NP74: Chute Family Notes: Notes 74-1181 through 74-1219

Note    N1181          Index
Notes for Margaret Chute: Margaret Chute was born in London, and moved to Ireland when she was five. She is the daughter of Rolland Patrick Chute, who was known as Tony, and Catherine Neville. She has 2 brothers and one sister.

"My mother always had a keen interest in history and researched the Chute family records from their roots in France to Ireland. Her work was nearly finished before she died, she gathered it for over 20 years. I even remember going to graveyards with her when I was little as she searched for Chutes that had fallen through the records system. I know that there is quite alot of information in her files and I remember her telling me little bits and pieces but I have not read these files myself. The Chute family also have a strong connection with the foundation of Trinity College, Dublin and can still recieve a grant today just this family connection, though as far as I know it is not much as it is in old money. I can go into Trinity myself and find out more about this connection."

Notes courtesy of Janet Chute, daughter of Margaret Chute.


Note    N1182          Index
Notes for Janet Chute: a journalism and media communications student, studying in Dublin, Ireland. Born in Listowel. She took my mother's surname as her own surname.

Notes courtesy of Janet Chute, daughter of Margaret Chute.


Note    N1183          Index
Notes for Jorge Chute: Jorge is listed here as one of the presidents of a professional architectural organization in 1951/1952.

"A partir de aquella primera elecci�n, siguen a Ra�l Lissarrague como presidentes los arquitectos: Alberto Dodds (1945/1948); Abelardo Falomir (1949/1950); Jorge Chute (1951/1952); Luis Fourcade (1953/1955); Hern�n Lavalle Cobo (1956/1957 - 1959/1962 - 1967/1968); Ra�l Pasman (1957/1958); Alejandro Billoch Newbery (1963/1966 - 1969/1970); Alberto Mendon�a Paz (1971/1974); Marcelo N. Salas (1975/1976); Adolfo Zani (1977/1978); Carlos S. Ramos Mej�a (1978/1982); Gregorio de Laferrere (1982/1984); Francisco L. Crespo (1984/1988); Gerardo S. Schon (1988/1990); Antonio S.M. Antonini (1990/1992); Rodolfo P. Gass� (1992/1994)."



Note    N74-1184         Back to Index        Back to Juan Carlos Chute and Fanni Belini Chute.

Notes on Juan Carlos Chute and Fanni Belini Chute:

Juan Carlos Chute is listed as the Manager or Director of the General Accounting and Treasury Office, below:

DIRECCION GENERAL DE CONTADURIA Y TESORERIA (General Accounting and Treasury Office)
Alcorta 231 (9400) R�o Gallegos
Tel. (a) Int. 225
Direcci�n de Despacho (Office Director)

In response to my pitiful attempt at Spanish, asking (1) if he was the same Juan Carlos attached to this employment record, and (2) if he was related to the other Chutes we had listed on the Argentinian website, he replied:

"Si, yo soy Juan Carlos Chute, el nombre de mi padre era Juan Chute y mi abuelo tambien se llamaba Juan Chute, tambien yo tenia un tio que se llamaba Roberto Chute y murio muy joven. Mi esposa (wife) es Fanni Bellini, mis hijos Gonzalo Dario Chute (21 a�os) y Antonella Mariana Chute (17 a�os). Vivimos en la ciudad de R�o Gallegos, provincia de Santa Cruz en el sur de Argentina. No se demasiado de la familia de mi padre, solo que se instalaron en la provincia de Buenos Aires y mi padre naci� en un pueblo llamado Mayor Buratovich, vivi� en Pedro Luro, pueblos cercanos a la localidad de Bahia Blanca."

"Yes, I am Juan Carlos Chute, the name of my father was Juan Chute and my grandfather's also was called Juan Chute, also I have an uncle that was called Roberto Chute and he died very young. My wife is Fanni Bellini, my children Gonzalo Dario Chute (21 years) and Antonella Mariana Chute (17 years). We live in the city of R�o Gallegos, in the province of Santa Cruz in the south of Argentina. I don't know too much of the family of my father, only that they settled in the province of Buenos Aires and my father was born in a town called Mayor Buratovich (Greater Buratovich), lived in Pedro Luro, towns near the locality of Bahia Blanca (White Bay)."

Source Record: E-Mail dated 3/21/2009 11:09:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time from Juan Carlos Chute to Jacqueline Irene Chute. Original message posted on the Chute Message Board

"Mir� mi padre se llamaba Juan Chute naci� en Mayor Buratovich el 30 de Agosto de 1923 y vivi� en Pedro Luro, tuvo cuatro hermanos dos mujeres Esther Chute, que viv�a en Bahia Blanca, Roberto Chute vivi� en la zona de M�danos y alli hay primos mios de apellido Chute, mi otra t�a era Haydee Chute y vivia en Capital Federal, todos mis tios estan fallecidos, se que sus antepasados eran vascos franceses, aunque mi abuelo ya naci� en Argentina, creo que mi bisabuelo era vasco frances, por lo poco que contaba mi padre, el hablaba que dos hermanos chute habian venido a Buenos Aires, no hace mucho tiempo encontr� en la localidad de Ayacucho una se�ora de Marta Maya de Chute, que habia estado casada con un chute que vivia en la zona de Benito Juarez, que podria haber sido hermano de mi abuelo, por las zonas de las que hablamos podrian llegar a tener algun parentesco, yo vivo en R�o Gallegos Provincia de Santa Cruz, lugar donde se radic� mi padre en el a�o 1956 y me gustar�a poder encontrar los origenes de la familia, mi abuelo se llamaba Juan Chute y se caso tres veces una la segunda mujer de mi abuelo era Felisa Medrano y la tercer mujer era Juana."

"My father was called Juan Chute, born in Buratovich Major 30-Aug-1923 and lived in Pedro Luro. He had four brothers and two sisters, Esther Chute, who lived in Bahia Blanca, Robert Chute who lived in the zona de M�danos and there there are some cousins with the last name Chute. My other aunt was Haydee Chute who lived in Capital Federal. All of my uncles are deceased. I know that their ancestors were Basque French, although my grandfathers were already born in Argentina. I believe that my great-grandfather was Basque French, by what little my father recounted, he said that two Chute brothers had come to Buenos Aires, not a long time ago. I found in the locality of Ayacucho one Mrs. Marta Maya de Chute, that had been married to a Chute who lived in the zone of Benito Juarez, who may have been a brother of my grandfather, as the zones of which we spoke were able to bring a measure of kinship. I live in R�o Gallegos Provincia de Santa Cruz, where my father in 1956 took root and would like to be able to find I the origins of the family. My grandfather was called Juan Chute and he married three times: the second wife of my grandfather was Felisa Medrano and the third wife was Juana."

Source Record: Argentinian message board:


Note    N74-1185          Index
Notes for Roberto Edouardo Chute.

Imagine for a moment, that the Academy Awards were held only once every ten years, and that, when they were held, only five awards could be handed out, drawn from a pool of only 100 nominees. The criteria for those five awards was based only in part upon the winner's skill in, say cinematography, or directing, or costume design, or performing - in fact, the nomination alone would be confirmation that the winner was infinitely more skilled than everyone else. But the winner would have also demonstrated a lifetime of work that encouraged and uplifted the people of the United States, that showed a strong and consistent moral example for the rest of the United States, whose work most consistently enriched the lives of the people in the United States, and who most positively reflected the people and the culture of the United States both IN the United States and around the world, for the duration of their lifetime.

Well, while those of us in the United States sadly struggle to envisioning even a nominee (much less a winner) of such a presitigious award, the typical red-carpet arrivals might consider themselves fortunate that they don't live in Argentina, where such an award is known as the Konex Award (or Premio). Each year, awards are bestowed in only a single category (such as Sports, Entertainment, Literature, Music, etc.) There are ten categories, so an author, for example, could only be considered for this award only once every ten years. A more accurate comparison to the Konex, rather than the Academy Awards, would be the Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1988, the category was "Institutions-Community-Companies", and the winner of the Konex in the Judicial category was a retired Justice of the Supreme Court in Argentina, Roberto Edouardo Chute. His grandson, also Roberto Edouardo, recalls attending the gala which accompanied the award ceremony and being awed by the proceedings and overwhelmed with pride for his grandfather. The entire Chute family attended.

From the Konex web site, a synopsis of his accomplishments is below. He is a lawyer (abogado) and judge (juez), received his degree in law from the University of Buenos Aires, was a minister in the Supreme Court and a member of the Commission to Reform Procedural Law, to name a few of these entries. His photo is also found on this web site.

Antes de recibir el Premio Konex/Before receiving the Konex Prize:
T�tulos de Grado y/o Post-grado alcanzados. Instituci�n otorgante y a�o:
Abogado recibido en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Doctor en Jurisprudencia recibido en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1927.
Cargos docentes, p�blicos, privados y otros alcanzados:
Juez de Paz Letrado de la Capital Federal, 1934-1938.
Juez en lo Civil de la Capital Federal, 1938-1943.
Juez en la Camara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Civil, 1943-1966.
Ministro Decano de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Naci�n, 1966-1973.
Miembro Integrante de la Comisi�n Reformadora del C�digo de Procedimientos, 1956.
Despu�s de recibir el Premio Konex:
Premios obtenidos. A�o de otorgamiento:
Premio a la Excelencia otorgado por el Rotary Club de Almirante Brown, 1991.

Photo: Roberto Edouardo Chute

La jurisprudencia de la Corte Nacional es contraria a las pretensiones de la recurrida.

Analizar�, en primer lugar, algunos casos que resuelven situaciones que guardan alguna similitud, aunque no son id�nticas. El 6/10/1972, el alto tribunal, integrado por los distinguidos juristas Roberto Chute, Marco A. Risol�a, Luis Cabral y Margarita Arg�as, sostuvo que �si bien no es dudoso que el Estado puede adquirir un inmueble por prescripci�n ante lo dispuesto en los arts. 3951 y 4015, no es admisible ante la naturaleza del instituto de derecho p�blico que gobierna la expropiaci�n, que pendiente una demanda de expropiaci�n no desistida se transforme la acci�n para obtener un pronunciamiento que declare que se adquiri� el inmueble materia del juicio por usucapi�n�. El fundamento �ltimo de la decisi�n radica en que �si se invoc� una causa de utilidad p�blica para afectar el inmueble al trazado de la ruta, aquella declaraci�n representa desde el punto de vista de los particulares una garant�a constitucional establecida en resguardo de la propiedad privada� Source: Direcci�n Nacional de Vialidad c/Valle de Damonte, M. Suc. LL 150-155).


Note    N1186          Index
Notes for Roberto Edouardo Chute (III):

Came to the United States to study at Northwestern University, under the auspices of the Kellogg Corporation.

"Branding in Latin America"
Roberto Chute

The main objective of this project is to increase the awareness of the Kellogg brand name in our countries. It includes tasks as road shows, contact with local institutions, and publishing materials about Kellogg.

Photo: Roberto Chute

"Sudacas Wins For Third Time In A Row! Congratulations to the Sudacas Winning Team!"
List of players: Juan Fischer, Juan Carlos Garavito, Hernan Ozon, Felipe Cruz, Hernan Pasman, Roberto Chute & Miguel Devoto
Source: webpri.htm

"Roberto Chute pretending he is PELE"
A photo of Roberto Chute with the above caption.
Photo: Roberto Chute


Note    N1187          Index
Notes for Kim Chute:
Title: "Drug use issues in Brazil"
Author: Kim Chute

Two months ago I returned to Western Australia after six unique and exciting weeks touring a southern state of Brazil. I was fortunate enough, along with five other professional and business people, to be part of a Rotary Group Study Exchange (GSE) to Curitiba, the capital city of Parana State.

One thing that I realised is that youth drug issues in Brazil are very similar to those we face in WA. Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana are the drugs that cause the most harms to society in both countries. During my vocational days, I was very fortunate to spend some time with a variety of organisations that dealt with drug issues in their local communities. They included:

visiting a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre, the youngest client just 14 years old;
meeting with representatives from the Civil Police who had, in January, launched a school drug education program so that they could assist teachers in presenting a drug education program.

They were very impressed with the WA Police Service's GURD initiative and young people with GURD t-shirts, stickers and cards can now be seen in Parana;

meeting with the equivalent of our Local Drug Action Group;
addressing approximately 70 secondary school students about the similarities and differences of youth drug issues in Brazil and Australia; and
attending a meeting with nine senior staff members from one of the top K-12 schools in Parana and exchanging ideas for drug education in schools.

Although I had a wonderful time, I was very glad to return to Australia. My time away helped reinforce my belief that Australia is a very lucky country, no matter what our social issues may be. This opportunity is open to professional or business people who are in the middle of their careers. The local Rotary Club will be able to assist anyone interested in applying for a GSE.



Note    N74-1188         Back to Index        Back to Stewart Kinsman Chute.
Notes on Stewart Kinsman Chute:

Is the author of a dissertation entitled, Pharmacological changes in dopaminergic systems induced by repeated administration of phenylethylamine.


Note    N1189          Index
Notes on Johanna McEllicott:

From Families of County Kerry, Ireland: "In 1619, John MacElligott, son of Thomas and nephew of Maurice, inherited the family estate in Bally MacElligott and Ballyseedy parishes; he was the son in law of Bishop Crosbie and sold Tulligarron to Daniel Chute in 1630, when the latter married his daughter, Johanna."

Bishop Crosbie was Bishop John Crosbie, Protestant Bishop of Artfert.


Note    N1190          Index
Notes on Thomas Chute:

"A Thomas Chute d. 1926 was the witness at both weddings of my great-grandfather Alfred Elvin Millard (first wedding 1883, second wedding 1900). Thomas's parents' names were Thomas and Emma, according to his death registration (he died in Petersham, Sydney).

Elvin Millard arrived in Australia as a sailor, and perhaps his friend Thomas Chute did too. I hope this information may help someone.

Linda Barwick
Sydney, Australia."

