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Direct descendant is highlighted in red
William Young | see Family Tree | |
Died: Between 30 Nov 1696-10 Jan 1697 Old Rappahannock Co., VA |
1. Catherine Young
2. Elizabeth Young
4. Ann Young
5. Mary Young
6. Sarah Young
Old Rappahannock County Virginia Deeds and Wills Book 9, P
138 Will of William Young Will written Nov. 30, 1696----Proved Jan. 10, 1697 William Young of South Farnham Parish |
In the name of God Amen. I William Young of South Farnham Parish in the
County of Essex bequeathing my body to be decently buried (by mine Exr or Exrs
hereafter specified) and my Soul to God that gave it in sure & certain hope of a
resurrection to eternall life through Jesus Christ our Lord & Saviour do make
and constitute ordaine & declare this my last Will & Testamt., & none other, I
being of a capable minde & disposeing memory blessed be God. And now for the
settling of my temporal Estate & such good chattells & debts (as it hath pleased
God) far above my merits to bestow upon me. I do order give & dispose ye same in
manner & form as followeth:
Imprs: I give & bequeath unto my daughter Catherine Young the full
& just sum of 50 pounds sterling to be paid about 12 months after ye sd
Catherines marriage:
Item: I give & bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Young the full
sum of 100 pounds sterling to be paid at two equall payments thus 50 pounds at
the expiracon of ye first year after she is marryed & 50 pounds after ye
expiracon of ye next year after the sd marriage:
Item: I give and bequeath unto these four (my daughters) Ann
Covington, Sarah Mottram, Mary Contanceau & Catherine Young all that money &
goods of mine that lies in England or elsewhere out of Virginia to be equally
divided betwixt ye sd daughters & likewise 24,000 pounds of sweetscented tobacco
& casks to be equally divided betwixt them and paid by my sonne William Young
at 80,000 per annum, and that ye whole payment be ended or compleated within
three yeares; and furthermore tis my desire that my four sd daughters (out ye
production of ye monies & tobaccoes aforemenconed) do contribute buy and deliver
unto Mary, the wife of Richard Carter a Negro either man or woman according to
her own election & acceptacon and this is to be paid & compleated within three
years after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath all ye rest of my estate both personall
and real moveable & immoveable unto my said son William and his heirs forever,
he paying & dischargeing ye afore specified legacies.
Item. I constitute my sd Sonne William one of my Exrs as also
Richard Covington, Spencer Mottram & Peter Contanceau, to be Exts. with my sd
sonne to see this my will performed & kept till he shall arrive to ye age of 21
years & thus acknowledging this to be my last will & testament; In testimony
hereof I have hereunto set my hand & subfixed my seale this thirtieth day of
November Anno Salutis one thousand six hundred ninety seven.
Signed & sealed in ye presence of us
Witness: Robert Lumpkin, John Ball, Rich Collect
/s/ Will: Young
Prov'd in Essex County Court by ye oathes of Jno: Ball & Robt. Lumpkin ye 10th
day of Janry; 1697/8.
Rappahannock County Virginia Deeds and Wills1695-99, P 97
March 10, 1697----March 10, 1697
Order for Probate granted to Executor of Estate of William Young.
The fact that William Young bequeaths to his 4 daughters goods that lie in
England or elsewhere may be an indication that William Young had not long been
in this country from England.