Rufus Parks Pedigree
Rufus Parks Pedigree
Families of George Geer and Thomas Geer: a supplem
Families of George Geer and Thomas Geer: a supplement to the 1923genealogy.
The American Genealogist
Wightman Ancestry
Wightman Ancestry Including George Wightman of Quidnessett, RI(1632-1721/2) and Descendants by Mary Ross Whitman
[11994] Copy in Wightman file
Wightman Heritage
Wightman Heritage
[11996] copy in Wightman file
Vital Records of Rhode Island
Vital Records of Rhode Island, 1636-1850 (First Series) Births,Marriages and Deaths: A Family Register for the People.
Vital Records of Milford, CT
Vital Records of Milford, CT
Vital Records of Connecticut
Vital Records of Connecticut
Vinton Memorial, comprising a genealogy of the des
Vinton Memorial, comprising a genealogy of the descendants of JohnVinton of Lynn, 1648
Geer Genealogy
The Geer Genealogy
The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley & His Wife Emma Ara
The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley & His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth
Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower
Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower (Mayflower Families through FiveGenerations)
The American Genealogist
Robert Kitchel and His Descendants from 1604 to 18
Robert Kitchel and His Descendants from 1604 to 1879
Germans to America; Lists of passengers arriving a
Germans to America; Lists of passengers arriving at U.S. ports, V. 38,April 1881-May 1881
Hamburg Passenger Lists
Hamburg Passenger Lists
Vital Records of New Milford, CT
Vital Records of New Milford, CT
Families of Early Milford, Connecticut
Families of Early Milford, Connecticut
Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories
Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories
Marriage Record
Marriage Record
Probate Record
Probate Record
Nash family
Nash family
New England Marriages prior to 1700
New England Marriages prior to 1700
Vital Records of New Haven, CT
New Haven Vital Records
Vital Records of New London, CT
Vital Records of New London, CT
DAR Lineage Book
DAR Lineage Book
History of the Willis Family of New England and
A History of the Willis Family of New England and New Jersey and theirAncestors
John Kitchel and Esther Peck
John Kitchel and Esther Peck
Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emm
The Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale
Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley and his wife Emma Arabe
Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley and his wife Emma Arabella Bosworth
The Ancestry and Descendants of John Hearndon of S
The Ancestry and Descendants of John Hearndon of Scituate, RI togetherwith a supplement including some of the descendants of four of hisbrothers Benjamin, Joseph, William and Thomas
Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Islan
Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island
VOL: 3 vols
Descendants of John and Elizabeth (Park) Bennett
Some Descendants of John and Elizabeth (Park) Bennett Who Lived inRhode Island
Rhode Island Genealogical Register
VOL: 3
DATE: October1980, PAGE: 177-180
Suffolk County, MA Probate Records
Suffolk County, MA Probate Records
Rhode Island Genealogical Register
Rhode Island Genealogical Register
Vital Records of Stonington, CT
Vital Records of Stonington, CT
Vital Records of Stonington, CT
Vital Records of Stonington, CT
Bennetts of Scituate-Foster, Rhode Island an
NAME: Bennetts of Scituate-Foster, Rhode Island and PrestonConnecticut
Elder Josiah Bennett of Scituate & Guilford,
Elder Josiah Bennett of Scituate & Guilford, VT
East Greenwich and West Greenwich, Rhode Island Ma
East Greenwich and West Greenwich, Rhode Island Marriages fromMarriage, Probate, Grave, and Death Records, 1680-1860
NAME: Rhode Island Vital Records, New Series
Arthur Aylsworth and his Descendants in America
Arthur Aylsworth and his Descendants in America
Baldwin Genealogy Supplement
Baldwin Genealogy Supplement
History of Ancient Woodbury, 1659-1879
History of Ancient Woodbury, 1659-1879
Genealogical notes of Barnstable Families; rev. by
Genealogical notes of Barnstable Families; rev. by C.F. Swift
Bosworth Genealogy
Bosworth Genealogy; a History of the Descendants of Edward Bosworthwho arrived in America in the year 1634, with an Appendix ContainingOther Lines of American Bosworths
VOL: 2 vols
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, Comprising threegenerations of Settlers Who Came before 1690
Early records of the Town of Dedham, Mass
Early records of the Town of Dedham, Mass
Founders and Patriots
Founders of Early American Families; Emigrants from Europe, 1607-1657.Rev. ed
Genealogical and Family History of the State of Co
Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut
VOL: 4 vols
English Origins of New England Families from the N
English Origins of New England Families from the New EnglandHistorical and Genealogical Register
NAME: Genealogical Research in England
The History of East Greenwich Rhode Island, 1677-1
The History of East Greenwich Rhode Island, 1677-1960
History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, 1745-1880
History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, 1745-1880
History of New London
History of New London
History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts
History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts
History of the towns of New Milford and Bridgewate
History of the towns of New Milford and Bridgewater, CT, 1703-1882
History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins, and Schuyler
History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins, and Schuyler Counties, New York
Huling Genealogy
Huling Genealogy: Descendants of James and Margaret Huling of Newport,Rhode Island and Lewes Delaware
Indiana County, Pennsylvania; Her People, Past and
Indiana County, Pennsylvania; Her People, Past and Present
John Vaughan settled Newport, Rhode Island, 1638
John Vaughan settled Newport, Rhode Island, 1638
Kitchel Family History
Kitchel Family History
Loring Genealogy
Loring Genealogy
Memoir of the life and character of Mrs. Mary Anna
Memoir of the life and character of Mrs. Mary Anna Boardman, with ahistorical account of her forefathers, and biographical andgenealogical notices of many of her kindred and relatives
Morse Genealogy, comprising the descendants of Sam
Morse Genealogy, comprising the descendants of Samuel, Anthony,William and Joseph Morse and John Moss, being a revision of theMemorial of the Morses published by Rev. Abner Morse in 1850.
