Descendants of Gerhart Clemens - pafn05 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Descendants of GERHART CLEMENS



According to Eby's history Eli resided on part of Lot 49, German Co. Tract, Waterloo Twp.,about 3 miles south west of Berlin.

1838 Gore District Assessments, Waterloo Twp.:
Uncultivated Acres: 300, Cultivated Acres: 100, Lots: 21 West end, and 47 of German Co. Tract, Assessment: 8 £

1843: According to the book, The History of Waterloo Township by Ezra E. Eby (1895-96), Eli had resided on part of Lot 49, German Company Tract, Waterloo Township, about 3 miles south-west of Berlin.

(Regarding 1851 Census: Source: Our Waterloo Kin Vol 1 No 3 Summer 2001. pg 47-49 Sometimes the best things come of misunderstandings Waterloo Twp
Instructions aren't always followed to the letter. In 1852 when the 1851 Census was taken, one column was 'Age'Next Birthday'.' Only the age was to be placed in this column, but in the 4th division of Waterloo Township the census takers misunderstood the intent and placed not only the age, but the month and day of birth as well. )

1851 Census, Waterloo Region:
Clemens, Eli, Occupation: Farmer, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN , Ag: 37, Sx: M, Mr: Y Div: 4 Pp: 234, Pg: 29, Ln: 30, Comment, b. 21 Jul

1871 Census, (Reel C 9944, 32 Waterloo N. Subdistrict `C` Division 1 Waterloo Twp. Pg.14 Line 1, Dwelling 53, Family 53)
Clemens Eli, Age 55, Born: Ont., Origin: German, Religion: Mennonite, Occupation: Farmer.

Note for 1871 Census:
A Levi Clemens, Age 54, Born Ont. Origin German, Religion Mennonite. was also listed as living in the dwelling. Going by age this was Eli's brother, who supposedly moved to Michigan 1861 and is listed in their 1870 census for Allengan County.

HERALD OF TRUTH - May 1879 - pp 96, 97:
Feb. 8th, in Huron Co., Ont., of dropsy, Bro. ELI CLEMENS, widower, aged 63 years, 7 months and 18 days.

From Scott Furrow: "The following is a statement that if I remember right is from a family bible":
"The following is a record of our beloved parents: Eli and Leah (Bowman) Clemens family. Their farm was part of lot no. 49 G.C.T., Township and County of Waterloo, province of Ontario, Canada, 3 miles southwest of Berlin. Eli Clemens was born June 21, 1815, he died February 8, 1879 at age 63. Leah was born December 4, 1813. She died October 4, 1871 at age 57. They were married by Rev. Benjamin Eby May 30, 1843. They had a family of 8 children, given as follows, namely: Levi, b. April 8, 1844, d. Dec. 26, 1848. Menno B. born April 18, 1845 d. July 4, 1885. Married Mary Ann Eshelman Dec. 19, 1869. She was born March 15, 1848, whose son was named Moses Eshelman and daughter Susannah Stauffer. Name of childern: Austin Eshelman, Edgar Sylvester, Horace Arnold. Moses b. April 18, 1845, married Catherine Brox, April 2, 1876 (b. Jan 31, 1852) whose son and daughter were Jacob Brox - Eli, Emanuel, Sarah, Issac born Jan. 8, 1848, died Aug 12, 1848, Christian b. Feb 22, 1849, m. Mary Cressman Nov. 30, 1886 - she was born Feb. 20, 1847, their son was John Cressman and daughter was Magdalena Bowman. Name of children were Hannah b. Nov. 4, 1887, John b. March 17, 1850, Magdalena b. March 19, 1852 d. Aug. 1, 1860, Hannah born May 21, 1854 married Levi Snyder Feb 26, 1880. His birthdate was June 17, 1855. Their son was Jonas Snyder and daughter was Anna Stauffer."

[ Note that according to the 1901 census, Moses listed above as born April 1, 1845 not April 18 as listed in the above bible record.]

