Term of service three years. Mustered in at Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1862, by Captain George S. Pierce, United States Army. Transferred to the Thirty-fourth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry (34th and 38th Consolidated), Jan. 1, 1865, unless otherwise noted.
Bailey, William T. Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Connecticut, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Barber, Lawrence E. Age 40, residence Douglass, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability July 15, 1863, Vicksburg, MS.
Barkholder, Benjamin F. Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Maryland, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Dec. 2, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Barnum, Joseph C. Age 29, residence West Union, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Bartie, Thomas Age 23, residence Douglass, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Seventh Corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Benedict, William H. Age 33, residence Fayette County, nativity Connecticut, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps April 10, 1864; discharged for disability Aug. 7, 1865.
Berkey, Jameson J. Age 27, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 9, 1862; promoted Captain July 18, 1863; mustered out Jan. 1, 1865. Burk, John Age 39, residence West Union, nativity Virginia, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Burrell, James Age 26, residence West Union, nativity Scotland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Seventh Corporal, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Sixth Corporal Dec. 21, 1863; First corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Butler, Henry Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Butler, Jesse Age 30, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Butler, William H.H. Age 21, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 11, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Callahan, Jerome Age 22, residence Lansing, nativity Illinois, enlisted Dec. 29, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Campbell, Abraham C. Age 21, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Aug. 7, 1863, Vicksburg,MS.
Clamer, William Age 21, residence Illyria, nativity Germany, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Cline, Jacob Age 37, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Clow, Nelson B. Age 21, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Fifth Corporal, Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Clow, William Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died Aug. 15, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Cook, George W. Age 20, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Second Sergeant Dec. 1, 1863; First Sergeant Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Cook, John G. Age 19, residence Fayette, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Cook, John R. Age 22, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Sept. 14, 1863, Keokuk, Iowa; buried in Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.
Corbin, Daniel Age 20, residence Fayette, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Courrier, Alfred M. Age 26, residence Fayette, nativity Massachusetts, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fifer; mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Crosby, Ezra Age 41, residence West Union, nativity Maine, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as First Sergeant, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant July 18, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Crosby, Glocus P. Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Crow, Abraham Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Crow, Calvin P. Age 26, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Nov. 28, 1862, mustered Nov. 28, 1862; died Oct. 3, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Cullins, Amos Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company K.
Davis, Benjamin Age 25, residence Waucoma, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company I.
Davis, James R. Age 21, residence Fayette County, nativity Illinois, enlisted March 28, 1863, mustered March 30, 1863, died of disease Aug. 18, 1863, New Orleans, LA; buried in Monument National Cemetery, New Orleans, LA.
Davis, Josiah Age 26, residence Lima, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Delezene, Fayette Age 22, residence Douglass, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability March 30, 1863, New Madrid,MO.
Detrick, Charles. A. Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 21, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Dixey, Thomas L. Age 18, residence Bremer County, nativity Illinois, discharged for disability Aug. 24, 1863, Vicksburg, MS.
Elsberry, Benjamin W. Age 28, residence West Union, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Second Corporal; mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Fourth Sergeant Dec. 1, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Fitch, Elmer E. Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 25, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Forbes, Daniel C. Age 30, residence West Union, nativity Scotland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Gifford, John Age 25, residence Douglass, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 124, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Dec. 6, 1862, Camp Franklin, Dubuque, Iowa.
Granahan, Anthony Age 19, residence Lansing, nativity Scotland, enlisted Dec. 16, 1863, mustered Dec. 16, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Gray, William F. Age 18, residence Clayton County, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Fourth Corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Hagarman, John N.(H.?) Age 37, residence Lima, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company E.
Hardy, Richard Age 19, residence Allamakee County, nativity Michigan, enlisted Dec. 24, 1863, mustered Dec. 24, 1863; died of disease June 9, 1864, Brownsville, Texas; buried in National Cemetery, Brownsville, TX.
Harrigon, William Age 23, residence West Union, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Hart, Dennis Age 29, residence West Union, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Hawkins, Joshua A. Age 21, residence Fayette, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Sept. 6, 1863, New Orleans,LA.
Hendrickson, Samuel U. Age 43, residence Lima, nativity Virginia, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Aug. 18, 1864, Davenport, Iowa. Herriman, John Age 25, residence Fayette, nativity Indiana, appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Hitch, Lorenzo Age 19, residence West Union, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 15, 1862; discharged for disability March 30, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Holcomb, Ransom M. Age 27, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; transferred to Company I.
House, Peter Age 26, residence Eden, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Howe, William H. Age 23, residence Windsor, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 14 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Hulbert, Henry T. Age 24, residence Fayette, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Drummer; mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Drum Major Oct. 1, 1863; see Field and Staff.
Ivens, Edmund M. Age 21, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Sixth Corporal; transferred to Company F.
Jarrett, John E. Age 20, residence Fayette County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Aug. 12, 1863, Vicksburg, MS.
Jennings, John A. Age 21, residence Fayette County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Jennings, Joseph M. Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Jennings, William S. Age 27, residence Fayette, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Sixth Corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Keeley, Culman Age 18, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1863, St. Louis, MO.