Immigration Record:
Age 28
Date of Arrival: MAY 1870
Port of Entry: B (Brisbane)
Microfiche and File No. 294, 1

There is a "FRANCIS THOMAS CHUTE", born 27 JUN 1842, Christened 20 AUG 1842, at Old Church, Saint Pancras, London, England. However, his parents, according to the Parish Register, are Thomas Chute and MARY. Source:
Film or fiche number: 0598167
Parish registers, 1660-1875 Church of England. St. Pancras Old Church (St. Pancras)


Note    N1191          Index
Notes on Peter Chute:

Royal Marines Reserves. Attended St. Philomene's Primary School, De la Salle Grammar School, Childwall County College, all Liverpool, Great Britain.

"I worked in Administration and Personnel for first the Liverpool Education Committee and then for the Social Services Department of Wigan, Lancashire before moving with my first wife, Jeannie Moffat, to live in Greece. I met Liz in 1990 after I had split up with Jeannie and we have been together ever since. On the work front I have been many things here in Crete but have finally settled to furniture building and restoration over the last four years. For the sake of the girls' education we will be returning to the U.K. at the end of this year. We intend to live in Scotland, on the Kintyre peninsula where Liz's mother is originally from.

*Our first child, Tom, had a rare genetic syndrome called Chondra-dysplasia punctata, Rhyzomelic type. This information may be useful for the medical database and is especially relevant for consanguinity."

Notes courtesy of Peter Chute, 2002.


Note    N1192          Index
Notes on Margaret Elizabeth Teesdale:

Attended Keinton Mandeville County Primary, Somerset Sunnyhill Bruton School for Girls, Sonerset Yeovil Tertiary College, South Bank Polytechnic, London, England.

"On leaving school I trained in Food Technology. In 1984 1 married my first husband and worked with him, retraining to be a Dental Nurse and Health Educator. I was widowed in 1989, then went on to work in a car dealership for a while before meeting Peter and moving out to Crete. Since living on Crete I have turned my hand to many different things - tour guiding, running a breakfast bar with Peter, olive farming and full time motherhood. I now run a seasonal mini-market in the resort we live near but am looking forward to giving up working with tourists and moving back to Scotland. My favouite pastime was always horses but they are few and far between here on Crete so I have taken up rather more sedentary hobbies such as knitting and sewing."

Notes courtesy of Margaret Elizabeth Teesdale, 2002.


Note    N1193          Index
Notes on Clarence Haskell Chute & Mary Elizabeth Lowey:

Clarence was postmaster in Pasadena, Maryland for many years, now retired. He lives in Pasadena, Maryland. Married Ida B. Smith in 1926.
Note courtesy of Anne Gertrude Chute, 21 FEB 1950, in a Family Data Worksheet compiled for George M. Chute, Jr.
Clarence was a Post Master and worked for the U.S. Postal Service, as well as a talented singer. Clarence and Mary lived in Massachusetts until their divorce in 1911, after which he also lived in Pasadena, Maryland. She lived in Atlanta, Georgia, Mobile, Alabama and Bay City, Michigan. Clarence remarried Ida B. Smith in 1926, no issue. Mary worked as a social worker and was an accomplished violinist."
Note courtesy of Nancy Chute LaFave, 2002.


Note    N74-1194          Index
Notes on George Albert Chute & Alice Louise Gieseke:

"Known as 'Albert' to the family. Expert radio man. He and his son Richard both served in World War II. Now lives in Mobile, Alabama."
Ann Gertrude Chute, Family Data Worksheet sent to George M. Chute, Jr., 21 FEB 1950

A letter from Mary Elizabeth Lowey Chute, dated August 30, 1951 to George M. Chute., Jr., also provided birthdates of son George Albert and his children. However, she was discrepant on two birthdates, that of Alice Mary and Richard, making them both a year younger than their records. The original letter has been filed in George Albert's family group (GP5780-1); we will use the birthdates provided by Richard Harry and Nancy Alberta Chute LaFave, which are consistent. According to son Richard Harry, his father lost an arm while working for the Coast Guard - his car was side-swiped by a large truck. While in the Merchant Marines, his boat was torpedoed twice.

He was mentioned in a letter written by George Roger Chute of Seattle:

"George S.* Chute, of Mobile, Alabama [*George Roger is incorrect; he meant "George A."], also a transplanted State-o-Mainer, is a radio officer aboard ship. He used to be in this vessel**, but when this ship was moved from Mobile to Puget Sound, he returned home. He is a member of the "Radio Officers Union", as also am I. So as to prevent confusion in handling mail, I have dropped the "George" from my name."
**He was writing from the S.S. Seattle.
George Roger Chute to George M. Chute, Jr., 24 October 1967

"George Albert Chute worked for the U.S. Coast Guard as a Merchant Marine Radio Officer. He fought in World War II, during the Minsk Run, and survived the sinking of the SS Pan Royal. Due to his work, the family moved often, living in Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Mobile, Alabama. Because of her husband's long absenses, Alice raised all four of her children as a "single parent" much of the time."

Notes courtesy of Nancy Chute LaFave, 2002.

[Additional Comments - Jackie]: The Pan Royal was lost in the North Atlantic, sinking after a collision, on 2/9/43. The ship is described as a freighter with a crew of 8. No information was provided on the other ship with which the Pan Royal collided. Nancy may have meant the "Murmansk Run", and not "Minsk", and in fact history of the "Murmansk Run" includes one of the more controversial actions of the U.S. military. While not directly related to George Albert Chute's incident on the Pan Royal, it does provide some idea of the lack of respect with which the Merchant Marines were treated by the traditional armed forces.

"There were 40 convoys sent to Murmansk, USSR, above the Arctic Circle on the Barents Sea. Through the Murmansk Run, the United States supplied the Soviet Union with 15,000 aircraft, 7,000 tanks, 350,000 tons of explosives, and 15,000,000 pairs of boots. The most deadly of these convoys was PQ17, which left Iceland carrying cargo worth $700 million. A large battle fleet of British and U.S. Navy ships sailed with the merchant ships on a parallel course. The Allies hoped to lure the Germans into an uneven battle. But when the British Admiralty mistakenly thought the German battleship Tirpitz with firepower superior to the British ships and the battle cruiser Scheer were on their way to intercept PQ17, the Admiralty ordered British and American warships to abandon the convoy to avoid heavy Navy losses. They told the convoy to: "Scatter fanwise. Proceed to destination at utmost speed." Some of the escorts ran for safety; many bravely tried to help the merchant ships the remaining 700 miles to safety. Between July 4 and July 14, 1942, Nazi torpedo-bombers and U-Boats launched repeated, devastating attacks on the lightly armed ships. Only 11 of the 34 merchant ships reached port. Twenty-four were sunk, along with 153 mariners and Armed Guard, 250,000 tons of war material, including 3,500 trucks, 200 aircraft and 435 tanks. Lifeboats brought some mariners to German-occupied Norway where they became POWs. Some survivors spent up to 3 weeks on rafts and open lifeboats and lost limbs to frostbite.

Ironically, the German battleships never did put to sea."

"From 1941-1946 the Merchant Marine took part in all invasions and deadly Murmansk Run. Merchant Marine Casualties at highest rate of any service - 1 in 32 persons. Statistics kept secret during WWII to avoid informing the enemy of their success, and to maintain mariner morale."

"Merchant mariners were civilians, employed by companies hired by the government to haul badly needed war supplies: oil, gasoline, guns, food. Those who weren't too old to be drafted, or classified as physically unfit, were exempt from the draft only while sailing. U.S. Merchant Marine was a Naval Auxiliary by law. Though they were relatively few in number, the merchant mariners faced the worst odds --- one out of every 32 who served died, compared with one in every 34 Marines or one in 48 GIs --- and they are considered by many experts to be a prime reason the Allies won the war."

"But it wasn't until 1988 that Congress granted the merchant seamen of WWII --- more than 10 percent of whom were African-Americans, serving on integrated crews --- the status of military veterans. And then it applied only to those who sailed between Dec. 7, 1941, and Dec. 15, 1945. Last Veterans Day, President Clinton signed a measure extending the cutoff date to Dec. 31, 1946, the same as that for those in the armed services."

Seems appalling that it would take the U.S. government that long to recognize the sacrifices made by the Merchant Marines in World War II.


Note    N74-1195         Back to Index        Back to Donald Vincent LaFave and Nancy Alberta Chute LaFave.

Notes on Donald Vincent LaFave and Nancy Alberta Chute LaFave:

Donald LaFave (BS 1981 University of New Hampshire, AA 1988, University of New Hampshire) served in the United States Armed Forces, in the Navy from 1952-1956, and in the Air Force from 1956 to 1978. He served three tours of duty in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. He worked as a landscaper from 1988 to the present. The family has lived in Alabama (1955-1956), New Jersey (1956-1963), Alabama (1963-1964, while Donald lived in Vietnam), New Hampshire (1964-1970 & 1974-2002), while Donald served in Southeast Asia and Saudi Arabia, Germany (1970-1973) and New York."

Notes courtesy of Nancy Chute LaFave, 2002.


Note    N1196          Index
Notes on the Macready Chute Family History, ©2002 David C.R. Manners. Provided here courtesy of David C.R. Manners. As this work covers multiple generations of Chutes in this line, as well as notable persons of the Victorian era, among others, I've provided an index for easier access to specific family members and others:
Charles Kean Chute and Sybil Claridge Andrews
James Henry Chute
Sarah Desmond
William Macready, Sr.
Mazarina Emily Macready
William Charles Macready
Charles Dickens
Tragedy at the Theater Royal
George Macready Chute
James Macready Chute
Adelaide Margaret Chippendale

On the 28th of June 1884, at the age of twenty-three, Sybil Claridge ANDREWS married Charles Kean CHUTE (the "chu" pronounced as in "chew") by licence, at St. Luke's Church in Liverpool; the groom was described as being a twenty-six year old bachelor and a "Comedian"! Both Charles and Sybil were staying at the same Liverpool address: 14 Greek Street.

Charles Kean CHUTE, born in Bath in 1858 (3rd Quarter), was a member of a significant theatrical dynasty, and was himself an actor. He was named after Charles Kean (1811-68), the well-known thespian son of the famous actor Edmund Kean, one of the 19th-century's most famous English actor-managers, best known for his revivals of Shakespearian plays; Queen Victoria even appointed him the director of her Windsor Christmas Theatricals in 1848. Sybil may well have been introduced to her new husband through the dramatic connections of her younger sister, known as Bobby.

In 1881, Charles Kean CHUTE had been on tour with a company in County Durham. The day the census was taken, he was lodging at 21 Sea View in Westoe, the home of a widow named Jane Wilkin; with him were his fellow actors William Abingdon, from Towcester in Northamptonshire, and Arthur Lawrence, from Camden Town in London.

Charles Kean CHUTE's father was the famous theatre manager and actor, James Henry CHUTE (1812-78). An imposing man of great energy, ideas and taste, who sported a remarkable pair of Dundreary whiskers, James Henry's own performances were memorable, such as in Richelieu by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, shown at the Theatre Royal, Bristol, in October 1854, although Falstaff was considered "among the characters in which he appeared to particular advantage" [his obituary in The Theatre, 1st August, 1878]. For many years he had been the manager of the Assembly Rooms at Bath, where his first seven children were born, 1846-58. He was also the manager of both the Theatre Royal in Bath and the Theatre Royal in Bristol. These he had inherited from his actress-manager mother-in-law, Sarah n�e DESMOND (1790-1853), who had been bequeathed them by her late husband, William MACREADY senior (1755-1829), also a famous tragedian, for Charles Kean CHUTE's mother was Mazarina Emily MACREADY (1812-78), half-sister of the great Victorian tragedian and theatre manager William Charles MACREADY (1793-1873). MACREADY was famously the close friend of Charles Dickens, taking care of his children when the author made his rather unsuccessful tour of the United States, in 1842; Dickens wrote the poem of The Pied Piper of Hamlyn for "poor Willie" when he was unwell, and even dedicated Nicholas Nickleby to him.

By the 1860's, Bristol's Theatre Royal - built in 1766, it still stands in King Street and is the oldest continuously working theatre in England - had become so dilapidated and uncomfortable to work in, and the area in which it stood so insalubrious, that James Henry CHUTE employed C.J. Phipps, who had rebuilt Bath's Theatre Royal for him after the disastrous fire in 1862, to construct a new theatre in Bristol, at a cost of 20,000 pounds. Completed in 1867, The New Theatre Royal in Park Row, below Tyndall's Park, was the largest theatre in the provinces. On its opening night, James Henry stood before the packed house in welcome, and announced:

"The stage is the lay pulpit of the people. We preach here six times a week - and preach strict morality and the principles of virtue in a more pleasing form than they are often taught elsewhere. The drama, it must be remembered, is the reflex of the age and time. Show me the habits and manners of a people and you will see them reflected on the stage. I thoroughly believe in the value of the drama and that the dramatic artist has as high a function to perform as the walkers in any other branch of art."
[quoted in Carleton's Prince's of Park Row; see Bibliography].

In the first four weeks, some sixty thousand people came to applaud their production of The Tempest. On Boxing Day, 1869, the CHUTEs opened the doors of their new theatre for its third pantomime, but as the great crowd surged forwards towards the ticket office, thirty punters were injured in the crush and another fourteen killed! James Henry and his wife personally helped to lay out the bodies of the deceased in the lower refreshment rooms, but the shock was such that "neither Mr. nor Mrs. Chute ever regained their fair outlooks on life". [theatre critic and family friend G. Rennie Powell].

Despite such an inauspicious tragedy, The New Theatre Royal - with its vast stage, its extraordinary interior, its seating for 2,800 people, and a gallery and proscenium arch which formed a perfect circle - soon became Bristol's unchallenged premier venue, for which, in the pantomime seasons alone, 100,000 people - half the city's population - would purchase tickets. In the coming years, the CHUTEs would invite the likes of Clara Butt, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Gerald de Maurier, Kate and Ellen Terry, Henry Irving, Sarah Bernhardt, Lillie Langtry, Pavlova, leading soprano and royal favourite Maria Roze, and even Dame Madge Kendal's mother to step into their new theatre's limelight, whilst notably patronising the Irish playwright and actor, Dion Boucicault (1820-90). Ellen Terry and her sister Kate had both been hired as members of the CHUTE company in 1861, back in Bristol's old Theatre Royal, having left the employ of Charles Kean in 1859; in 1863, Ellen played Titania in Henry James CHUTE's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at his newly rebuilt Theatre Royal in Bath. In later years, Dame Ellen, as she became, would pay particular tribute to the excellence of the experience and training the years with the CHUTEs gave her.

