_Richard BALDWIN _+ _Nathaniel BALDWIN _| | |__________________ | |--John BALDWIN | | _Nicholas CAMP ___ |_Abigail CAMP ______| |_Sarah ELLIOTT ___
LINEAGES OF ASSOCIATES; 1896-1993; Baltimore, Gateway Press, 1994; pp
25-26; Yavapai College Library, Prescott, AZ.
_Amasa BENNETT _+ _Harmon BENNETT ____| | |_Sarah SEELEY __ | |--Clarence Edmond BENNETT | | ________________ |_Amarintha TAGGART _| |________________
DAR Lineage Book
_John BENNETT _____+ _Joseph BENNETT _| | |_Deborah REYNOLDS _+ | |--Welcome BENNETT | | ___________________ |_Esther GREEN ___| |___________________
[2917] RESIDENCES: Belchertown, MA in 1834
Lodder, Grace B.
_Benjamin DAVIS _+ _Silas DAVIS _| | |_________________ | |--Samuel DAVIS | | _________________ |______________| |_________________
[1472] He was from Plainfield at the time of his marriage. Pensionapplication for Roger Geer includes a letter from Stewart Davisstating that (his father) Samuel Davis and Roger Geer served togetherin the Rev. War and that his mother (Thankful Harris) was 3 yearsolder than Geer. He died aged 40. Was serving in the army at theLexington Alarm.
[1475] He might have been born in Preston, New London County. Another SamuelDavis was born in Woodstock, Windham County 6 Jun 1750, the son ofSamuel Davis of Kekamoochaug and Hannah Bacon.
Family Group Sheet
Early Connecticut Marriages
Vital Records of Preston, CT
Tombstone Inscription
Vital Records of Preston, CT
Early Connecticut Marriages
Preston-Griswold Marriages
__ __| | |__ | |--Matthew Pierce DILLON | | __ |__| |__
__ _Thomas GREGORY _| | |__ | |--Sarah GREGORY | | __ |_________________| |__
[11052] They were probably married in Ridgefield.
Families of Old Fairfield
__ __| | |__ | |--Sarah ( ) HARRINGTON | | __ |__| |__
[4357] Mentions bequest to granddaughters Sarah Bennett, wife of NathanBennet, and Eunice Glass, wife of Anthony Glass.
Descendants of John and Elizabeth (Park) Bennett
_Robert ROSE ______ _Robert ROSE ______| | |_Margery ( ) ROSE _ | |--Dorcas ROSE | | ___________________ |_Rebecca ( ) ROSE _| |___________________
[9210] died young
Families of Ancient New Haven
_George VAUGHAN _ _David VAUGHAN _| | |_Margaret SPINK _+ | |--Margaret VAUGHAN | | _Giles PIERCE ___ |_Mary PIERCE ___| |_Elizabeth HALL _+
John Vaughan settled Newport, Rhode Island, 1638
__ __| | |__ | |--Richard WELLER | | __ |__| |__
He seems to have moved from Windsor to Farmington and then to Hadley,
MA and finaly to Northampton, MA by 1661. (DeForest, p. 608) His last
home was in Deerfield, MA