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1840
U.S. Census, Population Schedule.
[12010] text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text)
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1850
U.S. Census, Population Schedule.
[12012] text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text)
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1870
U.S. Census, Population Schedule.
[12013] text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text)
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
Death Record
Death Record
Early Generations of the Brewster Family
Early Generations of the Brewster Family
Early Generations of the Brewster Family
Early Generations of the Brewster Family
First Settlers of Barnstable, Mass.
First Settlers of Barnstable, Mass.
Marriage License
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
Carpenter Family
One Branch of the Carpenter Family, a brief history
Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Hale, House and Related Families; Mainly of the Co
Hale, House and Related Families; Mainly of the Connecticut RiverValley
Ancestral Lines Revised
Ancestral Lines Revised
Families of Ancient New Haven
Families of Ancient New Haven
VOL: 8 vols
[12014] CD - CT Genealogies
Massachusetts Marriages to 1800
Massachusetts Marriages
The Great Migration Begins; Immigrants to New Engl
The Great Migration Begins; Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633
VOL: 3 vols
Vital Records of Rehoboth, MA
Rehoboth Vital Records
PAGE: 52
Genealogies of Rhode Island Families
Genealogies of Rhode Island Families; from the New England Historicaland Genealogical Register
VOL: 2 vols
Swansea Vital RecordsPAGE: 23, marriage of Jonat
Swansea Vital Records
PAGE: 23, marriage of Jonathan Bosworth to Hannah Howland
Plymouth Colony Records
Plymouth Colony Records
The American Genealogist
John Howland of the Mayflower, v. 1
John Howland of the Mayflower, v. 1
Andrew Ward and his descendants, 1597-1910.
Andrew Ward and his descendants, 1597-1910: being a compilation offacts relating to one of the oldest New England families...
Families of Old Fairfield
History and genealogy of the families of Old Fairfield.
Suffolk Parish Registers, Marriages
Suffolk Parish Registers, Marriages
Genealogy of the Stone Family .....
Genealogy of the Stone Family .....
Spicer Genealogy
Spicer Genealogy
Early Connecticut Marriages
Early Connecticut Marriages as found in Ancient Church Records Priorto 1800.
Samuel Davis of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis of
Samuel Davis of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis of Dudley Mass., andtheir descendants
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1850
U.S. Census, Population Schedule.
[12019] text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text)
Webster Genealogy
Webster Genealogy
Davis Directory of Pennsylvania
Davis Directory of Pennsylvania
Vital Records of Wallingford, CT
Vital Records of Wallingford, CT
Genealogy of the Curtiss-Curtis Family
A genealogy of the Curtiss-Curtis Family of Stratford, Connecticut: asupplement to the 1903 edition
The Bonnel/Bunnel family
The Bonnel/Bunnel family
Besigheim Parish Register
Besigheim Parish Register
Vital Records of Preston, CT
Vital Records of Preston, CT
History of Stonington, CT
History of the town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticutfrom its first settlement in 1649 to 1900, with a genealogicalregister of Stonington families
Marriage certificate
Marriage certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Vital Records of New Haven, CT
New Haven Vital Records
Founders and Patriots. Lineages
History of New London Co., Ct.
History of New London Co., Ct.
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
Methodist Churchyard, Blairsville, Indiana County, Pa; List providedby Indiana County Hist. Society.
Letter from Flora Belle Waugaman
Letter from Flora Belle Waugaman
Letter from Edna Brady Koch
Letter from Edna Brady Koch to Flora Belle Thompson Waugaman dated 3Apr 1934
[12026] Excerpt from James Thompson, of Altoona, Pa
Letter from Victor Webb Bennett
Letter from Victor Webb Bennett
Vital Records of Roxbury Massachusetts
Vital Records of Roxbury Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849.Vol. 2
John Plumb of Connecticut ...
John Plumb of Connecticut and his cousin, Deputy Governor SamuelSymonds of Massachusetts; Additions to their English Ancestry.
PAGE: 149-155
Fisher family
English Ancestry of New England Settlers Joshua and Anthony Fisher
Fishers and Fiskes
Godbold Ancestry of Fishers and Fiskes of Early New England
Marriage certificate
Marriage certificate
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1880
U.S. Census, Population Schedule.
[12030] text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text)
Church record
Church record
Wurttemberg emigration indexVOL: 6 vols
Wurttemberg emigration index
VOL: 6 vols
Molck family
Molck family group sheet, 10 February 1998
Molck family
Molck family group sheet, 10 February 1998
Vital Records of Connecticutt
NAME: Lucius Barnes BarbourVital Records of Farmington prior to 1850
PAGE: 43, Farmington
Susquehanna Settlers Records, Series I, v. 1, 1755
Susquehanna Settlers Records, Series I, v. 1, 1755-1796
OTHER: FHL film #3623.
10,000 Vital records of Central new York
10,000 Vital records of Central new York, 1813-1850
History of Ancient Wethersfield
History of Ancient Wethersfield, CT
2 v.
Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pensio
Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files
Town of Gilboa, Schoharie County, New York,
Town of Gilboa, Schoharie County, New York, Missing Pages from the1860 CensusNew York Genealogical and Biographical Record; 1986, PAGE:71
Curtis/Curtiss Chronicle
Curtis/Curtiss Chronicle
Vital Records of Goshen, CT
Vital Records of Goshen, Connecticut
Vt Revolutionary Rolls
Vt Revolutionary Rolls
Christ of Latter Day Saints of New York and Pennsy
Christ of Latter Day Saints of New York and Pennsylvania,1816-1831
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1900
U.S. Census, Population Schedule.
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
History of Waterbury
History of Waterbury
History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, 1745-1880
History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, 1745-1880
Pioneer Lewis Families
Pioneer Lewis Families
Guilford Vital Records,PAGE: 2:42.
Guilford Vital Records,
PAGE: 2:42.
Inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield, CT
A Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield,Conn: 1720-1800
Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants of the
Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield,Conn.; 1720-1800
Boston Transcript Notes
Genealogical notes from the Boston Transcript
Memorial History of Hartford County
Memorial History of Hartford County
Robert Chapman-David Thomson Allied Family Lines:
Robert Chapman-David Thomson Allied Family Lines: 93 Allied FamilyLines from Robert Chapman, Sr., Saybrook, Conn., 1635, and DavidThomson, Portsmouth, NH, 1623
New England Genealogies
New England Genealogies
First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts
First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts
First Settlers of Wethersfield, Connecticut
First Settlers of Wethersfield, Connecticut
Families of Early Guilford, Connecticut
Families of Early Guilford, Connecticut
Death Record. St. John's Lutheran Church
Death Record. St. John's Lutheran Church
Todten (death) Register; 1915; 28 Nov 1915; St. John's Lutheran
Church, Anchor, IL
Vital Records of Enfield, CT
Vital Records of Enfield, CT
Newspaper Article
Newspaper Article
Ann D. Scott
Diantha Howard
Diantha Howard
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Litchfield, Ct
Vital Records of Litchfield, Ct
Allan Childers Family Tree
Allan Childers Family Tree (Webpage)
Vital Records of Saybrook
Saybrook Vital Records, 2:546
Vital Records of East Haven, CT
Vital Records of East Haven, CT
Vital Records of New Haven
Vital Records of New Haven
Vital Records of New Haven
Vital Records of New Haven
Vital Records of New Haven
Vital Records of New Haven
Vital records of New Haven, CT
Vital records of New Haven
Vital Records of New Haven, CT
Vital Records of New Haven, CT
Early Records of the Town of Dedham, Mass.
Early Records of the Town of Dedham, Mass.
Vital Records of Swansea, MA
Vital Records of Swansea, MA
Marilyn L. Trumbull, Mentor, OH
Marilyn L. Trumbull, Mentor, OH
Besigheim Parish Register
Besigheim Parish Register
Joanne Rabun, [email protected], Eugene,OR
Joanne Rabun, [email protected], Eugene,OR
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ball, Ed < http://www.altlaw.com/edball/>
Ball, Ed < http://www.altlaw.com/edball/>
Bill Dunn ([email protected])
Bill Dunn ([email protected])
Bill Dunn ([email protected]) found this information in a book
concerning the Histories of Prominent People in New Jersey.
Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
Letter from Gerald M. Cruthers,Norwich, CT
Letter from Gerald M. Cruthers,Norwich, CT, to Betty G. Hanchett in
Latham, NY dated 3 Feb 1989; ; photocopy in poss of Charlotte Brennan,
Prescott, AZ.
[12045] Barnstable VR:422
Bible E.E. Cribbs, Blairsville, PA, 1941 (GFA Newsletter 12:3, p. 58.
Family Group Sheet from Arlene Rainelli in file.
[12047] Mayflower Descendant, (fhl 974.4D25md) 12:69
[12048] Genealogies of Mayflower Families I:614.
Bennett file
Bennett file in possession of C. Brennan
[12049] FGS from Arlene Rainelli; copy in possession of Charlotte Brennan
Florabelle Waugaman, the daughter of Nettie Spir
Florabelle Waugaman, the daughter of Nettie Spires Thompson. This
information was passed on by Helen Cribbs of Buffalo, NY in May, 1997.
[12050] Much of the research on the children and grandchildren was done by
[12051] email from Jeri>[email protected]
Daniel Geer Family
A Reconstruction of the family of Daniel/2 Geer (circa 1673-1749) ofPreston Connecticut. Geer Genealogy, Appendix I.
[12052] Mayflower Descendant, 1:7, 32:2
Benjamin Clawson (Dr.) letter
Benjamin Clawson (Dr.) letter
Dr. Benjamin Clawson letter in Davis file; copy in posession of
Charlotte Brennan, Prescott, AZ.
[12055] Anne D. Scott [email protected]
Probate Record
Probate Record
[12056] Friends Records
Vital records of Waterbury, CT
Vital records of Waterbury, CT
[12057] [IT:Mayflower Descendant:IT], 12:69
[12058] Canaan, CT VR, IH or IR:232.
[12059] Canaan, CT VR, 1:11.
Boston Transcript Notes
Genealogical notes from the Boston Transcript
[12061] Mayflower Descendant
[12062] Mayflower Descendant, 14: 245
Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Descendant
[12064] Mayflower Descendant, 16:133
[12065] Michele Colson ([email protected])
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes
Genealogical notes from the Boston Transcript
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
Boston Transcript Notes, No. 1224, 1613, Family History Library, Film
No. 400, item 2, Salt Lake City
[email protected]: Http://wwwaltlaw.com/edball
birth date: 10 Oct 1679.
[12076] Joanne Rabun ([email protected]), Eugene, OR.