Henry James CHUTE died suddenly, on the 23rd of July 1878, at his home of 2 Park Row, in Bristol, just four months after his wife's passing. He left 5,000 pounds (about 34,027 today) to the care of his eldest son and executor, William Macready CHUTE of "19 Victoria Grove, Fulham Road, Chelsea, Gentleman" and the management of his theatres - he also ran The Theatre Royal in Bath - to his sons George Macready CHUTE (1851-88) and James Macready CHUTE (1856-1912). George had originally spent four years training for the Royal Navy, but had abandoned a career at sea in order to support his father as assistant stage manager and theatre treasurer; his wife, Adelaide Margaret n�e CHIPPENDALE was also a talented actress and had been a member of his father's stock company at Bristol's Theatre Royal. George was also a noted comic actor, and was billed in the likes of The Hypocrite by John Maddison Moreton, in which he appeared with his father, in 1876; Black Ey'd Susan by Douglas William Jerrold and The Shaughraun by Dion Boucicault (1820-90), in 1879. His younger brother, James, had also intended quite a different career for himself, taking examinations to become a civil engineer in India, but fate decreed otherwise and he had failed his medical.

In 1879, George and James tried their hand at directing together with their Christmas Pantomime, Sinbad the Sailor. Intended to finsh its run at the end of January 1880, it proved such a success that the season was extended, the last performance being the 28th February 1880, "with Ruth's Romance, for the benefit of James Macready Chute".

In 1884, these two brothers gave up the old family lease on Bristol's old Theatre Royal and changed the name of their late father's legacy to The Prince's Theatre, rising ever higher in reputation and attracting ever-greater admiration from even their metropolitan peers, inviting the likes of the Lyceum Company (with Irving and Terry), Mapelson's Italian Opera, the Moody Manners Company, Beecham Opera, and the D'Oyly Carte Company, the latter regularly performing the very latest Gilbert and Sullivan productions upon their stage. George and James junior also introduced the novel idea of the pantomime excursion train, which effectively widened the theatre's audience.

In July 1887, George and James stood together upon the stage of The Prince's, just as their father had twenty years before, the younger brother addressing the audience on the social and moral benefits of the acted drama:

"I may be allowed to remind you that it was Macready [his great uncle] who began the gradual elevation of the stage, and his brilliant career drew attention to the actor's calling as one entitled to every respect and consideration. Finally allow me to assure you that the ambition of the descendants of Macready has been, and will be, to continue the path he has marked out for all who come after him. It will always be our endeavour to keep Bristol in the forefront of what is newest and best in dramatic art and to secure to the Prince's the reputation of being one of the most popular and - this is very important - the best supported theatres in the United Kingdom."

Just one month later, George Macready CHUTE caught a severe cold. He travelled to the fashionable sanatoria of Switzerland in an attempt to shake it off, but instead it developed into serious lung trouble. In May 1888, he sailed to South Africa to stay with his elder brother, Henry, a medical doctor at King Williamstown. George began to improve and was sent up country to Aliwal North, but he suffered a relapse and died of a severe haemorrhage on the 13th of August. Back in Bristol, the Mercury printed his obituary, commenting: "the sons have worthily upheld the reputation of their name by the enterprise which they displayed, the very high character which they have maintained for their theatre, the care and liberality with which they have mounted every production on their stage, and by the esteem they have won from all whom they employed..." [14th August, 1888].

In his memory, a plaque was raised to George back home in Bristol, in St. Stephen's Church, dedicated to the "comedian and manager of the Prince's Theatre".

Despite this awful loss, James Macready CHUTE continued on without his elder brother, maintaining the professional standard they had set and continuing to draw the attention and admiration of their peers. To his aid came his remarkable wife, Abigail Philomena CHUTE n�e HENNESSY. Upon their marriage in 1886, Abigail had been regarded as one of the most beautiful, intelligent and lively girls in Bristol, second daughter of Joseph HENNESSY of 35 Richmond Terrace in Clifton, a prominent Bristol Liberal and successful businessman in the cattle trade. Even before she stepped into the theatre, Abigail was a prominent hostess in the city's most fashionable and artistic circles. In 1890, she held an "at home" on the very stage of The Prince's, at which over one hundred guests stood in awe of the luxurious drawing room their set designers and makers had created for the occasion; music for the afternoon was provided by the theatre orchestra, whilst Miss Clara Butt sang and Abigail's sister-in-law, Christine Cecile CHUTE, contributed a concerto. Abigail maintained friendships with many prominent actresses for many years, as shown in her letters to and those from the likes of her closest confidants, Clara Butt and Ellen Terry, which survive today.

With Abigail's untiring support, James soon became regarded as one of the most remarkable men ever to grace the world of Bristol theatre, as well as the director of the Prince of Wales Theatre in Birmingham and the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin. In 1899, the notoriously critical George Bernard Shaw wrote that he had "told Mr. Macready Chute, the manager, that he should come to London to learn from our famous stage managers how to spend ten times as much money on a pantomime for one-tenth of the artistic return," adding, with characteristic cynicism, "what a privilege it is to live in a convenient arts centre like London, where the nearest pantomime is in Bristol, and the nearest opera at Bayreuth"! In 1907, the Bishop of Clifton described James as "a great public educationalist" and one who "largely controls the public factor for good in our midst".

It seemed that James and the CHUTE family would continue to dominate the history of theatre in the area for decades. However, a the reign of King Edward drew to a close, James fell ill. An operation was deemed necessary, from which he seemed to recover, but on the 15th of February 1912, at the age of fifty-five, James junior died at home:

"The death occurred last evening at Bristol of Mr. James Macready Chute, who was for many years proprietor of Prince's Theatre, Bristol, and was widely known throughout the dramatic profession as a public-spirited manager.

Mr. Chute was a descendant of William Macready, the famous tragedian, father of William Charles Macready. Mr. Chute's father had the famous stock company of Bristol and Bath theatres, and is mentioned with gratitude in the reminiscences of some prominent actors and actresses, notably the Bancrofts. Most of the chief actors and actresses of the present time have appeared under Mr. James Macready Chute's management, and Sir Henry Irving produced "Waterloo" at Bristol for the first time. Mr. Chute was 55." [The Times: 16th February, 1912]

James junior was laid to rest a week later, on the 21st of February, at Arnos Vale Cemetery in Bristol, with his parents, again as The Times duly reported:

Sir Herbert Tree, Mr. Bourchier, Mrs. Vanburgh, and other leading members of the theatrical profession sent floral tributes on the occasion of the funeral at Bristol yesterday of Mr. James Macready Chute, proprietor of the Prince's Theatre, Bristol. The Theatre Manager's Association also sent a wreath. The procession passed through crowded streets to the cemetery, where many local institutions were represented. [22nd February, 1912]

Upon his early death, James's energetic widow, Abigail, inherited his 30,042 pounds (about ?1,960,163 today) estate and took over the management of The Prince's Theatre. En grande dame in her manner, and "rather difficult to cope with", Abigail "ruled it, as indeed she dominated [her son,] Desmond, with great determination", aided by her nephew George CHUTE, who was promoted from head of theatre publicity to assistant manager in 1913. Not until her death in 1931 was the CHUTE link with the Bristol theatre finally broken. Despite the drop in theatre audiences with the arrival of moving pictures, The Prince's Theatre survived until the bombing of Bristol during the Second World War, which reduced its fine auditorium and handsome halls to dismal heaps of shattered masonry and smouldering rubble. Today, two blocks of flats stand on the very site of the stage, named Irving House and Terry House, in memory of two of the CHUTEs' greatest stars, whilst The Prince's Service Station marks the site of the old front-of-house. A history of the CHUTEs is to be found in the Varcoe Collection at the University of Bristol's Theatre Archive.

Another surprising connection with the CHUTE family in Bristol is that one of their in-house designers was Mark Barraud, whose dog, Nipper, never left his side, even when working in the theatre on their productions. When Mark died at an early age of heart trouble, his grieving brother painted a picture of Nipper listening attentively to a wax cylinder record of Mark's voice. This painting subsequently became world famous, if not part of 20th-century marketing iconography, when adopted by His Master's Voice Company.

Sybil Claridge and Charles Kean CHUTE had three children:

Charles Francis, known as Francis, was born in 1890, in the Lambeth District (perhaps at the family home in Peckham, where they are known to have been settled by 1895). He was often taken to visit his mother's cousin Madeline CHAMBERS; in 1893, she wrote of him: "a sweet little boy he is".

Francis became a Captain Royal Engineers, serving as Signal Comptroller in the 54th Division during the Great War; he was awarded the Military Cross, and a Bachelor of Science (London).

Charles was tragically killed, aged just 32, whilst at Simla in India, on the 27th of June 1923; he was buried the next day, as a surviving newspaper report describes: "Mr. C. F. Chute, an engineer of Messrs. Turner, Hoare & Co., who served with the sappers in the war, was killed yesterday by being crushed against the hillside by a motor tractor out of control at Guma Waterworks, a project in which he was engaged for his firm. The funeral took place to-day and was attended by the Deputy-Commissioner and the leading officials of the municipality, under whose auspices the waterworks scheme is being carried out". The Simla burial record records Charles as being "a Civil Engineer accidentally killed - crushed ribs".

Margaret, recorded stayed with her CHAMBERS cousins on Crouch Hill in 1898 and 1900, when she was "making damson jam from the garden" [17th September]. By the 1920's, she was writing for fashionable magazines in London, noting in one journal the work of a dress designer, Miss Dolly Tree in Pearson's Magazine, describing her as: "one of the cleverest stage dress designers and colour manipulators of today" - Miss Tree would go on to design for early British films and, most notably, become both the first Briton and the first woman to design for the infamous Folies Berg�re in Paris.

One of the "Bright Young Things" and a chic "flapper", Margaret eventually left London for California, where she worked as a journalist on the film industry, writing for various glamorous Hollywood periodicals.

Dorothea Emily known as Dora; in 1913 (December Quarter) she married Andrew McFADYEAN (23rd April 1887 - 2nd October 1974), at Marylebone in London. He was the second son of Sir John McFADYEAN (17th June 1853 - 1st February 1941), the eminent scientist - after whom the Pathology Institute at the Royal Veterinary College in London is now named - and Mara Eleanor n�e WALLEY (died 1929), who lived at Highlands House in Leatherhead, Surrey.

Andrew, was a diplomat, economist, Treasury official, man of business, Liberal politician, publicist and philosopher. He had distinguished himself from his youth, first at University College School, of which he was later a governor, and then at University College, Oxford, where in 1909 he won his first litterae humaniores. He entered the Treasury by open competition in 1910. He rapidly made his mark in the Civil service, becoming private secretary successively to four ministers in the Asquith administration, then to Sir John Bradbury, Sir Hardman Lever - whom he accompanied in 1917 on a special financial mission to the United States - and Stanley Baldwin, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. In the "Hang the Kaiser" election campaign of 1918, Andrew bravely stood as an influence for magnanimity. His international reputation was established when he served as the Treasury representative in Paris, where he specialised in reparations and war debt during the Versailles era. From 1920-22, he was secretary to the British delegation to the Reparation Commission; 1922-24, general secretary to the commission itself; secretary to the Dawes committee, then Chief Commissioner of Revenue in Berlin until 1930. In 1925, he was presented with a knighthood.

In the general election of 1945, Andrew stood as Liberal and Free Trade candidate for the City of London, and took a quarter of the votes in what had always been a Tory stronghold. In 1949, he became party president and fought the election of 1950 at Finchley. From 1950-60, he held the office of Vice-President of the Liberal Party.

Andrew and his friend John MacCallum Scott were the foremost British architects of the Liberal International, modern successor of the Entente Internationale des Partis Radicaux et D�mocratiques, which they founded at Wadham College, Oxford, in 1947. Andrew became a Vice-President and played a significant part in successive European conferences, notably that at Stuttgart in August 1950, where he was a persistent advocate for a Common Market and a United States of Europe.

In 1948, Andrew became President of the old Free Trade Union, which was then crusading for what it termed "Free Trade in Modern Dress", a position he held for the next eleven years.

Andrew was a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Traveller's Club. During his life, he had five works published, including his translation of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi?s The Totalitarian State Against Man.

Dora and Sir Andrew lived at 28 St. Stephen's Close, Avenue Road, at the base of Primrose Hill, Regent's Park, and had a son, Colin, and three daughters: Barbara, Ann and a third unknown. On the 16th of June 1960, Colin married the divorced wife of Sir Basil HARDINGTON, Helen Mary, daughter of Sir Ian Zachary MALCOLM, granddaughter of the famous actress, fashionable beauty of her day and royal mistress, Lillie LANGTRY. Dora was still living in 1981.

The life of an actor was not easy one and less so for his dependants. In 1895, Sybil found herself in dire straits with three young children to care for on the pitiful wages of her husband. To her humiliation, she found herself in a position which forced to apply to her uncle Francis CHAMBERS for assistance, as her cousin Madeline noted: "Father home at 6. We met him going to Sybil's train. She wrote to his office asking for 10 pounds, but he wrote, "Could not afford it." ? [Friday, 26th April].

In the January of 1898, Sybil stood as witness of the will of her Uncle Frank, when she was described as being of 23 North Bank, Regent's Park, London. This same month, she returned to Crouch Hill to bring her son, Francis, to see the CHAMBERS' family physician, "to ask Dr. Grieg's advice about his neck." She was back at Crouch Hill a few days later, as Madeline recorded: "Sybil came up to look for a room. I went with her ... Sybil taken room in Maud's P[lymouth] B[rethren]'s friends, the Miss [blank], 2 nurses - a turning out of Hornsey Lane. Miss Lambert living there & will help for 5/0." All this was in preparation for the treatment of her little son, which was carried out on the 20th of January: "I to Sybil at 11 & again at 2 operation - his poor little neck cut. Dr. Grieg, Mr. Pollard & Master Bell. I stayed with Sybil & helped out. I felt so ill. The Miss Chutes came." Whatever it may have been that young Francis was suffering with, it would seem to have thankfully been a fully successful operation.

