Slaves Owned by General Thomas Brown and Descendants
Compiled and Transcribed by Sonya R. Brown
No portions may be reproduced.
[From the will of Elizabeth Bartram] [Will Book 2, page 447] Dated December 27, 1771
Mother-In-Law of Gen. Thomas Brown Bladen County
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Bartram and her husband Thomas Brown all my negroes (as follows)
Old Jack
Old Cloe
Little Chloe
Florah & her 3 children
viz. –Dick
[From the will of Gen. Thomas Brown] Dated 1815
Slaves owned by Gen. Thomas Brown:
-Susy (Sold to Barnabas Stevens for $250) [Deed Book 7, Vol.1]
-Negro wench Pender [Bladen Co. Tax Lists of 1771]
…willed to wife Lucy, the following slaves: Amey, Clarissa, and Murray.
…willed to son Thomas: Old Alonzo, Virgil, Hamlet, William, Cato, Hester, Harvey
[From the will of Euphema Dewey]
Euphema Dewey, a friend to Gen. Thomas Brown, willed him and Joshua Grainger Wright, the following slaves:
Norwalk |
Lydaty |
Hannah |
Anna |
Ben |
Phoebe |
Harry |
Mercury |
Robert |
Hat |
Romeo |
Cyrus |
Sukey |
Iris |
Nitton |
Jesses |
Mitty |
Sylva |
Larry |
Disdemond |
Patience |
Juliet |
Item: I also give and bequeath to Norwak and Phoebe his wife one cow and calf and ten Dollars.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Nipton and his wife Mitty, one cow and calf and ten Dollars.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Iris and Disdemond one cow and calf and twen Dollars, between them.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Jesses and Sylva one cow and calf and ten Dollars between them.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Mercury a cow and a calf and ten Dollars.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Fleet and Cyrus ten Dollars each.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Ben and Harry Eight Dollars each.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Anna, Sukey, and Hannah twenty dollars to be equally
Item: I give and bequeath unto Juliet Twenty dollars, a cow, and calf, a desk that came from Newbern and a Bedstead, new mattress and one pair of sheets, one bed quilt, curtains called partition curtains, six pewter plates, one pewter dish and looking glass with the drawer, a trunk called the Fleet trunk upon this express condition that she the above named Juliet doth not marry or cohabit with a certain mulatto of the name of Richard Arlor, then the above mentioned articles to be her own property, and if the above condition is not strictly complied with then it is my will that the said girl Juliet shall be a slave and remain the property of Mrs. Sarah Carthey of the Town of Newton and if the said girl Juliet should have a child by Richard Arlor or before marriage then my will is that the said child serve Mrs. Agnes Elkins during the term of twenty one years from its birth provided that she Mrs. Elkins shall live so long, then to be the property of my Trustees before mentioned for the express purpose of its freedom.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my negroes above mentioned all my plantation tools of every kind whatever with my stock of hogs.
Item: My will is that Robert the son of Henrietta have six dollars and Romeo, Larry, Lydia, and Tolerance each three dollars.
Item: It is my will that my negroes have one yoke of my oxen.
[Deed Book 29, pg. 534 Bladen County] April 17, 1815
Lucy Ann Brown received the following slaves upon the death of her father:
(daughter of Gen. Thomas Brown)
Jack |
Lavenia |
Fred |
Brunetta |
Damon |
Josh |
Phillis |
Richard |
Juliet |
John |
John Bright Brown received the following slaves upon the death of his father:
(son of Gen. Thomas Brown)
Lucky |
Cupid |
Tom |
Henry |
Nero |
Chloe |
Rachel |
Old Phoebe |
Delia |
Alexander C. Miller received the following slaves on behalf of his wife Mary Brown, daughter of Gen. Thomas Brown, upon his death:
Dick |
Larry |
Jim |
Alford |
Billy |
Mary |
Minerva |
Old Horace |
Vertue |
Thomas Brown, son of Gen. Thomas Brown received the following slaves upon the death of his father:
Old Alonzo |
Cato |
Virgil |
Hester |
Hamlet |
Harvey |
William |
[Deed Book 29, pg. 511] May 16, 1818
Thomas Brown, Jr., son of Gen. Thomas Brown, sold the following slaves:
[From the will of John Brown]
John Brown, the brother of Gen. Thomas Brown, willed to Thomas’s daughter, Mary Brown Miller, a negro girl named Nancy. Nancy was the daughter of a mulatto woman named Rachel.
…willed to Thomas’s son, John Bright Brown, a negro boy named Bur known by Judas ______ Bur.
…willed to John Jones Russ, the following slave: Amy
Amy has four children: Jack, Lydia, Tony, Abigail (son Joseph)
...willed to John Russ another negro girl named Peggy, the daughter of Abigail
... willed to his wife Lucy Jones Brown the following slaves:
Bob |
Virgil |
Daniel |
George |
Johney |
… |
Toby |
Louis |
Josie |
Sukie |
Attie |
Jack |
Bur at West Gilareach |
Abram |
Davy |
Bella |
Ned |
Toney |
Robin |
Judy |
Dick |
Isaac |
Tell |
Washington |
Betty |
Rachel (a mulatto woman) |
Dina |
* Sam |
Nancy |
* Little John |
Combo |
* John |
Oscilla |
* Josh |
* Jim (mulatto boy) |
* = possibly Rachel's children
[It was declared that after John B. Brown’s wife died, Jim would be set free. Others could be set free for meritorious services]
[From the will of George Brown]
George Brown, father of Gen. Thomas Brown, willed to his wife Elizabeth Brown:
-Negro wench named Phebe
…willed to his brother John Brown:
-Negro man David
…willed to George Brown:
-Negro man Murphy
…willed to daughter Euphemia Oliphant:
-Negro man Bristo
…willed to daughter Mary Brown:
-Negro girl named Lucy to be delivered to her at her marriage or when twenty one years of age.
…willed to daughter Peg White Brown:
[From the will of Lucy Brown]
**Widow of Gen. Thomas Brown**Dated July 27, 1842
Lucy Brown, wife of Gen. Thomas Brown willed slaves to the following people:
…willed to her beloved son John Bright Brown:
-Fred, her miller
-James, the son of Juliet
…willed to her beloved daughter Lucy Ann Owen:
-Clarissa, her faithful servant…willed to granddaughter Ellen Owen:
-negro boy named Charles, son of Prescilla
…willed to grandson Thomas Wright Brown:
-negro boy named Collett
"It is her wish to sell her negro man Mercury upon such terms as they shall think most beneficial to the interests of her granddaughter Lucy Ann (daughter of her late son Thomas)"
…willed to grandson Thomas C. Miller:
-negro boy named Frank
-negro boy named Richard
"I do hereby release and discharge him from the payment of six hundred dollars due me for the purchase of a boy named Richard as appears from his note for that sum now in my hands which said note, my executors are hereby directed to cancel and not to consider as assets belonging to my estate."
…willed to grandson Joseph Swift Miller:
-valuable servant Juliet, and her son Fred
…willed to grandson Auguste Seaton Miller:
-Harriet, and her son William
…willed to executors hereinafter, the survivors of them, and the executors of such survivors (son John Bright Brown and grandson Thomas C. Miller):
-negro girl named Cynthia, and her child Delia
…willed to grandson John Bright Brown, Jr.:
-a negro boy named Alonzo, son of Juliet
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Brown and Mear(e)s of Bladen and Columbus County