__ __| | |__ | |--Phebe | | __ |__| |__
[2724] Death: Lexington Record of Deaths (film #962818). 78 yr.
_Nathaniel BENNETT _+ _Asa BENNETT __| | |_Mary SMITH ________+ | |--Asa BENNETT | | _Thomas BARROWS ____ |_Mary BARROWS _| |_Elizabeth TURNER __
[5894] Asa and his brother Alfred came to Homer about 1805.
Lodder, Grace B.
Lodder, Grace B.
Lodder, Grace B.
_John BENNETT _____+ _Ezra BENNETT ______| | |_Deborah REYNOLDS _+ | |--Jacob BENNETT | | ___________________ |_Sarah ( ) BENNETT _| |___________________
Lodder, Grace B.
_William BOSWORTH _+ _David Farrand BOSWORTH _| | |_Sarah FARRAND ____+ | |--Huldah BOSWORTH | | ___________________ |_Elizabeth CURTIS _______| |___________________
Another source from the IGI has her born on this date in 1774. (film#1395649, batch 8379405/50; 1396122, batch8530204/4.)
"She was born at Washington, Litchfield County, Connecticut, April12, 1774, and was of English descent." (Lowman Genealogy, pp. 35-6).
"She died at Lowman, New York, July 20, 1839. They are both buriedin Riverside Cemetery near Lowman, New York." (Lowman Genealogy, pp.35-6)
She is buried at Riverside Cemetery near Lowman.
"The year 1792 proved to be a very important one in the life of JacobLowman, then twenty-three years of age, he acquired his first tract ofreal estate and established his lumber business that year. He builta log house and a landing dock for his trading enterprise. Therewas, however, something else that happened that year which had aneven greater influence on his whole life that all the otherscombined.
David Bosworth, a hardy pioneer from Connecticut, owned andoccupied with his family a tract of land on the opposite side of theriver in the State of Pennsylvania, just below the present hamlet ofWilawanna. There were several young people in the family, and asJacob Lowman was a boatman, he had no difficulty in crossing theChemung in a canoe to call on the Bostworths.
Being a man of action, he knew what he wanted, and before thesummer was over, he had persuaded Miss Huldah Bosworth, agedeighteen, to marry him and move across the river to his new loghouse, (He married Huldah Bosworth, daughter of David Bosworth, atChemung, New York, in 1792.) and they were happy ever after. Theyboth must have been inspired by the courage of youth to haveundertaken the making of a home under the conditions that confrontedthem.
Life was very primitive in Chemung in 1792, but it was notwithout happiness. The log cabin usually was a one room affairwith a large fireplace for warmth and cooking. The family slept inbunks in one corner of the room or if the cabin was high enough,there was a place over the main room that was used for sleepingpurposes. This loft was reached through a hole in the ceiling and aladder made of rough poles. Two of the Lowman children were born inthe "lower narrows" cabin."
Bosworth Genealogy
Lowman Genealogy
_______________________________ _Andrew EDMUNDS __| | |_______________________________ | |--William EDMUNDS | | _Benjamin HARRINGTON\HEARNDON _ |_Mary HARRINGTON _| |_Elizabeth WHITE ______________+
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
__ _Joshua GIDDINGS _| | |__ | |--Niles GIDDINGS | | __ |_Jane REED _______| |__
_George SOULE ___+ _William SOULE ___| | |_Deborah THOMAS _ | |--William SOULE | | _________________ |_Hannah BREWSTER _| |_________________
__ _Richard SPERRY _| | |__ | |--Nathaniel SPERRY | | __ |_Dennis _________| |__
_______________________ _John TAYLOR ___| | |_______________________ | |--James TAYLOR | | _Samuel BENNETT _______+ |_Eliza BENNETT _| |_Mary "Polly" CLAWSON _+
__ __| | |__ | |--Ephraim WIGHT | | __ |__| |__
son of Ephraim and Alice Wight (Morse genealogy) marriage: LDS
birth, death: Morse genealogy