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Direct descendant is highlighted in red
Thomas Warren | see FAMILY TREE | |
Born: Abt. 1655 England
Married: 13 Jan 1688 | ||
Died: 23 Nov 1710 Charles Co., MD | Thomas Warren Will Charles County Maryland: In the name of God amen, I Thomas Warren of the past above said being sick in body but of sound & perfect mind & memory praised to almighty God for the same and considering the uncertainty of this transitory state of life do therefore make this my last will and testament in manner following: I will that all my just debts be duly and honestly paid to my creditors as far as my personal estate will extend. Secondly I will desire & bequeath unto my loveing and dear wife Jane Warren all and every part of the plantation whereon I now dwell being part of a tract called Frailty containing in the whole three hundred acres as by patent for the same but the said herby bequeathed plantation containing but fifty acres more or less unto her my said wife during the whole time of her natural life to have and to hold the same without hinderance interuption disterbance or molestation from any person whatsoever and after her decease then I will the said above bequeathed land with the appurtenances be & rebound to my dear son Thomas Warren and his heirs forever and in case my said son Thomas Warren should die with out lawfull issue then I give and bequeath the same to the child my wife now goes withall provided the same be a son & to his heirs forever & in case the said child should be a son & die without lawfull issue then I give the same to my son Barton Warren & his heirs forever. Thirdly after my said just debts be duly satisfied then the remaining part of my personal estate be equally divided & distributed amongst my dear & loveing wife & children according to such proportions & divided as the law in such cases has provided. Fourthly I do herby revoke disannull and make void all former wills & testaments by me heretofore at any time made. Lastly I do nominate & appoint my well beloved wife Jane Warren my sole executor to see this my will performed & to look after & bring up all my children as also that my daughter Sarah do stay with her mother the mourning year and then to be at liberty likewise my son Barton to be at age & liberty at eighteen years as also my son Thomas be at Age and Liberty at eighteen years as aforesaid & in case the plantation whereon Mrs Hannah Willson now lives should expire cease & end its lease before my son Barton should die then I give the same to my said son Barton & his heirs forever. I also give to my daughter Elizabeth Warren one black heifer calf to her & her heirs forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of January anno 1708. Signed sealed delivered acknowledged published & declared as his last will and testament in the presence of : John Harris, John Lofton and Joseph Dewell. Thomas Warren (SS) On the back of the foregoing will was endorsed the following probate to wit November the 23rd 1710 These are to certifie that on the day & year abovesaid the above witnesses John Harris and John Lofton made oath on the holy Evangalist that the above instrument in writing was in their presents signed sealed & delivered by the above said Thomas Warren and was in their hearing published pronounced & declaired by the said Thomas Warren to be his last will & testament and also that Joseph Dwell was there present and signed as an evidence to the same sworn. before me Joseph Manning Dep. Clk. Charles County |
Elinor (possibly) Smoot
1st Mary Barton
2nd Jane Barton
CHILDREN with Mary Barton
CHILDREN with Jane Barton
1. Thomas Warren b. Abt. 1708
2. Mary Sarah Warren b. Abt. 1700
p. 49, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 150
Recorded at request of Jeoffry Cole:
13 Jun 1704; Indenture from Thomas Warren, carpenter, to Jeoffry Cole, tailor;
for 5,000* tobacco; a tract on the west side of Wicomico River, part of a tract
of 300 acres called Frailty; containing 100 acres; /s/ Thomas Warren; wit. Henry
Hardy, William Harbert; Thomas Warren binds himself for £600 23 Sep 1704
defending tract
Source: Pre-1776 Charles County MD Familes: Wills, Court, Church, Land, Inventories & Accounts; Many Northern Neck VA Records Contact: Michael Marshall