_Thomas CURTIS ___+ _Joseph CURTIS __| | |_Mary MERRIMAN ___+ | |--Martha CURTIS | | _William COLLINS _ |_Martha COLLINS _| |_Sarah MORRELL ___
Families of Ancient New Haven
_Benjamin DAVIS _+ _Benjamin DAVIS _| | |_________________ | |--Isaac DAVIS | | _________________ |_________________| |_________________
__ _Josephy DERBY _________| | |__ | |--Joseph DERBY | | __ |_Elizabeth NORSE\NURSE _| |__
1748, in Leominster,[3] the daughter of Nathan Bennett and his wifeAbigail.[4] She died May 16,
1824. (Her mother's maiden name may have been Darby or Stearns. AfterNathan's death, Mrs.
Bennett married Isaac Gibson. She died November 26, 1808, and isburied in the Middletown
Cemetery in Grafton, Vt.[5])
Joseph was a private in the Revolutionary War[6], in Capt. DavidWheeler's Co., Col. Nixon's
Regt.[7] He died September 13, 1825, "aged about 80," inLeominster.[8]
[10535] The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Rogers.
Vital Records of Leominster, MA
Derby Genealogy
_Eleazar HERRICK _+ _Stephen HERRICK _| | |_Mary REA ________ | |--John HERRICK | | _Daniel GEER _____+ |_Abigail GEER ____| |_Abigail SPICER __+
__ __| | |__ | |--Jonathan HOLMES | | __ |__| |__
_Thomas LORING ___ _John LORING _| | |_Jane NEWTON _____ | |--Sarah LORING | | _Nathaniel BAKER _ |_Mary BAKER __| |_Sarah LANE ______+
_George LOUGH _________ _Henry "Tip" Harrison LOUGH _| | |_Catherine CARTER _____ | |--David Arthur LOUGH | | _Casper P. BUDD _______+ |_Sarah Jane BUDD ____________| |_Calista Ann STRATTON _+