Chute Family: Sources: 4-41 through 3-70
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Source S4-41
Provided by Betty Armstrong, from various sources:
1. Muriel Jeske, Research Librarian, Brown County Historical Society, North Broadway, New Ulm, MN
2. interviews with residents of Minnesota
3. Hanska, MN "Herald"
4. Austin Daily Herald.
Source S4-42 Index
Type: E-Mail Posting
Author: Karen Keleher, Researcher, Genealogy Quest
Title: None
Date: 2-9-2000
LOCA: Internet posting
Source S4-43 Index
Type: RTF File
Author: Nan Curtis
Title: Descendants of Wallace W. Armstrong
Date: Last Record Change: 26 JAN 2001
LOCA: Hard copy/Records/GP4250
Source S4-44 Index
Record Type: Family Genealogical Record
Author: Katheryn Pino Seestedt
Title: The matrilineal line of Marjorie Anna Pino Chute and Katheryn Pino
Date: Given to Jacqueline Irene Chute in 1998, for use in a Mother's Day
GROUP NO: Chute Allied Family Records/Pino
Source S4-45 Index
Type: IGI Record
Batch Number: P014041
Dates: 1652-1852
Source Call No:0973049 IT 8
Type: Film
Printout Call No: 0472522
Source S46 Index
Type: Correspondence
Author: Nathan Dee Chute
Chute Family Records
Date: 8 APR 2001
LOCA: Chute Records: Leander Freedom Chute/GP7080
Source S47 Index
Type: IGI Record
Batch Number: C048011
Dates: 1538-1875
Source Call No:0993666
Type: Film
Printout Call No: 6907092
Source S48 Index
Type: IGI Record
Batch Number: C011652
Dates: 1696-1812
Source Call No:0993652
Type: Film
Printout Call No: 6906886
Source S4-49 Index
Record Type: Correspondence
Title: Chute Family Tree
Author: Richard Eldon ("Rick") Chute
Date: 10 APR 2001, 5:41:16 EDT
Recipient: Jacqueline Chute
This Source Has Been Cited for: Richard Eldon ("Rick") Chute and Barbara Coulter Liston Chute;
Clarence Wellwood Chute and Rita Dowling Chute.
Source S50 Index
Type: Correspondence
Author: Corrine Carol Chute
Chute Family Records
Date: 11 APR 2001
LOCA: Hard copy/Records/GP7050/GP7051
Source S51 Index
Type: IGI Record
Batch Number: C700871
Dates: -1809
Source Call No:0823803
Type: Film
Printout Call No: 0883740
Source S52 Index
Type: Family Records
Family: Lavery
Location: Internet
Date: 4/12/01
Source S53 Index
Type: Correspondence
Author: Gerald Clark Chute
Title: Family
Date: 4/14/2001
LOCA: Hard copy/Records/GP3780
Source S4-54 Index
Type: Book
Author: Melissa Jill Kluge
Title: The History of Casco, Maine
Publisher: Jostens Printing and Publishing, State College, Pennsylvania
Date: 1991, in honor of Casco's Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1841 to 1991
Notes: Also compiled by Velma Chute and family, Casco, Maine
LOCA: Chute Family Library
Source S55 Index
Correspondents:Lucy T. Massad Chute with George
M. and Josephine L. Chute
Dates: 1978 - 1988
Correspondents:Lucy T. Massad Chute with
Jacqueline Irene Chute
Dates: 2001 to present
LOCA:Chute Family Records, GP1590
Source S56 Index
Correspondents:Jean (Mrs. Kenneth) Chute, Kelowna,
British Columbia, Canada with Jacqueline Chute
Dates: 2001 to present
Family Records, GP95-1
Source S57 Index
Correspondents:Robert Phillips Chute, South Berwick,
Nova Scotia, Canada with Jacqueline Chute
Dates: 2001 to present
Family Records, GP2215-0
Source S58 Index
Type: Internet Posting
Name of Contributor: Jack Bathrick
Date: 28 Mar 1997
Posted To:
Notes: Jack Bathrick attributed the source of his information to site (Keith Berry), who provided the information to a list of users interested in
Nova Scotia genealogy.
LOCA: Hard copy, Chute Family Records, GP260-1
Source S59 Index
Correspondents:James Manning Chute, Sarnia,
Canada with Jacqueline Chute
Dates: 2001 to present
Family Records, GP6565-4
Source S4-60 Index
Type: Family Record
Title: Record of the Family of Alfred Chute (1822-1894)
Date(s): 1822 - 1952
Description: Record of the Family of Alfred Chute (1822-1894), compiled from data gathered by Maud O. Chute,
Hillsboro, Wisconsin, USA and arranged by George M. Chute, Jr., of Plymouth, Michigan to December 31, 1952. Provided to
the Chute Family Archives by David E. Mace, descendant of Helen Olivia Chute Bunfill, 4/18/2001.
