Resistance to Writs

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This article was published in the 11 April, 1852 edition of Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper of London, credited there to the Ross-shire Observer.


--- Officers of the law have been twice defeated in the district of Coigach, Lochbroom, Ross-shire, while attempting to serve a number of removings on the tenantry of the Marchioness of Stafford. The first occured last week, when the tenantry turned out, and having pushed forward, as an advanced guard, a number of young women, then seized the officers, and having taken possession of the legal documents, they burned them before their faces. To give the law a greater sanction, the summonses were a second time prepared, and the sheriff-substitute at Dingwall, and procurator-fiscal, accompanied the officers. They met with no better success than the first occasion. The tenantry again turned out, and despite the exertions of the sheriff and fiscal, who were hustled, if not pushed and knocked aside, the people again seized the documents which were in a vessel which conveyed some of the party there, and burned them in the presence of the sheriff and fiscal. The people were so enraged that they lifted one of the boats out of the waterand carried it to a neighbouring hill ; and but for the timely escape of the marchioness's factor, might have inflicted personal violence on him. --- Ross-shire Observer.

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