

The English version was originally divided into three books. Much water has run and the HTMLtechnique is of a totally different kind. All the time I write more and try to make the site easy to navigate and find things about ideas in the Old World seen from Scandinavian night sky.

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Here shortly about the original books:

The Law of the Naked … is the popular version contending the background to the European culture from the caves to civilisation. The researches concentrate on figurative remains and what archaeology tells about our ancestors. We can never tell their thoughts, but we can try to understand their ideas.

I do not speculate in religion, but I try to go under their skin and see what they needed to think about to get food on table. My method is comparison with known things. Then we have to know essential things about the southern cultures.

Our ancestors founded our civilisation by organising everyday life and developing economy and industry from farming to handicraft in cities. We still use their methods and behave like them. Often it is just the only rational way of living for human beings. But how many understand why we behave as we do?


The Ecosophy … try to give is a scientific look at several issues starting in Southern cultures.Then follow a section about some aspects in the Scandinavian culture as we see it on our rock carvings.

The first section is a repetition of our heritage from the South.

The second section is mostly about the Scandinavian culture. During Bronze Age the Male League took power from the Stone Age Ladies. We may find some similarities in Rigveda, the Indian epos written 1200 to 900 BC. We may also search for law codes in their symbolism and compare them to our known early province laws.

The third section is an analysis of our proto-language on the rocks. I have reconstructed the syllable structure in Northern languages. Then we can use the sounds on the symbols and understand some meanings in the carvings. The carvings on Dal give us about 400 symbols, icons, and ideograms we can try to understand and see that they were partly a standardised language.

The fourth section is my personal conclusions about science from the view of our ancestors thinking about the entire house. If our fragmentation goes on too much we will always forget some aspects. Then the field is open for the rule of those who do not take response for the future. But with our specialised science and technology none can grip all things.

Still I think we need to see the patterns and use right methods to handle our world. It all starts with good logic in verbal science. Since I am also an engineer, I verbalise some of the rules from technology. That is just the face of ecosophy how to use the same rules in many fields.


The Heirs … is a short book about the Eriles showing how the Bronze Age symbolism continued in the Celtic form until 500 AD. Some of the elements were continually used until the Viking Age and known history.


Bengt Hemtun

Backegatan 3 B

S-46430 Mellerud




Nordic vowels

Changes en masse is easily done in the wordprocessor. Our vowels are simply the rationalisation of our languages rich with vowels. The Finns have the same use and writing out their syllables give long names such as Vaeinaemauinen, the old wise man in Kalevala.

So in my writing is the convention that the long "o"-sound "å" is written AA/aa.

The other I found in higher English when they say "I don´t no(w)". I write "Ö" like the Norse AU/au.

The third double is easier to see and sound and is AE/ae.

Writing conventions.

" .... " quotation, but also

- direct speech

- understood

- transferred

- Short jump aside

... Big jump aside

Italic words used in other sense than usual as flood, the hill of origin, portal etc.

Italic in special cultural words as me, renpet, sed, kudurra.

Fat text is the keywords in HTML

CAPITALs used mostly in syllables of ancient language. All languages are of a binary root with most of the syllables consisting of two letters.

Ancient texts and fragments

Capitals are used for syllables and small letters for ideograms in between.

Translation to English as near the original as possible in Italic


Archetypes characterise a humanlike type usable in everyday life.

Article The definite article the being usually omitted in words that supposedly have been used as proper noun. However, it is difficult to be consequent. They lived in the Ritual Age were stars and many other things or beings were used as living symbols.

Ban is the root in "urban" and understood out of the natural ban. Ban is what we see of sun or moon orbit but also of surface of the earth.

Book. This book in English is a shortened version of my two books about the ideas and rock carvings before Anno Domini. A third book is about the Scandinavian first millennium AD until Christianity took over the rituals and the calendar. The other part of my production is early Middle Ages and seventeenth century history of Dal.

God is used in an academic way and is an abstraction of one or several ideas people needed in everyday life. We can make the distinction that they belong temples and cities and were worshipped systematically. Rural people had mostly idols for the practical work.

In ritual Age Sumerians and Egyptians had their main gods manifested as stars. From that follows that the heaven was like a virtual common brain with the main god as "pole".

Harg Known as a fenced square and surely used for astro-ritual with needed tools.

Icons used in the same sense as in computer language. An icon stands for a whole or part of a program, process or ritual.

Ideograms show understandable some phenomenon from life and rituals. It is more precise than an icon.

Idols are abstractions for programmes in practical life just to remember how to do. We do not really know about worshipping of any kind in Scandinavia. It is pure speculation when studying their pictures.

Language of the Ritual Age was simpler and it is supposed that humankind lived and worked as legs of the Gods or in the name of gods.

Ancient languages were made by syllables and developed by the influence of the myths shared with other parts of the world. Probably the branches of language were nearer each other than today. We may suppose that they have diverged and some have been isolated too.

Language of this book is as simple as possible. The task is readability. I have three Scandi-navian native languages in my ears and pencil, but English and German are as they are. The issue is to transfer my knowing to others as well as possible.

String to make a set of figures with meaning readable they have to be in a string. Then we know the order and which belongs to the string. Otherwise we may only say that certain components are known in the chaos.

Suites a real and practical form of organising jobs in moments in time and delegated to people.

Symbols are widely used for an abstraction of a program, process, ritual or part of everyday life.

Ritual is usually the preparing before a job or a season. This is done as symbolic doings to remember what it all is about.

RTA the Indo-European syllable means originally "treaty" and is spelled "rita" as in ritual. The task is to arrange co-operation in peace on different levels and with the methods needed.

Marriage is a treaty between sexes for a lifetime if possible. Fellowship is to be like brothers. Pairhood was for an example when shepherds and growers decided to work together. And old institution was to have or take hostages. The Holy Roman Empire arranged the provinces along the border as marches. The margraves were responsible for the peace at the border. All these treaties were developed during time when they were needed. Peace is the normal state of life.

Thing the idea may be the oldest word for common decisions because the word means the real "thing" on the agenda. They had few words but everyone knows what it was about.

In provinces with no feudal nobility the thing was the place and process of discussion and decisions for the future.

Toe Marked toe, a little cupmark, an empty little boat or a contoured footprint usually marks where to begin. Some ships has a tail or fen to see which is the end. Then read from the other. The reading direction is normally very free.

Vi was a ritual place like harg where the rituals of seasons took place. The Vi was a V-shaped arrangement like three known in Denmark They were strings of stones in a V in 23,5 degrees angle used to decide the full moon at the spring equinox.


My guide and overall dictionary are the Oxford Companions in English language