Sallie Hagey

1842 Sallie came from Montgomery Co. PA., No children. Sally was the 2 cousin of Bishop Joseph Hagey.

Leah Bauman \ Bowman

According to Eby's history Eli resided on part of Lot 49, German Co. Tract, Waterloo Twp., where Leah died.

1851 Census, Waterloo Region, (Div: 4 Pp: 234, Pg: 29, Ln:31)
Clemens, Leah, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN , Ag: 39, Sx: F, Mr: Y., Comment, b. 3-Dec

Tombstone spells last name as " Bowman"

39. John (Bowman) Clemens

Unmarried and made his home with Jacob S. Betzner, sometime after 1871.

1851 Census, Waterloo Region, Div:4 Pp: 234, Pg: 29, Ln: 35:
Clemens,John, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN , Ag: 3, Sx: M, Mr: Y Comment, b. 17-Mar

1871 Census, (Reel C 9944, 32 Waterloo N. Subdistrict `C` Division 1 Waterloo Twp. Pg.14 Line 5, Dwelling 53, Family 53)
Clemens John, Age 21, Born: Ont., Origin: German, Religion: Mennonite, Occupation: Farmer.

41. Hannah (Bowman) Clemens

No children.

1871 Census
Clemens Hannah, Age 16, Born: Ont., Origin: German, Religion: Mennonite,
(Reel C 9944, 32 Waterloo N. Subdistrict `C` Division 1 Waterloo Twp. Pg.14 Line 6, Dwelling 53, Family 53)

28. Levi (Miller) Clemens

1851 Census, Waterloo Region: Waterloo Twp, Division: 1 (Galt) Pg:7, Pg: 4,
Line 1, Clemens, Levi, Occupation: Farmer, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 34, Sx: M, Mr: Y
Line 2, Clemens, Sarah, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 37, Sx: M, Mr: Y
Line 3, Joel, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 8, Sx: M,
Line 4, Clemens, Abram, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 6, Sx: M,
Line 5, Clemens, Adam, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 4, Sx: M.
Line 6, Clemens, Isaac, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 2, Sx: M.

1861: Moved to Leighton Twp. Allegan County, Michigan.

1870 census for Allegan Co. Leighton, Twp.Michigan:
Line 26, Dwelling: 165, Family: 171
Clemens, Levi, Age: 53, Male, Farmer, RealEstate Value: 5000, Personal Value: 125.70, Born: Canada West
Sarah, Age: 50, Housekeeper, Born: Canada West
Joel, Age: 27, Farmer, Born: Canada West
Abram, Age: 25, Farmer, Born: Canada West
Adam, Age: 22, Farmer, Born: Canada West
Shupe, Agnes, Age: 9, Born: Canada West [Agnes is a niece]
Stafford, Carria, Age: 23, Domestic
Linoid, Manuel, Age: 23, Worker in Sawmill

1880 Federal Census, Allegan Co. Leighton Twp.
Clements, Levi, Head, Male, Age: 62, Married, Occupation: Farms, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born:Can
Clements, Sarah, Wife, Female, Age: 60, Married, Occupation: Farms, Born: Canada, Father Born: PA, Mother Born: PA.

1891: Herald of Truth - February 15, 1891, page 59
CLEMENS. - On the 27th of Jan., 1891, in Allegan Co., Mich., Levi Clemens, aged 64 years. Buried in the Leighton Cemetery on the 29th. Bro. Clemens had a stroke of palsy, about six years ago, by which he lost the use of the left side of his body. For the last six months he was entirely helpless. He bore the affliction with Christian patience. When asked how he was, he replied, "O, all is well, the Lord wills it thus, for He lets no evil befall His children." He leaves a widow and three sons to mourn their loss. Lord bless and comfort them. Services by Elder Haller, and C. Wenger.

