This is my entry page for information on how to build web pages, and design
graphics. I will be trying to add as time permits.
The reason I created this page was to share what I have learned about
Web design, and graphics. This page may be freely linked to. All Graphics on
these pages were created by me and may not be used in any commercial clip art
Collections. They may how ever be used on a noncommercial page, which is not
sexually explicit.
If you would like to learn about HTML programming, and FTP'ing I have
Created several lessons to help show you how to do this. You If you would like
recommend an HTML tutorial, or graphics page, please email me using the
link below, or my new guestbook. I would love to hear what you think of my
pages, but please be kind.
will return you here
will take you to my HTML tutorials.
will take you to my Free Graphics pages
will take you to sign my Rootsweb Guestbook
will take you to view the comments in my Guestbook