In August 1902, Charles was performing at the Ramsgate Theatre in "Messenger Boy", but was apparently in a bad way when he called on his wife's cousin Madeline: "Mr. Chute to tea. Very wretched." And then the very next day: "Went to tea with Mr. Chute at Ramsgate. He met us at 5. Saw us off at 7. Nice rooms, he has, & got us, poor fellow, such a nice tea." Little could Sybil have realised that his life was soon to be cut short, for just three years later, in 1905 (1st Quarter), at the age of just forty-six, Charles suddenly passed away.

Sybil's husband had a nephew named Desmond Macready CHUTE, the "charming, enigmatic and neurotic" son of the afore mentioned James Macready CHUTE and Abigail Philomena n�e HENNESSY. Born in September 1895, at the family home of Abbeymeade, Tyndall's Park in Bristol, Desmond's arrival was enthusiastically heralded in the Bristol Evening News, which proclaimed that "The advent of the little stranger at Abbeymeade is an event of dynastic proportions"! Desmond was educated at the Benedictine abbey school of Downside in the beautiful Mendip Hills, at Stratton-on-the-Fosse near Bath. As the only child, Desmond was expected to follow his forebears into the theatre and take over the management of The Prince's from his father. Unfortunately, the CHUTE family tended towards consumption, the scourge of Victorian Britain, and over the years tuberculosis took the lives of the majority of Desmond's relatives, including his own father in 1912, when Desmond was only seventeen years old. With no other CHUTEs to take the place of James, his widow, Abigail, stepped in to manage the family theatre until Desmond was old enough to take over for himself. But Desmond's life was to follow a path quite unlike that his parents had intended.

An intelligent student - literary, extremely well-read and highly capable; sensitive to the point of being described as "withdrawn" and "reserved"; musically and artistically gifted; over six feet tall, with reddish-brown hair, slim and good-looking - Desmond had been made Head of School at Downside, before leaving to study art at the Slade in Manchester. In 1915, Desmond was back home in the West Country to help his mother in her war work, his poor health and gentle disposition precluding him from military service. Whilst here in Bristol, he read a newspaper review of the New English Art Club exhibition, which especially praised an entry entitled The Centurion's Servant, a painting by an unknown artist named Stanley Spencer (1891-1959), then aged twenty-four, who was working for the war effort as an orderly at Beaufort Hospital in Bristol. Desmond had already heard the name, as Stanley had also studied at the Slade, although they had not met there, and determined to pay the painter a visit, as Stanley describes:

"I had a visit from a young intellectual ... who, like Christ visiting Hell, came one day walking to me along a stone-coloured passage with glass-coloured windows all down one side and a highly patterned tile floor... I had a sack tied round my waist and a bucket of dirty water in my hand. I was amazed to note that this youth in a beautiful civilian suit was walking towards me as if he meant to speak to me; the usual visitors to the hospital passed us orderlies by as they would pass a row of bedpans. The nearer he came, the more deferential his deportment, until at least he stood and asked me with the utmost respect whether I was Stanley Spencer.

If I were able to express how much this hospital life and atmosphere was cut off and out of the power of any other power than itself, I could make it clear what I felt at the moment of meeting. Compared with the crushed feeling the place gave me, the army and the war took upon themselves something of the freedom that one felt about civilian life in peacetime. The appearance of this young man was a godsend. He was terribly good and kind to me and appreciated the mental suffering I was going through [quoted in Spencer's biography, see Bibliography].

The two young men were to become the greatest of friends, exploring together Desmond's home suburb of Clifton on Stanley's days off; rummaging through bookshops, such as that of his young antiquarian bookseller friend, Douglas Cleverdon, off Park Street; visiting Desmond's mother at home, and his surviving aunts; and attending teas given by Clifton's most fashionable hostesses, occasions at which Desmond would entertain the ladies with his amusing anecdotes and his delightful piano-playing. Despite Desmond's younger age, Stanley eagerly became his most attendant pupil:

"When I [Stanley] used to visit him, he used to translate so much [of the Odyssey] and then read it in the original ... Sometimes when we have been out for a walk - wonderful walks - I would begin to ask him about some particular novelist and he would go through the whole novel quoting pages and pages, quite unconsciously... When I think of the wonderful quiet evenings I have spent in Chute's bedroom with the sunlight filling the room and Desmond surrounded by the wildflowers which he loved. I used to sit looking out of the wide-open window and listen to him translate Homer and "Odyssey", "Iliad" and Cyclops and the men escaping under the sheep, oh my goodness, it really did frighten me...

I have looked at different translations of Homer, but nothing to approach Desmond's ... Our evenings were so satisfying. He read me "Midsummer Night's Dream" on night and on another night he read me "As You Like It". I think it is a wonderful play. The colour of Chute's hair is a brilliant rust-gold ... He reminded me in character of John the Baptist. Of course, having studied at Downside, Desmond has a natural grace that makes it satisfying to be with him. I mean he has a mind so quickened by God that you can do nothing but live when you are with him.

For Stanley, Desmond would long prove to be a significant artistic and spiritual inspiration in his life, one who is now regarded as being largely instrumental in restoring Stanley's confidence in painting; indeed, when Stanley's war duties took him away from Bristol, Desmond wrote to him every single day, gently encouraging him to find a spiritual meaning in military life. In order to continue Stanley's literary education, Desmond posted him his own translation of Book VI of the Odyssey, of which Stanley wrote:

"It is grand to take your translation out of my haversack and read it during intervals of drill ... I should like a photo of you. Now that I am here I look back on the time I spent with you and it appears so beautiful to me. It clears my head which gets muddled at time."

Much of their correspondence survives and may be consulted at the Stanley Spencer Gallery, at Cookham in Berkshire, as can Desmond's sketch of Stanley, which he pencilled in 1916.

In 1918, Desmond made a dramatic break from Bristol, the theatre with all its familial expectations and his mother. This sudden change was entirely due to a chance meeting in the early summer of this year. Desmond had been visiting Westminster Cathedral and had inquisitively approached the young stone-carver who was working on the Stations of the Cross. Three hours later, the two men realised that they had not stopped talking and had walked for miles through the backstreets of London; two days later, Desmond found himself in Sussex, with his new friend at Ditchling. This unexpected encounter would change Desmond's life forever, for he simply walked away from his earlier life to start anew as student, companion and confidant of Eric Gill (1882-1940), the sculptor, engraver, typographer and writer, whom he would soon refer to as "my beloved master", "a dear and holy man". Theirs would prove to be a deep, creative, influential and life-long friendship; his pencil sketch of Eric (c.1938) is now held in the National Portrait Gallery.

Thus it was that Desmond became not only a member of the famous Ditchling Community, north of Brighton, but "his quiet influence, the depth and sensibility of his religion and his charm of character [were] an important factor in the early development of the community" [Donald Attwater in A Cell of Good Living]. Remembered as "delicate in healthy, refined and ascetic in appearance ... tall, languid, aesthetic, often swathed around with scarves", Desmond initially lived in a little cottage with a smallholding, which he named "Sorrowful Mysteries"! It was at Ditchling that Eric taught his beloved companion, brother-artist, disciple and, some say, substitute son, the art of wood and copper engraving, and stone-carving. Together, they worked on the Stations of the Cross for St. Cuthbert's in Bradford, executed according to Desmond's own designs. Today, more pieces of Eric's work are being attributed entirely to his assistant's own hand, a fact which did not seem to concern Desmond at the time, for as he explained: "Everything made there [at Eric's workshop] was wholly inspired and entirely due to him. This does not necessarily mean that all works came wholly from his hand ... Nor did he hesitate to set his name to work thus produced - metaphorically in most cases, for he did not hold with signed work."

In 1918, Eric took his talented pupil to visit the Wirksworth quarries in Derbyshire, and on their walk from Hawkesyard, near Rugely, where they visited the Priory of the English Dominicans, to Lichfield in Staffordshire, they were very nearly arrested as German prisoners of war! When Eric was called up, in the September of this year, he entrusted Desmond with the care of both his family and the Community.

In January 1919, Stanley Spencer returned from the war, having served as an official war artist, and excitedly sought out his dear friend Desmond. He was invited to accompany Desmond and Eric back to Hawkesyard Priory to see them both inaugurated as Tertiaries in the lay order of the Dominicans, on the 20th of January, but, before they could take their train from Euston station, Desmond was struck down in the awful influenza epidemic which was to kill twenty-two million people across the world. Desmond's mother, Abigail, was terrified for him and was chauffeured from Bristol to collect her son from Ditchling and return him home, lovingly swathed in blankets.

Thankfully, Desmond recovered and took the train back to his life with Eric in Ditchling, stopping off on the way to see Stanley at Cookham. When Stanley showed his old friend his new painting of the crucifixion, Desmond "was so staggered he could hardly speak. He asked me deferentially if I could possibly part with it." Desmond took the painting back to Sussex with him, but this meeting revealed to them both that, just as the war had changed Stanley, so life in the Ditchling Community had changed Desmond. Perhaps somewhat jealous of Desmond's attachment to Eric, to whom he had most certainly not taken, Stanley admitted, "I felt the loss, [but] he is a friend of mine as far as I know, and our old esteem and mutual interest is doubtless still in being"; most poignantly, although they continued in regular correspondence until 1926 and as late as the 1950's Desmond took his cousin Dora, by then Lady McFADYEAN, to meet Stanley in Cookham, Stanley henceforward changed the endings of his letters from "your ever-loving friend" to simply "yours ever".

Back in Ditchling, Desmond continued to flourish under Eric's careful instruction. His unequivocal verses were published in their magazine, The Game, and his wood carvings were used to illustrate a number of books which the Ditchling Community published under the title of "St. Dominic's Press", such as Songs to Our Lady of Silence, in 1921; A Plain Plantain Arranged from a C17th Receipt Book, in 1922; Welsh Ways & Days by Eleanor Boniface, in 1935; and Wood Engraving by R. John Beedham, 1935. For Desmond, who had grown up as a lonely and sensitive only child, his years with Eric at Ditchling were transformative, as he himself described in 1926: "At last I feel that I have somehow come to live not as an onlooker, nor as a man at my particular job, but as a man among men. A simple thing, not worth chronicling - but a thing uniquely difficult to me."

In 1921, much inspired by the Distributists and the teachings of a Catholic monk named Vincent McNabb, Desmond set off for Fribourg in Switzerland to study theology with the Dominicans at the Albertinum. Desmond's grandfather, Joseph HENNESSY, had been of Irish catholic stock and his parents' wedding had been conducted at the Clifton Pro-Cathedral in Bristol; whilst Abigail had remained a catholic, Desmond's father, James, had worshipped at the Anglican St. Mary's in Tyndall's Park, or at St. Paul's in Clifton all his life. Desmond had had a strong spiritual leaning since childhood and it is recalled that one of his mother's friends, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, once described him as "Dear Desmond, looking more like Christ than ever", and he once fainted in the Eric's kitchen as he knelt in fervent prayer on the unyielding coconut matting! This call, from his deep in his soul, now came to the fore, and Desmond had to admit that, in reality, "Ditchling was rather crude: we were too self-sufficient and insufficiently self-supporting". In contrast, Father Vincent had filled him with a renewed spiritual fervour and the desire for a very different life, as Desmond himself described:

"What struck us on knowing Fr. Vincent was a singular simplicity, unlike any we had ever met with, a profound (for lack of a better word), integrity, which, however, was something more - the complete fusion of all the elements of a highly gifted mind and complex character in an all-pervading sense of the presence of God ... We beheld him among the "divine philosophers", that is, the lovers of wisdom, the seekers after Truth. In this search he never flagged; his every waking hour was given to it; and what he found therein he broke as bread to his fellowman.

So great was his humility and sense of wonder that there was never anything oppressive in argument or pedantic in correction, but rather the sheer joy of shared enlightenment. Justice was always his recurring theme, justice and charity, but justice first. And peace, which he said, rather than joy, was the hallmark of the Christian life...

He lived, moved, and spoke in an atmosphere of divine awareness so habitual as to be perhaps unconscious... His self-effacement was such in quality and degree as to transform his vivid personality into a crystal-clear mirror of divine truth... To see him in his habit threading his way through dingy streets towards Hyde Park or at Ditchling between the wide Common and the Sussex sky, crossing the meadows and entering cottage and workshop, breviary and New Testament under his arm, in town and country alike scattering seeds of truth and justice, was to understand what was said of St. Dominic: that he spoke only to God or of Him."

For Eric, with Desmond gone, the best days of Ditchling were over: "will anything ever have the vigour and freshness of the first spout?" he wrote in melancholy. Eric wrote surprisingly little about Desmond in his autobiography, which he explained as being, "because my love for him is too intimate, too much a matter of daily companionship and discussion and argument, too close a sharing of life and work and ideas and doubts and difficulties - the only man and therefore the only priest with whom I have been able to talk without shame and without reserve". [quoted in Attwater's A Cell of Good Living].

In 1927, Desmond was ordained a priest and, due to his ill-health, settled in the warmer climate of Rapallo in Italy, at the Pensione Canali. It was around this time, that Desmond and his mother were granted a five-minute audience with the Pope, but Pius XI was so impressed by the young priest that Desmond spent over half an hour with him, whilst Abigail knelt beside her son "in ecstasy" [Ken Pople]. Three years later, Abigail was diagnosed with cancer and Desmond returned to Bristol to take care of her, but she passed away on the 5th of October, 1931. Her funeral was held at the Clifton Pro-Cathedral in Bristol. Eric wrote to "my dear and loving steward", from Sussex, to offer his condolences:

"I dare say that you will feel your mother's going very poignantly, there were many bonds between you and, considering the difference of view and interest, her patience and generosity, in the presence of what, to her, must have been your strange enthusiasms, were very great and tender."
[quoted in Eric Gill's biography; see Bibliography].