Sarah 'Sallie' (Springer) Shupe

1851 Census, Waterloo Region: Waterloo Twp, Division: 1 (Galt) Pg:7, Pg: 4, Ln: 2
Clemens, Sarah, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 37, Sx: M, Mr: Y

1870 census for Allegan Co. Leighton, Twp.Michigan:
Line 27, Dwelling: 165, Family: 171
Sarah, Age: 50, Housekeeper, Born: Canada West

Herald of Truth - May 15, 1901 - Page 158, 159:
CLEMENS - At Greendale, Mich., April 12, 1901, Sarah Shupe, widow of the late Levi Clemens, aged 81 years, 7 months, and 23 days. After their marriage they lived for many years on a farm southwest of Berlin, Waterloo Co., Ont. In 1861 they moved to Michigan, where her husband died in 1891. Three sons survive who live near Green Lake, Allegan Co., Mich.

The death record in the Allegan County Court House lists Sarah's date of death as April 14, 1901, from old age. She lived 81 years, 8 months. Her parents are listed as Adam Shupe of Pennsylvania and Mary Springer. I calculated her date of birth from this information.

45. Isaac (Shupe) Clemens

1851 Census, Waterloo Region: Waterloo Twp, Division: 1 (Galt) Pg:7, Pg: 4, Ln: 6 Clemens, Isaac, Birthplace: Canada, Rel: MN, Ag: 2, Sx: M, Mr: 1870: Not listed in the Allegan Co. Michigan Census.


29. Magdalena (Miller) Clemens

Herald of Truth, FEBRUARY 15, 1887, pages 62,63
SNYDER.-On the 28 th of January, near Berlin, Waterloo county, Ont., Mollie Clemens, wife of Moses E. Snyder, aged 67 years. She was buried on the 1st of February in Eby's burying-ground. Services by M. Bowman and J. Steckley. Deceased was a faithful member of the Mennonite Brethren church and was much esteemed by all. She leaves a husband and 11 children, all grown, to mourn her death

Moses (Eby) Snyder

Moses E. Schneider/Magdalena Clemens Family Register:
On the inside front cover is printed "$ 7=00 Bibel im Jahr 1866", and on the front page is written " Moses Snyder February 17th 1811 S.S. No. 6 Waterloo County/ Price of this book was $7.00".

There is a pre-printed family register (Familien Register) between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The following entries appear here: "Moses E. Schneider verheirathet with Misz Magdalena Clemens April den 12 ten im Jahr 1836/ Ibiges geschrieben im Jahr Christi 1864, in Canada West, von Isaac Z. Hunsicker/ Moses E. Schneider Geboren, November den 21 ten1810/ Magdalena Clemens Geboren, Marz den 3 ten 1820/ Barbara Schneider Geboren, September den 11 ten 1838/ Esra Schneider Geboren, September den 17 ten 1841/ Magdalena Schneider Geboren, September den 26 ten 1844/ Levi Schneider Geboren, Juli den 11 ten 1847/ Isaac Schneider Geboren, Marz den 12 ten 1850/ Mary Ann Schneider Geboren, September den 12 ten 1852/ Ephraim Schneider Geboren, August den 19 ten 1855/ Noah Schneider Geboren, Februar den 24 ten 1858/ Moses Schneider Geboren November den 2 ten 1860/ Hanna SchneiderGeboren, October den 2 ten 1862/ LucinaSchneider Geboren, Januar den 16 ten, 1865/ iges schrieben
im Jahr Christi 1864, in West Canada, von I. Z. H./ Magdalena Clemens Vheweib(?) von Moses Schneider Gestorben den 29 Januar 1887. Im Alter von 66 yr. 10 mo. Und 26 tag". All of the entries except for the birth of Lucina Schneider and the death of Magdalena Schneider are by Isaac. Z. Hunsicker, and are in red and black ink. The entry for the death of Magdalena Clemens is quite ornate. Moses E. Schneider was one of a set of twins, who were the sixth and seventh children of Joseph E. Schneider who was born Nov. 24,
1810. Moses married Molly (Magdalena) Clemens and farmed two miles east of Berlin.