[12077] This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
[12078] Was living at the time of her father's will.
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
www.altlaw.com/edball. Burnet's Journal, c 1850, by John Robertson
Burnet; Notes Concerning the Ball Family of Essex and Morris Counties,
NJ. Submitted by John Myer, jmyer @altlaw.com.
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
www.altlaw.com/edball. from [UL:Inscriptions on the Tombsones and
Monuments in the Grave Yards at Whippany and Hanover, Morris County,
NJ.:UL] 1894
[12084] LDS Ancestral file
[12085] LDS Ancestral File
[12086] LDS Ancestral File
[12087] Will Book 2:507
Notes of Dorothy Bennett Inderkum.
Notes of Dorothy Bennett Inderkum.
Dorothy Bennett Inderkum
Dorothy Bennett Inderkum
Birth place and year obtained from LDS Source film #820208, batch
7204712, sheet 20. Leander is not listed as a child of Nathan and
Minerva in Judge Austin's papers.
Father's name, year and place of birth drawn from LDS Source film
#820212, batch 7205415, sheet 11.
[12090] A.R. Pension Records W. 14281.
Dana Thomas Riffe, [email protected].
Dana Thomas Riffe, [email protected].
[12091] Will of her father.
[12092] RIGR 6:95
[12093] Scituate VR 1:161
Pension file
Pension file
[12094] "Foster Wills," RIGR, (Jan 1985) 6:218-9.
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
[12095] Identified in his father's will.
[12096] Identified in his father's will.
[12097] "Pre-Revolutionary Newport Wills," RIGR (April 1987) 9:300.
[12098] SChR 21
Fiske Web Page
Fiske Web Page
[12100] http://www.gendex.com/users/ralph/lindgren/d0002/I845.html
[12101] Debbie Berg ([email protected])
[12102] Ancestral file: AFN: 7TWC-WW
[12103] Ancestral File, AFN: 8VN4-SS
[12106] Helen Delaney
[12107] [email protected] (Karen)
[12108] (Cathie) [email protected]
[12110] Allen Childers' Family Tree (http://www.slipnet.com/)
[12111] Allen Childers' Family Tree (http://www.slipnet.com/)
[12112] LDS Ancestral File
Decree for Divorce, No. 64-D-3857. Circuit Court of Cook Co., IL,
County Department, Chancery, Divorce Division
Vital Records of New Haven, CT
Vital Records of New Haven
Hail, Samuel of Milford, m. Judah Hodge of New Haven, June 29, 1720 by
Warham Mather, J.P., New Haven Vital Records, 1:234
Vital Records of Swansea
Vital Records of Swansea
SwVR 23
[12114] SwVR 23
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Vital Records of Barnstable, MA
Barnstable VR:422
Recorded in the Probate Court, District of Saybrook, Ct. in the old
town records.
[12116] Guilford Vital Records, 2:56. (Barbour Collection).
[12117] East Haven Register, Dodd, 166 (1 Jan 1728)
[12118] PCR 8:25
[12119] Barnstable VR:422
[12120] Bill Dun ([email protected])
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
This information comes from a Gedcom on the Internet. The URL is http:
[12124] Marriage announcement
[12125] Preston VR 2:41
Vital Records of Coventry, RI
Vital Records of Coventry, RI
Vital Records of Preston, CT
Vital Records of Preston, CT
[12126] Preston, CT VR 2:81
[12127] Foster VR 1:31
Vital Records of Foster, RI
Vital Records of Foster, RI
Plymouth Colony Records
Plymouth Colony Records
Debbie Berg
Debbie Berg
Orphan's Court, Indiana County, PA
Docket 1, p. 406
Will Book, Indiana County, PA
U.S. Census. Population Schedule. 1850
U.S. Census. Population Schedule. 1850
U.S. Census. Population Schedule. 1860
U.S. Census. Population Schedule. 1860
Bennett Families of Warren County, NY
Bennett Families of Warren County, New York and Vicinity
Unpublished ms.
[12128] Copy in posession of Charlotte Brennan
Land Patent Report
Land Patent Record, Wisconsin, (http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/)
Vital Records of Wethersfield, CT
Wethersfield Town Records
Great Migration Begins
The Great Migration Begins; Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633
Vital Records of Farmington, CT
Vital Records of Farmington, CT (Barbour Collection of ConnecticutTown Vital Records)
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office
Rainelli, Arlene O'Kieff
Family Group Sheet
Arlene Rainelli in possession of CHARLOTTE BRENNAN (Bennett file)
Lodder, Grace B.
Genealogical Research on the Bennett Families of the United States andEngland
Ms. of Grace Lodder
[email protected]
email from Eagle Jones, "EJ" .
Massachusetts and Maine Families
Perkins of Topsfield
Ancestral File
Ancestral File
History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877
History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877
Elnathan Curtis
Elnathan Curtis
Descendants of Thomas Curtis of Wethersfield
William Curtis of Roxbury
Genealogy of the Descendants of William Curtis of Roxbury, Mass.
Vital Records of Lexington, MA
Vital Records of Lexington, MA
Descendants of John Lawrence
Descendants of John Lawrence
Karen Billings ([email protected])
query about obituary information for Nancy Clawson.
Vital Records of Fairfield, CT
Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: Fairfield1639-1850.
Linda Branan ([email protected]
Linda Branan ([email protected]
Judy Douglas ([email protected])
Judy Douglas ([email protected])
Mayflower Planters
History & Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters and
First Comers to Ye Olde Colonie, 2: 86.
