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NEWSLETTER - The Webmaster is working on a Newsletter for the Oliver family, hopefully published 4-6 times a year. There is a lot of information on these families that I was unable to put on the web site, due to time and space restraints. Suggestions and topics for the Newsletter are most welcome. It will be a vehicle for all of us to stay current on the Oliver ancestry in addition to upcoming events and new information that filters in on the families. More on this later.

REUNION - Anyone intersted in an Oliver family reunion? Some people have mentioned that it would be nice for the elderly members of our large family to have the opportunity to meet their close cousins and distant Oliver cousins. I am truly thrilled at the interest that has been shown on the history of the Olivers and feel that a reunion is definitely on the horizon. I need Volunteers to assist with this. While I have volumes of information, it takes a lot of manpower and elbow grease to put a reunion together and be able to make the best use of our time while we are at the reunion. I'll wait until I hear how many family members would like to be involved or would plan to attend such a reunion. Please e-mail me with your comments on this. They can be posted on the site, so that those of you who are intersted in this endeavor can work with each other on it.

This page will be reserved for information about the Newsletter and the Oliver Family Reunion. Check back often.