49. Levi (Clemens) Snyder

1871 Census (Reel C 9944, Waterloo N. Dwelling 17, Family 17):
Snyder, Levi, Age:23, Born: Ont., Religion: Menonist, Origin: German, Occupation: Labourer.

Mary (Eby) Betzner

1871 Census (Reel C 9944, Waterloo N. Dwelling 17, Family 17):
Snyder, Mary, Age:20, Born: Ont., Religion: Menonist, Origin: German.

Herald of Truth - June 1873 - Page 111:
April 29th, in Waterloo Co., Ont., MARY, wife of Levi Schneider, aged 23 years, 2 months, and 18 days. Funeral sermon by D.Wismer, and E. Detweiler.

51. Mary Ann (Clemens) Snyder

1901 Census (Reel T 6502, 121 Waterloo N., Subdistrict A, Division 8 Pg 12, Line 48, Dwelling 125, Family 134):
Snyder, Mary Ann, Head of Household, Born: Sept 12 1853, Age: 48 Ont., Origin: German, Nationality: Canadian, Religion: Mennonite, Occupation: Farmers Dairy

52. Ephraim (Clemens) Snyder

1901 Census (Reel T 6502 121 Waterloo N. Sub District A Division 5, Pg 7, Line16, Dwelling 67, Family 68:
Snyder, Ephraim, Head of Household, Age: 45,Birth: Aug 19 1855, Born: Ont. Origin: German, Nationality: Canadian, Religion: Mennonite, Occupation:Printer, making 450 in a 12 month period .

Maggie (Gehman) Culp

1901 Census (Reel T 6502 121 Waterloo N. Sub District A Division 5, Pg 7, Line17, Dwelling 67, Family 68:
Snyder, Magie, Wife, Age: 43, June 20 1857, Born: Ont. Origin: German, Nationality: Canadian, Religion: Mennonite.

55. Hannah 'Susannah' (Clemens) Snyder

1901 Census (Reel T 6502, 121 Waterloo N., Subdistrict A, Division 8 Pg 12, Line 49, Dwelling 125, Family 134):
Snyder, Susannah, Sister, Born: Oct 2 1863, Age: 38 Ont., Origin: German, Nationality: Canadian, Religion: Mennonite, Occupation: Farmers Dairy.

56. Lucinda (Clemens) Snyder

1901 Census (Reel T 6502, 121 Waterloo N., Subdistrict A, Division 8 Pg 12, Line 50, Dwelling 125, Family 134):
Snyder, Lucinda, Born: Jan 16 1864, Age: 36 Ont., Origin: German, Nationality: Canadian, Religion: Mennonite, Occupation: Farmers Dairy.

31. Joel (Miller) Clemens

1854: apppointed Overseer of Highways in 1854 by the Waterloo Twp. Council, Isaac Clemens, Reeve.
1881 Canadian County Atlas:
Last Name: Clemens
First Name: Joel
Nativity: Waterloo Tp., Canada
Business: Farmer; Former Reeve and Councillor Post Office Preston Township Waterloo
Source Date: b. 1821
Concession and Lot Lot size BF, 21 160

57. Isabella (Shoemaker) Clemens

"Clemens": The death occurred on Saturday evening of one of the town's most highly respected citizens in the person of Isalbella Clemens, widow of Levi Hagey. Deceased was born in Waterloo township and has been a resident of Preston and vicinity all of her life.she was well known thruoghout the vicinity and loved by all.She was of a kind disposition, an affectionate mother, a good neighbour, and a friend of every one. She was a member of the Methodist Church and in her younger years took an active interest in church work. She leaves to mourn her loss the following children: Mrs. James Woolner,Kitchener, and Mrs William Graham of Preston. The Funeral will be held tomorrow,Tuesday, afternoon at 3o'clock from her late residence, Kress Hill, services at the house....

