__ _William BEARDSLEY _| | |__ | |--William BEARDSLEY | | __ |_Elizabeth BROWN ___| |__
_Benjamin CAREY _+ _John Abbot CAREY _| | |_________________ | |--Hiram CAREY | | _Nathan BENNETT _+ |_Polly BENNETT ____| |_Ann HOOVER _____
HIRAM CAREY, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Hanover township, February 16,1836, and is the son of John A. and Polly (Bennett) Carey, and agrandson of Benjamin Carey, who was a brother of Samuel Carey who tookso active a part in the Indian battles, and of Nathan and Ann (Hoover)Bennett, the former a brother of Ishimal Bennett, who was a horsemanin the Wyoming battle. The father was born April 8, 1809, died January13, 1892; the mother still lives with her son Stewart on the homesteadin Ashley. The family consisted of nine children, viz.: Hiram; Susan(Mrs. Henry Stein, Chicago); Charles, who died at the age of fouryears; Rufus, who died at the age of two years; Sarah (Mrs. ChristianF. Leaser); Jane (Mrs. Charles T. Lahr); Stewart; John, who lost a legon the railroad, and died June 7, 1892, and Nathan, a painter inOakland City. Our subject was educated in The public schools ofHanover township, and then fired three years on the Ashley Slope, andin 1857 removed to Wilkes-Barre, where he attended a lock on the canalseveral years, since when he has followed various occupatons there. Hebuilt his residence on Ash street in 1891, and he also owns threeblocks on Cinderella street. Mr. Carey was married January 18, 1857,to Miss Susan, daughter of Fred and Elizabeth (Sawits) Zeigler,natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin, and they have twelvechildren, of whom we have record of: Mary (Mrs. Andrew Smith), Frank,Eugene, Edward, Rebecca (Mrs. David V. Thomas), Elizabeth (Mrs. PeterWagner), William, and Frederick (who died August 3, 1892). Mrs. Careydeparted this life January 31, 1881, and Mr. Carey was married May 1,1889, to Mrs. Martha McCasey, daughter of Moses and Susan (Belles)Tamany (natives of Ireland and Pennsylvania, and of Irish and Germanorigin, respectively), and widow of Michael McCasey, by whom she hadthree children: William, Edward and Harry. Our subject is a Republicanin his political views, but votes independent of party lines.
Luzerne County Web Page
Luzerne County Web Page
_Ebenezer COBB __+ _Nathan COBB ____| | |_Mercy HOLMES ___ | |--Benjamin COBB | | _Joseph BENNETT _+ |_JoAnna BENNETT _| |_Joanna PERRY ___+
__ __| | |__ | |--Gilbert FAIRCHILD | | __ |__| |__
[9009] He was a native of Norwalk, CT.
_Daniel GEER ___________+ _Christopher GEER __| | |_Hannah CHRISTOPHERS ? _+ | |--Jacob GEER | | _Thomas FOSTER _________+ |_Experience FOSTER _| |_Experience PARKER _____
[1939] Christening at Second Church, Preston, CT.
Allen John Mallory
_Gibson JONES _______+ _Ernest JONES ________| | |_Florence CHARLES ___+ | |--Stephanie Roseanna JONES | | _Fred DOKA __________+ |_Janet Florence DOKA _| |_Eleanor Faye JAMES _+
__ __| | |__ | |--Anna KING | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--Abigail MANSFIELD | | __ |__| |__
_Robert PECK _+ _Robert PECK __| | |_Helen BABBS _+ | |--Samuel PECK | | ______________ |_Ann LAWRENCE _| |______________