Desmond's mother was laid to rest in Canford Cemetery at Westbury-on-Trym, North Bristol. Her headstone depicting Christ the King was carved, at Desmond's request, by Eric - and so it is that Abigail's last memorial joins the other famous monuments Gill carved for his friends: Lady Ottoline Morell, Rupert Brooke, Aubrey Beardsley and G. K. Chesterton. Abigail left a personal estate of 14,109 pounds [about 561,609 today], her will specifying that a 50 pound donation was to go to the Little Sisters of the Poor of Cotham Hill, in Bristol; 25 to the Convent of Mercy, at Westbury-on-Trym; and 50 to the Clifton Catholic Rescue Society.

In 1932, Desmond sold his interest in the theatre, which his grandfather had built, and which both his father and mother had managed between them for fifty-three years. So it was that, with Abigail gone, Desmond's last attachment to his early life in Bristol was severed.

By the outbreak of the second World War, Desmond had established his home in the charming Villa San Raffaele at Rapallo, surrounded by books and musical scores, "the piano always open, lavish with fine furniture and valuable works of art, in a permanent state of semi-darkness". Here he became an active member of the "Tigullian Circle" of writers, musicians and artists surrounding Ezra Pound, who lived at Rapallo from 1925 to 1945. Desmond's musical gifts had been noted since his youth, when he would entertain at the piano for Clifton's most fashionable "at homes", and back in Ditchling he had spent much time teaching Eric's daughters to sing. Now at Rapallo, his regular soir�es and concerts became legendary, when he would often accompany Ezra Pound's violinist mistress, Olga Rudge, to the delight of gathered friends, when Mozart and Pergolesi sonatas were constant favourites.

Of course, even from this distance, Desmond kept in constant and close contact with Eric Gill. In 1940, he supplied the introduction to Eric's latest publication, Drawings from Life, a passionate essay on attitudes to love and to love in relation to art, Desmond writing, in a sort of "hymn to holy poverty", that nakedness was "the only nobility left to the vast majority of men ... Apart from their vulgarity when new, how often does one not see a godlike torso emerging from filthy nth-hand garments, almost radiant with the visible touch of the creator. If naked bodies conceal a hell-hunger of lust, they can and do kindle a hunger for heaven. May God bring us thither."

Desmond was highly regarded by the local population at Rapallo, who kept him hidden from the Fascisti in the early years of the war. For a time, he lived under constant threat of an arrest warrant to have him incarcerated in a Nazi concentration camp. In 1944, the Germans tracked him down and removed him instead to a remote monastery at Bobbio, near Genoa, where he began a history of St. Columban and, with the assitance of a captured Yugoslav officer, reorganised the local convent hospital. A fascinating letter written by Desmond at the end of hostilities to his friends at Ditchling can be found at Appendix G. After the war, Desmond returned to Rapallo and did much to support Pound's mother and his daughter by Olga Rudge, Mary.

On Christmas Eve, 1955, a radio play by Desmond, entitled Poets in Paradise, was broadcast in London by the BBC. Desmond passed away at Rapallo in 1962, whereupon a local acquaintance, Professor Pietro Berri, penned a most touching obituary:

"To be seen lately at Rapallo was the figure of a priest, tall, but of wan complexion, with a beard at one time golden, but gradually streaked with grey, always sporting dark glasses for the greater protection of his sight ... His distinguished manners, his elegant style of speech, his refinement of dress and person, the gentlemanly ease with which he moved in eclectic cosmopolitan circles, the style and discernment of his conversation, in unfailing interest in all things musical, his wide knowledge of things intellectual ... These, his art, and especially his music, fully occupied those parts of his days not dedicated to his priestly duties or to his charitable undertakings. He was an aesthete in the purest sense of the word, whose every gesture revealed a rare fastidiousness, not always concealed behind an unexpected shyness."
["Il Reverendo Desmond Chute e la Rapallo cultuale di anteguerra"].

Despite his dislike of the clergy, Ezra Pound expressed the high esteem in which he held Desmond by attending his funeral. On the 26th of January, 1963, The Times of London published Desmond's will regarding his estate in England, valued to be worth 23,748 pounds [about 304,253 today], after tax, which he bequeathed thus:

to the Father Bede Jarrett Memorial Fund at Oxford, 100 pounds [about 1,281 today];
to the Catholic Truth Society, 100;
to the Abbot of Prinknash, 100;

to Winnifred J. HENNESSY (a cousin?), all other legacies and English properties in trust; after her death these were to be divided: to the Converts' Aid Society, 1,000 [about 12,812 today]; to the Society of St. Augustine at Canterbury, 100; to the Abbot of Downside for the embellishment of the Abbey Church; to the Provincial Order of Friars Preachers in England, a fourth of the remainder; to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Clifton, Bristol, a fourth of the remainder, with the express wish that it be used for the purposes of clerical education.

Today, the International Library of Rapallo (Biblioteca Internazionale di Rapallo) incorporates the greater part of Desmond's library, chiefly containing books on religion, philosophy and literature. His private collection of letters, pamphlets, engravings, drawings, sculptures, personal papers and books relating to Eric, make up the body of the Eric Gill Collection held at Chichester.


Note    N74-1197         Back to Index        Back to Reverend Nicholas Noyes.
Notes on the Reverend Nicholas Noyes:

Was minister in Salem, Massachusetts at the time of the Salem Witch Trials. Was considered by others, even his contemporaries, to have contributed in part to the frenzy by being being gullible, irrational, excessively harsh and lacking knowledge of accepted legal practices. He judged Rebecca Nurse guilty for not answering questions posed to her despite knowing she was partially deaf and unable to hear him, dismissed vital evidence in favor of the accused as irrelevant, and made his decisions based almost entirely upon "spectral evidence" which could not be proven or denied. The hangings ended only when "spectral evidence" was deemed inadmissable by Governor Phips.

"Officially he was only second pastor of the First Church, but its senior pastor, John Higginson, was old now, and more and more left practical details to his younger colleague. This was a circumstance which was to have important results, for Noyes, that rarity among Puritan ministers, a bachelor, was of a fiercer, more unforgiving temper than the older, mellower man. Noyes could indeed be gentle with the sinner who repented and renounced his sin, but for the sinner who denied his guilt, he would have no mercy."

The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials, Marion L. Starkey, 1949, Anchor Books, pp. 43-44. The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials
The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials

Was apparently the victim of a curse leveled at him by one of the women falsely accused of witchcraft in 1692:

"At her hanging, the Rev. Nicholas Noyes asked accused witch Sarah Good to confess to being a witch. Her famous response to him was: "I am no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life God will give you blood to drink." Twenty-five years later, Noyes died of a hemorrhage, choking on his own blood."


Note    N1198          Index
Notes on Matthew Whipple:

From The Hammatt Papers: Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Massachusetts, 1633-1700, written by Abraham Hammatt, in 1890, "Was a commoner in 1641. His second wife, Rose, he married November 13, 1646. His children were John, born July 15, 1657, Matthew, born December 20, 1658, Joseph, Mary, Ann and Elizabeth. He had land with his brother John, 200 acres of land granted February 19, 1637, at the Hamlet, where he resided. He died October 20, 1658."

The Whipple Family website places John, Matthew, Joseph and Ann in the family of John Whipple (21 FEB 1625 - 10 AUG 1683) and Martha Reyner or Reynor (____ - 24 FEB 1679/1680). Mary and Elizabeth, without birthdates listed, are more difficult to place. Nonetheless, it is far more likely that the children attributed to Matthew and Rose by Abraham Hammatt were, in fact, the children of John and Martha, as Rose would have been in her seventies when the marriage to Matthew Whipple took place.


Note    N74-1199         Back to Index        Back to Thomas Wood and Ann Hunt Wood.

Notes on Thomas Wood and Ann Hunt Wood:

Thomas WOOD married 7: 4: mo, (June) 1654, Ann ___ .

By deeds, dated 18 Feb., 1657, Joseph Jewett conveys to him four acres of land lying between the street (now Main Street) and Humphrey Bradstreet's farm (Essex Deeds, 2 Ips.: 135), and one undivided half of fourteen acres, "joining to Humphrey Bradstreet's land with the south part of it, and butting upon a parcel of land called the warehouse field . . . with the east part of it, and with the west part of it joining to the way that goes to Newbury and the way that leads to Rowley warehouse" (Essex Deeds, 2 Ips.: 134,). He exchanged these lands with John Pickard, guardian of Nehemiah Jewett, for that Messuage, mansion house, "wherein Mr Joseph Jewett dwelt at the time of his death" (Essex Deeds, 2 Ips.: 66). That was the original lot laid out to William Bellingham (14).

Wood was accused before the Rowley Church, 28 Aug., 1667, of having the deed of this land so made as to include about sixty rods of meadow belonging to Rev. Samuel Phillips, the minister of Rowley, and of pulling down the fence, thereby wronging Mr. Phillips. The matter was settled by Mr. Phillips' having his meadow restored, and Brother Wood confessing his sin. (Ch. R.)

In the Diary of Hon. Samuel Sewall (Vol. 1, p. 10) is the following:

"1675 July 31, at midnight, Tho. Wood, carpenter, of Rowley, had his house and goods burnt, and voe malum, a daughter of about 10 years of age, who directed her brother so that he got out, was herself consumed to ashes."

In an affidavit of 1675, he called John Todd, "brother"; he also gives his age as "about 40 years" (Essex Ct. Files, 23: 27-28-29). It is probable he was older than stated. He was buried 12 Sept., 1687. His will, dated 21 July, 1687, mentions himself as of Rowley and as "being at present weak in body"; wife, Anne; eldest son, John; sons Thomas. Josiah, Samuel, Solomon, Ebenezer and James; "my three daughters", Mary Chute, Anne Plummer and Ruth Jewitt; brother Obadiah Wood of Ipswich; son Thomas, and wife, Ann, executors (Suffolk Probate, 10: 168). His widow, Ann, died 29 Dec 1714.

George Brainard Blodgette, Amos Everett Jewett, "Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts", published by Amos Everett Jewett in 1933, pubished by New England History Press, 1981.

Note    N1200          Index
Notes on Margaret Read Lake:

"LAKE. Mrs. Margaret Lake. The sister of Mrs. John Winthrop, jr., and Mrs. Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds. She possessed land in Ipswich, Connecticut, Maine. Several of her Letters are preserved in the archives of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., together with letters written to Rebekah Symonds from her son in England.

The Will of Margaret Lake, of Ipswich, widow:

I give unto my daughter, Hannah Gallop, and her children, all my land at New London: and also my best gotine, and my red cloth petticoat, and my enameled ring. And after her decease, my will is, that my grand daughter, Hannah Gallop, shall have the said ring.

Also, I give unto my grandaughter, Hannah Gallop, a pair of sheets, and one of my best pewter platters, and one of the next.

Item. I give unto my daughter, Martha Harris, my tapestry coverlet, and all my other apparell which are not disposed of to others particularly. Also, I give unto her my mantle; and after her decease to all of her children, as they need it.

Also, the coverlet of tapestry, after my daughter Martha decease, I give it to my grandson Thomas Harris: and he dying without issue, to his brother John, and so the rest of the children.

Also, I give to my daughter Martha, my gold ring. And my will is that after her decease, that my Grandaughter, Martha Harris, shall have it.

Item. I give to my grandaughter, Martha Harris, my bed, and bedstead, and one boulster, two blankets, two pillows, and one coverlet.

Item. I give to my grandaughter Elizabeth Harris, one heyfer at my cozen Eppes.

Item. I give to my grandaughter, Margaret Harris, my carved box, and one damask table cloth, and six damask napkins.

Item. My will is that all my brass and pewter, with the rest of my household stuffe undisposed, be equally disposed and divided amongst my daughter Harris's children.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Harris, all the rest of my estate, viz : my part of the vessell, and all my debt, only my Bible excepted, which I give to my grandson John Harris: and a pair of frenged gloves.

I appoint my sonne Thomas Harris and my daughter Martha Harris, to be my executor and executrix of this my last will and testament. This thirtieth day of August, the Year of Grace, sixteen hundred and seventy two. 1672.

These being witnesses

hir mark

Thomas Knowlton, sen'r
James Chute

In the inventory of Mrs. Margaret Lake's effects, appraised by John Dane, Thomas Knowlton, John Laighton, are the following items: one tapstre coverlet, one bedstead, a feather bed, and a flocked bed and three down pillows, a sarge sute and a crimson petticoat, three carved boxes, one scarlet mantle, four payer of holon sheets and three payer and one sheete of others, a damask table cloth and five napkins, four holon pilobers and two others, four shifts, her weading shift, a great Bible, a pare of gloves, part of the barke, debts due from Mathew peary, William Quarles, Mr. Ipse, Joseph Lee, Debts to be paid to Marchant Wanrite, To decon Goodhue.

J. Wingate Thornton, Esq., has a fragment of a letter written at London, ye 5th Sept. 1672, by Lidia Bankes to her Dear Cousin. But the name of the cousin is wanting. That which is legible reads:

"I have received yours by your Brother Symonds. Your children having attained unto learning � I doe not remember I ever saw you above once, which was at your mother's house in New England. But I very well remember you from a child & when you were in Holland, you and your cousin John Lake with us, and rejoyce you were under soe worthy a person for tuition as your grandfather.

"Besides I well remember your family of ye Eppes, for I was brought up with them from my youth - while your mother lived we constantly corresponded - and she always gave me an account of her children and ye blessed condition of your Sister En-, who was a pretious christian. And of your Sister m-. I desire my affectionate love to your wife and all your children; not forgetting ould mr. Bourman, Mr. Rogers; and their wives, if alive, my great respects to them. My service to your father Symonds, my Cousin.

