Unfortunately the same thing that
keeps the internet free, capitalism and advertising, has spawned that evil seed
known as SPAM. Prior to beginning this
website, I received a minimal amount of SPAM.
But last fall things changed, and my SPAM intake has become
tremendous. I learned there are
“robots”, programs that is, that go out over the internet to harvest email
addresses from internet sites. They are
known as spambots, and the whole thing is insidious.
In an effort to outsmart the spambots,
I’ve been forced to change my way of letting my address be known. Links from my name will now bring you to
this page:
What you see here is an image, a
picture of my email address. I wrote it
in MS Paint, converted it to a jpg and inserted it here. You will have to type it into an email
address box in order to email me, it is not clickable and you can’t copy and
paste it as text. But the spambots will
be unable to recognize it as an address, and hopefully forget all about
me. I just hope that I haven’t closed
the barn door too late!
Web page
Jack Sterling