Rev. John Mayo & Descendants
Rev. John Mayo & Descendants
Cape Cod Library
Cobb, Gary Lee
Cobb, Gary Lee
Rev. John Mayo
Historical Sketch of Rev. John Mayo
Ancestry World Tree
Ancestry World Tree
Plymouth Colony: Its History and People
Plymouth Colony: Its History and People 1620-1691
Gardiner Collecion of NJ families
Gardiner Collecion of NJ families, 1600-1900
Early Germans of NJ
Early Germans of New Jersey; Their History, Churches and Genealogies
Cases from Germany.
Genealogical Collections of Hiram Deats
Genealogical Collections of Hiram Deats
Wills of Northumberland Co., PA
Wills and administrations of Northumberland County, Pennsylvaniaincluding wills and administrations of Union, Mifflin and IndianaCounties all formerly a part of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
Davis Directory
Davis Directory of Pennsylvannia; including Hezekiah Davies'Revolutionary War Pension & Philadelphia Burial Records
Curtis Family
The Curtis Family
Abstracts of Rev. War Pension
Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files.
[12137] Copy in file: Bennett
Curtis/Curtiss Chronicle
Curtis/Curtiss Chronicle
Cribbs-Krebs Family
The Cribbs-Krebs Family;1734-1920
Rice County Families
Rice County Families: their history, our heritage.
Contains map and description of the township.
Birth Record
Birth Record
Weymouth Home Page
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1790
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1790
Known Military Dead in the War of 1812.
Known Military Dead in the War of 1812
Bennett Family Lineage
Bennett Family Lineage: Work in Progress
Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors
Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolutiuon (17vol.)
Revolutionary Soldiers of Berkshire Co.
Record of Revolutionary Soldiers of Berkshire County
Moore and Allied Families
Moore and Allied Families; the ancestry of Henry Moore
Ackley-Bosworth Genealogy
The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley & his wife Emma Arabella Bosworth
History of Stratford, CT
History of Stratford
Soule Family
The George Soule Family
Genealogies of CT families
Genealogies of Connecticut Families, 1644-1809
Descendants of Isaac Bradley
Descendants of Isaac Bradley
Pioneers of Massachusetts
Pioneers of Massachusetts
History of Bridgewater
History of Bridgewater
Vital Records of Washington, CT
Vital Records of Washington, CT.
Marriage: Barbour Records film #2981-Washington, CT. b. of
Washington, m. 22 Apr 1770 1:8; 2 Apr 1780, Cothren. History of
Ancient Woodbury, Pt. B, p. 369.
Colonial Records of CT
Colonial Records of Connecticutt
U.S. Census. Population Schedule. 1820
U.S. Census. Population Schedule. 1820
Bozworth Bulletin
Bozworth Bulletin
Pioneer..families of Bradford Co., PA
Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, PA...
v. 1: 1770-1800; v. 2: 1800-1825
Fiske family in England
Fiske family in England
Descendants of Richard Porter
Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Porter
First Settlers of CT and MA
Genealogical Notes or Contributions to the Family History of Some ofthe First Settlers of
Connecticut and Massachusetts
Town of Meriden, CT
Historic Record of the Town of Meriden, Connecticut, 1906, Vol 2
Genealogies from the Town of Stratford, CT
Genealogies from the Town of Stratford, CT
History of New Milford
History of New Milford
Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Mansfield, CT
Births, Baptisms, Marriages, etc. in Mansfield, CT
Children: Dimock., Births, Baptisms, Marriages,
etc. in Mansfield, CT.
Thomas Curtis of Wethersfield
Thomas Curtis of Wethersfield
Vital Records of Milford, Ct
Records of First Church
[email protected]
[email protected]
Homestead Proof
Homestead Proof
[12154] Filed under S.D. Bennett
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1910
U.S. Census, Population Schedule 1910
Vital Records of Stockbridge, MA
Vital Records of Stockbridge, MA
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1810
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1810
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1800
U.S. Census, Population Schedule. 1800
Plymouth Colony Marriages
Peter Brown
Peter Brown. Mayflower Families through Five Generations.
DAR Patriot Index
DAR Patriot Index
Vital Records of Kent, CT
Vital Records of Kent, CT
Deodatus Curtis of Braintree, MA
Eileen Tripple
Eileen Tripple
Bliss Family in America
Bliss Family in America.
[12160] 929.273 B619b 1982
History of Susquehanna County, PA
History of Susquehanna County, PA from a period preceding itssettlement to recent times.
Davis families of early Roxbury and Boston
Davis families of early Roxbury and Boston
[email protected]
Karen Thompson
Whittemore Family in America
The Whittemore Family in America
John Woodcock of Rehoboth, Mass.
John Woodcock of Rehoboth, Mass., 1647, and some of his descendants
Lexington first Parish Register
Lexington First Parish Register: Lexington births
Lexington Record of Marriages
Lexington Record of Marriages
Lexington Record of Deaths
Lexington Record of Deaths
Vital Records of Cambridge, MA
Vital Records of Cambridge, MA
Lexington Record of Births
Lexington Record of Births
Woodcock Genealogy Page
[email protected]
[email protected]
Valeen, Jerry
Valeen, Jerry
Hopewell Cemetery Records
Hopewell Cemetery Records
Bennett Exchange Newsletter
Bennett Exchange Newsletter
Rhode Island Vital Records, New Series
Suffolk, MA Probate Records
Suffolk, MA Probate Records
John Hearndon of Scituate, RI
The Ancestry and descendants of John Hearndon of Scituate, RI togetherwith a Supplement including some of the descendants of four of hisbrothers Benjamin, Joseph, William and Thomas.
