Mariage de Michel Chanal et Gabrielle Cloup
Marriage of Michel Chanal and Gabrielle Cloup
Transcription de l'acte Translation of the act

Le dizieme fevrier mil Sept cent vint Sept Je Soussignés apres
avoir déuement publiés les bans du Mariage à contracter entre
michel Chanal fils n. et L. de feu Gabriel et de defunte valerie
feissuguet Et veuf de Marguerite Brette du village de la
Bardesche de cette parroisse d'une part et Gabrielle Cloup fille
n. et L de Mathurin et de defunte Antoinette aubel du village
de Saugeras parroisse d'ambrugeat d'autre part Sans avoir decouve
aucun empechement aud Mariage Et apres avoir reu le consentem
du Sr prieur d'ambrugeat Signé Servientis, et reçu les mutuel
consentement desd parties, Je les Solemnellement conjointes en
mariage et leur ai donné la benediction nuptiale en présence de
Leonard parel et d'Antoine Chavanal dud village de la bardesche
temoins lesquels et lesd parties ont declaré. Ne scavoir Signer de ce
faire interpellés par moy         Masgimel Curé de Darnets


On February 10th 1727 I undersigned after having duely published the bans of marriage to be contracted between Michel Chanal natural and  legitimate son of the late Gabriel and the late Valerie Feissuguet and widower of Marguerite Brette of the village of  la Bardesche of this parish on one part and Gabrielle Cloup natural and leg. daughter
of Mathurin and of the late Antoinette Aubel of the village of
Saugeras parish of Ambrugeat on the other part without having discovered any  objection to said marriage and after having received the consent of Mr Prior of Ambrugeat Signed Servientis, and received the mutual consent of said parties, I have  Solemnly joined them  in 
marriage and gave them the nuptial blessing in  presence of
Leonard Parel and Antoine Chavanal of said village of la Bardesche
witnesses whom and the said parties declared. not being able to sign when asked by me                       Masgimel Pastor of Darnets

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