63. Lewis Edwin (Shoemaker) Clemens

1894 and 1895: Was in Brantford and was a bookkeeper at George Caudwell's Dry Goods Store
1917: Was residing in Cabri, Sask. Can.

33. Christian (Miller) Clemens

State of Michigan, County of Kent, Nationality Papers:
1867, Feb: Immigrated from Ontario to Michigan. Left Ontario in Feb 1867 and crossed at Windsor arriving in Detroit in March.

Residences: Lived on the County line of Caladonia and Kent, 3049 108th Street

1870 Census:Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan, July 18 1870:
Line 18, Dwelling 135, Family 137:
Clemens, Christian, Age: 41, Farmer, Real Estate: 6400, Personal Estate: 1120, Born: Canada.
Leah, Age: 28, Keeping House, Born: Canada.
Magdalena, Age: 10, Born: Canada.
Allen, Age 9, Born: Canada.
Lizzie, Age: 4, Born: Michigan.
[These are supposedly the children of Leah and her first husband, Samuel Betzner]

1870 Directory of Kent Co, Including all the Territory outside of Grand Rapids City, (In the following list the figure and names following the name of the individual indicate the number of the section upon which the person resides, the name of the township and post office address, in the order mentioned):
Clemens, Christian, 34, Gaines, Grand Rapids.

1880 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp:
Clements, Christian, Head, Male, Age: 51, Married, Occupation: Farms, Born: Canada, Father Born: PA, Mother Born: PA.
Clements, Leah, Wife: Female, Age:38, Married, Occupation: Keeps house, Born: Canada, Father Born: PA, Mother Born: PA.
Clements, Magdalena, Daughter, Female, Age:20, Single, Occupation: Keeps house, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.
Clements, Lizzie, Daughter, Female, Age:14, Single, Occupation: Keeps house, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.
Clements, Oscar, Son, Age: 8, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.
Clements, Simon, Son, Age: 5, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.
Clements,Alvin, Son, Age: 3, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.
Clements, Ella May, Daughter, Age:1, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.
Rosenberger, Jacob, Other, Male, Age 34, Single, Occupation: Farm Labourer, hired, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.

1892 Grand Rapids, Kent County, [Michigan] Directory:
Christian, farmer, resides section 34, 160 acres, $5400 assessed farm value, gaines twp, caledonia station post office address.

1892, Sept 6: Filed a Declaration of Intention to become a citizen of America at the Circuit Court of Kent Co. Michigan.

1895, Apr 4: Received his Declaration of Citizenship papers from Kent Co., Michigan, Circuit Court

Tombstone,Gaines Cemetery, Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan (July 2001):
Christian Clemens / 1882 - 1902
Christian Clemens / 1882 - 1902

Leah (Clemens) Bowman

1870 Census:Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan, July 18 1870, Line 19, Dwelling 135, Family 137:
Clemens, Leah, Age: 28, Keeping House, Born: Canada.

1880 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp:
Clements, Leah, Wife: Female, Age:38, Married, Occupation: Keeps house, Born: Canada, Father Born: PA, Mother Born: PA.

1910 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp. Michigan:
Line 37, Dwelling 36, Family 32, Clemens Leah, Mother-in-law, Age: 68,Widow, Place of Birth: Canada, Father's Place of Birth:Canada, Mother's Birth Place:Canada.

Tombstone, Gaines Cemetery, Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan:
Leah Clemens / 1841 - 1910

65. Albert (Bowman) Clemens

Tombstone, Blain Cemetery (G.R. 26), Gaines Township, Record taken June 30, 1926:
Clemens, Albert s. of C. and L.; d. Mar. 13, 1868; a. 16y 10m 16d [July 2001 I was unable to read the stone]

68. Melinda (Bowman) Clemens

Kent Co Court House Birth Records:
CLEMENS, Milinda, f., b. 22 Dec., 1867, at Gaines. Parents:-Christian Clemens, b. Canada, and Leah Clemens, b. Canada. Res. Gaines. Occ. Farmer.

