__ __| | |__ | |--Hannah | | __ |__| |__
__ _Peter BENNETT _| | |__ | |--John BENNETT | | __ |________________| |__
John Bennett, b. 1642 in Bristol, England, the reputed son of PeterBennett, was a weaver by trade, 1674-1694. At twenty two years of agehe came to Jamestown, Virginia, but for want of suitable employment heremoved to Beverly, Mass. John Bennett was in Beverly, 1674-1686. Hebought a small parcel of upland in Beverly from Thomas and Avis Chubb(ELR 5:70). There he married Deborah Graves, and at the time of theSalem witchcraft trials, he removed to Weymouth, where he stayed oneyear before the family removed to Middleboro, MA in 1678.
In 1692 he purchased a farm of William Nelson and there built a housewhere the couple were both living in 1694. Church records ofMiddleboro show that he was town clerk after 1694 for 15 years andselectman for 7 years. On 26 Dec. 1694 he founded the 1st church onthe Green and remained deacon until his death. His tombstone at theold cemetery at Nemasket records his death.
Boston Transcript Notes
_Henry BRISTOL __ _Daniel BRISTOL _| | |_Lydia BROWNE ___ | |--Ambrose BRISTOL | | _John SPERRY ____ |_Hester SPERRY __| |_Elizabeth POST _
[7741] George Clinton was appointed administrator as the husband of Ambrose'ssister.
Families of Ancient New Haven
Families of Ancient New Haven
_Jonathan CURTIS ___+ _Jonathan CURTIS _| | |_Hepzibah HASTINGS _+ | |--Hannah CURTIS | | ____________________ |_Hannah WHAPLES __| |____________________
[2540] Birth: Wethersfield Town Records, V.II, p. 33.(LDS film #1315118)
_William DONAHEY _ _James DONAHEY _| | |_Mary CALDWELL ___+ | |--Emma DONAHEY | | __________________ |_Mariah BILLS __| |__________________
__ __| | |__ | |--Mary EVERSHAM | | __ |__| |__
_Lawrence MEIGS _+ _Vincent MEIGS _| | |_Anne WOODS _____+ | |--Vincent MEIGS | | _________________ |_ CHURCHILL ____| |_________________
__ __| | |__ | |--Mary THOMAS | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--Thomas TRACY | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--Rufus\Eber WILLIAMS | | __ |__| |__
Lodder, Grace B.