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Direct descendant is highlighted in red
Solomon Wales | ||
Born: 19 Nov 1729 Windham, Windham, CT
Source: Barbour Collection | |
Married: 03 Oct 1754 Windsor, CT
Died: Mar 1805 Woodstock, Windham, CT |
Lucy Strong
b. 04 Apr 1735
1. Eleazer Wales b. 30 Jul 1756 Union, Tolland, CT
2. John Wales b. 17 Mar 1757 Union, Tolland, CT
3. Eunice Wales b. 27 Jan 1759 Union, Tolland, CT
4. Lucy Wales b. 18 Jun 1761 Union, Tolland, CT
5. Esther Wales b. 13 Feb 1768 Union, Tolland, CT
6. Gideon Wales b. 20 Mar 1769 Union, Tolland, CT
Source: Wade,Wales, Cashman, Ike, Cowen by Helen Wales GenCircles
From The Wales Family: A Genealogy by Charles P. Wales
"Solomon Wales and his son John served in the Revolution, in Company 5, 22nd
Reg. Connecticut Militia, commanded by Col. Samuel Chapman (papers dated Union,
June 30, 1780). Solomon Wales. esq. 15 months (probably enlistment
length). Those that was drafted for two months, Solomon Wales, captain, to New
London for two months 1777.' 'Those that were drafted to go to New London under
Solomon Wales, captain, 1781 for six weeks.' Selectman 1775-1777.
Representative to General Assembly of Connecticut 1781-1785. The history
of Union---'Probably no man have ever lived in Union who has been endowed with
greater acuteness and strength of mind.' "