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Rachel Smith |
Born: Abt. 1710
Married: 1st to Henry Young abt.1728 2nd to James Jones bet 1750-1754 Essex Co., VA
Died: After 1764 Essex Co., VA | In 1764 her daughter Frances still had James Jones as her guardian which leads me to believe her mother is still alive. In 1765 Frances changed her guardian to Henry Young. Order Bk 26 pg 285 | |
CHILDREN with Henry Young
1. William Young b. 19 Nov 1729
2. Millicene Young b. Abt. 1731
3. John Young b. Abt. 1733
4. Smith Young b. Abt. 1737
5. Catherine Young b. Abt. 1738
6. Henry Young b. Abt. 1741
7. Rachel Young b. Abt. 1745
8. Philemon Young b. Abt. 1747
9. Frances Young b. 01 May 1748
10. Patty Young b. Abt. 1749
CHILDREN with James Jones
1. James Jones
2. Ann Jones b. 1754
3. Martha Jones b. 1758
4. Betty Jones
Shortly after the death of her husband, Henry Young, Rachel remarried to James Jones. When the estate of Henry Young was being settled on June 29, 1754, Mr James Jones received a lot "in right of his wife during her life." This included five slaves valued at $210 pounds. Each of the children received slaves valued at $72 pounds. Clearly the James Jones who is receiving in right of his wife is married to Rachel, the widow of Henry Young .not to Rachel, Henry Young's daughter. Will Bk 9 pg 343 Essex Co., VA
In 1760 her son, Smith Young, leased land he had inherited from his father, Henry Young, back to James Jones and Rachel, his wife, for as long as either of them lived.
21/Jul/1760. Deed of Lease. Smith Young & Elizabeth his wife of South Farnham Parish, Essex Co for James Jones & Rachel his wife's right to the tr of land whereon the sd Smith Young & Elizabeth his wife now dwell & also 5 sl have farm lett to the sd James Jones & Rachel his wife of the same place a 100 a tr of land whereon the sd James Jones & Rachel his wife now live in the sd parish it being the tr of land devised to the sd Smith Young by the will of Henry Young gent decd & bounded by North & South Brs of Bever Dam Cr & the back line of sd decd's land--during the natural lives of the sd James Jones & Rachel his wife or the life of the longest liver of them they paying the quitrents during the term afsd---Wit. Godred Young, William Young, Richard Cauthorn. Catherine Webb. Ackn 20 Oct 1760 by Smith Young & Elizabeth his wife she being first privily examinded & recorded. Atest: John Lee Junr dep clerk (Pg 285) |
Her son, Smith Young, in his will of Nov 15, 1798, made his executors, "my brothers Henry Young and James Jones, and my sons, John and Henry, executors of this my last Will and Testament."
It would seem from this that Rachel Smith, now married to James Jones, had at least one child with James Jones, a son also named James Jones.
Jane Ellis, born say 1720, was a "Free Negro" woman living in Essex County, Virginia, on 18 April 1749 when the court ordered the churchwardens of South Farnham Parish to bind out her daughter Letty to James Jones until the age of twenty-one. On 21 August 1750 Jane petitioned the court stating that Rachel Young was mistreating her son James who was bound to her deceased husband Henry Young. On 21 March 1750/1 the court dismissed her suit and ordered the churchwardens of South Farnham Parish to bind her sons Will and James, "two free xxx born Indians," to Rachel Young [Orders 1747-9, 297; 1749-51, 150, 207, 292].