__ __| | |__ | |--Dorothea BACHER | | __ |__| |__
Name: Difficult to decipher (Besigheim Parish Register). May be
Backer or something similar.
_Jacob BENNETT _+ _Thomas BENNETT _| | |_Hope NELSON ___+ | |--John BENNETT | | ________________ |_Ruth THOMPSON __| |________________
_John BENNETT ________+ _Thomas BENNETT ____| | |_Elizabeth PARKE _____+ | |--Thomas BENNETT | | _John HARRINGTON _____+ |_Jemima HARRINGTON _| |_Anna ( ) HARRINGTON _
He attempted to settle in the Wyoming Valley more than once, butbecause of the hostility of the Indians, he was forced to leave. InFebruary, 1769, he joined a company of New England people, forty inall, who built a fort on the west bank of the susquehanna, which , inhonor of the forty was called Forty Fort. The fort was intended toserve as a refuge from the Indians, and also as place safe from thePennamites. By 1770 he had sold his farm in RI and moved his family toWyoming. By this time the dispute between the New England andPennsylvania settlers had already turned into open war.
The following list of settlers who enrolled prior to 1773 was found in"History of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming counties, Pa.", those whosettled in Kingston in 1769 are marked by an astrisk:...Isaac Bennett,Thomas Bennett*...
[5343] Here he rented a farm for six years.
In the Spring of 1796, age 75. His tombstone reading 1798 is in erroras letters of administration of his estate were granted in May, 1796.
BENNETT Thomas Cem, Forty Fort PA 52
Thomas Bennett, (1725-90), was a volunteer for the defense of thevalley, 1778, and his capture by the Indians with his 16 year old sonAndrew is recorded in history. They were seized by four Indians
He was in Forty Fort when the Battle of Wyoming, 3 Jul 1778, tookplace. When the fort surrendered the next day, he fled with the restdownriver. When he returned he was taken prisoner, Mar 27 1780, by theIndians along with his son Andrew and Lebbeus Hammond. They escapedseveral days later.
Descendants of John Bennett...
Luzerne County Web Page
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
Vital Records of Preston, CT
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots
History of Hanover Twp. & Wyoming Valley, Luzerne
__ _John BROWN _| | |__ | |--John BROWN | | __ |_____________| |__
[641] Of Rehoboth.
New England Genealogies
Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emm
__ __| | |__ | |--Rhoda CULVER | | __ |__| |__
_George William MAYS _____ _George William MAYS ______| | |_Mary Ann DUFFY __________ | |--Victoria Marie MAYS | | _Paul Alexander MITCHELL _+ |_Pamela Joaquine MITCHELL _| |_Barbara Ann ACKERMANN ___+
Barbara Ackermann Mitchell
_Roger DE PRIDIAS ______+ _John DE PRIDIAS _| | |_Elizabeth TREVERBYN ___+ | |--Giles PRIDEAUX | | _Gilbert ADESTON (DE?) _ |_Joan of Adeston _| |________________________
[10985] Another source says her name was Isabella GUNSTONE, b. abt 1368, OfShilston, Devonshire, England
__ __| | |__ | |--Nancy SPAULDING | | __ |__| |__
Joan 's Genealogy Page
Joan 's Genealogy Page