_Cornelius BENNETT _+ _Batchelder BENNETT _| | |_Ruth GORHAM _______+ | |--Mary BENNETT | | ____________________ |_Mary SAMPSON _______| |____________________
[3074] BIRTH: Mayflower Descendant, fhl 974.4D25md, 30:15
__ __| | |__ | |-- BRIGGS | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--Mary\Marsey CARTER | | __ |__| |__
[2840] Marriage: Barbour Records for Warren, CT film #2981.
_Joshua COGGESHALL _ _Joshua COGGESHALL __| | |_Sarah GEORGE ______+ | |--Thomas COGGESHALL | | _Thomas NICHOLS ____+ |_Mercy\Mary NICHOLS _| |_Mercy REYNOLDS ____+
The births of Thomas and Elizabeth's children are recorded in East
Greenwich vital records.
[9638] by Thomas Spencer, Justice.
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
_John COLVIN\CALVIN _ _James COLVIN _| | |_Dorothy ALLEN ______ | |--Caleb COLVIN | | _John LIPPITT _______ |_Mary LIPPITT _| |_Rebecca LIPPITT ____
Marilyn R. Solari [[email protected]]
Marilyn R. Solari [[email protected]]
__ _John FISKE _| | |__ | |--John FISKE | | __ |_Remember ___| |__
Jack Mount's Genealogy
_Thomas NICHOLS _ _Robert NICHOLS _| | |_Hannah GRIFFIN _+ | |--Jonathan NICHOLS | | _________________ |_Mary CASE ______| |_________________
__ __| | |__ | |--Elizabeth SALE | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--gnu SCRIBNER | | __ |__| |__
__ _John STURGIS _| | |__ | |--Hannah STURGIS | | __ |_______________| |__
Or Westport, 7 Jun 1746 (Teresa Young
Vital Records of Fairfield, CT
Families of Early Milford, Connecticut
Families of Ancient New Haven
Frank Dyer Webpage
Frank Dyer Webpage
Frank Dyer Webpage
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ABT 1847 - ____
Father: David TAYLOR
Mother: Huldah W BENNETT
_Hugh TAYLOR ____
_David TAYLOR _____|
| |_Ellen MILLER ___
|--James TAYLOR
| _Nathan BENNETT _
|_Huldah W BENNETT _|
|_Huldah NICHOLS _+
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____ - ____
Family 1
: Isabel SAYLES
| |__
| __
HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 09/28/1999 02:08:25 .
25 Nov 1697 - 18 Jul 1716
Father: William TYLER
Mother: Mary LATHROP
Family 1
: John BEACH
_William TYLER _|
| |__
|--Sara TYLER
| __
|_Mary LATHROP __|
HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 09/28/1999 02:08:25 .
1714 - 1774
Father: Joseph WILLIAMS
Mother: Sarah WHITMAN
Family 1
: Samuel DYER
_Daniel WILLIAMS _+
_Joseph WILLIAMS _|
| |_Rebecca RHODES __+
|--Patience WILLIAMS
| __________________
|_Sarah WHITMAN ___|
HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 09/28/1999 02:08:25 .