This Source Has Been Cited for: Chute-Bunfill Family Records
FILED UNDER: Chute Family Archives
Source S61 Index
Type: Family Record
Title: Record of the Family of Harlan Eugene
Chute (1936- )
Authors: Harlan Eugene Chute and Frances Louise Kerley Chute
Date of
Record: May, 2001
LOCA: Chute Family Records, GP4910-3
Source S62 Index
Type: Ellis Island Passenger Record
Passenger: Chute, Arthur Torrens
Date of Arrival: 30 May 1912
Ship: Majestic
Port of Departure:
Southhampton, Southhamptonshire, Great Britain
Residence: Portsmouth, Great Britain
on Arrival 40 Y
LOCA: Chute Family Records, GP3950-4
Source S63 Index
Correspondents:Isaac Chute, Manchester, New Hampshire,
USA with Jacqueline Chute
Dates: 29 MAY 2001 to present
Family Records, GP7626-0
Source S64 Index
Type: Family Record
Title: Harold Glenn Chute: Mar 22, 1928
Date: MAY 2001
Author: Harold Glenn Chute
LOCA:Chute Family Records, GP4900-2
Source S65 Index
Type: Genealogical Record
Title: Descendants of Jacob Anderson and Mary
Elizabeth Austin and Julia Ann Austin and Elizabeth Alice Darling
Date: 28 FEB 1997
Donna Rae Prong and Fred Prong of Ontario, Canada
LOCA: Chute Family Records, GP3710-0
Source S66 Index
Type: Genealogical Record
Title: Robert J. Chute (Heffernan) Group
Date: 8 JUN 2001
Genealogical Research Done By: Susan Henrick Godley
Notes: Susan Henrick Godley lists her sources as: 1. "Edna Schmenk Henrick Notes."
2. Cleveland Public Libarary Necrology File, Cleveland, OH, ID# 0054718.
3. "Death Certificate, Cleveland City Hall." Margaret Chute Henricks Death Certificate.
4. "Death Certificate, Cleveland City Hall." Margaret Chute Henricks Death certificate states mother's name is Heffernan.
5. "1900 Census," Cleveland, OH.
6. "Death Certificate, Cleveland City Hall."
7. "Death Certificate, Cleveland City Hall." #6486.
LOCA: Chute Family Records, GP7920-1
Source S67 Index
Type: Book
Title: As I Remember It
Harold Glenn Chute
Date: Privately published, 2001
LOCA: Chute Family Records,
Source S68 Index
Type: Paper
Title: Historical and Biographical Sketch of the
Shute - Chute Family
Author Unknown
Date: Unknown
Alan G. Shute
Notes: Sources for this document are listed as: 1. Burke's General Armory
2. Wade's Symbolisms of Heraldry
3. Chute Family
4. "Who's Who in America"
5. "Who's Who, 1937"
6. "Dictionary of National Biography"
7. "Dictionary of American Biography"
LOCA: Chute Family Records: Shute Family
Source S69 Index
Type: Family Records
Title: Chute-Harang Family Records
Author Nancy Elsa Chute Harang
Date: 13 JUN 2001
LOCA: Chute
Family Records, GP5050-4, GP6380-4, GP6885-2, 3, 4, 5
Source S70 Index
Type: Manuscript Collection Summary
Title: Brooks
Author Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Date: 12 APR 2001
LOCA: Chute Family Records, GP1530
The Brooks mss., 1838-1845, consist of letters to Thomas Jefferson Brooks at Mt. Pleasant, Martin County, Indiana, from
John Bell of Louisville, Kentucky, agent for trustees of Bell Evans Co., Daniel Hunt of Boston, Massachusetts, David Jones
of Belleville, Illinois, Nancy Newell of Pittsford, Virginia, George Brown, Henry B. Shields, Thomas Lacy Smith, and
Charles Woodruff of New Albany, Indiana; and to Lewis Brooks at New Albany, Indiana, from Rufus Brown of Mt. Pleasant,
Thomas Jefferson Brooks was born in Lincoln, Massachusetts, in 1805. In 1823 he joined his brother Lewis at Hindostan,
Indiana, where he operated a factory and store. In 1828 he moved to Orange Valley in Orange County, Indiana, and engaged in
business on his own account. In 1833 he returned to Martin County settling on a farm a mile west of Mt. Pleasant and
operating a store there. Later he moved to Loogootee, Indiana, where he died in 1882. He established a mercantile and pork
packing business at Mt. Pleasant in 1840 and a similar business at Loogootee in 1854. He held offices of public trust and
encouraged the establishment and maintenance of schools in Martin County.
In 1830 Thomas Jefferson Brooks married Susan Poor (1811- 1874), an own cousin of Charlotte Chute who became the
wife of Conrad Baker, the sixteenth governor of Indiana. Thomas Jefferson and Susan (Poor) Brooks became the parents of
thirteen children among whom was Lewis Brooks, 1835-, who had a career as a flatboatsman and as a colonel in the 80th
Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War.
The letters relate chiefly to the settlement of the estate of Lewis Brooks, 1802-1838?, the brother of Thomas Jefferson
Brooks, who lived in Hindostan, Mt. Pleasant, New Albany, Indiana, and was engaged in the wholesale business. While living
at Mt. Pleasant he built the first brick house in the area known as Wildwoods. The letters refer to Mary Caroline (Meriam)
Brooks (Mrs. Lewis Brooks), her sister Eliza A. P. (Meriam) Brown (Mrs. Charles R. Brown, later Mrs. John Wise), the Lewis
Brooks daughters Eliza who married Augustus Wise and Mary Caroline who married Benjamin Champneys, the artist, of Woburn,
Massachusetts. The daughters attended school in Lexington, Massachusetts, taught by Rebecca (Brooks) Trask, 1808- , sister
of Thomas Jefferson Brooks, who later came to Mt. Pleasant to teach.
A letter from Daniel Hunt of Boston, 1843, Sept. 12, inquires about land in Daviess County being offered for sale by the
Boston and Indiana Land Company in Boston. Other letters discuss the exchange of money and the buying and selling of land.
Collection size: 26 items.
For more information about this collection and any related materials contact the Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library,
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 -- Telephone: (812) 855-2452.
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