"I have most dear respect for your Aunt Lake, but just as I was writing I heard of her death. If there be any of her childreft, remember me to them. My sister Reade and Cousin Samuel present them servise -"

Additional: Mrs. Margaret Lake was the daughter of Edmand Reade, of Wickford, County Essex, England. An ancient copy of her father's will was found among the Winthrop Papers, and was printed in the "Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society," 1862-3. John Ward Dean said of this Will: "One of the daughters of the testator, named in the will, afterwards became the second wife of John Winthrop, Jr., and the mother of all his children. Before her marriage her father had died and her mother had become the wife of the celebrated Hugh Peter. Mrs. Margaret Lake, who was at Connecticut and Ipswich, we see by the will was an older sister of Elizabeth; and the other sister, Martha, is named in the will as the wife of Daniel Epps. We afterwards find Martha in New England, the wife of Samuel Symonds."

One of our local papers give another glimpse of Mrs. Margaret Lake and her children:

"The earliest Harris in Ipswich, was Thomas who married Martha Lake, November 15, 1647. His name does not appear in any of the shipping lists, and it cannot be determined when he came to New England or where he came from. He was evidently a man of quality, or he could not have married Martha Lake, a young woman allied to the Winthrops; her aunt Elizabeth being the wife of John Winthrop, Jr., who settled Ipswich, and who had houselots on Fast street, High street, and at Rocky Hill extending to Turkey Shore.

Martha Lake Harris was the daughter of John and Margaret Lake. John Lake was of the Lake Family of Normanton, Yorkshire, who claimed descent from William the Conqueror. Mrs. Margaret Lake was the daughter of Edmund Reade, Wickford, County Essex. She lived many years in Ipswich; and her will, on file, and dated 1672, gives a quaint idea of ancient elegancies.

Hannah Lake, another daughter of John and Margaret, married John Gallop, Jr., who was a bold and famous soldier in days of early Indian warfare.

Thomas and Martha (Lake) Harris had four sons and three daughters. Serg't John, their son, married Grace Searle. Margaret, their daughter, married John Staniford and was remembered, for her name, in her grandfather Lake's will."

Abraham Hammatt, The Hammatt Papers

Note    N74-1201         Back to Index        Back to Marsden Edwin Chute and Thelma Irene Hooper Chute.

Notes on Marsden Edwin Chute and Thelma Irene Hooper Chute:

Correspondence, Thelma Irene Hooper Chute to George M. Chute, Jr.

Welshpool, NB
Apr 21, 1960

Dear Mr. Chute,

We were pleased to receive your letter as we didn't know there were any Chute's in the States. Marsden's father died about 6 years ago or more. We would be pleased to meet you if you have the chance to visit the Island sometime. Leona would have more information as she is the oldest.


Mrs. Marsden Chute

PS: Marsden is a fisherman, troll fishing and seinging.

[Note: it is most likely that Marsden enjoyed singing, unless she meant a type of fishing not identified.]

Marsden Edwin, Military: Private, Royal Regt. Of Canada, C.A.

Obituary, Thelma Irene Hooper Chute
Her biography:THELMA I. CHUTE


CAMPOBELLO, New Brunswick - Thelma Irene (Hooper) Chute passed away Friday, Dec. 24, 2010, at Charlotte County Hospital. She was born May 6, 1929, in Calais, the daughter of the late Irene and Vernon Hooper. Thelma was married to Marsden Chute for 50 years before his passing. She grew up in Lubec before she married at age 16, and lived the rest of her life in Campobello, New Brunswick. She loved the Lord and has been waiting for many years for Him to take her to heaven. She loved her church, North Road Baptist Church, where she was saved many years ago. She was a most generous and caring person who loved to give people gifts and would give away her last cent even if she needed it herself, and did so numerous times. In her younger years she worked in a sardine factory, but her main job was a housewife and mother. She is survived by her children, Linda Wallace and husband, John, Milton Chute and companion, Linda Ferguson, all of Lubec, Madelyn Miller and husband, Carleton, of Edgewater, Fla., and Susan Olson and husband, Mark, of Robbinston. She loved all her grandchildren immensely: Jonathan Wallace, Lisa Fitzgerald, Tammy Bruna, Scott Farmer, Steven Olson and Amanda Olson; also her great-grandchildren, Dari McConnell, Ashley Ferris, Mason and Molly Farmer, Emma and Christian Bruno, Emma Fitzgerald, Caden and Jonas Olson and Brylee McConnell. She had many friends whom she loved. She had a special neighbor who helped her out a lot, Marie Matthews. She was predeceased by sister, Madeline Kelly; half sister, Ivy West, half brother, Rod Hooper; and grandson, Robbie Wallace. Resting at North Road Baptist Church, where the service will be held 7 p.m. Atlantic Standard Time Tuesday, Dec. 28. A reception will be after in the church hall. Visitation will be held 6 p.m. Atlantic Standard Time until the time of service Tuesday at the church. Arrangements have been entrusted to the care and direction of Humphreys Funeral Home, 20 Marks St., St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Please call the funeral home or refer to the funeral home website or 98.1 The Tide for bulletins before venturing out. Donations to North Road Baptist Church would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences to the family may be placed at

Biography contributed by Margaret Goode Bohman


Note    N74-1202         Back to Index        Back to Abner Woodworth Chute and Mary Ann Kniffin Chute.

Notes on Abner Woodworth Chute and Mary Ann Kniffin Chute:

"Born in Clements, July 4, 1840; married Mary Ann Kniffin (Stephen8, George4, George3, George2, George1, from Rhode Island), Dec. 28, 1865, and lives on a part of his father's old farm."

Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Page 154.

Clementsport, Nova Scotia 1881 Census

206210ChuteAbner W.M49NSBapt EnglishFarmerMarried
206210ChuteMary Ann [Kniffin]F48NS BaptEnglishMarried
206210ChuteAvardM14NS BaptEnglishFarmer's son
206210ChuteWilliamM12NS BaptEnglish
206210ChuteCharles L.M10NS BaptEnglish
206210ChuteAaron StillmanM9NS BaptEnglish
206210ChuteEdwardM8NS BaptEnglish
206210ChuteNellie M.F5NS BaptEnglish


Note    N74-1203         Back to Index        Back to Aaron Chute and Eunice Woodworth Chute.

Notes on Aaron Chute and Eunice Woodworth Chute:

"Born in Clements, Aug. 11, 1798, married by Rev. E. Towner, Eunice Woodworth, Oct. 19, 1820, and lived in Clements, about seven miles from Digby; farmer, blacksmith, fisherman, and a very active, pious, devoted Christian in the Baptist church; died Mar. 9, 1884; she died July 7, 1891, nearly ninety-three."

Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Pages 86-88.

Clementsport, Nova Scotia 1881 Census

206210ChuteAaronM85NSBapt EnglishMarried
206210ChuteEunice A. [Woodworth]F83NS BaptEnglishMarried


Note    N74-1204         Back to Index        Back to Norman Wilfred Chute and Cornelia Oakes Beals Chute.
Notes on Norman Wilfred Chute and Cornelia Oakes Beals Chute:

WEC: "Norman Wilfred ... born in Clements, seven miles from Digby, married Cornelia O. Beals, (John8, Elijah7, Abel*) Sept 7, 1874; Mr. Chute worked up step by step, from a farmer boy, to a skillful sea captain on the Atlantic Ocean. They live near Bear River in Clements."

*: Abel6, Abel5, Andrew4, Jeremiah3, Jeremiah2, John1, of Hingham, died 1688, aged 100.

Source: A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources
William Edward Chute, published Salem Massachusetts, 1894
Page 184

The death of so many children all within the same short period of time, suggests an epidemic, either localized or on a mroe regional scale; more information on that is needed.

Clementsport, Nova Scotia 1881 Census

208212ChuteNorman WilfredM30NSBapt EnglishSea CaptainMarried
208212ChuteCornelia O. [Beals]F25NS BaptEnglishMarried
208212ChuteDavid WilfredM4NS BaptEnglish
208212ChuteLizzie Maudf8 mo.NS BaptEnglish


Note    N1205          Index

Notes on Clayton Forest Chute and Daniel William Chute: Both father and son were listed as lottery winners in the "Turkey Permit Lottery", in Newfield, Maine, for the 2002 season. (Let's hope that somebody warned the turkeys.)


Season A:
April 29, 2002 - May 4, 2002
May 20, 2002 - May 25, 2002
May 27, 2002 - June 1, 2002
Season B:
May 6, 2002 - May 11, 2001
May 13, 2002 - May 18, 2002
May 27, 2002 -June 1, 2002



Note    N74-1206          Index

Notes on Jonathan Core/Cory and Mary Chute Core/Cory:

William Edward Chute records Mary Chute's husband as Jonathan Core; the Cory family has recorded him as "Cory", which is the generally accepted spelling of the surname. For genealogical continuity, the last name has been amended to the more recognized spelling, although he appears in the index under both versions, and he no doubt appeared in marriage records as "Core". The Cory family genealogists surmise that he died before 1739, as he was not listed in his father's estate.

His brother Joseph Cory died in 1723 in Weston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, and was unmarried. His estate was administered by his father, and he was described as a soldier "in his Majtys Service at the Eastward".


Note    N74-1207          Index

Notes on Ainsley Burnett/John Ansley Chute: William Edward Chute records the son of Edward Manning as Ainsley Burnette and his wife as Annie Ducette. However, the marriage records of Digby County, Nova Scotia record the following:

John Ansley CHUTE of Norwood ( 10/21/1907 )
s/o: Manning CHUTE and Bessie **last name not indicated
Born: Berwick
Age: 29
Married: 21 October 1907 at Salmon River by Rev. J. B. RUEST
Annie DOUCET of Norwood
d/o: Patrick DOUCET and Therese **last name not indicated
Born: Salmon River
Age: 24
Witnesses: John LeBLANC / {C}harsile DOUCET
Vital Records - Marriages


Note    N74-1208          Index

Notes on Elizabeth Ellen Davis: "You have my grandmother's date of death as Nov 14 1956 - that is incorrect I'm pretty sure it was in August, because I can remember that the weather was sunny and hot, and it was haying season. I was 4 years old (too young to attend a funeral) and remember playing with my cousins from California, who were visiting for the summer. Her full name was Elizabeth Ellen Davis; I believe she is the same "Lizzie E Davis" from the Fryeburg Academy (Fryeburg, Maine) class of 1910. If so, that would make at least 3 generations of my family who have attended Fryeburg. She later attended Bates Normal School (teacher's college) which is now Bates College."


Note    N74-1209         Back to Index        Back to Philip Conrad Chute and Pauline Marie Gilson Chute.

Notes on Philip Conrad Chute and Pauline Marie Gilson Chute:

Correspondence, Philip Conrad Chute and George M. Chute, Jr.

June 11, 1957

Dear "Cousin" George:

I really admire you for taking the job of keeping the Chutes in line. However, if all are as slow as I was in replying, you really have a terrific task ahead.

I am ashamed to have put this matter off so often. One reason is that I have just got the Chute material, that my father collected, together under one roof. My mother who passed away August 14th had some, and the rest was in an old safe of my father's (I had thought it was lost). It was my thought that there might be something of the other branches, etc., that might interest you. Now that I have gone through it, I find it is mostly about the local line and not much about offshoots, even locally.

The enclosed list I made for my own use, mostly to keep track of what I did have in the box, but if there is anything on the enclosed copy that you could use or would wish to see, I will be glad to send it to you.

Alice Church, 5717 Virginia Avenue, Hollywood, California, was evidently the real historian of this branch. I've never seen her, at least not since I was a child, but she has sent many things about her family to first my father and then to my mother and myself.

There are Chutes in Harrison, Norway, Casco, Sebago and Oxford, Maine (all close by), also Brewer and Augusta, Maine. I think I will ask each one I see to give me his ancestors back a few generations to see if I can tie the side branches of the descendants of Thomas Chute together.

Almost every year a Chute or someone related comes to the Homestead. I am always at a loss to know how they are related to us, and being usually busy, I fail to get the information about their families, i.e., a young man who I believe lives in Augusta, ME saw the sign and came in to see if I knew anything about his family. I think his middle name was Lionel and he believed that it was an old family name, but said the family had always been in Nova Scotia. I convinced him all Chutes were from the same original Lionel but it certainly would be nice if your work could be published.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do and I will try to be more prompt.

PS: The assistant to Pres., Colby College, Waterville, Maine, came by last year, I believe his name was Skillings. His first remark was that while a student in Ohio he had met and married a girl named Chute. A lady, a librarian from Massachusetts, dropped by last fall with so much information about literary Chutes that I can't remember any of it - even her name.

PPS: Pease visit us, I'll stay home to see you.

Philip C. Chute

February 9, 1957

Dear Cousin George:

Am enclosing some information from Robert Chute, Casco, Chute's Lumber Co. (saw mill, etc.)

If and when you get him tied into other Chutes, I'm sure he would like to hear from you. They (Rob & Leander) own some land behind the Homestead which I have offered to buy.

I have been surveying some of the local land holding in this area of Naples to determine our title, and I find many Chute names in registrar of deeds which I will try to fit into the local branch. Around 1850-70 there were several families in Naples instead of just us.

Best wishes,

Phil Chute

February 19, 1957

Dear George:

Thanks a lot for your letter and information. I do not have a copy of the Chute history, only portions copied from it, so I am often at a loss to connect some local branch. I probably have enough information if I took time to get it on one sheet.

The Early History of Naples as it is written up in the 1880 History of Cumberland County, and especially Naples History, unpublished, by L.G. Barton has many references to Chutes. Enclosed is a brief sketch Mr. Barton wrote in 1934 at the same time he wrote a lengthy article that was published in the Bridgton News. Next year, I hope to publish it in the town report so that it will be in the hands of more people.



PS: I have several copies of the program so no need to return it. (Excerpt from History of Cumberland County, L.G. Barton (1880) handwritten on back of letter. See below:)

From History of Cumberland County, 1880:

"The post office was opened under the name of South Otisfield, June 21, 1828, with Abraham W. Chute postmaster. His first quarterly report was for the sum of 37 1/2 cents. Dr. J. Andrew Chute, a brother of the postmaster, opened a store at the west end of the bridge where a landing was built in 1831. He sold to his brother and William Winsor in 1834, and entered the missionary service among the Ottowa, Chippewa and Cherokee Indians, dying in that service while in Wisconsin, in 1838."