Blain Cemetery (G.R. 26), Gaines Township,
July 2001: Melinda / daughter 0f / C. & L. Clemens / Died April 10 1868 / a. 3m 10d.

69. Oscar (Bowman) Clemens

Kent County Court House Birth Records:
CLEMENTS, Oscar, m., b. 26 June, 1870, at Gaines. Parents:-Christian Clements, b. Canada, and Leah Clements, b. Canada. Res. Gaines. Occ. Farmer.

1880 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp:
Clements, Oscar, Son, Age: 8, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.

Tombstone, Gaines Cemetery, Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan:
Oscar B. Clemens / 1870 - 1935 (stone has the Masonic Lodge symble on it. )

70. Simon (Bowman) Clemens

1880 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp:
Clements, Simon, Son, Age: 5, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.

1910 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp. Michigan:
Line 35, Dwelling 36, Family 32, Clemens Simon, Head, Age: 35, married 9 years, Place of Birth: Michigan, Father's Place of Birth: Michigan, Mother's Birth Place: Michigan, Occupation: Musician. [Note: Birth place of his father is incorrect, should be Canada]
Line 36, Dwelling 36, Family 32, Clemens Nina M., Head, Age: 27, married 9 years, Mother of 0 children, Place of Birth: Michigan, Father's Place of Birth: Ohio, Mother's Birth Place: Michigan, Occupation: Teacher.
Line 37, Dwelling 36, Family 32, Clemens Leah, Mother-in-law, Age: 68,Widow, Place of Birth: Canada, Father's Place of Birth:Canada, Mother's Birth Place:Canada.

Leighton United Methodist Church, History of the Church:
Simon Clemens' family was part of this church. Simon Clemens was a member of the Church band it says he resigned in 1927 from being band leader for 5 years.
"Leighton was fortunate to have a talented musician living in the community by the name of Simon Clemens. He was a native son. His farmhouse was located at the southeast curve of Kalamazoo Avenue At Greenlake. This was the original homestead of his parents who were members of the West-Leighton Class of the Leighton Evangelical church. Simon Clemens directed bands and orchestras and was an instructor of instruments used in such organizations. Some of the Leighton Boys received Lessons from him"

I [Scott Furrow] found a death record for a Simon Clemens who lists his parents as Christian Clemens and Leah Bowman, both born in Canada. Simon was born January 17, 1875 in Michigan and was living in Caledonia, Kent County, Michigan when he died. He is buried with a lot of the other members of his family in Gaines Township Cemetery, Kent County, near Grand Rapids. Simon is buried in the family plot with his wife, Nina (1882-1957), and his parents, Christian (1828-1902) and Leah (1841-1910).

Tombstone,Gaines Cemetery, Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan:
Clemens / Simon / 1875 - 1944......Nina / 1882 - 1957

Nina Unknown

1910 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp. Michigan: Line 36, Dwelling 36, Family 32, Clemens Nina M., Wife, Age: 27, married 9 years, Mother of 0 children, Place of Birth: Michigan, Father's Place of Birth: Ohio, Mother's Birth Place : Michigan, Occupation: Teacher.

Tombstone,Gaines Cemetery, Gaines Twp. Kent Co. Michigan: Clemens / Simon / 1875 - 1944......Nina /
1882 - 1957

71. Alvin (Bowman) Clemens

1880 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp: Clements, Alvin, Son, Age: 3, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can.

72. Ella May (Bowman) Clemens

1880 Federal Census, Kent Co. Gaines Twp: Clements, Ella May, Daughter, Age:1, Single, Born: Canada, Father Born: Can, Mother Born: Can

73. Adah M (Bowman) Clemens

Gaines Cemetery (G.S. 19) Gaines Township, Record taken November 8, 1927:
Clemens, Adah M. d. of C. and L.; d. Aug. 18, 1885; a. 3y 11m 3d [July 2001: No dates noted on stone]