THREE QUARTERS of a CENTURY of PROGRESS A Brief Pictorial and Commercial History published 1923 VERSTEGEN PRINTING COMPANY Written and Edited by JOHN D. ADAMS
FROM the fertile valley at the junction of Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska, which was the roaming grounds of myriads of buffaloes hunted by native Indians, has been hewn a giant industrial metropolis whose products are known in every country where civilized man has appeared. The single log cabin of seventy-five years ago has grown to a busy city of factories, jobbing houses, retail stores, schools, churches and other modern conveniences which science and education have made possible. The name of Sioux City will be known long after the Indians who trod the territory are forgotten. Two __________________________ The story of the growth of Sioux City from a Published 1923 by Three _________________________________ Four ___________________________ FOREWORD BELIEVING that the world would be interested in knowing the story of the growth of Sioux City from a trading post to a recognized industrial center in three quarters of a century, the publishers have gathered together the dta and take this means of presenting it to the public. If it adds in any way to the already rapid and progressive growth of our home and our citySioux Citywe will feel that the work which has taken nearly a year to complete is a success. No one person could issue a book of this natureit has taken the hearty co-operation of hundreds of men and women in the city who were interested in seeing the story accurately and completely told. VERSTEGEN PRINTING COMPANY. October 1, 1923 Five
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