Notley Warren


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Notley Warren    

Born: 1736 Wm & Mary Parish, Charles Co., MD
Died: Bef. 29 Oct 1768 Charles Co., MD   WARREN, NOTLEY, Charles Co. 19 Jul 1768; 29 Oct 1768
To wife Sarah, all my estate.
Trustees: brother John Warren, friends Stephen Copton and Joseph Joy.
Refers to daus. unnamed; mentioned children but did not mention sons.
Ex.: Major Zachariah Bond of St Mary's Co.
Wit: John MacPherson, Jon Yates, John Scott 36. 646

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part II 1753-1779; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell [Extracted from LDS microfilm #13741/3375-05. The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County: Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1766-1773
239: Notley Warren-7 Jan 1769-John Warren & Edward Warren nearest of kin-Sarah Warren acting Exec

Notley Warren 98.153 CH £566.8.3 Jan 25 1769 Jan 28 1769
Appraisers: Samuel Love, John Wilder,
Creditors: Zachariah Bond, John Hanson, Jr.
Next of kin: John Warren, Edward Warren.
Executrix: Sarah Warren.

p. 34, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1782-1786; Book Z#3
Page 89. Jun 24, 1784 from Robert Massey of King George County, Virginia, and Sarah, his wife (one of the coheirs of Notley Warren), to Thomas Hungerford of CC, for 375 £, one quarter part of 298 acres (undivided) in CC that sd Notley Warren died possessed of, called Frailty, containing about 74 1/2 acres. Only excepted is the right of dower of Sarah, wife of James Maddoke. Signed - Robert Massey, Sarah Massey. Wit - J Parnham, B Fendall (CC JPs). Recorded Aug 30, 1784.


Barton Warren


Martha Grieve




1. Sarah Warren

2. Joanna Warren

3. Charity Warren b. 09/Nov/1765


