Welcome to my family history site. Here you will find the genealogy that I am working on along with photos of my ancestors. I also have a links page with links to other sites that tie in with my genealogy and links for web sites of family and friends.
Come on in and look around, maybe you'll find a connection or a hint in what direction to look in.
I am researching HATFIELD'S and related families. The farthest back I have is SAMUEL and ARIAN HATFIELD. SAMUEL was born ca. 1784 in Maryland. This family traveled through Pennsylvania, Ohio and settled in Indiana. A few of us moved on to Texas in the early 1950's. We are the 'Other Hatfield's', not to be confused with the well known feuding Hatfield's. JOHN HATFIELD was an Indiana farmer and his son WILLIAM HATFIELD was a barber in Indiana during the feud years. Although family stories say we are related to the feuding clan I have yet to make a connection.
In order to protect the living I have not listed information on anyone that is alive, and have not included sources for the same reason. The information listed here comes from my own research as well as information sent to me from various cousins. This information is given to aid in the research of the families. Although every effort has been made to assure accuracy it is not 100% proven nor guaranteed to be accurate.
If you have any questions, corrections, would like sources or would like to contribute information and/or photos please e-mail me. Any errors will be corrected as soon as possible.
The site navigation links are located at the side of each page. To get started you can click on the Surname link to be taken to a list of all the surnames in my database. The Locations link takes you to a chart that lists the major surnames I am researching, the time frame and locations.
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