3rd Armor and 1st Infantry spearhead breakthoughs in France and Germany

The Decoy Doughboy

Souvenir Edition -- Printed in Czechoslovakia

May 23, 1945. -- Publishes by and for the men of the 18th Combat Team. -- First Infantry Division, U. S. Army.

3rd Armor and 1st Infantry spearhead breakthoughs in France and Germany

A little more than a month ago, the l8th's 2nd Battalion knocked the Germans out of a small town named Uckerath. In the record books, it was a routine fight, which, though costly, was accomplished in true First Division style and the 12 hour battle wasn't mentioned in the newspapers. But in reality the success of this battle enabled the 3rd Armored's C.C.A. to make a quick jumpoff on its race through central Germany, contributing in a great measure to the Nazi collapse.

The situation was similar to that confronting the 3rd Battalion back at Marigny in July of '44, when 'Blue' knocked out the German garrison while the 3rd Armored's C.C.B. raced toward Coutance.

Uckerath was a small town east of the Rhine which the high command decided would be the logical spot for the 3rd Armored breakthrough. Division had ordered a daylight attack because delay would hinder the success of the C.C.B. jumpoff. A rugged assignment but nothing new for the riflemen.

It was the typical infantry attack against fanatical enemy resistance featured by the enemy's access to reserve troops and supplies in the nearby town of Huehle. The Kraut defense line set up in a circle surrounding Uckerath was supported by tanks and small arms covering every approach and making assault across the open terrain difficult, if not impossible.

Supported by intense artillery fire, thc "doggies" pushed off. A platoon of 'F' Co. under 1st Lt. Joseph Navotney of Uniontown, Pa., swung to the left and cut the supply route from Huehle, by securing a road junction on the edge of Uckerath. Meanwhile 'F' and 'E' Companies were advancing slowly, stubbornly, and painfully from the front. 'G' Co. coming in from the north with tanks smashed through the first German defenses. The Germans felt the force of the l8th's 1=2=3 punch; artillery-infantry -- tank supported infantry.

Once inside the town, the Nazis fought like true sons of Hitler; sacrificing scores of men to get one American. Tank by tank, sniper by sniper, machine-gun by machine-gun, the companies won the town.

It was like putting the finishing blow to a groggy but determined fighter and the 2nd 'Batt' had just the blow they wanted. By nightfall Uckerath was completely in American hands and the avenue was clear for the C.C.A. 's jumpoff. The riflemen, dug in and around the town were thinking more about a good night's sleep than a possible drive through Germany.

All night long, 3rd Armored tanks and vehicles rumbled through battered Uckerath on their way to Paderborn and points east; veterans of both outfits recalled the similarity with this situation and the battle at Marigny. One doggie yelled to a passing vehicle, "You guys better not stop till you get to Berlin!!", another added, ,,Yeah, we’re tired of taking these towns. "But listening you were aware of the subconscious teamwork and comraderie between the two outfits, the kind of teamwork that helped to blow up Hitler's dream of world conquest ...


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