Strictly from 'F' Company

The Decoy Doughboy

Souvenir Edition -- Printed in Czechoslovakia

May 23, 1945. -- Publishes by and for the men of the 18th Combat Team. -- First Infantry Division, U. S. Army.

Strictly from 'F' Company

BY Pfc. Pershing De Golia

Expose of Pfc. John D. McGaffin .... Back in Bonn when the company was busy cleaning out the remaining Krauts hiding in the houses, 'Mac' sensing work if he stayed with the CP group too long, took off for the cellar and 40 winks. An hour later the CP group moved out and a concerted effort was made to locate McCaffin. They Found him alright, and asleep, but they also found another sleeper a mere three yards from Mac ... a kraut in hiding. Henceforth the watchword for McGaffin has been, "Look befere you sleep."

Whenever the C. O. 1st Lt. Stanley Summers tried to locate S/Sgt. Makos during the evening, the latter was always "visiting the platoons." This reporter believes the visits were not of a business nature judging by Makos' disheveled appearance the next morning.

T/Sgt. William Mara and S/Sgt. William Delaney both want free publicity. Well, they won't get in this article, and that's final.

Warning note to Danny Jaskolski: He better give up his windowshopping such as with. that English-speaking Mary,. or his Ann in Michigan will be handing him a king-size rap on the head.

"Lt." Frye of the first platoon is whipping his platoon into shape after the rugged deal in the Harz Mts. and incidently claims that his boys are looking better all the time.

That just about about kaputs the 'F' Co. chatter for this edition so remember, when anything goes wrong .. ." Grit your teeth mit Cunningham."


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