Deeds. Washington, Litchfield, CT
Deeds. Washington, Litchfield, CT
Ancestors of Eleanor Jessie Durst
Magna Charta Sureties, 1215, 4th ed.
The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: the Barons named in the Magna Charta,1215, and some of their descendants who settled in America during theearly colonial years.
Perry Streeter
Perry Streeter
He attributes his work to Dorothy Bennett Inderkum and to a 1944 mss,a copy of which is at the library of the New England HistoricGenealogical Society, by Winifred (Lovering) Holman called "TheHearnden Line" .
Genealogy of the Curtis Family
Genealogy of the Curtis Family
History of Cheshire, Connecticut
History of Cheshire, Connecticut from 1694 to 1840...
Vital Records of Wallingford
Births, marriages and deaths of Wallingford, Connecticut: ca 1870-1821
Microfilm of mss in New York Genelogical and Biographical Society.
Vital Records of Foster, RI
Vital Records of Foster, RI
Vital Records of Voluntown
Vital Records of Voluntown
Vital Records of Rhode Island, New Series
Rhode Island Vital Records, New Series
Vital Records of Norwich, Ct
Vital Records of Norwich, 1659-1848
History of Chemung, NY
Our county and its people: a history of the valley and county ofChemung, from the closing years of the eighteenth century.
Ancestry of Bethia Harris,
Ancestry of Bethia Harris, 1748-1833; wife of Dudley Wildes ofTopsfield, Massachusetts.
[12188] On CD 194: Massachusetts & Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's.
Genealogical Dictionary of New England
Genealogical Dictionary of New England
John George Cribbs Descendancy
John George Cribbs Descendancy
Darke County, Ohio Marriages
Founders and Patriots of America
Founders and Patriots of America, Register: Lineages of Associates;1896-1993.
Jerry Holman Collins
Jerry Holman Collins
Vital Records of Cheshire, Ct
Vital Records of Cheshire, Ct
Land Record
Land Record
Derby Genealogy
Derby Genealogy being a record of the Descendants of Thomas Derby ofStow, Massachusetts
Vital Records of Leominster, MA
Vital Records of Leominster, MA
Bennetts of Lancastaer, Mass.
The Bennetts of Lancastaer, Mass.
Vital Records of Holden, Ma
Vital Records of Holden, Ma
Vital Records of Princeton, Ma
Vital Records of Princeton, Ma
Early Massachussets marriages prior to 1800
Bristol, Rhode Island's Early Settlers
Bristol, Rhode Island's Early Settlers
Hingham Births
Hingham Births
Corliss C. Davis
Corliss C. Davis
Vital Records of Medfield, Mass
Vital Records of Medfield, Mass to the year 1850
Everett Faltus
Everett Faltus
American marriages before 1699
American marriages before 1699
Morse Society
Morse Society
Early records of the Town of Dedham, Mass
Early records of the town of Dedham, Mass
Elaine Morris
Elaine Morris
David L. Beckwith
David L. Beckwith
Bob Underwood
Bob Underwood
Descendants of John Lawrence
Descendants of John Lawrence
[12203] http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/l/a/w/James-T-Lawrence
Foster Genealogy
Foster Genealogy: Being the Record of the Posterity of Reginald Fosteran Early Inhabitant of Ipswich in New England, whose Genealogy istraced back to Anacher, Great Forrester of Flanders who died in 837A.D.
Parkers in America
Parkers in America
Vital Records of Concord, MA
Vital Records of Concord, MA
Pedigree Chart
Pedigree Chart
Taunton Marriages to the Year 1850
Taunton Marriages to the Year 1850
[12207] Massachusetts Town Records database
Sam Behling
Sam Behling
Robert Strode
Robert Strode
Panka, Shirley
Personal research
Genealogies of Mayflower Families
Genealogies of Mayflower Families
Vital Records of Lee, MA
Vital Records of Lee, MA
Vital Records of Middleboro, MA
Middleborough, Massachusetts Vital Records
another copy:
Arizona Dept of Archives
Phoenix, Az
Vital Records of Bridgwater, MA
Vital Records of Bridgwater, MA
History of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts
History of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts in Two Volumes.Bicentenary Edition, v. 2
Some Ancestral Lines...Tingley
Some Ancestral Lines: Being a record of some of the Ancestors ofGuilford Solon Tingley and his wife Martha Pamela Meyers
Archdeaconry of Suffolk (Ipswich Probate Registry)
Archdeaconry of Suffolk (Ipswich Probate Registry)
Descendants of John Bennett...
Descendants of John Bennett who died at Stonington, CT 22 October 1691
Backus Family
Backus Family; A Genealogical Memoir
Bullard & Allied Families
Backus Families of Early New England
Luzerne County Web Page
Luzerne County Web Page
Moon, Dorrie
Moon, Dorrie
Bauman, Beverley Bennett
Bauman, Beverley Bennett
Van Buren, Carol
Van Buren, Carol
Townsend, Anne ([email protected])
Townsend, Anne ([email protected])
Billy Walker
[12219] http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/w/a/l/William-Joseph-Walker-Oklahoma/
Vital Records of Killingly, CT
Vital Records of Killingly, CT
Barbara Lamb Burgy
Genserv BURO6NA
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island comprising three generationsof settlers who came before 1690
[email protected]
Bennett research
Guile Web Page
Guile Web Page
Don Houk
Don Houk. Information from Helen (Bennett) Houston
Ross D. Andrews
Ross D. Andrews
Bob Foran
Bob Foran
Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
Portsmouth Friends Records
Portsmouth Friends Records
Ron Dillon
Ron Dillon
Danish Church Record
Den Danske Folkekirke. Store Tastrup sogn.