Original Souvenir Program, Naples Centennial, 1834-1934, August 10 - 11 - 12, on Beautiful Long Lake at Naples, Maine.

"Naples became a town by act of the Legislature approved March 4, 1834. There were sixty-five petitioners from the older towns of which Naples was then a part: 26 from Otisfield, 14 from Harrison, 18 from Sebago, 5 from Raymond and 2 from Bridgton. The petition was based upon the great distance of the petitioners from the business and political centers of the respective towns.

Among the petitioners are the names of Jefferson Bray, Benjamin Goodridge, Enoch Gammon, John Patch, Hiram Leach, Daniel Brackett, Thomas J. Carter, Eben Choate, Samuel Warren, William C. Chute, John Lord, Thomas Edes, Jr., Josh Libby, Joseph Hall and William B. Winsor from Otisfield; Elijah Varney, Samuel Leach, William Proctor, Thomas Morton and William Jackson from Raymond; Benjamin Clark, Jeremiah B. King, Josiah Leavitt and John Davis from Sebago; Richard Bean, Nathaniel and Samuel York, Samuel Lord and Eli Whitney from Harrison. All these names are prominently identified to the present day with the history and affairs of the town."

"The first election was held April 1, 1834. John Chute was chosen moderator, Abraham W. Chute, clerk, Jefferson Bray, Samuel Leach and Benjamin Goodridge, selectmen and assessors; James Sanborn, treasurer; Thomas J. Carter and Thomas Chute, school committee; Thomas Perley, Town Agent."

(Cover Page)

On the General Centennial, Finance and Parade Committees: James C. Chute.

June 11, 1957

"My father's full name was Philip Conrad Chute, born November 13, 1920 at home on the family farm (Chute Homestead) - we still had his cradle at the Homestead when I was young. His death date is October 27, 1990.

"[Pauline Gilson Chute] is still alive and well and living in Denmark, Maine and working in Bridgton for a law office."

Kathleen Elizabeth Chute King via e-mail to Jacqueline Chute, 2004

Chute Family Data Worksheet, 19 January 2014

Data Pertaining to Husband/Father in Family Group or Male Individual:
Name:  Philip Conrad Chute
Date of birth:  November 13 1920
Place of birth (town, city, county, state):  Chute Homestead, Naples Maine
The Full Name of His Father (first, middle name, last):  James Cleveland Chute
The Full Name of His Mother (first, middle name, last):  Elizabeth Ellen Davis
Date of Death:  October 17 1990
Place of Death (town, city, county, state where he died):
The date he was buried:
The town, city, county, state in which he is buried:  Naples Maine
The name of the cemetery(if known):
His religious affiliation (i.e., Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc.):
Highschool Attended and Location:  Fryeburg Academy
College Attended and Location:  University of Maine (Orono)
Military Service:

Data Pertaining to Wife/Mother in Family Group or Female Individual:
Name:Pauline Marie Gilson
Date of birth:  October 29 1924
Place of birth (town, city, county, state):
The Full Name of Her Father (first, middle name, last):  Carroll Lambert Messer
The Full Name of Her Mother (first, middle name, last):  Grace Bertha Burrell
Date of Death:  January 15, 2014
Place of Death (town, city, county, state where she died):   Freeport, Maine
The date she was buried:
The town, city, county, state in which she is buried:
The name of the cemetery(if known):
Her religious affiliation (i.e., Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc.):
Highschool Attended and Location:
College Attended and Location:  University of Maine (Orono)
Military Service:

Their Marriage:
The Date of their Marriage:  June 18 1947
The Place (town, city, county, state) they were married:  June 18 1947
The church in which they were married (if known):
The name of officiating clergy:

Their Children:
Child No. 1: Judith Ellen Chute, , Portland Maine,James S C Hsiang
Child No. 2: James Conrad Chute, , Portland Maine,Sara Jane Hayes
Child No. 3: Kathleen Elizabeth Chute, , Portland Maine,Michael John King

Biographical Details:
His biography:

Her biography:Pauline Marie Gilson was born as Pauline S. Messer. At 1930 census was living with her biological parents who divorced March 12 1937. At 1940 census she was living with William E. Gilson and Estelle Gray Gilson, who subsequently adopted her. A copy of her long form birth certificate lists the Gilsons as her parents, but this was I understand a common legal fiction.

Source: Chute Family Data Worksheet
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 1:29 pm
Kathleen Elizabeth Chute King, Vancouver, BC

Notes on Russell B. Haggett and Pauline Marie Gilson Chute Haggett:

"Russell's first wife was named Geneva. They had three daughters, in order of descending age: Judy, Jackie, and Janet. All of them have married at least once. Russ and Geneva divorced in 1968. Russ founded Pleasant Mountain ski area (now Shawnee Peak) in Bridgton Maine. Geneva may be the Geneva Ladd referenced here:

Russell had a very odd middle name, something like "Barsol"?

They lived at 180 Mountain Rd, East Denmark ME, on Moose Pond. Russ got the lakeside cabin in the divorce (Geneva got the primary residence in Bridgton). Polly lived there until disabled by a stroke on July 20, 2007.

Sources: info from James Conrad Chute, Pauline Marie Gilson Chute Haggett. JCC has copies of the marriage/divorce documents, I believe. Philip Conrad Chute and Pauline Marie Gilson divorced in May, 1969. Polly is currently in an assisted living facility in Casco, Maine. I don't have her parent's given names, only their surnames."

Biographical information contributed by Kathleen Chute King, 2007


Note    N74-1210         Back to Index        Back to Everett E. Bean and Lilla May Chute Bean.

Notes on Everett E. Bean and Lilla May Chute Bean:

"I remember also meeting my great aunt Lilla May (Chute) Bean, the youngest daughter of Warren B. Chute (I would love to know what that B stands for). She must have been in her 70's at the time. She sat on a straight backed chair and pretty much held court in the centre of our living room. She was living in New Hampshire at the time (1960's)."

Kathleen Elizabeth Chute King via e-mail to Jacqueline Chute, 2002


Note    N1211          Index

Notes on Robert Maurice Chute: "Cited in "American Men of Science". Robert Maurice Chute was born in Naples, Maine and now makes his home in Poland, Maine. He attended Bridgton High School and Fryeburg Academy, has a B.A. from the University of Maine (1950), and received his Doctor of Science from Johns Hopkins University in 1953. He has taught biology at Middlebury College, San Fernando Valley State College and Lincoln University and is now Bates College Professor Emeritus of Biology, as well as director of the Bates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area, Phippsburg. His area of particular interest is human ecology and culture's impact on lake and coastal ecosystems. His scientific publications include Environmental Insight: Readings and Comment on Human and Nonhuman Nature (1971) and An Introduction to Biology (1976). Chute was also a plumbing inspector and code enforcement officer in Mt. Vernon (ME) from 1976-1979.

Chute is also a poet whose poetry has frequently been published in the Beloit Poetry Journal. He was the fourth recipient of the journal's Chad Walsh Poetry Prize for his poem "Heat Wave in Concord" which was published in the Spring 1996 issue and focuses on Henry D. Thoreau's and a friend's cooling river escape from the heat.

Chute's poetry books, mostly Maine small press publications, include "Androscoggin Too: The Pejepscot Poems" (1996); "Barely Time to Study Jesus: The Nat "Turner" Revolt" (1996), which is described in a 1997 Jack Barnes column; "Quiet Thunder: Poems from a Bates College Reading" (1973); "Samuel Sewall Sails for Home: Poetry" (Maine Arts Commission 1986 Chapbook Award winner); "Thirteen Moons" (1982), which was published in French as "Treize Lunes" and in Passamaquoddy as "Sanku Kisuhsok". Other titles are "Uncle George: Poems from a Maine Boyhood" (1990); "Voices Great and Small" (1977); "When Grandmother Decides to Die" (1989); and "Woodshed on the Moon: Thoreau Poems" (1991). Chute also edited "Gunner's Moon" (1996), a collection of poems by Roy Zarucchi.

According to a Bates College news release, one of Chute's current works in progress is "Sweeping the Skys," a poetry collection about World War II Russian female combat pilots. In 1996 the poem won second prize for the annual William and Kingman Page Chapbook Award granted by Potato Eyes Foundation, Troy, Maine. Chute has written using the pseudonym L. W. Pond.

American Men of Science, date unknown

"When the Homestead property was broken up and sold (it's now condo-ized, but many of the original cabins remain), my Dad gave all the family history info & photos - many many photos, because both my grandfather James Cleveland Chute and my Dad were great shutter bugs - to Bob as the family historian. In fact, one of Bob's first books was his collection of poems about "Uncle George" - I believe he was on the Davis side but I'm not sure - and my grandparents make an occasional appearance in those poems.

Bob's latest book was a self published edition of 20 called "Cellar Hole Poems" with photo illustrations that he produced on his iMac - he sent it out for Xmas presents last year (2001). His particulary interest is in literary Chutes, and he has a pretty good collection of books by authors whose last name is Chute. I guess when we were younger all of us were intrigued by finding Chutes in the library. Most of us stopped at Marchette and B J, but he went on to discover some more obscure ones..."

Kathleen Chute King, niece of Robert Maurice Chute

Note    N74-1212         Back to Index        Back to David Christopher Chute.

Notes on David Christopher Chute:

David Chute is well known as a prolific and outspoken freelance movie critic. He is also a writer of books, scripts, still frame text, and articles. Run an Internet search on just about any movie you can think of and chances are David Chute has written something about it.

Although not reflected in this version of his resume, he also wrote the press booklet for Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill - something I should have guessed, given his expertise in Asian cinema and his work as a Unit Publicist on Tarantino's "Jackie Brown" - but didn't - until I saw the video, loved it, and went looking for more information on some of the characters in the film. His The Annotated KILL BILL VOL.1, dated October 16, 2003, appears on the website and is a must-read for anyone who enjoyed the film and was interested in the sometimes elusive references Tarantino employs throughout.

He has also written a great deal on Indian "Bollywood" cinema, and its stars.

"The urge to write continues in the younger generation, with Bob's son David's (David Christopher) movie criticism & related freelancing."

Kathleen Chute King, niece of Robert Maurice Chute

David Chute

Film Criticism and Journalism



Pieces for Film Comment, American Film, Rolling Stone, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times Book Review, Vanity Fair, Village Voice, Hollywood Reporter, LA Weekly, Spin, California, Buzz, Los Angeles, Asian Trash Cinema, LA Style, Take One, Manga Mania (UK), Crimetime (UK), Mean Streets (Australia)

July-August 1993-94

March 1981 - August 1986
STAFF WRITER - Los Angeles Herald Examiner

Movie reviews; features and interviews; music and book reviews; ten part series "Behind the Screen," on the crafts of movies (three local awards, Pulitzer nomination); column "Other Stuff" on wayward aspects of pop culture (comics, TV etc).

June 1978- March 1981
MOVIE CRITIC - Boston Phoenix
Reviews; "Filmstrips" column; arts features; book and music reviews.
September 1977 - 1978
MOVIE CRITIC - Maine Times.
Reviews and listings; features; editorials.
August 1975 - September 1977
MOVIE CRITIC - Kennebec Journal (Augusta, ME)
Free-lance film reviews.
April-August 1997
UNIT PUBLICIST -- Quentin Tarantino's "Jackie Brown", a production of A Band Apart for Miramax Films.
July-November 1996
MINISTER OF INFORMATION - Garth Productions (John Woo)
Publicity, promotions and special events, including a convention appearance in November and laying the groundwork for a John Woo site on the WWW.
March-June 1996
John Woo's "Broken Arrow", a Mark Gordon/WCG Production for Twentieth Century Fox.
September-December 1992
John Woo's "Hard Target", an Alphaville-Renaissance Production for Universal.
FREE LANCE PUBLICITY WRITER - Press kits for "The Shadow" and "Hard Target" (Universal);
"Midnight Cowboy" (re-release) and "Flight of the Innocent" (MGM);
"The Dark Half" (Orion);
"Broken Arrow" (Fox),
"One False Move" (Island);
"The Silk Road", "Kama Sutra", "Chinese Box", "Cube", and "The Ugly" (Trimark);
"And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird" (Vidmark),
"Sonatine" and "Jackie Brown" (Miramax/Rolling Thunder).
August-November 1986
"Munchies", a New Horizons Picture (Roger Corman) directed by Tina Hirsch.
Book: The Making of Judge Dredd, with Jane Killick and Charles M. Lippincott (Hyperion, 1996)

Selected Publications

Education BA from St. Johns College, Annapolis, Maryland.
Unit certificate in Japanese, UCLA Extension, 1995.
"Writing the Mystery Novel," UCLA Extension, 1996.
Special Interests: Most narrative arts forms, including comics, opera, detective fiction, and science fiction. Asian popular culture: Hong Kong and Chinese cinema; Japanese comic books (manga), animation (anime) and movies; Indian film music; Indonesian "dangdut" pop music; Chinese "wu xia pian" (martial arts fiction). Science and technology: film preservation; nanotechnology; "digital decay;" computer animation.

David Chute

For additional articles located after this resume was written, see the Chute Literature Records section.


Note    N1213          Index

Notes on James Conrad Chute: Clerk of the Supreme Court of Maine, has tried his hand at poetry as well, and used to write articles for Canoe Magazine about ocean kayaking.


Note    N1214          Index

Notes on Lawrence Robert Chute: Architect. An employee of a well- known, world famous and very important Michigan architectural firm, the name of which I've completely forgotten. Graduate of the University of Michigan. Active in Plymouth, Michigan civic affairs for a time, and as a result of his upholding the fine Chute family tradition of local government involvement, one of his cousins (that would be me) teased him mercilessly about "selling out to the establishment". He and his wonderful wife, Jeanne live with daughter Colleen in the home built by our grandparents, George Maynard Chute, Jr. and Josephine LaSota Chute. Jeanne and Larry report that Colleen has just received her first drivers' license and is currently terrorizing the residents of Plymouth, Michigan.

