AMERICA THE GREAT MELTING POT Contact information on HOME page Direct descendant is highlighted in red |
Joseph Wheeler | ||
Born: Oct 1609 Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England Baptized 18 Feb 1610 |
Died: Aft 1678 Concord, Middlesex, MA | ||
Rebecca Sayre
1. Mary Wheeler bap 20 Sep 1643 d. 20 Sep 1643
2. Rebecca Wheeler b. 06 Sep 1645
From a History of Concord by Lemuel Shattuck, 1835, referring to Philip's War, "In 1654, an expedition had been undertaken by the United Colonies against Ninigret, principal Sachem of the naraganset Indians, when 250 foot and 40 horsemen were raised and 'sent fourth under the Christian and courageous Major Willard of Concord as commander in chief.' Several of the Concord troops accompanied him; and this was the first time that our early settlers were engaged in war."
The horse company was organized in 1636, "when Sergeant Willard was appointed to exercise it. He was appointed Captain in 1646, and promoted to be Major in 1654. In 1662, the County Court made the following appointments in this company. Timothy Wheeler, Captain; Joseph Wheeler, Lieut.; William Buss, Ensign; Richard Rice, Thomas Bateman, and Thomas Wheeler, sen. Sergeants; William Buttrick, Samuel Stratten, and John Scotchford, Corporals."
From Internet "Sally's Family Place" About 1637 five of these Wheeler
brothers Thomas, Sr., Timothy, Joseph, Ephraim, and Thomas Jr., and two of their
sisters Elizabeth and Susannah emigrated to New England and settled in Concord
MA. In 1644 the two Thomas Wheelers and Ephraim moved with Rev. John Jones to
found Fairfield CT. Their sister Elizabeth and her husband Allen Breed settled
in Lynn, MA"
a will on file at Birmingham England (of the father of Joseph Wheeler)
In the name of God amen. the seaventh day of december in the yeare of our lord
god one thousand Sixe hundred Twenty and Seaven I Thomas Wheler sen of Cranfield
in the County of Bedf. yeoman weake in bodie but of good and pfecte remembrance
Gods holie name be praised doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament
in manner and forme followinge That is to say first I give and bequeath my soule
unto allmightie god my Creator hoping assuredly through the merittes of Jesus
Christ to be made ptaker of life everlastinge And my bodie to the Earth whereof
it is made
Item - I give and bequeath unto Rebecca my wife [for and during the terme of her
life if she keepe herself a widow] all that Capitall messuage or tenement with
the apptenances lying and being in the Towne end of Cranfield aforesaid wch I
lately purchased of John Vause Esquire And after the decease of the said Rebecca
my wife or day of her marriage with any person whatsoever I give and bequeath
the said Capitol messuage or tenements with all houses edifices buildings yards
and gardens grounds commons pfitts and apptenances thereto belonging to
Joseph Wheler my sonne and his heirs for ever upon theese condicons
followings viz
- that he the said Joseph my sonne shall well and truly pay or cause to be payd
out of my said messuage and promisses the full sume of Thirtye pounds of lawfull
money of England to my executor or executrix hereafter named or to such other
pson or psons as my said executor or executrix shall nominate and appoynte of
debts where I owe
- And also pay or cause to be payd out of my said Messuage with the apputenances
unto Thomas Wheler my youngest son the full sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull
money of England wch sumes of Thirty pounds and twenty pounds are to be payd by
the said Joseph when he cometh to the full age of one and twenty years within
one yeare after my decease
- And for the better payment of the said sumes by him the said Joseph I have
surrendered to his use Twelve acres of Coppie hold land Provided allwaies and my
will and minde absolutly is that if the said Joseph my sonne or his assigns doe
not pay the said sumes of Thirty and twenty pounds in such manner and forme at
such dayes and to such pson or psons as afore is expressed then the gift and
bequest of the said Messuage or tenement with the apptenances shalbe voyd and of
none effect to all intents and purposes whatsoever And I give and bequeath the
said Messuage wth the appetenances commons and pfitts whatsoever to the said
Thomas Wheler my youngest sonne and his heirs for ever and for default of such
issue the remaynder thereof to Efraim Wheler my sonne and his heirs for ever
aniething herein to the contrarie hereof in anie wise notwithstanding
- Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Wheler of [colorly?] my eldest sonne the
sume of Twelve pence
- Item I give to Prisila Cockes my daughter twelve pence
- Item I give to John Wheler my sonne twelve pence
- Item I give to Elizabeth Broad my daughter twelve pence
- Item I give to Suzana Wheler my daughter one ewe lamb a table and fframe
standinge in the plor at Borne end house
- Item I give to Abiah Wheler my daughter one whyte weanings calfe and Two table
- Item I give to Marie Wheler my daughter one standingse bedsted and Two Table
- Item I give to the said Joseph my sonne one fframe scovell standing in the
yard at my messuage at the towne end the old carte and ould wheels and a dung
- Item I give to the said Efraim Wheler my sonne one frame scovell at the ould
Barne end ffower principall postes for a house And all the longe timber under
the little scovelles in the close yard at Borne end and one weaning calfe
- And my will is that Thomas Tomkins shall lawfully convey and assure That
ffrehold I bought of him to the said Efraim my sonne and his heires for ever
- Item I give to the said Thomas Wheler my youngest son one pott one Tegg and
ffive pounds of lawful money of England to be payd him by my executor and
executrix at the age of 24 years
- Item I give to Allin Broad my sonne in law one carte Bodie lying behind the
stoles in the ould barn and 2 broad ristes
- Item I give and bequeath to the said Rebecca my wife all my movable goodes
wthin my two dwelling houses at Borne end and the towne end [unbequeathed] and
two heffers the one a red the other a little browne one and one ewe sheepe
- And also my will in that Timothie Wheler my sonne shall have halfe of my
messuage closes lands and meadows at Borne end aforesaid and half the benefitt
and pfitt thereof for three yeares next after my decease [for an ease or helpe
towards the payment of my debts]
- All the rest of my goods and cattelles as well reales as psonales unbequeathed
I give and bequeath to the said Timothie my sonne whome I make my full and sole
executor of this my last will and testament. And if he the said Timothie refuse
to be executor of this my will then I make Rebecka my wife executrix of this my
last will and I doe hereby utterly revoke and annull in deed and in law all
former wills testamentes legaces bequests and executors by me formely made
- And lastly my will is that the legacy of xx pounds shall be payd by the said
Joseph to the said Thomas my youngest sonne out of my said messuage with the
appurtenances when he cometh to the age of xxi years
In witness whereof I the said Thomas Wheler the elder have to this my last will
and testament sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above writ
signed Thomas Wheler the elder
tracing of his autograph from 1627 will
TAG XIV p1 - July 1937
Postscript the 18 daie of June 1633