and I desire that Zachariah may be possest with the Plantation whereon I now live until his Brother Drury makes him a Right as before mentioned and no longer and so to return to my Son Drury. I also give to my Son Drury Smith one Negro Lad named Will and one Negro Boy named Sopnoy, and one Negro Boy named Hall to him and his Heirs for ever. Item. I give to my Son Zachariah Smith one Negro Boy named Joo, also one Boy called Jark, and one Negro Woman named Gan, and my part of the S fork in Carolina under the care of John Powell to him and his heirs for ever, also one best Feather Bed and furniture with two Dishes six Plates and one Basen. Item. I give to my Son Drury one Still and he is to pay his Brother Zach Twelve pounds two shillings. Item. I give to my Grand Son Daniel Marrow one Young Horse about Four pounds prise and a Saddle of Forty shillings prise and Twenty pounds Current Money of Virginia to be raised out of the Estate at the Discretion of my Executors to him and his heirs for ever to be paid to him at the age of Twenty one years. Item. I give to each of my Daughters namely Hannah, Susannah, Arrabella and Ursula Forty shillings each besides what is already left them to be raised out of my Estate by the Executors of such things that is not given away to them and their Heirs for ever. I hand to my loving Wife all my Estate in Virginia that I am possest with during her Natural Life except one Negro Woman called Berk which I desire may be deliver'd to my Daughter Arrabella at my Doreas (sp?), and it is my desire after my Wife doreas and Debts are paid thay my Son Drury have two thirds of the Cattle and Hogs and Zachariah on third, the Horses and Mares to be Equaly divided between Drury and Zachariah Smith. I also give my Son Drury Smith one Coffie Mill, and to Zachariah one Looking Glass and all other Houshold Goods to be equally devided between Drury and Zachariah Smith, and it is my Desire my Estate shall not be appraised and I do appoint my Sons Drury and Zachariah my whole Executors of this my last Will and Testament revoking all other former Wills by me made as Witness my Hand and Seal and by me ordered to be my last Will and Testament in Presents of
Luke Smith , LS
Robert Jones, Seth Pettypool Sen'r.
Robert Bruce
His mother had a half brother, Luke Herbert; source of his name. He received
two Negroes in his father's Will; Valentine & Sampson. He was in Halifax County
by the time his father died and may have been there when his Mother died. He
lived in Henrico Co., VA. from 1708 until OCT 1745 when he moved to Lunenburg
County.2 Aug 1708 He witnessed a document in Henrico Co. "HENRICO CO., VA DEEDS
1706-1737" 2 Jun 1712 & Rec same date.