Larry attended Southfield-Lathrup Senior High School, on West Twelve Mile Road, in Lathrup Village, Michigan. Passed along in the Chute family records are letters written by the High School to Robert and Marian Chute, announcing Larry's placement on the Honor Roll, from the years 1970-1972, accompanied by such glowing endorsements as: "I'm quite impressed with Larry - he's a delightful person.", and, more strangely, "You can be very proud of Larry. He is a welcome edition [sic] to Southfield-Lathrup in every way." While his entire family, glowing with pride, all agreed that Larry was indeed a delightful person, one hopes he emerged with a greater knowledge of basic spelling than his school counselor, who wrote the letter.


Note    N74-1215         Back to Index        Back to Dr. Elizabeth Anne "Betty" Chute.

Notes on Dr. Elizabeth Anne "Betty" Chute:
Dr. Elizabeth ("Betty") Anne Chute

Has had two full careers, first as a teacher and then as an attorney. Graduated from Boston College Law School and is also a member of the Retired Teachers Assoc of Washington College."

Correspondence, Dr. Elizabeth Anne "Betty" Chute to Jacqueline Chute, 13 MAY 2002

1223 Saugatucket Rd.
Unit B204
Peace Dale Estates
Peace Dale, RI 02879

May 13, 2002

Dear Ms. Chute:

This is in reply to your letter of April 18, 2001 to my brother James H. Chute, 110 Naushon Road, Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02861-3720.

My brother passed on in April 1993. Your letter was forwarded to me. Little information has been done on the Chute genealogy, but I am now taking classes in which the Chute Family will be researched.

In retiring, much work should be accomplished. Thank you for writing to us. Your forms are helpful and I am enclosing some information now ready. More may come later, if you will indicate an interest.

Michael Chute is the first of our Chutes known in America. He arrived in about the late 1860�s or 1870�s. He changed his name to Cute for some unknown reasons. However, my grandson [grandfather], Thomas refused to change the name.

Michael Cute or Chute came from West Hartleypool, England with his brother Christopher and two sons, Christopher and Thomas, maybe other children. Thomas was ill on the way to America and as a result he died at aged 29 of �rheumatism of the heart� � as recorded in his death certification.

With my father�s death, we did not see the so called Chute cousins in Rumford.

My grandfather Michael was a mechanic for Rumford Baking Powder in East Providence, a village of Rumford. He was provided with a home on the Rumford Company property for life. The house was removed a few years ago, but historians believe a photo could be found.

There are many people called �Cute� in Rumford, but I will attempt to locate them.

The Genealogy of the Chute Family in America (1894) by William E. Chute is interesting, but does not find a connection with us.

I sincerely hope this information will help. Enclosed are four Chute family worksheets. My letter writing is a bit rusty since I just became 81 years old, so pardon errors.


Elizabeth A. Chute (Dr.)

Obituary, Dr. Elizabeth Anne "Betty" Chute

Elizabeth "Betty" A. Chute, 90, died Tuesday August 16, 2011.

Born in Pawtucket, she was the daughter of the late Michael M. Chute and Anna M. (Walsh) Chute.

Ms. Chute graduated from Boston College Law School in 1955. She taught school for several years in California before taking a position as a Professor of Law and Political Science at Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester, MA, where she was named Professor Emeritus.

After retiring, she moved back to Pawtucket where she was active in many organizations. She is a former member of the Pawtucket Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, the Blackstone Valley Retired Teachers' Association and a founding member of the Pawtucket Education Foundation. For many years, Ms. Chute was active in the Pawtucket Senior High School Class of 1939 Reunion Committee. She eventually spent several of her retirement years in South Kingstown, Rhode Island.

Ms. Chute was the sister of the late Genevieve Sylvester and the late James and Thomas Chute. She leaves several nieces and nephews.

Visitation was held Monday August 22, 2011 in the Avery-Storti Funeral Home, Wakefield followed by a Mass of Christian Burial in Blessed Pope John Paul II Church (formerly St. Leo the Great Church, Pawtucket, R.I.

Burial followed in Mt. St. Mary's Cemetery, Pawtucket, RI.


Note    N1216          Index

Notes on Michael Matthew Chute: GMC recorded birthdate as 29 DEC 1882. Graduated from the Rhode Island School of Pharmacy in 1906, worked as a pharmacist in Warren and Pawtucket.


Note    N1217          Index

Notes on Anne Mary Walsh: GMC recorded date of death as 1943. Daughter Elizabeth Anne records year of death as December of 1955. Education: attended Bryant & Stratton in Providence, Rhode Island; graduated June 30, 1909. Worked as a secretary and was a member of the St. Raphael Auxiliary.


Note    N1218          Index

Notes on Hannah Duston: This Hannah Duston, wife of Daniel Cheney, is the daughter of the famous Hannah (Emerson) Duston, "the remarkable woman whose experiences and exploits are a striking episode in the history of our colonial days, [and who was] was the daughter of Michael and Hannah (Webster) Emerson, born December 23, 1657. She was married, in Haverhill, December 3, 1677, to Thomas Duston.

The spelling of his name, it must be said, is given in a great many ways: Judge Sewall, in his diary wrote it "Dunstan", which is the way the famous St. Dunstan's name was spelled; another excellent authority spelled it Durstan: the attorney who wrote the wills of the good couple gave the style "Dustin," which was probably the way it was usually pronounced, but the best authorities, in the opinion of the writer, spell it as it is uniformly given in this volume, Duston.

Hannah who became the wife of Daniel Cheney, was the oldest of the nine children who had been born to this couple before the dreadful day when the Indians swooped down on Haverhill. The youngest was a babe of but six days. Mr. Duston learned that the savages were close at hand and rushed first to the house to save the mother, still feeble and in bed. But she utterly refused to go or have him stay to attempt to defend her and the little one; she insisted on his making every effort to save the children and his intrepid guardianship saved the whole fleeing band. But the poor woman and Mrs. Neff, her nurse, were cruelly captured and driven into the wilderness in spite of her weak condition, and the infant dashed in pieces. After sufferings of a dreadful sort, the women and a boy named Samuel Lennerson rose in the night, captured a gun and a tomahawk, killed and scalped the ten Indians who then guarded them, and made their way back to Haverhill. The General Court paid them fifty pounds as a reward for their bravery: it was believed that so bold an act had a great effect on the Indians, making them feel that the white people possessed the same qualities which they counted heroic, and Hannah Duston's name became a thrilling word in all the colonies. It as a terrible experience for the poor woman: a horrible necessity laid on her, and we will believe she realized that the fate of many other mothers on the border would be affected by her action: may no descendant of hers ever reach so awful a crisis. But Thomas Duston deserves as high praise for that magnificent work of his, when he saved seven young lives by simply firing back towards his pursuers from his saddle, while he bade his beloved children run for their lives, until they reached a safe place.

The daughter Hannah was eighteen years old when that terrible day, March 15, l697, and that thrilling 25th of April, the day of her mother's exploit and return, occurred. No doubt she was of great assistance to her father in the saving of the little ones, and a comfort to her mother in her after burdens. Naturally the mother reposed confidence in her, making her joint executrix of her will.

The Cheneys of this branch have always taken great interest in this strain of their ancestry.

The Cheney Genealogy, Charles Henry Pope

Note    N74-1219         Back to Index        Back to Deacon John Cheney and Mary Chute Cheney.
Notes on Deacon John Cheney and Mary Chute Cheney:

i Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1674; m. March 7, 1693-4, John Cheny.

Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894, Page 8.

"Who were the deacons of the new church [i.e. of the Byfield Parish]? This question has never, so far as I know, been fully answered. William Moody, the husband of Mehetabel Sewall, was one. But who was his associate? It has been said that Joshua Boynton, who was born in 1640, was one of the first deacons, but I find no evidence to support that statement. I know no law requiring a small church to have two deacons, but the Weston church records contain this entry:

Deacon John Cheney and Mary his wife recomendd and dismissd from a Chh in Newbury (under ye Pastoral care of Mr Hale) rec'd into or Comunion Aug. 23, 1724." ("Cheney Family," p. 232)

"John Cheney was a son of Peter the mill-builder and owned for a time part of the estate now held by Mr. Benjamin Pearson and his family. He was a worthy and enterprising man, who made four or five removals during his life. This record indicates that he was a deacon in the Byfield church in or before 1724. He was born in 1666, and lived in Byfield as early as 1693; so that it is very possible that he was one of the original deacons."

Source: Ewell, John Louis. The Story of Byfield, A New England Parish. George E. Littlefield, 67 Cornhill, Boston, Publisher, 1904, page 77

10. JOHN3 (Peter2, John1) b. in Newbury, May 10, 1666, m. March 7, 1793, Mary, dau. of James3 (James2, Lionel1) Chute and Mary (Wood); she was b. Sept 16, 1674. He learned the trade of carpenter, both as house-builder and mill-wright, and also mastered the business of a miller and cloth-tinisher, it would appear. We have seen that his father put him in possession of the grist-mill Nov. 24, 1693, and there he carried along the family business some years. The travels and investment of his uncle Nathaniel must have interested him in his youth, and the gift of that uncle's Suffield property gave him a reason for going to the Connecticut valley. He did not keep that estate long, we see but his mind had expanded, and he opened the way for others, and went temporarily in that direction. "KNOW ALL MEN by these presents That I Nathanael Cheny of Newbuery In the County of Essex, In new England, Have freely, firmely and absolutely Given unto my Cousin John Cheny second son of my brother Peter Cheny of the sd Newbuery, all my Right, Title, and Interest in all those lands and grounds; with all the priveledges, and appurtenances thereto belonging. Lying Situate, and being within the Towne bounds called Southfield, alias Stony brook within the colony of the Massachusetts; In New England. I say I have absolutely Given, freely, and firmely all my sd land lying and being within the Towne aforesd ; according as It is recorded In the Towne Records; To Have and to hold, and It peaceably to Injoy, he the sd John Cheny, and his heirs, the sd land with all the priviledges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging forever without any molestation or hinderance from the perpetual using, and behoofing, and occupying the sd land by, or under me, my heirs. Exec''*, administrators, and assigns. In Witness to the abovewritten. I the sd Nathaniel Cheny have hereunto set my hand, and seal this First day of April : anno : Domini : one thousand, six hundred, and Eighty and four. Nathanael Cheny | and a seal. | Signed, Sealed, and Delivered In prsence of us Witnesses Stephen Cross John Karanick [Kenrick] The above writings were acknowledged by Nathanael Cheny to be his act, and Deed. April: 15: 1684 Before me. John Woodbridge : assist Febry 7 1698 : This Deed was Received Into the Registers office, and was then Registred from the Original p John Pynchon Regist." A part of this land, specifically described as in the town of Suffield and as laid out to Nathanael Cheny, late of Newbury, deceased, John Cheny of Newbury sold to Jacob Adams of Suffield Nov. 8, 1698. John Cheney of Newbury house carpenter, with wife Mary, sold to Thomas Gillett of Suffield all his rights in common and undivided lands in Suffield derived from Nathanael Cheney, April 10, 1723. He followed his eldest son, Edmund, into what was to them "the western country" in 1724, and made his home in Weston several years, residing in the portion of the town which became incorporated as Sudbury ; but he returned again and spent his declining years in his native town. His home was so near the border of Rowley that he is sometimes named as of that town. He furnished part of the capital for Edmund's wcstcrn investments, and also provided for his youngest son. Oct. 27, 1724, "John Cheney, late of Newbury but now living in Weston," bought of "John Warrin, senior," a house and 120 acres of land in Weston, and made over one half of the estate to " my son John Cheney, now dwelling with me." The Weston church records show something about the length of this residence. ... The records of the Second church of [West] Newbury state that " Dea. Cheney and his wife were received into this church by dismission from the chh. at Westown," in 1731. For some reason they chose to join that church instead of that at Byfield ; and sometime afterward they were dismissed from West Newbury to the Second church of Rowley, now the church of Georgetown, where this interesting memorial of a respected man is left on record : " Dea. John Cheney of Newbury' Newtown, who did reside in the 2d Parish in Rowley Mass. & was a member of the chh. in said parish, died Sept. 2, 1750. The wife of said Dean John Cheney died Sept. 10, 1750."

27. I. EDMUND4, b. June 29, 1696.
II. MARTHA4, b. July 30, 1700, m. Nov. 17, 1715, Tristram Coffin, Jr. [No children recorded.]
III. MARY4, b. Nov. 14, 1701, m. [Intention filed July 25, 1719,] Francis Brocklebank.
IV. SARAH4, bapt. Oct. 4, 1703. "Sarah Cheeney, singlewoman," was admitted to the West Newbury church Dec. 31, 1727.
28. V. JOHN4, b. May 23, 1705.
VI. JUDITH4, bapt. April 6, 1707.

Source: Pope, Charles Henry, The Cheney Genealogy: Descendants of Wm. of Roxbury and John of Newbury, Charles H. Pope Publisher, 221 Columbus Ave., Boston: 1897. Pages 230-233.

For a discussion on the creation and need for the Byfield Parish, see Lionel Chute II notes.


Note    N74-1220         Back to Index        Back to John Nelson Chute and Jennie Nangle Chute.
Notes on John Nelson Chute and Jennie Nangle Chute:

Notes on Jennie Nangle: "I met Great-Aunt Jennie in the mid-1940's when I was 5 or 6 yrs. old. She was very sweet, and wrote letters to me, as I learned to print & write, and she sent candy & gifts every Christmas. I think she died around 1950 or so. I'll never forget her. She was at her late mother's house in Needham, MA. Her mother's name was Jessie May BISHOP, of Halifax, NS. She married William T. Nangle. After he died, she married John HARRIS.

I guess we are some sort of in-laws. I just can't quite believe this!! I never met any of Jennie's children. My grandparents died many years before I was born. As to my being so "young", my father was 52 when I was born!!! (His 2nd marriage.)

Notes courtesy of Cynthia "Cindy" Nangle Houston, Cleveland, MS.

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