Kerr, James N. Age 19, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company K, 38th Infantry, Nov. 3, 1862; returned to Company Dec. 1, 1862; died of disease June 9, 1864, Brownsville, Texas; buried in National Cemetery, Brownsville, TX.
Kinsey, William Age 21, residence West Union, nativity Wales, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 21, 1862; Second Corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Lewis, Nelson Age 21, residence West Union, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Third Corporal; mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Sept. 11, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Licicum, Jesse Age 26, residence Richfield, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
McCaffrey, Cornelius Age 20, residence Lansing, nativity Ireland, enlisted Dec. 29, 1863, mustered Dec. 29, 1863; transferred to Company F. McKay, Thomas P. Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease July 26, 1863, Vicksburg, MS.
McHenry, William H. Age 22, residence Janesville, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; transferred to Company I.
McRoberts, John (Veteran) Age 24, residence Bremer County, nativity Kentucky, enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; mustered Jan. 28, 1864; transferred to Company I.
McRoberts, Sanford Age 25, nativity Kentucky, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, mustered Sept. 11, 1862; died of disease Nov. 30, 1863, Point Isabel, TX.
Marooney, John Age 18 residence West Union, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Moore, Robert F. Age 23, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 26, 1862; promoted Second Sergeant Feb. 16, 1863; discharged for disability Aug. 5, 1863, Port Hudson, LA.
Moorehouse, John B. Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Aug. 15, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Neftzger, Jacob F. Age 23, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifth Corporal, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; reduced to ranks Dec. 21, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Nicoll, Alexander Age 31, residence Fayette, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 25, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Nike, William Age 23, residence Fayette, nativity Germany, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Sept. 3, 1863, Memphis, TN; buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, TN; Sec. 2, grave 486.
Nims, William L. Age 31, residence Douglas, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Sixth Corporal, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Fifth Corporal Dec. 21, 1862; died of disease Sept. 5, 1863, Memphis, TN; buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, TN; Sec. 2, grave 365.
Olinger, Josiah Age 21, residence Fayette County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died Sept. 19, 1863, Memphis, TN; buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, TN; sec. 1, grave 217.
Owens, John Age 25, residence Fayette County, nativity Wales, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Eighth Corporal, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 1863; died of disease Dec. 20, 1863, Point Isabel, TX.
Perkins, Charles H. Age 18, residence Windsor, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; deserted May 29, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Pitts, John H. Age 24, residence Windsor, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fourth Corporal, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Fifth Sergeant Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Pitts, Marcus W. Age 30, residence Windsor, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 11, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Rice, William W. Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Indiana, enlisted Oct. 25, 1862; died of disease Aug. 15, 1863, Port Hudson, LA.
Royce, David P. Age 33, residence Lima, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Second Sergeant, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; reduced to ranks Feb. 13, 1863; transferred to Company B.
Seamons, William H. Age 19, residence El Dorado, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Aug. 22, 1863, Jefferson Barracks, MO; buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO; Section 32, grave 69.
Shanklin, Charles M. Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease July 27, 1863, Vicksburg, MS.
Shanklin, Marshall W. Age 19, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability July 15, 1863, Vicksburg, MS; see Company C, Sixth Cavalry.
Shierry, Henry E. Age 26, residence West Union, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Aug. 13, 1863, Vicksburg, MS; buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg.
Slaughter, William Age 21, residence West Union, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability March 30, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Smith, John Age 30, residence Fayette, nativity Scotland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps Aug. 16, 1863; no later record found.
Staples, Stephen D. Age 20, residence Fayette, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Sergeant, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; reduced to ranks at his own request Nov. 1, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Starr, Barnard Age 32, residence Fayette, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Sergeant, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; reduced to ranks at his own request Nov. 1, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Stewart, Brown Age 22, residence Fayette County, nativity Virginia, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as First Corporal, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Third Sergeant Dec. 1, 1863; transferred to Company F.
Stoughton, Thomas A. Age 19, residence Highland, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Sept. 26, 1863, Highland, Iowa.
Templeton, Henry Age 26, residence Fayette, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant; mustered Sept. 6, 1862; died of disease Oct. 15, 1863, Fayette, Iowa.
Tuttle, Lloyd Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, mustered Sept. 24, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F.
Vawser, John Age 24, residence Fayette County, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Walck, Anthony J. Age 31, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 4, 1863, St. Louis, MO.
Walls, Thomas A. Age 20, residence West Union, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Walters, Martin Age 33, residence Volga, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Wayman, Thomas C. Age 22, residence West Union, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; promoted Third Corporal Feb. 1, 1864; transferred to Company F. Welsh, James J. Age 35, residence West Union, nativity Pennsylvania; appointed Captain Aug. 9, 1862; resigned July 17, 1863.
Woods, Neri Age 19, residence Fayette County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; transferred to Company F.
Wright, Fordice Age 29, residence West Union, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862 as Wagoner; mustered Sept. 6, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 11, 1863.
Cole, Calvin Age 25, residence Decorah, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Jan. 5, 1864, mustered Feb. 3, 1864; no further record found.