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Williamson Young |
Abt. 1719 | ||
Died: Bet 22 Apr 1749 - 17 Jul 1750 Essex Co., VA |
Mary Godfrey
1. Godfrey Young
2. Elizabeth Young
4. Mary Young
18 Aug 1766. Deed of Gift. Mary Young of South Farnham Parish, Essex Co widow & relict of Wmson Young decd for natural love & affection hath given unto her son William Young a 107 a tr of land in the sd parish as pt/o the land which John Lacey died seised for which the sd Mary Young obtained an escheat patent of Robert Dinwiddie esqr 13 Dec 1752... Wit: Will Smith, Roy Hipkins, John Evns, Hugh Marshall. Proved 18 Aug 1766 & recorded. Attest John Lee clerk (Pg 108)
18 Nov 1776 Bill of Sale. Whereas Williamson Young decd by his will devised to Mary Young his widow the use of Charles a Negro boy slave for & during her natural life, & at the determination thereof to his then surviving children & their heirs, & whereas all the children of the sd decd are since dead except William Young, Williamson Young & Mary now w/o Daniel Degarnett & the sd William & Williamson being minded to dispose of all their right title & interest to the sd slave to the afsd Degarnett, now these presents wit that the sd Wm Young Junr & Williamson Young for 40 pd sold unto the sd Danl Degarnett all their right title & interest to the Negro Charles..... Wit: Thomas Evans. W. Young. Proved 19 May 1777 & admitted to record. Attest: Hancock Lee clerk. (Pg 322)
WILL Essex County Will 1748-1750 pg 344-346
In the Name of God Amen. I Williamson Young of the Parish of
Southfarnham in the County of Essex being sick & weak of body but of sound &
perfect mind seeince & memory praise be given to Almighty God for the same, do
make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner & form following, that
is to say, first & principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God
that gave it nothing doubting but through the merits & passion of Christ Jesus
to receive full pardon & free remission for all my past sins, & my body to the
Earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried as to Description of my
Executrix hereafter named shall seem meet. And as to the temporal Estate
God in his Infinite Mercy has vouchsafed to bestow unto me, I give and bequeath
as followeth. Vizt.,d
Item. I lend unto my loving Wife, Mary Young, for and during
the term of her natural life seven Negros , to wit, Jack, Sue, Sam, Robbin,
Dafny, Betty & Cloe, together with all their Increase hearafter born and after
the decease of my said loving Wife, my Will & desire is the above named Negros
as also their increase shall be equally divided amongst my surviving Children &
their heirs forever.
Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son, Godfrey Young, after the
decease of my above said Wife all my Land and Plantation whereon I now live to
him the said Godfrey Young & to his heirs forever.
Item. I also give & bequeath unto my said Son, Godfrey Young,
& to his heirs or assigns forever four Negros, to wit, Clever, Winny, Dick &
Dorender, together with their increase unto my Son, Godfrey & to his heirs or
assigns forever.
Item. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Elizabeth, four
Negros, to wit, Mat, Hary, Sue & Judy, together with their Increase unto my said
Daughter Elizabeth & to her heirs or assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son, William Young, & to
his heirs or assigns forever, all that Plantation Tract or percel of Land
adjoyning unto Piscattaway Creek which I now possess in right of my said Wife
under the Will of her Father, Dr. Peter Godfrey, late of the said County of
Essex deceased.
Item. I also give and bequeath unto my said Son, William
Young & to his heirs or assigns forever four Negros to wit, Jack, minter, Sarah
& Fanny, together with their increase unto my said Son, William & to his heirs
or assigns forever.
Item. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Young, four
Negros, to wit, Mansfield, Plimoth, Peter & Sena, together with their increase
unto my said Daughter, Mary & to her heirs or assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Williamson Young, Y to his
heirs or assigns forever, all the Land which I now possess that was given to me
by my Father, Capt. William Young, late of the said County deceased, which he my
said Father purchases of William Smith &c.
Item. I also give & bequeath unto my said Son, Williamson Young,
three Negros to wit, my Negro boy called Peter born of the body of the Negro
woman called Bettey heretofore devised to my said Wife, also two Negro girls, to
wit, Rachel & Sally, the said three Negros toegether with their increase unto my
said Son, Williamson, & to his heirs or assigns forever.
Item. My Will and desire is that after all just debts &
funeral expences are paid, that all my personal Estate of what kind or quality
whatsoever not in this my Will heretofore given and bequeathed, I give and
bequeath the same to be equally divided between my said loving Wife, Mary, &
before named five Children, Godrey, Elizabeth, William, Mary & Williamson, to
them and their heirs or assigns forever.
Item. I appoynt constitute & declare my said loving Wife, Mary
Young, together with my before named Sons, Godfrey & William joynt Executrix &
Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, hereby deniing all other Wills by me
heretofore made & also hereby ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my
Last Will & Testamt. as aforesaid &c. In Witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand & fixed seal this Twenty Second day of April Anno Dom. one thousand
seven hundred & forty & nine.
Philip Jones
WS Young
H Young, J. Evans Jr.