Kirkeboger, 1645-1919.
Census, Denmark, Holbaek Co.1880
1880 Danish Census for Holbaek Co.
Danmark. Rentekammeret.
Folketaelling over Holbaek amt, 1880.
Census, Denmark 1870
Danmark. Rentekammeret.
Folketaelling over Holbaek amt, 1870.
Barbara Ackermann Mitchell
Life and Times of Rev. George Peck, D.D.
Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850
Farrand Pedigree Chart (fan). 1939
Nichols Genealogy
family knowledge
Our County and its People:Town of Chemung
Aspinwall Genealogy
Early Families of Otsego, New York
Iowa Census, 1895
Bev Clawson ([email protected])
Register of Associates
Canney, Susan P.
Maggie Hall
History of Hanover Twp. & Wyoming Valley, Luzerne
Dean Family Webpage
World Family Tree (WFT 1118)
Lowman Genealogy
Genealogies and Families of Watertown, MA
Bonnell/Bunnell Family,
Rhode Island Archives (rigenweb)
17th Century Colonial Ancestors
Gardiners of Narrangansett
Middleboro Deaths
Lines of Dorothy Bennett Inderkum
[email protected]
Hodge Genealogy
Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins and Schuyler Counties
Allen John Mallory
Founders and Patriots of America. Lineage Book
Hist. & Genealogies of Old Fairfield
Bea Daggett
Terrie Chrysler Web Page
Does not give sources.
H. Andrew Brown
D. [email protected]
Janet Lindblom
Cheryl Waterman [email protected]
I have a Julia Anne Gear born near 1805 in either CT or NY m about1827
Karen Smith
Roy Tobin
Timothy W. Tucker
Extensive line filed with CT Bosworths.
Martha S. Winters
Root Genealogical Records
Descendants of Vincent Meigs
Samuel Gorton of Rhode Island
David W. Wilma
Coggeshalls in America
Keith Clawson
Linda Mathew
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots
Davis Family Record
Vital Records of Woodstock, CT
Barbour Records
History of Joseph Davis of Dudley
Ancestry World Family Tree
Genealogies of Woodstock Families
Frank Dyer Webpage
Betty Rudolph
Roger Williams Family Association
Linda Hunt
Deanna Hirz
Ancestors of Ernest and Etta (Lamson) Bennett
Jack Mount's Genealogy
Descendants of John Greene
Burlingame Family
Crandall Family Association
Charles (Inman) Bearse
Lowell Whiteman
Descendants of Peter Spicer
Joshiah Stone of Warwick
Clayton Pierce
Greene's of the World
History of Woodstock, CT
Magna Charta Sureties 1215, 5th ed
With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sherppard, Jr withWilliam R. Beall
Iris Grimmett
41178 Port Drive
Bennett and Allied Families
Also at the Family Histoy Library: US/CAN 927.273 B872a supp2
Pierce Genealogy
from Maggie
Walter Palmer Society Webpage
Descendants of John Spencer
History of the State of Rhode Island and Providen
History of the State of Rhode Island and Providen
Simmons Gedcom
Elaine Cowan
Walt Samson
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
Descendants of Roger Williams
Lowell Whiteman's Ancestors
Peckham Genealogy
Cited in an email dated 7/21/99 from Earl Peckham.
Sandra Ragan
John Scott-Ferree
French. NEHGR 47:36
Elizabeth French, Genealogical Research in England, NEHGR, (Boston,MA: NEHGS, 1913), V.47 p.36 in an article on Besbeech and Austenfamilies in Co. Kent
Coddington, NEHGR v92, Bigge Family).
John Insley Coddington, Bigge Family, note, (Boston, MA: NEHGS, Oct1938), NEHGR, Vol. 92, pp. 395-8 (hereafter cited as Coddington, NEHGRv92, Bigge Family).
Use this source with caution, has errors.
French, NEHGR v47, Biddenden Parish Register.
Hervey Howell
Karen Medalle
Donna Stewart
Vital Records of Dartmouth, MA
Vital Records of Ipswich, MA
Vital Records of Lancaster, MA
History of Lexington, MA
cited by Grace Lodder
Vital Records of Manchester, MA
Vital Records of Taunton, MA
Vital Records of Wrentham, MA
New London County, CT Cemeteries
Supplement to Torrey's New England Marriages
Barbour Collection of CT Town Vital Records
Brenda Bova
World Family Tree
Genealogy of the Towner Family
Preston-Griswold Marriages
Joan 's Genealogy Page
Little Compton Families
Gary O. Green
All of the above information was taken from "The Greenes of RhodeIsland with
Thomas Martin
Descendants of William Hickock
Ancestors of Toby Hill Shannon
Earle Peckham
National Genealogical Society Quarterly
New England Families
Broderbund CD #159
Whipple GenWeb
History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton
Janette Williamson
Hugh Fiske
Births, Marriages, etc..Providence...1636-1750
Alphabetical Index of the Births, Marriages and
Filed in RI inbox folder.
Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Angell
Descendants of Thomas Angell
John Kelly
History of Providence County, v. II
Early Connecticut Probate Records
History of Ancient Windsor
World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1
Isabelle Cemetary
West Fairfield Cemetery
Dorothy Bishop
Isabelle Cemetary
Tamara Boswell
Winthrop Fleet Passenger Lists
Winthrop Society
email dated 11 May 1999. Descendants of William Hall.
Sabin Family Information
Descendants of George Gardiner
Descendants of William Bentley
Edward A. Cooper
Sheryl Gunderman Robinson
David Joyce - Scituate
Sayles Country
Edward Fuller Family
History of Washington and Kent Counties, Rhode Isl
Charlie Carpenter
Marilyn R. Solari [[email protected]]
Samuel Fuller Family
Farrand Pedigree Chart (fan). 1939
A Nichols Genealogy
family knowledge
Our County and its People
Our County and its People : History of the Valley and County ofChemung; Town of Chemung
Aspinwall Genealogy
Early Families of Otsego, New York
Humboldt County, Iowa Census for 1895
Bev Clawson ([email protected])
Register of Associates
The History of Hanover and the Wyoming Valley, Luzerne County,Pennsylvania
World Family Tree (WFT 1118)
The Lowmans in Chemung County
Genealogies of the Famiilies and Descendants of the Early Settlers ofWatertown, Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston; to which isappended the Early History of the Town...
Bonnell/Bunnell Family,
Rhode Island Archives (rigenweb)
17th Century Colonial Ancestors
Middleboro Deaths
Lines of Dorothy Bennett Inderkum
[email protected]
Hodge Genealogy
History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins, and Schuyler Counties
Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Lineage Book
History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield.
Terrie Chrysler Web Page
D. [email protected]
711 E 7th Street
Mesa, Arizona 85203
Cheryl Waterman [email protected]
to John Pitt. I am descended through their daughter Sarah Pitt. Iknow
they were in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong, PA in the 1850 census, and
that one grandchild had George Washington as two first names. Now in
seeing your Julia Ann Geer (1804-1877), dau of Elisha Geer, with a
brother named George Washington, I'm wondering if they could be thesame
person. Do you have any further information?
Root Genealogical Records, 1600-1870
Record of the descendants of Vincent Meigs, who came fromDorsetshire, England to
America about 1635
Samuel Gorton of Rhode Island and his Descendants
Seattle, WA 98119
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots
Davis Family Record: a monthly journal devoted to the History andGenealogy of the Davis Family
Vital Records of Woodstock, CT
History of Joseph Davis of Dudley
Ancestry World Family Tree
Genealogies of Woodstock Families
Roger Williams Family Association
Some Ancestors & Descendants of ERNEST BENNETT and his wife ETTA(LAMSON) BENNETT
(1629-1981) with a separate section about EDWARD DOTY an ancestor whoemigrated on the Mayflower; Written by Joseph Labbe
(1629-1981) with a separate section about EDWARD DOTY an ancestor whoemigrated on the Mayflower; Written by Joseph Labbe
Jack Mount's Genealogy
Descendants of John (the Surgeon) Greene
The Burlingame Family
Crandall Family Association
History of the Descendants of Peter Spicer
:Josiah Stone Sr. & Jr. of Warwick, Kent County Rhode Island.
Greene's of the World
The History of Woodstock Connecticut: Genealogies of WoodstockFamilies
The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: the Barons named in the Magna Charta,1215 and Some of their Descendants Who Settled in America during theEarly Colonial Years.
Sweet Home, OR 97386
Bennett and Allied Families: addenda to Bullard and Allied Families
Pierce Genealogy, being the record of the posterity of Thomas Pierce,an early inhabitant of Charlestown, and afterwards charlestown Village(Woburn) in New England
Walter Palmer Society Webpage
Descendants of John Spencer to Mary Anna Spencer husband JoshuaMagoon.
The History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations:
The History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations:
Elaine Cowan
History of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley
Descendants of Roger Williams, Book I the Mercy Williams WatermanWinsor lines.
Sandra Ragan
article on Besbeech and Austen families in Co. Kent
Bigge Family note.
French, NEHGR v47, Biddenden Parish Register.
Vital Records of Dartmouth, MA
Vital Records of Ipswich, MA
Vital Records of Lancaster, MA
History of Lexington, MA
Vital Records of Manchester, MA
Vital Records of Taunton, MA
Vital Records of Wrentham, MA
New London County, CT Cemeteries
Supplement to Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700
World Family Tree
Genealogy of the Towner Family
Early Connecticur Marriages as Found on Ancient Church Records priorto 1800
Joan's Genealogy Page
Gary O. Green
Historical Records of English Ancestors" by Louise Brownell Clarke,
Knickerbocker Press, New York, NY, 1903, pages 59 - 61.
Descendants of William Hickock
Ancestors of Toby Hill Shannon
National Genealogical Society Quarterly
New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial
Whipple GenWeb
Alphabetical Index of the Births, Marriages and
Deaths,record in Providence From 1636 to 1750
Deaths,record in Providence From 1636 to 1750 inclusive by Edwin M.Snow,
M.D., City Registrar, published 1879:
Descendants of Thomas Angell
The history of ancient Windsor, Connecticut
including .... Vol II.
World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1
Isabelle Cemetary
West Fairfield Cemetery
Dorothy Bishop
Isabelle Cemetary
Tamara Boswell (Bosworth?) Petrucci
[email protected]
Winthrop Fleet Passenger Lists
Winthrop Society
Sabin Family
Descendants of George Gardiner compiled by Elaine C. Cowen
Descendants of William Bentley comp. by Elaine C. Cowen
David Joyce - Scituate
Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, v. 4
History of Washington and Kent Counties, Rhode Island
Marilyn R. Solari [[email protected]]
64 E. Elkin Street
Sonora, CA 95370-5628
[[email protected]]
Sept. 21, 1999
Family of Samuel Fuller (Mayflower Families through Five Generations,v. 10)
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